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Seconded. I searched "nega" and didn't find anything in-thread, so clearly these are new.

If they're new they're coming from this "rival reports"-inspired section and they're from the perspective of China, which suggests they're afraid of us to the point of spending political favors on it.
I actually don't remember the China Nega Quest, where can I find this?
Seconded. I searched "nega" and didn't find anything in-thread, so clearly these are new.

If they're new they're coming from this "rival reports"-inspired section and they're from the perspective of China, which suggests they're afraid of us to the point of spending political favors on it.

I don't know how you missed my point.

My point was not that there was a China Nega Quest, but that the fact that we have actions we did not choose and that do not involve us set at the middle of our turn economy is meant to mimic these being decisions of OTHER COUNTRIES, as if people are voting for these options.

That's what is meant by the "Nega Quest" conceit.

It's not an actual thing, it's just a way of presenting what's going on in a different, fun way.

I don't know how you missed my point.

My point was not that there was a China Nega Quest, but that the fact that we have actions we did not choose and that do not involve us set at the middle of our turn economy is meant to mimic these being decisions of OTHER COUNTRIES, as if people are voting for these options.

That's what is meant by the "Nega Quest" conceit.

It's not an actual thing, it's just a way of presenting what's going on in a different, fun way.

Ah, I think there's confusion because there were a few America Nega-Quests omakes early on!
My point was not that there was a China Nega Quest, but that the fact that we have actions we did not choose and that do not involve us set at the middle of our turn economy is meant to mimic these being decisions of OTHER COUNTRIES, as if people are voting for these options.

That's what is meant by the "Nega Quest" conceit.

It's not an actual thing, it's just a way of presenting what's going on in a different, fun way.
Didn't miss it. Did miss the QM's introduction (or non-introduction, as it were) of new 'mechanics' which apply to us even if just as a lens others view us through.

In point of fact, referenced the Rival Reports section of a Disney Villains quest I've been involved with which is similar enough in premise (Play as a Disney Villain, attempt to expand your domain and deal with the influence of others) to the other segments as to have easily drawn parallels. Which, incidentally, also occasionally catches / caught flak for being incomplete / inadequate information which creates some frustration because of the intermingling of things we can control vs things we can't control. It's a pretty unpleasant UX and unnecessarily complicated UI, for information that doesn't generate better results or better inputs or better outputs.
-[] Secret Projects
--[] Mingxiang Nuclear Expansion (+? Reputation)

I don't fancy starting work on a nuclear reactor without putting the basics in place first. This should hopefully also remove some maluses from that project. @HeroCooky, can I get an RP cost for this action?
I am not sure what you are trying to do? If you want to create a Nuclear Research Section to Mingxiang, it'll be two actions with a -15 Rep cost for the mass amount of materials, machinery, and radioactive materials you need.

CyberEnby said:
Housing has been slightly alleviated, with natives being moved out of old homes into the new buildings while stashing the refugees in the old buildings.

And thanks to your Breakthroughs, you will now be able to build even more LSEEHs than with your factory alone!
Would like an answer from the GM if this quest allows you to Design for Manufacture and Parallel Engineering
Half the ques kinda already operates on a "Temporal Backbuilding" mechanic where you can complete projects that should take longer than 6 months without being forced to wait, as they were being done in the background until now.
Barondoctor said:
If they're new they're coming from this "rival reports"-inspired section and they're from the perspective of China, which suggests they're afraid of us to the point of spending political favors on it.
Read the Update again. China didn't get scared of you, they did an Action which caused Guangchou, not China, Guangchou to go: "Hol' Up. Why they doing that?"

Because China didn't say: "Here's two more of our fleets anchored on your island, suck it up."

They buttered you up, twice, to make it go as smooth as possible. A course of action which rang three dozen bells in Jungmin's head.
Barondoctor said:
Didn't miss it. Did miss the QM's introduction (or non-introduction, as it were) of new 'mechanics' which apply to us even if just as a lens others view us through.
You'll be glad to note that those are purely a narrative device to convey in-universe happenings with out-of-'verse data.
I am not sure what you are trying to do? If you want to create a Nuclear Research Section to Mingxiang, it'll be two actions with a -15 Rep cost for the mass amount of materials, machinery, and radioactive materials you need.

Hmmmm. Ok, that does change things. To double check: does the test reactor have any maluses attached to it as it stands? Os is it a 'fuck around and find out' option?
It will be the first time you make a nuclear reactor with blueprints gained from a refugee.

The 'fuck around and find out' is very much a part of using that new technology.

