Voting is open
Guangchong is truly living the Cyberpunk lifestyle if our houses is built like they're in the 2100s whilst having the downsides of living in said dystopia.
solve the lack of:
2 Available Recruits: +1 (Surplus) / -----------
3 Fuel: -1 (Lacking) / ----------
4 Food: -1 (Lacking) / ---
5 Healthcare:-3 (Teetering On The Edge) / +++++ (seems to be improving?)
6 Housing: -1 (Lacking) / -
Just as a note, but (-1) is the default state for most nations that exist. Few nations have a 0/+1 anywhere, and then they are usually those that are major exporters of that category. Ukraine would have a +2 to Food, while Germany would have a 0 for the same, as an example. One exports massive amounts of grain, the other is self-sufficient for its populations food requirements.
Just as a note, but (-1) is the default state for most nations that exist. Few nations have a 0/+1 anywhere, and then they are usually those that are major exporters of that category. Ukraine would have a +2 to Food, while Germany would have a 0 for the same, as an example. One exports massive amounts of grain, the other is self-sufficient for its populations food requirements.
wouldn't all the - be -1 each ?,so food is planed to be -4 next turn,healthcare +2 and fuel -11 ?
So good we're now doing freaking Plasma

We are not. 🗞️

So the list of things to do:
1 keep helping china
solve the lack of:
2 Available Recruits: +1 (Surplus) / -----------
3 Fuel: -1 (Lacking) / ----------
4 Food: -1 (Lacking) / ---
5 Healthcare:-3 (Teetering On The Edge) / +++++ (seems to be improving?)
6 Housing: -1 (Lacking) / -
7 create/bring more educated peoples
8 build consumer goods factories
9 do something to protect the ecology of guangchou
10 do something (if only deciding that it's not our buisness)about the missing nuclear heads
11 further integrate immigrants
12 find out what happened to our citizens at the hands of the Japanese (finding evidence of more of their war crime would be nice too)

am i missing something ?

1) Refugee camp assistance methinks. There's gonna be a lot of people who need food and shelter, and we need to get started on winning the peace by getting them to like us.
2) That's just the nature of war. Well have to do some sort of veterans program afterwards.
3) The war again, hopefully dragon rail will significantly reduce our domestic fuel use so we can rebuild our stockpiles after the war.
4) @HeroCooky, why does the plant breeding action have such high Rep gain compared to everything else?
5) Solving itself rn.
6) I'm planning actions on housing from next turn to the end of the plan, but some of them may be cut if there's urgent stuff.
7) Three education expansions planned: nuclear tech, computer science, and expanded adult education.
8) A whole bunch panned, starting this upcoming turn.
9) Maybe at the end of this plan. It hasn't been a priority so far due to more pressing matters.
10) I guess we could spend at action on this? But it seems superfluous, there are plenty of people already looking.
11) Agreed
12) Not a pressing priority right now, maybe next plan
We are not. 🗞️

1) Refugee camp assistance methinks. There's gonna be a lot of people who need food and shelter, and we need to get started on winning the peace by getting them to like us.
2) That's just the nature of war. Well have to do some sort of veterans program afterwards.
3) The war again, hopefully dragon rail will significantly reduce our domestic fuel use so we can rebuild our stockpiles after the war.
4) @HeroCooky, why does the plant breeding action have such high Rep gain compared to everything else?
5) Solving itself rn.
6) I'm planning actions on housing from next turn to the end of the plan, but some of them may be cut if there's urgent stuff.
7) Three education expansions planned: nuclear tech, computer science, and expanded adult education.
8) A whole bunch panned, starting this upcoming turn.
9) Maybe at the end of this plan. It hasn't been a priority so far due to more pressing matters.
10) I guess we could spend at action on this? But it seems superfluous, there are plenty of people already looking.
11) Agreed
12) Not a pressing priority right now, maybe next plan

9/12) it's just that i'm a bit scared it's gonna be "next plan,we have more pressing stuff"until it's too late

7)shouldnt we add this :
"--[] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
("In Guangchou, you will be free to be and love as your truest self, free from bigotry and oppression based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. If you want to help build a better world, come to Guangchou." The Internationalists will spread the word through their contacts abroad that Guangchou LACKS engineers and scientists, accountants, doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great Leader's ambitious plans and that Guangchou ALSO has more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. We can attract quite a few learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.)"

on the top of those to get educated people on time for doing stuff before a few years ?

