Corlys doesn't have dragons, though. A marriage without Laenor's father's leave would probably bring our father a year closer to his grave, sparking a feud between houses, but it would be one possible option. The Velaryons may, right now, be the second most powerful house of the realm, but we don't care too greatly about their strength at say or their legendary wealth (eclipsing even that of the royal house or the Lannisters) - we care about the dragons.
Hmmm. What you're saying is, if we find accord with Laenor and Rhaenys (and Laena?), then we don't actually have to give power to Corlys? That would be pretty neat if we could accomplish that. That said, with the near-stranglehold on trade in King's Landing, and with whatever pull he might have on his family, the personal drama there could create a large splash of strife, rather than mending wounds.
Though Laenor does remain my #2 option. If we do entangle succession lines and family names, which personally I hate, then at least do it with the option that gives us dragons. That part of the equation still stands.
Missed this, and I doubt this will happen given that GRRM/ASOIAF and sensible dynastic practices are a bit of a wash, but the obvious real world choice is that the heir to the throne takes a double barreled house name House Targaryen-Velyaron to distinguish themselves from the Velyarons on Driftmark and the Targaryen's elsewhere in the world.
Missed this, and I doubt this will happen given that GRRM/ASOIAF and sensible dynastic practices are a bit of a wash, but the obvious real world choice is that the heir to the throne takes a double barreled house name House Targaryen-Velyaron to distinguish themselves from the Velyarons on Driftmark and the Targaryen's elsewhere in the world.
It's not really a thing in Westeros, though. Even Joffrey, who had himself styled "of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister", still didn't take a double-barred name. Hell, even IRL it's not really a thing. Charles V's ancestral pride lay with the House of Burgundy and its many accomplishments over a short span of time, the house of his mother, but he was still Charles V of Austria/Habsburg (the House of Habsburg was usually called "Austria" at that time). In reverse, while you often find the matrilinearily continued House of Habsburg after Maria Theresia being called "Habsburg-Lorraine", yeah well, most people still just say Habsburg. So those "sensible dynastical practices" weren't even that much of a thing IRL, either.

Also, I still think a compromise name would be a legitimacy hit to us if and when we do get a half-brother.

And also, yeah personally, I'm just too proud for such compromises :p At least in my ideal solutions. Hell, what is Driftmark compared to the Realm? And yet for that sake we should include the Velaryon name? As I have said before, at best I would be amicable to an inverse of the canon solution (so Targaryen as default name for the kids, and whoever gets to inherit Driftmark takes on the Velaryon name).
In reverse, while you often find the matrilinearily continued House of Habsburg after Maria Theresia being called "Habsburg-Lorraine", yeah well, most people still just say Habsburg. So those "sensible dynastical practices" weren't even that much of a thing IRL, either.
To be fair, Habsburg-Lorraine was the example I was going to name and I do accept the counter argument :lol2:
And also, yeah personally, I'm just too proud for such compromises
Based and Rhaenyra pilled tbh
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

While some of you may stand by in base cowardice convinced of what is right, logical, and most rational I stand for the only option left to us in this entire quest that really showcases our true bravery and cunning.

This is hill I will die on, Give Me Dornish Husband or Give Me Death.
[X] [Alicent] A Night On the Town (Alicent May refuse. If she does, next most voted for option will be taken instead.)

Dragonstone is fine to me as a runner up, but I would like to try for a night on the town as well.

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

Perhaps not the best and brightest for fighting corruption, but he will only be one captain among several.

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower

My first priority is with what Alicent thinks of the various options. I don't particularly care for Gwayne as an option, but Alicent's opinion is paramount here.
Whoever we marry, we also gotta help Alicent be matched with someone that's gonna be okay with her and Rhaenyra being in a relationship. Steffon Redfort has the potential, for now. We'll see if there are any other potential candidates.

[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
Last edited:
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower

Wellll. More like a kingdom and a large lordship. Yes, Daemon called himself King of the Stepstones, but that just denotes sovereignty, having no liege above you. The Stepstones really aren't large in terms of landmass. Still, I suppose the temptation there would be over-exceeding canon. For some reason even after securing Dorne, the 7K never made efforts to secure the Stepstones. Even after fighting an entire war on it, too. Maybe they thought having a romantic pirates' hideout was just a necessary part of the setting or whatever.

The Stepstones absolutely have enough landmass to count as a kingdom of their own.

Judging by the size of the islands, they must have at least as much landmass as the Iron Islands, if not more.
I'll only ever choose laenor and gwayne.
Harwin is a big no because of Alicent and i'll never drop that ship.
Qoren is a big no because i trust him less than otto already. Atleast we know what otto really wants.
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

While some of you may stand by in base cowardice convinced of what is right, logical, and most rational I stand for the only option left to us in this entire quest that really showcases our true bravery and cunning.

This is hill I will die on, Give Me Dornish Husband or Give Me Death.

I just saw the Defiant option and automaticaly voted for it.
Best case he'll want a more intimate relationship than our romance with alicent allows
Huh? Why? How'd you come to that conclusion? We know literally nothing about what he expects from the relationship itself, only the political part.
worst case he'll steal our throne.
Same as above, I am confuse. In what way can he steal our throne? The Realm would want to obey him even less than us lmao
Our main examples of dornish are oberyn and doran. And Qoren in the letter comes of as Doran if he could walk properly like his brother. And even if i'm just paranoid and he is a decent guy who will leave us be with our girl Alicent there are still our many dorne hating lords and qoren's (implied to feel the same about our lords) vassals.

If we want to avoid a mess like the canon one, gwayne and laenor are best.
Its not an ASOIAF fanfic thread without at least one (1) resident Dorne hater. I've yet to figure out who the Bracken/Blackwood fans are but I've got my eye out...
...the Brackens have fans? Like, way I always experienced it, it's always very one-sided with the Blackwoods being seen (and, truthfully, written) as the cooler house.

The Stepstones absolutely have enough landmass to count as a kingdom of their own.

Judging by the size of the islands, they must have at least as much landmass as the Iron Islands, if not more.
Eh, forgot about those but tbh for the historic/political/military weight and imporance they are suposed to have, they are in fact eay too small. But at least the Iron Islands are settled!

Compared to any of the other 8 "kingdoms", though, the stepstones would just be a lordship. The Hightowers command more land than they have.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower

Keeping it on our "inner" circle for now.

I would totally support a marriage with Laenor if it wasn't for this BIG issue

Gay Husband = No Heirs

The moment Rhaenyra started to "pop-out" children that shared NOTHING with Laenor, the Green Faction gained Free Ammo to blemish Rhaenyra's image for years to come.

Kinda difficult selling the idea of a Woman Rulling when everyone was seeing a "mockery" of a Marriage

We need Heirs so our position is secure against those that will support our future half-brother, and to show our supporters and those is doubt we are taking our duties Seriously
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
dumb but loyal and likable can work, and he seems the type to draw like-minded ppl to him naturally.

[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell