What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[] Plan: March Against Ruin
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Hidden Village Subsector)
-[] [Free] Choir Assignments:
--[] Remove 100 Choirs from Hippity, Hoppity, put 40 into Class is in Session
-[] [Psykana] Turn on Cry for the Future.
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Class is in Session Action)
--[] Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health II, Protection III
--[] Burn Out The Festering Growths - Health II, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) x2
--[] Build Flag Armada Nebula
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Military Agenda Action)
--[] Standardize Your SBGs (200 Points)
--[] Build 4x SBGs (Garuda, Enfield, Anansi, Umbra)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Heartbeat of Industry Action)
--[] 5x Nomadic Fleet Upgrades [Automatic] (0.2/1)
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s) (Cry for the Future Action 1)
--[] Target: Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists
--[] Objectives: Push back the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists and ensure the safety of the Watchtower Confederacy, after which they are to push into enemy territory and liberate the subsector bordering the Confederacy. Eliminate as many enemy forces as possible to make follow on campaigns against the Khorne cultists easier.
--[] Forces:
---[] Flag Armada Nova
---[] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix)
---[] 5x Nomadic Fleet ('Once-Forgotten-Joy', 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled', 'Bastion-Of-Pathways', 'Trade-Guardians')
---[] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph)
---[] Archwan Grand Army, Amratur Grand Army, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Suns, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future Action 2 + 3)
--[] Choir Warfare Clause
--[] Watchtower Military Alliance
-[] [General] Colonize (Mechandrite AP)
--[] Gulf's Edge

Anyone remember if the actions gained from Cry for the Future count towards its AP bonus?
Yeeni Go Vroom. :3

Fun Fact; I've been rolling "Affinity" for your various Xenos and the Lamenters, and the little yeens consistently score above 15 on a D20. So Yeeni Go Vroom Indeed. :3
Oh damn, Yeeni being actual Auxiliaries and fighting alongside them. That must be some fun since they are still engineer have the Hive Sovereign and can be rapid deploy combat Engineers. Oh you have? interesting what was the other Xenos's rolls? and damn, the Yeeni really did well. good for them.

1. You don't, they are now part of the Federation as per your deal of incorporating them. Mercenary Crew is basically "We expect either good pay or medium pay and luxuries." This comes at no cost to crew stats if demands are met, they are equal to standard Fed Crews.
2. When one blob of organs likes another blob of organs very much, the stimulate their reproductive organs in the right way to induce a pregnancy that results in another, but smol, blob of organs. Hope that helps. :>
3. I'm saving that for combat, but grav-tech got included.
4. Gear: "Brother, what?"
Fleet: "BROTHER; WHAT?!"
1. Oh okay, whelp that's that then. So given how we are... I think the good way is something we can afford because of our sheer size and economy so that should be fine and I see know why there was the Luxurious Crew Amenities. though only to Federation standard? bit of a shame and more better if we went this route earlier.
2. ....Damn you QM that doesn't help. what even the result since they are blobs of organs!? there is not body for it form!
3. Fair enough, if you plan to reveal it during combat for the fun and cool then its all good, was just wondering. and I look forward to how grav-Tech was included into it.
4. lol. so a reaction like 'say sike right now' and having to ask again to make sure you heard correct. So basically so unheard you would swear you misheard. And given how Power Swords were.... very much on another level with the equipment. Fleet is more understandable, the Lamenters have a Damn Battleship, I think most Fleet based chapters of the strike crusiers and maybe a capital ship and that's it. So having a Battleship is double take.

Instructions unclear, made bigger scout.
[] [Battleship] Steiner-Class "Scout" Battleship
-[] Length - 20.000 Meters (-1 DP)
-[] Width - 3.000 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-4 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus Pattern Armor (-6 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-5 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Spinal Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade/2x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/2x Green Arc Lance Batteries/60x Light Lance Turrets (-22 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Bridges/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations)/Harsh Crew Training/Lattice Hulls/Refractive Hull Coating/Enhanced Strategium/Luxurious Crew Amenities/Augmetic Security Department/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Icons to the Faith/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers/Elite Crews/Zero-Emission Protocols/The Celestial Orrery/Ears of Hare Bnuy/Small On-Board Manufactury/Ghosts Amidst the Stellar Winds/Arcane Lenses/Gravimetric Violation-Modulators (-110 DP)
.... I hate that this is very much possible and given how this is... it is ideal for disabling and capturing ships. so now the Yeeni can upgrade to active ships to steal. and it really would be in line for the Yeeni to build a 'scout' battleship and made it a stealth battleship.

