It received QM approval, unlike my first two proposals, so it absolutely is in flavor as much as the other votes, though that's a weird wording when there are two whimsical dreams, and two political dreams, and a self improvement dream.

We can't put it off because winter is coming which will limit our ability to get to Harrenhall and investigate by years if we don't start this soon. We can't have a good rapport with Johanna for long when we're going numb with terror every time we see Aelora's face. If we put this off until we complete another dream, they'll be that old already and we'll be able to do Jack shit with them for having put everything off.

the dream vote is so we can focus on understanding it personally and stop panicking over it around the twins, which we won't resolve instantly, so that by the time a few years have passed and the twins are beginning to form memories, where already at the point of no longer fearing them, allowing us to avert the rejection vision Aelora experienced in her own childhood.
Right now Rhaenyra is spooked. Without a goal to focus her she isn't going to be proactive on resolving it in a sufficiently timely manner. A lot of blind luck, effort, and cheating went into completing a goal this quickly. The next one isn't going to fall into our laps on a good time table and allow us to somehow take a late start to resolving the vision issues before irrevocable damage is done. You've allowed a mostly fluke perfect storm early victory to make you over confident on the time table for other goals.

She was very clearly unable to suppress her terror around Aelora because she's having an irrational fear response over something she doesn't understand. Until we conceptualize it for her she isn't going to be able to simply turn that fear off.

If the twins reach 4 or 5 before we fix this there's likely to be some memory of having been rejected to say nothing of the unlikeliness of us pretending that everything is fine not only to Johanna but also her brother and Viserys himself across a time period of years. Children are very empathic and respond to the emotions of those around them, which is how there personalities form in the first place, even if it's easy to dismiss that as typical crying and childhood fussiness from our end. Your being far to flippant about the issue.
Yea, uh, QM already said we can take an action regarding Aelora and Harrenhall anyway, so the Dream seems even more unnecessary now.

We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close!
Unfortunately, it is very likely that this thread is too rational to go for pie-in-the-sky dreams like that.

SVers are Romantics at heart, but they also like to win.

Yea, uh, QM already said we can take an action regarding Aelora and Harrenhall anyway, so the Dream seems even more unnecessary now.
All of the options are things that can be accomplished without it being an explicit dream, so in a sense they are all "unnecessary".

People vote for moving Rhaenyra in the direction they want Rhaenyra to move in, that is how Quests work.
No. Unwin went to a second round but Rhaenyra won the first even if Unwin remained on his horse. Also Borros lost so hard if he had lost any harder, he legit ran the risk of dying.

No offense but that is absolute not how it came across. Maybe it would have if it was omniscient third person but Rhae got hurt and was desperately trying to stay on and was massively nervous through the whole thing (naturally) so her "kicking ass" was not how it was TO HER.

And as we are supposed to "be her" in this quest that seems like the important bit - like I don't see her being like "yeah I kicked so much ass, I smashed everyone but Cole fuck yeah" so IF the vote to go further won her mental rationale would be something like "I won but it was so close, a tiny bit of luck the other way and I would have lost, I need to get better so no one even touches me"

i.e. to HER perspective it was close and wasn't a steamroll/"kicking ass" so her deciding she needs to get better makes sense if that was the way the vote goes.
I think you're massively downplaying the other Dreams just to talk up the Harrenhall Dream, I mean for example:

Bringing Dorne into the Fold: If we do it by war, we could be talked up as another Conqueror that's possibly even better than Aegon since we did what he couldn't, which massively raises our claim to the throne, plus we are seen as an even better warrior and likely have most of the Reach and Stormlands love us.

If we do it through marriage, we now have a powerful King-Consort who will have no issues with our main bae Alicent, and we are still seen as having done what Aegon couldn't. plus if the Marchers revolt then we can annihilate House Peake and make the Manderlys love us even more and be our eternal allies.

Become an Exemplar of Knighthood: Our name is literally sung in song and legend and we achieve a reputation even more unapproachable than Arthur Dayne, meaning not only do people of our age love us, but people of the next ages will too, which also massively raises our claim to the throne since nothing our siblings do will ever make them be seen as great as us.

Master a Skill: We become a Law Giver even better than Jaehaerys, a singer better than Rhaegar, a tactican to make Sun Tzu green with envy, or able to make money appear as if from out of nowhere.

And then there's Harrenhall Dream: Yay, I'm approaching the point where I might finally start liking my siblings.

Given that the main appeal of the Harrenhall Dream seems to be our siblings will like us and won't be rival claimants, and that it fixes what people see as an unfortunate situation for siblings to have, doing any other dream would make our claim so good that any of our siblings or Daemon would have a hard time getting support, and it also might have the side effect that Rhaenyra feels so comfortable in her position that her unease goes away and she starts being nicer to her siblings.

Also I don't agree, I think of all the Dreams, confronting the vision with Aelora is the most likely for Rhaenyra to do without a Goal.

I'm sorry but what.

I'm not downplaying the other dreams, AT ALL, I literally just said none of them are urgent. I was literally ONLY talking about the urgency.

None of them are urgent - but the most "not urgent", the one that comes "closest" to being urgent is dealing with younger siblings.

The QM literally just wrote her being fucking terrified of a baby.

Confronting the vision with Aelora is absolutely not the most likely thing for Rhae to do, literally the furthest from that.

The ONLY one that could even be argued for "most unlikely thing to do without a goal" is Dorne becuase it's such a massive undertaking.