Are more thing, are bonuses automatically applied to the first relevant project now? Or can we keep them in reserve for certain projects?

Edit: Can we spend CO to get access to China's nuclear program? And if no by how much would it reduce the cost of the Mingxiang Nuclear expansion?
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Are more thing, are bonuses automatically applied to the first relevant project now? Or can we keep them in reserve for certain projects?

Edit: Can we spend CO to get access to China's nuclear program? And if no by how much would it reduce the cost of the Mingxiang Nuclear expansion?
AFAIK, that has always been the case?

And yes, with a cost of 7. If you just want to get some experts, you can get a +5 to reactors for 3 CO.
I feel like we should ready the Iron Tigers. The excrement feels like it is nearing the atmosphere propulsion unit. The china thing is ringing all the bells, something big is about to happen. Because this is happening alongside a major upheaval in the US. We're going to want every advantage we have armed and ready for action.
Can we get a movie commission that pushes out the other movie vote candidates every so often? Make movie making a free action every turn or two perhaps?

Edit: Ah nvm. We should set up our own movie rating board instead. :V

-[X] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation) (+1 Chinese Opinion)
(1 - Sub-Optimal)

I don't get it. Why didn't anything blow up??? :V
abominable threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Rating Total: 51
51 51
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AFAIK, that has always been the case?

And yes, with a cost of 7. If you just want to get some experts, you can get a +5 to reactors for 3 CO.

Huh, could have sworn we could hold off on applying stuff if we wanted to use it for later stuff.
What about something like the +6 to any technology? It's a bit ambiguous where that applies.

I feel like we should ready the Iron Tigers. The excrement feels like it is nearing the atmosphere propulsion unit. The china thing is ringing all the bells, something big is about to happen. Because this is happening alongside a major upheaval in the US. We're going to want every advantage we have armed and ready for action.

We only need enough to secure our shores. Let's not stick our dick into the woodchipper of foreign military interventions. I think economic and cultural soft power would probably be better at keeping things from getting too dumb.
Is the power struggle still going on or did Hua take full controll
Huh, could have sworn we could hold off on applying stuff if we wanted to use it for later stuff.
What about something like the +6 to any technology? It's a bit ambiguous where that applies.
No, you're right, just that the default is applying the bonus. You can note in a plan that you don't want to use any bonus other than the ones you put inside.

And the Technology refers to any new thingamajig like advanced jet fighters, nuclear stuff, cracking better electronics, etc.
No, you're right, just that the default is applying the bonus. You can note in a plan that you don't want to use any bonus other than the ones you put inside.

And the Technology refers to any new thingamajig like advanced jet fighters, nuclear stuff, cracking better electronics, etc.

Oh! Shit! I didn't think I had to mention that! Ok, gonna do that.

edit: @HeroCooky, is that +5 to reactors for all Reactor actions, or a one time bonus?

And can I get costing for this:

[] The Special Relationship: China (???)(? CO)

Hua Guofeng is ascendant but not out of the woods, so let's... put a finger on the scales. Nothing as overt as favoring him, but giving him an easy win. Gunagchou has a special tech trade relationship with the USSR, and we don't want to jeopardize it by giving China military tech developed with Russian aid, but civilian tech is another ball game.
Get in touch with the PRC, and see about setting up an exchange. We'll share things like Efficient Housing, Sea Forests, Omni-Tractors, School Reform, etc. In exchange, China shares their civilian know-how. There's already a precedent for this in the form of the agricultural experts that came over in the last plan. This should give Hua enough material to bribe people with in turn.
Hua Guofeng gets a win, we get to support our favorite without alienating his rivals, both sides benefit from pooling R&D resources.
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Oh yeah. That counts for all actions as long as you remain "allied" to China.


Any word on costing for:

[] The Special Relationship: China (???)(? CO)

Hua Guofeng is ascendant but not out of the woods, so let's... put a finger on the scales. Nothing as overt as favoring him, but giving him an easy win. Gunagchou has a special tech trade relationship with the USSR, and we don't want to jeopardize it by giving China military tech developed with Russian aid, but civilian tech is another ball game.
Get in touch with the PRC, and see about setting up an exchange. We'll share things like Efficient Housing, Sea Forests, Omni-Tractors, School Reform, etc. In exchange, China shares their civilian know-how. There's already a precedent for this in the form of the agricultural experts that came over in the last plan. This should give Hua enough material to bribe people with in turn.
Hua Guofeng gets a win, we get to support our favorite without alienating his rivals, both sides benefit from pooling R&D resources (maybe we get that agricultural bonus back?).
OK, that's a touch too expensive