As it turns out, an actually functional polity is very impressive once it gets going.

It'd be funny to see the other chapters looking at the Lamenters in their terrifying amount of war gear and going, "yeah nope"
More like what happens when a polity throws their support behind a Space Marine Chapter, helps a lot that the Polity in question has fully supported the Lamenters and have been increasing its tech base and infrastructure base to be able to carry them further. The lamenters, even without the legion building, would be a very hard fight given the tech and wargear they have, the only things they don't have are the Terminators and the Dreadnaughts, but we are on the path to build Dreadnaughts so there is that.

Blood Ravens: "You are impressive allies. Yoink!"
hahaha, the thing is the Magpies would an annoyance and unless they go directly for a relic like Chyron's Hellfire Dreadnought, the Banner of the 11th Company, or the Oath-Born Aegis, they'll just mutter 'bloody magpies....' and just order another batch to replace what was stolen.... and it suddenly makes sense the Blood Raven would make this their way of stocking their armory.

Looks like the fronts are stable? None of the Duchy, Shipwright's or Mashan are caving in. The Diaconate is advancing, but they're not the problem for right now. The problem for right now is the Gore-sworn duelists because of how much larger they are than the Watchtower Confederacy. They'll overrun them soon enough and be at our doorstep.
Please can we SPARE an action or do a free writein to send scouts to check out down south? we WANT to expand so the Khronites don't expand there and flank us from the south and to we some more Sub-sectors we can use to grow while also checking the expansion of that faction to the Southwest who will likely crusade us and start another front for us to fhandle?

that said I do support the move to go ahead the Gore-Sworn duelists first and send fleets to check and stall Nurgle's sect as we ramp up a bit more.

"We will help them." Four words that were not a statement but a declaration of intent. Four words that, in any other circumstance, from any other mouth, would have resulted in those uttering them to be disarmed and taken to the brig for insubordination, yet in this one caused Vice-Admiral Shimmering Petal to look tiredly at the woman that had spoken these four words.

"We have our orders. You have your orders. This is not why we are here." Three sentences that should have, in a saner universe, been the end of the discussion...several minutes ago. In this one, they are but uttered once more to a woman who spoke what the Choirs of SBG Sphinx had already declared would happen.
Ohhhh boy, things ended up worst there and the Choirs are pushing to help more or go above what we ordered to do. risking their own safety and going directly against orders in order to do it, also the Vice-Admiral being either Irrita or Yeeni. I wonder what happened this time.

"And we will gladly stand trial for insubordination. After we have ensured that the five hundred million on that world are evacuated in time. The Duchy's captains are already begging us to provide orbital bombardments for their force's desperate last stand or at least take as many innocents as we can to safety." Nothing in the eyes of the Hymnal spoke she would ever consider not taking the course of action already decided upon. "We will help them."

Shimmering Petal sighed, running a paw over their muzzle. "And what will you do if I try to stop you?"

Brimstone Eyes gazed back. "Five Hundred Million Innocents."

A single sentence that spoke all that needed to be said as Brimstone Eyes stared into Ocular Implants.
..... well shit, we should have sent the evacuation fleet to help with that, not much space in the SBG ships. And yah that would do it alright, saving five hundred million souls on that world and buying as much time as needed. taking in as many innocents on the ship is one option and given the Dutchy is begging for orbital bombardments for last stands, this would mean to leave those souls behind which is not how we do things...urgh Hymnals you do us proud but dang it with the options are now.

Whelp, so much for just providing a slow down for the nurgle diseases, we're going in hot people.

Lu is 17.