I'm actually struggling to even comprehend how you are arguing that confronting the vision she's absolutely fucking terrified of is more likely for her to do without a specific goal than mastering a skill or going on a flight with Alicent.

You know, two things she's already been working towards for literally a majority of her life?

Like what.
No the dream would effect those options and any sort of real resolution would provide stress relief if it's a dream
even with this caveat the dream just feels, so incredibly minor next to options like, conquer dorne or become a legendary knight, the optio unlocks for the others just feel more interestig and fit better with our rhaenyra imo, tho ig if we go this way we can truly rhaegar maxx and go crazy with prophecy brain....
Maybe it would have if it was omniscient third person but Rhae got hurt and was desperately trying to stay on and was massively nervous through the whole thing (naturally) so her "kicking ass" was not how it was TO HER.
That was explicitly only against Cole. Elmo and Borros were both unhorsed in the first round while Unwin managed to hold out until the second.
The QM literally just wrote her being fucking terrified of a baby.

Confronting the vision with Aelora is absolutely not the most likely thing for Rhae to do, literally the furthest from that.

The ONLY one that could even be argued for "most unlikely thing to do without a goal" is Dorne becuase it's such a massive undertaking.

I'm actually struggling to even comprehend how you are arguing that confronting the vision she's absolutely fucking terrified of is more likely for her to do without a specific goal than mastering a skill or going on a flight with Alicent.
I personally didn't read it as her being terrified of Aelora the baby, bu rather the strange magic and prophecy, and having had a vision of Aelora all grown up and now that same woman is now a baby in her arms.

On top of that, Rhaenyra's internal monologue after she figures out Aelora's identity is literally "Who can I tell about this? Who would believe me?" So she's already being proactive despite being spooked, and because Rhaenyra is a defiant warrior, she seems very likely to confront her fears as opposed to running away from them.

I mean when she got the Harrenhall vision her first reaction was to tell someone about it, which I think is a rather healthy coping mechanism.
No offense but that is absolute not how it came across. Maybe it would have if it was omniscient third person but Rhae got hurt and was desperately trying to stay on and was massively nervous through the whole thing (naturally) so her "kicking ass" was not how it was TO HER.
Rhaenyra went in hurt, having face three higher quality opponents to peake's 13 year old mystery knight and gawain, on top of having stuck things out on the melee longer and dealing lower quality armor. She still dominated him in terms of skill.
I personally didn't read it as her being terrified of Aelora the baby, bu rather the strange magic and prophecy, and having had a vision of Aelora all grown up and now that same woman is now a baby in her arms.
She's deathly afraid of the vision which she associates with the strange girl she met in it, who she is now aware of is Aelora, whom she cannot repress an irrational fear response around. Trauma's have triggers, and the way things have played out have made Aelora a trigger for Rhaenyra's vision Trauma.
My view of the Harrenhal option is it's basically Rhaenyra trying to give herself some piece of mind over the sheer wtf Harrenhal provided and make better sense of it. So yes there is some fear around the visions, she does want clarity and answers.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
We have time, at least 10 years for a major conflict. We can waste a little time mastering the sword.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)

[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
I'm undecided when it comes to prowess training. Is training the blade stress relief according to the diligent trait?
Edit: Convinced to continue prowess increase
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] Become an Exemplar of Knighthood.
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
No. Unwin went to a second round but Rhaenyra won the first even if Unwin remained on his horse. Also Borros lost so hard if he had lost any harder, he legit ran the risk of dying.

Could we perhaps get some context on exactly how good a fighter Rhaenyra is? From how I've understood it she's perhaps top 1% of warriors but within that 1% it would be an unclear outcome. A contender for top swordsman(woman) but not undisputed. Which is damn good for sure but like Rhaenyra said good isn't good enough in the eyes of the realm. If I'm wrong that may change my decision.
Could we perhaps get some context on exactly how good a fighter Rhaenyra is? From how I've understood it she's perhaps top 1% of warriors but within that 1% it would be an unclear outcome. A contender for top swordsman(woman) but not undisputed. Which is damn good for sure but like Rhaenyra said good isn't good enough in the eyes of the realm. If I'm wrong that may change my decision.
Rhaenyra has defeated Ser Harwin Strong, who is generally considered the strongest knight in the seven Kingdoms, Kingsguard, a fair number of people at the Tourney, and a Shadowcat. There's an arguement to be made that she is the best fighter in Westeros at the moment.

Mechanics wise the only people better than her would be figures like Jamie Lannister at his peak and Barristan Selmy, and Barristan Selmy is a goddamn Anime man.
What im hearing is we have to become an anime woman so we can beat barristan... its all coming together....
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
I just really don't get the appeal of spending the first twelve turns of a quest doubling down on becoming a Knight, only to quadruple down on it with the master a skill goal and tarly vote, when we should be focusing on training to become the Lord of laws and dealing with our prophecy trauma.

Oh. And seeking a husband, which tarly himself advised.
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[X] [Dream] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall

[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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I just really don't get the appeal of spending the first twelve turns of a quest doubling down on becoming a Knight, only to quadruple down on it with the master a skill goal and tarly vote, when we should be focusing on training to become the Lord of laws and dealing with our prophecy trauma.
Yeah, we went mono-focus on training in the first two years so that we managed to become a knight early so that we could focus on other things afterward... Why keep this up if we achieved our objective?

And regarding the Dream, Honestly I would rather take things like Convincing Alicent to ride on Syrax or To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall, so that we can finish them soonish, get the extremely useful stress reduction and then choose another long term goal...