...IRL Russia managed to last suprisingly far as a bit of a dumpster fire.looks like America is about to snap at the seams. All it needs is one more push and the whole thing will come crashing down in fiery explosion of anarchy.within an office of a white house that had informed and housed men of excellence, misery, greatness, and incompetence, a puppet sat. Watching with growing dread as country after country was pointed out, marked, and information was given, tendrils of fear spreading through a mind slowly eroding under disease and age. It was one thing to know liberties had to be taken to ensure that his country would not be steered into an abyss out of the false belief of brotherhood and concord with communism. Another to realize the threat was far greater than any had anticipated as nearly half of the world now glowed red in the blood of slain innocents. He had taken the seat reluctantly to ensure stability and a return to sanity could be provided in the next four years, seeking to mend what had been wounded.
Such could no longer be the case.
Russia had the KGB, USA has the CIA.
Russia had the Party, USA has the KKK and the Corporate Barons.
The question is how long they can last, bottling up their problems in sheer anti-communist spite.