He had lied when enlisting, too taken with fervor for the people who had given his home stability, order, prosperity, and something to live for, aside from merely living under the Clergiarch's decadent demands. That he had watched them all be hung by the neck from a rope until they died was part of the reason why he had liked the Duchy and why he had joined their forces against the Chaos Disease-Cult to their galactic south once the call came for volunteers seven years after they had first appeared over his world. He set out with high spirits and higher confidence, trained, armed, and clad in and with weapons and armor that seemed the stuff of fiction in his childhood.
Oh one of these, so we see the life or past of one of the soldiers on the ground and then see how it flows in today and how the Glimmerings are here to support now and the view of the rank and file solider. Looks like Lu was one of the ones living under hostile Xenos whether as a slave or tributary and the Dutchy comes in and topples them, along with killing them all, and welcomed as a savior by the people. So they asked for recruits and plenty join up to pay back the Dutchy for thier aid and its a recent addition of that world into the dutchy since he was 17 and word of the nurgle cults conflict was known. Poor Kid he REALLY does no know what he is getting into, very much All Quiet on the Western Front sort of thing...

Lu is 18.

He had celebrated his lifeday a day before they had made landfall upon the world of Gruschka, home to some 4 billion people...a month ago. Now, there were less than 2 billion. The Disease-Cult had spread a virus to the people that killed many...and used their corpses as a living tide of flesh against the still-living. His work consisted of donning his environmentally sealed armor, checking his heavy flamer, hooking it into his exo-suit, and burning all things that could not talk or could not pass the purity test by his squad's attached psyker. He had a secret crush on her. She was cute, and he liked how she laughed.
Ouch that is a large loss and sounds right for a Nurgle cult attack on a world. he celebrated his 18 as tradition and started fighting against the horrors of nurgles with the zombies and shit with needing the environmentally sealed armor and a flamer. not too bad yet but it will-NO not a crush on the pysker that shit is going to lead to tragedy!

Lu is 19.

He has nightmares from when the barriers in Zone 104-CF failed. Twelve million people...gone. Vanished in flames, dropped via bombs that burned it all to cinders, the turned and the still-living alike. 'A Mercy,' his sergeant had said...and he agreed. He had seen enough to know that the bombs the veterans had sown into their helmets were mercy to themselves and others. He had put in two. One for the brain. And one for the flames.

Lu is 20.

He just celebrated his lifeday with perhaps a bit more booze than needed and would wake to find the cute psyker next to him in the morning...alongside the entire squad trying not to grin and whistle...and the Confessor. He would only regret that he could not fully remember the night. That was okay, though. He had more than enough time to make more memories.
Yup, he's getting there. Just ONE fuck up or mistake and the fallout is twelve million people just gone like that and needing to be purged with flame to stop any chance of it spreading and it being a mercy compared to what would happen to the survivors in there. Slowly being wore down... oh wow the soldiers sow bombs in their helmets? I mean fair enough when you're fighting against Nurgle to include a bomb to kill yourself if the suit I breached so you can end it quickly.

Oh little bit of happiness and light there, typical losing his first and the whole units celebrating and teasing the kid. for it... and he can't even remember it due to drinking the booze to get the courage for it! Oh that last line why did you have to say that kid. I hope our fleet arrives soon enough and this isn't just a 'this all happens before you get there' like how it was at Gigachad.

Command had declared it safe to evacuate the planet, most Disease-Cults had been destroyed and hunted down, vaccines had been developed and deployed universally, and worlds were found where the people here could settle on without potentially infecting the Duchy proper should a Cultist or carrier slip through the Ruin Finders.

Lu is 20 and a third.

The Automated Fleet is retreating. Heavy losses were inflicted by a surprise attack from the Sect, a trio of Battleships making their appearance, and over two hundred ships have been lost. There is talk about abandoning the evacuation entirely from the civilians, and Lu fears what will happen if the Disease-Cults arrive in force before they can leave.
Oh that's good, mostly contained and burned away, developed vaccines and given out. even have worlds that haven't been colonized so that survivors can just be placed in quarantined to see if there is a cultist slip though. better then I wa- anddddd they are still using the Man Of Stone AI.... oh boy and it is a FLEET not just single ships and they got beat in combat, heavy losses at that from... three battleships FUCK. we didn't send any with our SBG. shit we need to send a full on fleet if they are ramming battleships into the Dutchy's frontlines. anddd I think we are arriving too late to help with the evacuation.... but from the beginning it feels like this IS the planet the choirs are trying to save those 500 million on.

Lu is 20 and a half.