7/11) herocookie said that this action
"-[] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)
(Guang is an unholy combination of Chinese and Japanese, with enough loan words from Korean and Malay to make up a non-trivial portion of the overall syntax and more exceptions than English. It's written with Hanzi characters that often don't match their Mandarin counterparts, and never mind that the grammar and word construction don't always line up. Even before the systematic destruction of the island's infrastructure by the IJN air raids, literacy in Guangchou was among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific - mainly because the language was simply a massive headache to learn. Guang will be rationalized and streamlined to make it easy to understand, pronounce, write, and read.)"

would be extremely helpfull with producing educated citizen and integrate imigrant
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-[] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)

This appears to be literally nothing but upside. It not happening for a while has been a pain. Let's do something about that.
-[] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)

This appears to be literally nothing but upside. It not happening for a while has been a pain. Let's do something about that.
i'm curious how we will do that withouth failing ?,probably our curant laguague being so awfull will help,people will be happy to go to something better.

ps :

Herocookie, when we publicly recognized the evil that was the former government's re-education camps, did we make a monument or something to commemorate the victims?
Herocookie, when we publicly recognized the evil that was the former government's re-education camps, did we make a monument or something to commemorate the victims?
You didn't say they were evil, you said that they have fulfilled their purpose and quietly shut down the torture parts and dissolved most of them, with the rest holding political prisoners/actual criminals in boring 0815 prisons.

Edit: I stand corrected, you did say they were evil. But no, no monuments. That is being swept under the rug.
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Preliminary plan:

[] Plan: Transit Maximalist

I am a transit maximalist. I believe that when a girl hornyposts from the other side of the country; I should be able to get on a maglev and arrive in her city before the prog is out of her system for no more than $40. All policy should bend to serve this goal.

-[] Infrastructure
--[] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Durable goods libraries will help us get more bang for our buck with our consumer goods rollout.

-[] Light Industry
--[] Democratically Selected Consumer Goods Factory Complex (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

The durable goods libraries increase availability, and combined with the bureau of Consumer Goods, we can build what the people want rather than making a top down decision without good information about that.

-[] Heavy Industry
--[] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PttF + 2 Omake = 3)

Geothermal power plant because that bonus has been sitting there for ages, and we're about to do a lot of heavy industry work which is going to be power hungry. MSRs will fill that gap in time, but right now geothermal is what's available and won't ding our Fuel levels.

--[] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 1/64) (Harmful) (Sub Vote) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
--[] Rail Development Design Project (Mega-project - 3/3) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail) (Sub Vote) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
--[] Build Rolling Stock And Rail Factory Complex (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Why did I put Dragon Rail as a sub-vote? Because that's worth its own vote on what the system should be, and there's a design vote in there for the actual rolling stock development.

-[] Military
--[] Construct Military Building/Factory Complex (What) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
---[] Construct Steel Leopard Factory Complex (-4 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

It's overdue, and hopefully the new models will be ready in time to do some good on the Chinese front.

-[] Social
--[] Refugee Integration (-3 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Second verse, same as the first.

--[] Consumer Goods Bureau (???) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Now, some of this is pretty standard stuff: quality checks to make sure there's no rat poison in baby food, or carcinogens in your pillow stuffing, etc. (With enough teeth to make manufacturers comply)
But it's also there to directly liaise with the labor councils and determine what people actually want for their consumer goods. They help liaise and collate information to help consumers make decisions about what consumer goods factories get built.
And finally, they act as… consumer goods NACA. They do R&D on what features are good and bad, they test and reverse engineer western goods, they do studies on limited production runs to see what features people like and which ones are bad, and they advise manufacturers on how to improve their stuff.

--[] National Zoning Plan (???) (Sub Vote) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Land use is a huge thing for rail development, and while we're at it we may as well come up with a more general national zoning plan that will save us a headache later by planning for future growth on a longer term horizon.

I bumped a housing action to the next turn because I realized we really should figure out zoning post haste given all the rights of way needed for the Dragon Rail.

-[] Political
--[] China Refugee Outreach (???) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Hearts and minds! Provide food and shelter, and if the front lines have moved far enough start trying to get reconstruction going. Get labor councils going to help organize and administer services in the interim and support them materially as best we can.

