The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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they are simply a class of cyborg native to the Astral Gear's home planet.
Presumably this means the natives turn themselves into Scavangturs but my first thought was that Yuruld II is so messed up that it has mutants/abhumans who are born as cyborgs, or worse, the feral battle servitors are breeding

Of course they'd respect those red magpies.
Makes sense, the idea that if something is abandoned its fair game seems deeply embedded in their culture
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The Astral Gears are lovable bastards. I hope the next chapter is super imperial guard heavy. That'd be pretty funny. Like instead of bolters they get upscaled hellguns, or upscaled lasguns or something.
They get the same ammo supplies as the guard and bemoan the admins for slow resupply.
Never enough recaff.
Never enough amasack.
NO ONE likes the Commissars OR the Chaplains.
Commissar BLAMS a guardsmen. Chaplain BLAMS a Commissar for excessive deaths.
Everyone cheers when the techmarines/engineseers finally repair the tanks.
Co-op Guard/Marine regiments selling sexy pinups of exceptional guards and marines to raise regiment funds.
There's a guardsman somewhere walking around in space marine armor.
There's a space marine somewhere getting chewed out for losing his armor in a bet
Arch Dornan drill seargant meme where aformentioned marine has to pay off lost armor for five hundred and ten years
Marines on latrine because of a dick measuring contest with a human captain.
Marines gets corned and intimated by thirsty buff guardswomen.
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Honestly I find I quite enjoy this Chapter (which also serves as a lesson of how we can also create negative synergies).
This Chapter is honestly the first truly Normal/Common-like one that has been Found yet. By Grimm.
No greater purpose or no special powers or special homeworld.
Just the common Adeptus Astartes Chapter with close ties to the Mechanicus (as expected considering their geneline) with the only weirdness being the one Dreadnought.

One has to wonder just how many in the 4Ok galaxy will explicitly disregard any claims of the Chapter as being of the Long Founding given just how "simple" they are.
Chapter #1010 The Astral Gears, The Common Ones
The more relatable marines, which makes them famous in a sense and approachable. I can see them being the more social and "down to earth" members of the alliance.
Honestly I find I quite enjoy this Chapter (which also serves as a lesson of how we can also create negative synergies).
This Chapter is honestly the first truly Normal/Common-like one that has been Found yet. By Grimm.
No greater purpose or no special powers or special homeworld.
Just the common Adeptus Astartes Chapter with close ties to the Mechanicus (as expected considering their geneline) with the only weirdness being the one Dreadnought.

One has to wonder just how many in the 4Ok galaxy will explicitly disregard any claims of the Chapter as being of the Long Founding given just how "simple" they are.
Chapter #1010 The Astral Gears, The Common Ones
You say that but being an iron hand chapter that isn't obsessed with shoving metal in themselves and being well prepared against most foes is unusual.
Imagine the Astral Gears Chapter appearing in the Ciaphas Cain books in the negaverse where they're canon.

I can see the Chapter Master commiserating with Cain about all the groxshit they have to deal with on a daily basis. Especially regarding other people's fuckups.

It would even cement the Astral Gears as a fan favorite.
Homeworld: Yuruld II is best described as a blasted wasteland, the only upside being that the atmosphere is paradoxically still breathable in spite of the eternal warfare between its two Forgeworld neighbors. Aside from a small handful of locations, primarily the Astral Gear's own fortress monastery, the entire planet is covered in titanic, continent spanning trench networks - some of which have been widened to the point that several vehicles could safely drive within them abreast.

Scattered in and about these massive trenches are veritable forests of unexploded munitions and active mine fields, some of which make usage of arcane technologies only known to the Adeptus Mechanicus - rendering their payloads even more threatening than that of the 'ordinary' explosives left about battlefields in the wake of the Imperium's war machine.

Murderous packs of up to tens of thousands of battle servitors are also known to patrol these wastelands, released by one or the other of the two battling Forgeworlds in a petty attempt to 'distract' their rivals forces. The fact said servitors do not distinguish the civilian inhabitants from their enemies is not a consideration.

Even the weather on the planet occasionally turns deadly, as the very real risk of airborne deployed chemical weapons proves a constant danger, with some clouds becoming so highly concentrated that it actually rains all manners of lethal concoction in some areas.
Jeez this sounds like a deathworld of mankind's own making. No wonder this Iron Hands Successor chapter feels at home.
-Techmarines: Within the Chapter, the Techmarines are the most vocally pro-civilian of the Astral Gears. They believe that the Omnissiah created the Space Marines to protect humanity first and foremost, and that by focusing solely on the destruction of the enemy, the Iron Hands and their fellow successor Chapters rejected their true purpose. Like the rest of the Chapter, they feel that Ferrus Manus's loss created a deep wound in the Chapter's soul, but the common faith of the Techmarines is that it would heal on its own, if only the Sons of Manus would do as the Omnissiah had intended.
Of all the people to get it right, it winds up being the Techmarines of all people. Guess without the Iron Fathers being oppressive and tyrannical patriarchs, the techmarines got the help they needed. From Mars. They got psychological help they needed. From Mars.
-Scavenger Veterans: Astral Gears that have seen many battlefields and acquired a wide variety of weapons, it is said that no matter what foe they face, a Scavenger Veteran always has at least one weapon on hand that is particularly devastating against it.
Hello Iron Hand Bad Moons
-Scavangturs: Cybernetically enhanced humans gifted with reflexes that are actually slightly faster than those of Space Marines and giving them vastly enhanced sensory organs, the Scavangtur's main role is in infiltration, sabotage, and even scouting duties. Notably, the Scavangturs are not actually created by the Astral Gears themselves - they are simply a class of cyborg native to the Astral Gear's home planet.
Do they count as Abhumans? I mean if they are self replicating, have stable genes, and have their own culture, probably?
-Iron Hands: Outside of the Librarians, who are known to hold outright contempt for the Iron Hands, the Astral Gears have a cold relationship with their parent Chapter. The betrayal during the Broken Gear incident has only reinforced the idea that the Iron Hand's practices are a sign of built in mental instability, leading to a cultural tendency to ignore their brothers. Unlike the norm among Space Marine disagreements, the Iron Hands, though they find it extremely misguided, fully understand their younger brother's decisions.
Astral Gears: "You are self-destructive, abusive, self-mutilating and a terrible parent chapter!"

Iron Hands: "Fair."

Astral Gears: "Are you going to stop?"

Iron Hands: "No."

Astral Gears: "We hate you!"

Iron Hands: "We hate us too."
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Imagine the Astral Gears Chapter appearing in the Ciaphas Cain books in the negaverse where they're canon.

I can see the Chapter Master commiserating with Cain about all the groxshit they have to deal with on a daily basis. Especially regarding other people's fuckups.

It would even cement the Astral Gears as a fan favorite.
So true now i want to see an omake of Cain meeting the Astral Gears
So I just had a thought. I have to wonder if there tends to be a sharp increase in Commisar deaths from "unprecedented enemy action" whenever one of our more civilian-loving chapters ends up working with the Guard.

"The Commisar tripped and his head was crushed by the treads of a tank?"

"Yes your excellency."

*The General looks at the pictures of the very obvious grip marks that match a Space Marine's gauntlets that are present on the Commisar's torso, as well as the poorly staged photo of the same corpse next to the treads of a tank. The treads of a tank that lack any gore whatsoever. Then he looks up to the Astral Gears Techmarine that had accompanied the Guard commander and verified the report.*

"Truly a tragic loss. Dismissed."
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