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within an office of a white house that had informed and housed men of excellence, misery, greatness, and incompetence, a puppet sat. Watching with growing dread as country after country was pointed out, marked, and information was given, tendrils of fear spreading through a mind slowly eroding under disease and age. It was one thing to know liberties had to be taken to ensure that his country would not be steered into an abyss out of the false belief of brotherhood and concord with communism. Another to realize the threat was far greater than any had anticipated as nearly half of the world now glowed red in the blood of slain innocents. He had taken the seat reluctantly to ensure stability and a return to sanity could be provided in the next four years, seeking to mend what had been wounded.

Such could no longer be the case.
looks like America is about to snap at the seams. All it needs is one more push and the whole thing will come crashing down in fiery explosion of anarchy.
...IRL Russia managed to last suprisingly far as a bit of a dumpster fire.
Russia had the KGB, USA has the CIA.
Russia had the Party, USA has the KKK and the Corporate Barons.

The question is how long they can last, bottling up their problems in sheer anti-communist spite.
They're also doing this at a point in history when the right-wing propaganda machine wasn't as heavily built up.

There's a lot of politically neutral-ish-ish institutions that, even if they are themselves anti-communist, have a combination of vested interests and sincere beliefs in just not lettting single party rule emerge. In the Soviet Union, the Party was the only major political organization allowed to exist and no parallel organizations could arise to compete with it; by the end of the Russian Civil War all such organizations had been either destroyed or co-opted. In the US c. 1981, there's a lot of competing parallel organization and it's going to notice efforts to muscle in on their power base and to systematically destroy their (potential) voter base.

This makes attempt by a CIA-backed Reagan to "restore order" by crushing dissent very likely to be destabilizing and very likely to spiral out of his control quickly.
They're also doing this at a point in history when the right-wing propaganda machine wasn't as heavily built up.

There's a lot of politically neutral-ish-ish institutions that, even if they are themselves anti-communist, have a combination of vested interests and sincere beliefs in just not lettting single party rule emerge. In the Soviet Union, the Party was the only major political organization allowed to exist and no parallel organizations could arise to compete with it; by the end of the Russian Civil War all such organizations had been either destroyed or co-opted. In the US c. 1981, there's a lot of competing parallel organization and it's going to notice efforts to muscle in on their power base and to systematically destroy their (potential) voter base.
This group has the CIA fully on side.

Which means, that while there are likely resistance, they are probably hiding from the CIA daggers. I mean, it is very possible the CIA was bold enough to outright puppet the in setting current president... 😅
They're also doing this at a point in history when the right-wing propaganda machine wasn't as heavily built up.

There's a lot of politically neutral-ish-ish institutions that, even if they are themselves anti-communist, have a combination of vested interests and sincere beliefs in just not lettting single party rule emerge. In the Soviet Union, the Party was the only major political organization allowed to exist and no parallel organizations could arise to compete with it; by the end of the Russian Civil War all such organizations had been either destroyed or co-opted. In the US c. 1981, there's a lot of competing parallel organization and it's going to notice efforts to muscle in on their power base and to systematically destroy their (potential) voter base.

This makes attempt by a CIA-backed Reagan to "restore order" by crushing dissent very likely to be destabilizing and very likely to spiral out of his control quickly.
Yes the potential sides of the potential civil war are already being settling into place, like there is likely going to be government departments of all types on different sides not even speaking about the military units all about the country, like the national guard units are going to be quite wild cards on who they decide to follow won't they?
This group has the CIA fully on side.

Which means, that while there are likely resistance, they are probably hiding from the CIA daggers. I mean, it is very possible the CIA was bold enough to outright puppet the in setting current president... 😅
The 'problem' there is that the CIA doesn't actually have that much manpower or penetration of America at large.

It's one thing to mount a specific black op and assassinate a guy or something. But the CIA isn't actually that large relative to the size of the American population, and a huge proportion of its manpower is committed to overseas operations. This has effectively always been true. In a quasi-realistic America circa 1980, the CIA simply doesn't have the manpower to rapidly crush and terrorize all opposition to their control. This is especially true when "all opposition" includes people like judges and state governors, not just relatively marginalized would-be revolutionaries and protest leaders.