[X] [PLAN] Marvellous Mechanical Mao


-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] [SCHOOL] (2 Actions)
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 Popular Demand)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)

Pretty straight forward. This sort of housing yields both RP and PO and fulfills a need while enjoying a small bonus.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct An Omni-Tractor Factory
--[X] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)

Constructing the factory in the same turn we're researching the Omni-Tractor through the magic of Design for Manufacture and Parallel Engineering. This way we can start producing them next turn if the dice smile on us. Not sure if the Automation bonus applies since while the Omni-Tractor does help 'automate' some agricultural tasks, it seems like stretching the definition.

The machinery plant is what we failed to make last time.

-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Design Omni-Tractor & Modules (0/2 Actions) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: Possibly +1 Automation because it automated a bunch of farm labor?)

Agriculturally, you may wonder why mechanization? Simple. Because other countries can grow food, but Guangchou has a distinct advantage in producing machinery. We can build fancy tractors and ship them overseas in exchange for food. And because these help increase production, the countries trading with us won't have any less food in the long term.
This is also a potent political tool. We know China seems to be experienceing rural unrest, shipments of fancy new equipment to bribe people with would likely be appreciated by our friend the Chairman. Likewise shipments of fancy machinery to the Afghan coutriside in the future (if that hasn't butterflied entirely) would go a long way towards keeping Russia out of Afghanistan.

-[X] Military
--[X] Mingxiang Aeronautical Expansion (+2 Reputation)
--[X] Construct IT Electronics Factory (Harmful) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: +2 Electronics)

Next turn is going to be the big Airy R&D project. We need to lay the ground work and the extra RP doesn't hurt.
This will involve hiring experts, building wind tunnels, training test pilots, laying a small military air strip near Mingxiang to act as our Area 51, etc.

The lowest level of the Mingxiang Closed City is to be given over entirely to a sprawling chip fab facility, taking advantage of the highly stable temperature and vibrational isolation of the facility's underground construction to minimize environmental disruptions to the chip fabrication process. The secretive nature of the facility also allows for tight security in what will become one of the nation's greatest technical marvels. We will scale the automated material handling and manufacturing techniques used to produce Iron Tiger electronics to allow the mass production of chips in sufficient quantities to supply Guangchou's military before transitioning to civilian use after the West has caught up to our initial lead. While the construction of a chip factory is likely to be impossible to hide, we can use the secure location to obfuscate our opponent's attempts to determine our exact capabilities - we are aided in this by the fact that they will expect our native electronic industry to be sub-par, so confirming their preconceptions is likely to be an effective disguise.

This factory has been a long time coming, and we need it to support our increasing cyberdization efforts of the military. When we go public, it can start shipping chips for civilian use too.

-[X] Political
--[X] Progressives
---[X] Liberation Theology (-7 Reputation) (+1 Chinese Opinion) (Knock-On Effects)
-[X] Militarists
---[X] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)

Liberation Theology is expensive but it gives us a nice way to influence a LOT of movements worldwide, we definitely need it if we're going to try to put our hand on the scales in Afghanistan and the Philippines, and it'll help with Cambodia.

Armed solidarity is us just playing a mirror to the CIA. Whereas they tend to act as consultants to reactionaries, we can do the same for revolutionaries. The stuff the CIA has been supporting is nauseating and I have no intention to let them get away with it. It also pays for Liberation Theology.

-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Mingxiang Nuclear Expansion (-7 Reputation)(-3 CO)

I don't fancy starting work on a nuclear reactor without putting the basics in place first. This should hopefully also remove some maluses from that project. @HeroCooky, can I get an RP cost for this action?

An expensive option. But +5 to reactor design is such a massive bonus that I think it's well worth it!
And we have to take it this turn because next turn all action slots will be taken up by Airy Modernization, and we start reactor work right after that.

-[X] Wei Jungming
--[X] Personal Action: Have a call with your friend the Chairman, to get a frank answer on why China suddenly find Guangchou so important.
--[X] Personal Action: Write the final draft of your Manifesto.
--[X] Lover Action: What does Mai want to do? (Who knows, maybe this time it won't be a grueling hike through the mountains.)


A hard sci-fi version of Star Trek with strong social and political commentary, Cosmos follows the crew of the interstellar vessel Rosetta on their mission to explore the galaxy. Told in a 12 episode mini-series with overarching character development arcs but serialized A-plots.
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