Closer to active warzones, arrange to have one older family member take the kids with them to Guangchou where they can wait out the war in safety and continue their schooling so you don't get a missing generation.

If there's educated young adults who can work trades, see about sending some of them on temporary contract with the Ouvry where they can contribute to the Dragon Rail buildout while the war is happening and then return home with skills and experience they can apply to reconstruction.

Do a PR campaign that scapegoats the dead party orthodoxy and try to win good will by providing essential goods and services in these turbulent times, the general message being 'the Party fucked up, and your oversea communist siblings are stepping up to unfuck their shit and get you back on your feet'.

-[] CyPac
--[] Military Intervention - South Yemen (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
---[] No Volunteer Forces
--[] Optional Military Intervention - Mozambique (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+1 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
---[] No Volunteer Forces

Both SY and Mozambique have been on the to-do for a while, and while Mozambique is now optional, I want to help them wrap things up there before we touch Freedom's Cry because that's right in their neighbourhood.
No volunteer forces tho - the Chinese civil war is still taking up all of those.
-[X] Commiewood:Love, Death, And Robots; The End Of All
A satirical look at human nature and a warning on what could happen if we don't reign in our worst impulses.

[X] Plan:i don't know what i m doing but damn it's fun

-[X] Light Industry

-[X] Reverse Engineer Western Durable Goods/Appliances (-4 Reputation)
(Acquire western goods/appliances and determine their best and worst features, then create your own - free from the constraints of planned obsolescence and the profit motive and optimized for lifetime cost and performance. "Communist cooktops for communist cooks!")

we are gonna make make consumer good factory,this will make them high quality consumer good factory

-[X] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)

it says very helpfull and sound like it's gonna make hunger less a problem for a while

-[X] (WRITE-IN) construct a factory that will make biodegradable boxes,bags, packaging, bottles, etc that can be thrown away and nonbiodegradable boxes,bottles,etc. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)

with that we will never have to wory about the litering of package and similar and the action above said to keep it in mind

-[X] Heavy Industry (+2/+2 to Geothermal Power (Trade/Omake))
-[X] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful)

we are building stuff that need electricity and geothermal seem beter in every way to his not geothermal equivalent

-[X] Military
--[X] A Land War In Asia (Bonus: +1 PttF)

stop to help them now sound like a bad idea

--[X] (WRITE-IN) send humanitarian help and build Refugee camp to help china people -2 Rep, +1 PO.

it's the good thing to do,the communist thing to do and sound likely to give us good will and other stuff

-[X] Social
--[X] Refugee Integration (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

we need that a lot

--[X] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)
(Guang is an unholy combination of Chinese and Japanese, with enough loan words from Korean and Malay to make up a non-trivial portion of the overall syntax and more exceptions than English. It's written with Hanzi characters that often don't match their Mandarin counterparts, and never mind that the grammar and word construction don't always line up. Even before the systematic destruction of the island's infrastructure by the IJN air raids, literacy in Guangchou was among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific - mainly because the language was simply a massive headache to learn. Guang will be rationalized and streamlined to make it easy to understand, pronounce, write, and read.)

qm said this will be extremely helpfull to integrate refugee and producing educated citizen

-[X] Social Espionage in Japan: the disappearance of the 135,000 citizens of guangchou at the hand of the japan during the war has always been like a wound in the mind of the country unable to mourn without certainty of their fate since the japan refuse to say anithing about them, it being worsened by suspicion when the involvement of unit 735 when at their end, it's time to try to put an end to this, find out exactly what happened to them and according to the result, grieve, file a complaint for a crime of war / against the humanity on the Japanese and if you are very lucky bring home any survivors.(if they can find evidence of other war crime the japan comited on us then denied it would be nicetoo).cost :-7 Rep for all the costs involved, takes 2 turns (still one Action), and may not yield anything.

more we wait less likely any suvivor and last time we have been able to get reparation from another country it was great

-[X] Political
-[X] Leader Pushed Developments
--[X] Create a Commission for the Upkeep and Conservation of Guangchou's Natural Spaces and Habitats for the Worker's Health and Enjoyment (Helpful) (-1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)

more we wait more damage we do

-[X] Populists & Internationalists
--[X] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
("In Guangchou, you will be free to be and love as your truest self, free from bigotry and oppression based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. If you want to help build a better world, come to Guangchou." The Internationalists will spread the word through their contacts abroad that Guangchou LACKS engineers and scientists, accountants, doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great Leader's ambitious plans and that Guangchou ALSO has more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. We can attract quite a few learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.)

