Looks like 2 electrification is needed, alongside actually giving our military something, with the military getting antsy about our one ace being stashed away and not truly ready for deployment.
its 1 every 2 turns to prevent backsliding, 1 everyturn would improve it. (According to the Update "You must complete 1 AA project every two turns to prevent backsliding of your Agriculture Stat")Finally the fact that two of our already limited actions have to be spent on agriculture every turn is a annoyance,
No, you're right. I did an oof there. Sorry!Hold up, I thought our school food locked action would cover all our food needs? Do we need to spend an action on top of that?
C: ...So the emperor of Japan sits on a toilet?Did you know that the flower, or more specifically the chrysanthemum, is a euphemism for the anus among the Chinese people?
Ofc, that can imply that the Chrysanthemum Throne of Glorious Nippon is, in fact, the anus / butthole throne.
Also, the term "抱你菊花 (busting your chrysanthemum)" either means "busting your ass" or "assfuck you"?
Honestly I kind of want to see what would happen if we didn't do anything for the military again. I know a military coup is the most likely thing to happen but the image of our top generals just slowly shriveling up do to lack of things to do amuses me.(Please... can we have a crumb of attention? Spend at least ten Actions of this Plan on the Military.)
Oh the military is going to be ecstatic. Also that name is amazing.[] Plan Name: The Worker's Plan for Ensuring the Security and Prosperity of the Glorious People of Guangchou Through Technological Supremacy ("Am I pompous and long winded enough, senpai?")
Honestly I kind of want to see what would happen if we didn't do anything for the military again. I know a military coup is the most likely thing to happen but the image of our top generals just slowly shriveling up do to lack of things to do amuses me.
Oh the military is going to be ecstatic. Also that name is amazing.
Just this one, as you have a rising need for housing and have constructed some.@HeroCooky, does the +1 to housing roll over into the next plan, or us it just for this one?
I'm thinking you have either replaced an "R" with an "L" or are miscalculating the source of the current baby-boom.
I'm thinking you have either replaced an "R" with an "L" or are miscalculating the source of the current baby-boom.
Not neccesarily, you could pull a Vietnam 2.O Mecha-Electric-Boogaloo !After all, if we were invaded by china or the USA we would be FUCKED no matter how much money we throw at them.
The poor fuckers will not have fun when they realize that any and every rock they come across could, in fact, be a disguised mecha.Not neccesarily, you could pull a Vietnam 2.O Mecha-Electric-Boogaloo !