Get reket Black Templars thier is a new best swordsman chapter in town.
They only have 1 charge of it after all.
So it looks like per the QM that we can at least double down on traits they've rolled. Not sure if we can triple down (and pick blademasters or entrenchment twice), but this chapter can absolutely be the best at both swordsmanship and entrenchment in the galaxy, and we should take advantage of that.
With two stacks of swordsmanship + entrenchment, this chapter should be absolute terrors at boarding ships/taking fortifications, and it will likely be considered suicide to assault their own ships/fortifications, even by space marines.
Boarding ships also synergizes with this with swordsmanship and their absurd amount of heavy weaponry and ship-cutting ability. Extra Assault packs gets us more melee focused Space marines.
@undead frog Can we double down on equipment, and get two charges of assault packs to maximize space marine swordmen numbers in the chapter?
[] Plan: Sword and Board (ships)
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power. (5 points)
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Extra terminator armor.
2 Charges of Extra Trainers
1 Charge of More Equipment
1 Charge of Extra Terminator Armor.