will bring more educated people now and sound very fun

-[X] Cybernetic Pact
--[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)

they seem to need aid badly with wath usa are doing to them

[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
--[X] Went with the family for a boat trip, Guangchou being an island there is a strong marine tradition, it's time to teach your children to fish,diving and sail
--[X] he continued his physical training with his wife

didn't we started training with her at some point

-[X] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
--[X] passed their airplane pilot and skydiving certificates together and took the opportunity to join the mile high club
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--[] National Zoning Plan (???) (Sub Vote) (Bonus: +1 PttF)

Land use is a huge thing for rail development, and while we're at it we may as well come up with a more general national zoning plan that will save us a headache later by planning for future growth on a longer term horizon.

I bumped a housing action to the next turn because I realized we really should figure out zoning post haste given all the rights of way needed for the Dragon Rail.
It realy sound like the kind of thing who need and ecology agency or ministry existing before doing it or it will cause massive dammage to the ecosystems.

Other than that nice plan as always.

ps,If i remember well we have 16 action max before getting a mallus and you only use 14,am i wrong ?
It realy sound like the kind of thing who need and ecology agency or ministry existing before doing it or it will cause massive dammage to the ecosystems.

Other than that nice plan as always.

ps,If i remember well we have 16 action max before getting a mallus and you only use 14,am i wrong ?

Ehhh. Rail corridors are rail corridors. You just have to make peace with the fact that you're gonna be finding the flattest terrain you can get and then cutting a line through it.
The alternative gets very expensive very fast, and I don't think we can afford that.
HC, what's the terrain like in Guangchou? I was under the impression it was pretty hilly.

The National Zoning Plan does allow us to designate at least notional ecological preserves.

As far as I know we are at 14 actions plus one CyPac action. HeroCooky?
HC, what's the terrain like in Guangchou? I was under the impression it was pretty hilly.
Think of a diagonal from the south-west to the north-east. Starting at the south-west has you in relatively flat terrain with more forests/jungles, groing more hilly in the middle and then mountainous at the end.
CyberFemme said:
As far as I know we are at 14 actions plus one CyPac action. HeroCooky?
You can use 14 Actions. Or 16. Or 20. It is up to you to see if you want to push Guangchou to its limits or keep it safe. :drevil:
The alternative gets very expensive very fast, and I don't think we can afford that.
Well, once you electrify the rails there's technically the option of building your trains to be capable of running on rack railroads - it's less efficient by far, but you can handle far more extreme inclines that way without needing to tunnel or bridge anything. Still less efficient than just finding actually good corridors to use if you can, though.
-[X] Commiewood:Love, Death, And Robots; The End Of All
A satirical look at human nature and a warning on what could happen if we don't reign in our worst impulses.

[x] Plan Kick The Rail Can Down The Road
There really are just bigger priorities than trying to push a railway that's still listed as "harmful" through.
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
-[X] Light Industry
--[X] Democratically Selected Consumer Goods Factory Complex (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
--[X] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
--[X] (WRITE-IN) construct a factory that will make biodegradable boxes,bags, packaging, bottles, etc that can be thrown away and things that aren't biodegradeable will use a deposit system--You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)
These are great, and I'm gonna throw in the frozen foods. I see a Very Helpful making-life-better option, I vote for it. EDIT: Making the packaging disappear either via biodegradable stuff or a bottle return-type-law (the one Michigan implemented in the 1970s had a lot of buy-in and was very successful pre-pandemic)

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PttF + 2 Omake = 3)
--[X] Rail Development Design Project (Mega-project - 0/3) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)

Need more power, and I know we can't entirely kick things down the road so intra-city trolleys and rail design

-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+1 Reputation) (Helpful)

Let's keep this from completely falling apart, yeah?

-[X] Social
--[X] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)

Long overdue. Let's do it.