What it comes down to is that "iron control" is very often an authoritarian fantasy, and it cannot be imposed quickly or easily because it represents a profoundly unnatural condition of human society. Normal societies are full of bickering power blocs and cannot be quickly brought to heel without buy-in from all those power blocs. In this case, it seems unlikely that this buy-in was fully secured given that Carter had a lot of supporters and didn't just see the legs cut out from under his presidential campaign.

As such, Reagan, or anyone trying to pull Reagan's strings, has a lot of problems right now and doesn't have any easy way to mash a button and suppress them all.
I think the outcome being pointed out here is worse than a civil war.

It's a bloody, brutal, anti-communist brainworm laden malaise of hatred and paranoia.
Wait, it wasn't Rumsfeld? I thought it was just that putrid asshole when young. So who is it supposed to be instead? A OC?
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Rumford is the name of Victoria: A novel of 4th generation warfare's MC. The main difference between him and the nazis, according to the book, is purely aesthetic.
Yeah. Vick-anism is basically "Naziism with WASP characteristics," to the point where when the viewpoint character Rumford sees a literal Nazi from a neo-Nazi polity based out of Wisconsin and Minnesota, who is leaning heavily into cosplaying OG Nazi with aesthetics and so on...

Well, first, he's mancrushing on the guy's "efficiency" and "cleanliness" and whatever. And second, it's like you can hear Rumford as narrator of the text (or Lind as the author) thinking:

"I know, intellectually, that I'm not supposed to approve of Nazis, but I honestly don't understand why, so I'm going to mumble some shit about aesthetics and try to sound wise about it and mention how it's a shame about all them Jews I guess?"

Yeah. Vick-anism is basically "Naziism with WASP characteristics," to the point where when the viewpoint character Rumford sees a literal Nazi from a neo-Nazi polity based out of Wisconsin and Minnesota, who is leaning heavily into cosplaying OG Nazi with aesthetics and so on...

Well, first, he's mancrushing on the guy's "efficiency" and "cleanliness" and whatever. And second, it's like you can hear Rumford as narrator of the text (or Lind as the author) thinking:

"I know, intellectually, that I'm not supposed to approve of Nazis, but I honestly don't understand why, so I'm going to mumble some shit about aesthetics and try to sound wise about it and mention how it's a shame about all them Jews I guess?"

The best part is that before saying why he doesn't like them he tries to explain that he doesn't hate them for the same "Politically correct" reasons as everyone else.

If I remember correctly he even argues that the Holocaust was not that bad becuase genocides are historically common. "Genocide is not bad because other people did it too".
When did this quest become a crossover?
Not today, he's just an expie to torture later. If it was, not even Cyber could stop me from giving the Lesbian Clone Technocracy (actually canon to Victoria) all of the physics-breaking tech.

And force you to put up some Rods of God for the inevitable "Gays Vs. NAZIES: Now as nations!" fight so that one of your commanders can yell: "Now suffer the Rod of God!"
Not today, he's just an expie to torture later. If it was, not even Cyber could stop me from giving the Lesbian Clone Technocracy (actually canon to Victoria) all of the physics-breaking tech.

And force you to put up some Rods of God for the inevitable "Gays Vs. NAZIES: Now as nations!" fight so that one of your commanders can yell: "Now suffer the Rod of God!"


Not today, he's just an expie to torture later. If it was, not even Cyber could stop me from giving the Lesbian Clone Technocracy (actually canon to Victoria) all of the physics-breaking tech.

And force you to put up some Rods of God for the inevitable "Gays Vs. NAZIES: Now as nations!" fight so that one of your commanders can yell: "Now suffer the Rod of God!"
Azania will rise again! This time they will be both Feminists and Ecologists!

Edit: Long live the Cultural Marxist Cause!
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So this is something that stood out to me.
It was not as if these safety precautions were required; the workers just needed to be more careful, is all. Their own damn fault if they got injured.
Honestly, I'm left wondering what kind of impact this will have. I mean as @Simon_Jester pointed out the US is already in pretty bd shape politically. So what happens when industrial accidents start happening. I dont mean the small incidents like a guy getting sucked into a piece of machinery, I mean more akin to the disasters like what we've been seeing happen IRL recently. What happens when a chemical plant blows up because someone hadn't been maintaining the safety measures due to time/financial constraints? Or if a city got accidentally demolished due to improperly stored chemicals like in Lebanon a few years ago.
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