The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Bladesmasters: The Marines of this Chapter are masters with bladed weapons.
Fortification Mastery: This chapter has great skilll in constructing and defending fortifications.
Shipcutters: This chapter has access to tools specalized for cutting through ship bulkheads… but that also happen to be very good at cutting through enemy combatants too.
More Plasma Weapons: Due to the unique manufacturer they have access to, this Chapter makes usage of more Plasma weapon than normal.
Sweet Father of Blood Angels... This is a great sword chapter. @undead frog ... could we get lightsabers?
Is it wrong that I really want spear? Combine the plasma weapon, Together with the blademaster and shipcutters into some form of Spacers custodes staff weapon? I am just picturing The spear tip Projecting a Plasma Torch that can modulate between fuck your armour and Plasma flamer.
What happens if we give them more blade master training? Would they just become Tue greatest swordsmen ever?
Get reket Black Templars thier is a new best swordsman chapter in town.

They only have 1 charge of it after all.

Sweet Father of Blood Angels... This is a great sword chapter. @undead frog ... could we get lightsabers?

And sadly.... no but ship cutters can easily be made into a wielding torch swords anyway.
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I wonder what Entrenchment combined with Fortification Mastery would lead to? Though....instead of making the effects more potent, it could be entirely redundant too.
[] Plan: So we had one blade mastery; what about the 2nd one
-[] Chapter Name:
Grim Blades
-[] Chapter Colors: Dark blue with white/yellow detail
-[] Chapter Symbol: Emperor's sword fused with the Star in a circle
-[] Chapter Creed: "Stand Vigil over Stars"
--[] When fighting with Ultramarines: "As Dorn commanded, we fight against the dark as one."
-[] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-[] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
-[] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
-[] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
-[] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
-[] Extra Terminator Armor

I welcome feedback for the fluff (which once again was forgotten)
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this chapter bonuses are ...diverse on hand we have a lot of boarding shit but we rolled the fortification mastery trait which makes it one of the best at static defense.
[] Plan: Swords of the Void
-[] Chapter name: The Void Swords
-[] Chapter Colors: dark blue with gold highlights
-[] Chapter Symbol: a sword pointed downwards towards a world with stars in the background
-[] Chapter Creed: The Void is ours to defend!
-[] Blademasters
-[] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
-[] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
-[] Extra Terminator Armor
-[] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.

I decided to double down on boarding focus with termis and boarding specialists. Blademasters and heavy weaponry are for both fortification mastery and blademasters. The extra thunderhawks are for ferrying space marines in the void of space.
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