-[X] Political
--[X] Leader Pushed Developments
---[X] Create a Commission for the Upkeep and Conservation of Guangchou's Natural Spaces and Habitats for the Worker's Health and Enjoyment (Helpful) (-1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
---[X] Continued Spreading of The People's Theology (+4 Reputation) (+5% CyPac Cohesion)

I gotta weigh in on the side of green focus. People's Theology nudges rep and cypac cohesion.

-[X] Cybernetic Pact (1 Action Free)
--[X] Military Intervention - South Yemen (+2 Reputation)

People's Theology has a practical application too.

[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
--[X] Went with the family for a boat trip, Guangchou being an island there is a strong marine tradition, it's time to teach your children to fish,diving and sail
--[X] he continued his physical training with his wife

-[X] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
--[X] passed their airplane pilot and skydiving certificates together and took the opportunity to join the mile high club

EDIT: Swapped Red Dew for Green Containers (biodegradable / deposit) and added Wei actions.
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-[X] Commiewood:Love, Death, And Robots; The End Of All
A satirical look at human nature and a warning on what could happen if we don't reign in our worst impulses.

[x] Plan Kick The Rail Can Down The Road
There really are just bigger priorities than trying to push a railway that's still listed as "harmful" through.
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
-[X] Light Industry
--[X] Democratically Selected Consumer Goods Factory Complex (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF)
--[X] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
These are great, and I'm gonna throw in the frozen foods. I see a Very Helpful making-life-better option, I vote for it.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PttF + 2 Omake = 3)
--[X] Rail Development Design Project (Mega-project - 3/3) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)

Need more power, and I know we can't entirely kick things down the road so intra-city trolleys and rail design

-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+1 Reputation) (Helpful)

Let's keep this from completely falling apart, yeah?

-[X] Social
--[X] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+5 People's Opinion)

Long overdue. Let's do it.

-[X] Political
--[X] Leader Pushed Developments
---[X] Create a Commission for the Upkeep and Conservation of Guangchou's Natural Spaces and Habitats for the Worker's Health and Enjoyment (Helpful) (-1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
---[X] Continued Spreading of The People's Theology (+4 Reputation) (+5% CyPac Cohesion)

I gotta weigh in on the side of green focus. People's Theology nudges rep and cypac cohesion.

-[X] Cybernetic Pact (1 Action Free)
--[X] The Red Dew (+5 Reputation)
--[X] Military Intervention - South Yemen (+2 Reputation)

Let's make some noise on different parts of the world to keep the rest of the world from being able to focus on our corner of it.
for the "-[] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)"
action wouldn't doing something against polluting packaging as stated in the description of the action be a good idea if we build the Ministry of Ecology?

The absence of humanitarian support for the Chinese really seems to be a wasted opportunity

-[] The Red Dew (+5 Reputation)
Ireland is in deep trouble, wracked by unrest, strife, and economic despair. While technically in the camp of the EU, dangling very generous Economic and Industrial Aid in front of them could bring them over to us...and if that doesn't do it? Well, they do have a revolutionary front fermenting within their nation...

The part where they are offered to join us in exchange for various help seems excellent to me, but the part about the revolutionary front leaves me with a very bad taste in my mouth, it sound scummy like the kind of thing that Americans and religious extremists do , fuck up a country to force a regime change more aligned with their opinion, if communism is superior then it should not need such treachery and our mc thinks it is,If this action is taken will there be a vote to decide on the methods used and the limits imposed or will we do everything including violence to bring them to our side?

Other than these tree thing nice plan 👍

Ps :there was no wei jugming action this turn what hapened ?
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Ps :there was no wei jugming action this turn what hapened ?
I was waiting for feedback on the other actions because I knew I'd have to go back.

Kick The Rail Can Voters!
I have swapped Red Dew for Green Containers (biodegradable / deposit) and added Wei actions.
[] Plan Kick The Rail Can Down The Road

This involves 17/15 actions, it will absolutely trigger a malus.

If we want to do language rationalization... then we can kick the rail to next turn, but it means not doing the design this turn because we need to free up 5 actions for it.

I can do it that way, but it does involve losing out on some food production actions I had planned... but we're doing pretty good on that front so that's probably fine.

I'll put together a variant once I get home.
I probably miscounted somewhere along the way, but I just think we have bigger priorities than trains optimization when there's ChinaWar and improving QoL at home, and there's ways of doing good things that don't completely throw all environmental concerns to the curb.
Voting is open