The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Besides just looking like him, we must also consider if this chapter is kind, accepting of abhumans (for there were many mutant auxiliaries that the Ninth Legion employed before the stupid Imperial Creed deemed them heretical) and diplomats akin to Sanguinius?

Because the Lamenters had that in spades, and they got shafted for it.
To be fair the Lamenters were also cursed with Lamenters luck.
I know it doesn't fit the bloodborne theme but i think these fellows should have extra assault marines because of how it syncs with their gun and sword trait
So i was thinking up a war cry for this chapter what do you guys think: "Remember the Fallen", and when fighting chaos: "Wipe them from History"

Let me know if you have any suggestions
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Ngl the thirst is really going to suck but Chaplains to help I guess. That and the other angels will be attached for the wings.
Just had a thought: with all the flying units we could really embrace the airmobile nature of this Chapter with extra thunderhawks. They don't even need to land to deploy their troops.
Librarian training would go well with the prophecy trait. Deepstrike could go well with the wings. Terminator training and more terminator suits should go well with the gun and sword combat trait, but not with the wing trait.
Deepstrike could go well with the wings.
I really don't think so. Wings wouldn't change anything, they still will be in the drop pods, might as well argue that a species that has wings will be better at space travel. Unless you are suggesting to start dropping this Chapter on the planetary surface without the pods.

And like, pretty sure that Primarchs survived stuff like punching through planetary crust and swimming in magma because they were still in their capsules and not outside of them, I really doubt most Space Marines will be able to survive just dropping into the atmosphere, from a spaceship, with only their armour. Maybe if they guys like Dante, Cato Sicarius but a random Marine? They will burn in the atmosphere without proper protection just like anything else.

So, I really don't see how Deepstrike synergizes with the wings, especially when not everyone in the Chapter will get them. Assault Marines makes more sense, because those without wings will get jetpacks.
In terms of Training I think
Librarian and Chaplain would work for both Prophecy and helping control the flaws of Red thirst and Black Rage it should also go well with Daemonslayers.

Blademaster and Marksmanship on the other hand would truly nake the chapter masters of Dual Wielding the weapons. Letting them ether bring a gun to a sword fight or sword to a gun fight.
I really don't think so. Wings wouldn't change anything, they still will be in the drop pods, might as well argue that a species that has wings will be better at space travel. Unless you are suggesting to start dropping this Chapter on the planetary surface without the pods.

And like, pretty sure that Primarchs survived stuff like punching through planetary crust and swimming in magma because they were still in their capsules and not outside of them, I really doubt most Space Marines will be able to survive just dropping into the atmosphere, from a spaceship, with only their armour. Maybe if they guys like Dante, Cato Sicarius but a random Marine? They will burn in the atmosphere without proper protection just like anything else.

So, I really don't see how Deepstrike synergizes with the wings, especially when not everyone in the Chapter will get them. Assault Marines makes more sense, because those without wings will get jetpacks.
Drop pods are not the only way to deepstrike. Insertion by Thunderhawk and other landing craft works too, especially if you can simply jump out of them. It's how assault marines usually deepstrike.
Im thinking the new chapter will be well respected and honoured by the other successor chapters and the founding chapter aswell for having daddys wings and prophecy wouldn't even surprise me if the founding chapter received some of the chapters marines that have the mutation for something like there sanguinary guard would make the chapters closer aswell.
You know if anything they will take any blood even pig.
Considering they only have vile blood available in large quantities.

Our new chapter tasting new blood off world:

Unless they like the "spice"
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