Thirty Disease-Cult Ships have broken through the cordon, disgorging their rotten inhabitants to the world, turning a pacified world into a hell-hole of war once again. But now, it is against a foe that can think. Foul miasma is in the air, in the water, in his bones and soul. Fij, the cutest psyker in the galaxy, and his (not-so-)secret girlfriend, complains about it daily. She wakes up in the night and pukes. There are maggots in the puke.

Lu is 20 and a half and one day.

He stares at the burning pile that was Fij. Heavy Flamer in hand. One sentence leaving his mouth in murmurs, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. 'She was turning. You had to do it.' He would be commended for preventing a Daemonhost from appearing in the camp. He does not feel anything at all.
Oh the ships weren't the battleships and more just there to deploy the nurgle forces again and turn the planet back into how it was a few years ago. back into a hell hole and the fighting... OH shit, so it was just nurglings and zombies before that was infected and brought over to this planet to cause havoc and disrupt the place to draw in forces, NOW the forces are proper cultists and nurgligns with plague bearers and the like.... oh shit that pysker.

Yup a day in a half later she is dead. that shit was bad and shown she was being infected or had something in the warp force something. Yah PTSD and had to kill his own girlfriend to save himself and the camp but yah. poor kid. a lot different from 3 years ago.

He overhears in the canteen that a fleet from the Glimmering Federation is coming to aid them by "singing some anti-disease Song." Lu does not know what that will accomplish. He only knows there is more to burn with his flamer. Always more. Evermore. 2 billion had become less than 600 million.

Lu is 20 but one day away from 21.

He stares at the horizon, standing atop the trenches, fire reflecting in the goggles of his environmentally sealed suit.

The world is ablaze.

From end to end, fires lick the skies, scorch the ground, dancing upon the air, a wall of pure flames burning it all away.

Burning it all away.

He laughs.

This was the help not promised but the one given. 'Songs of Promethean Fire,' they called it.

He laughs.

It cleanses a world of 500 million to buy enough time for more evacuation fleets to arrive.

He laughs.

And before a sea of fire.

A mind.


Lu is 21.

And he can only laugh as he purifies the world.
Okay to be fair, hearing them 'singing some anti-disease song' sounds weird and hocus pocus stuff that doesn't work if you don't understand the whole thing of our pyskana with melodies and songs. Oh shit, he's... he's numb and only doing orders a hallow shell, and this is the place with the less then 600 million part.

did the Dutchy burn the- Songs of Promethean Fire OH.... the planet burning... Did they focus ALL 100 choirs on the planet to do a exterminatus!? So they couldn't recuse those 500 million with the 30 nurgle ships doing what they did and had to burn the whole thing with the people they couldn't save? at least singing the Song Dirge for Souls stops chaos from grabbing those souls. anddddd Lu broke, just four years in this war and he.... just breaks. damn, I guess just a indication of what we are facing and maybe hint to commit more and get our asses in gear.

Current Warp Tremors: [Restive - Steady].
Oh shit that DROPPED. lowest level right now and considering what we just saw and the Military bonus? pop Cry For The Future and put all actions into Fleet Production with maybe one or two to Singing more Songs and doing an expedition or titan building.

[] Choir Warfare Clause
Thanks to the...actions taken by some of our Choirs sent to the Duchy's Sub-Sectors under threat by the Sect of the Feculant Maggot, Duchess Felicia Heraturis Flori Damelle Glori de Montal Barrypsiel von Wyld van Van Zandt has, officially, requested that the Choirs be allowed to "follow their conscience against Ruin, a foe we all face in equal measures and equal terror." This flies in the face of our standing order to not engage in warfare of any kind, but with the door already kicked open and set on fire, there is merit in considering this proposal, especially as she, subtly, insinuated that we may gain samples of Xeno-Tech that the Duchy has collected over the centuries.
(Gain: Increased Relations with the Van Zandt Free Duchy. Also bribes. Xeno-tech bribes.)
Okay maybe one action here since it gets us some cooperation against the Cults with the Dutchy and is helping relations that we can assign more help to them. Also... it seems because of what the One Hundred Choirs was able to do, act as a ad-hoc exterminatus if focused, the current Duchess is just writing a blank check to let the choirs do what they think is best and probably to send in more choirs. She saw a weapon and wants it unleashed in full.... oh damn she knows us well with those samples of Xeno-tech. Tempting it would give us more Xeno-tech that might be Dark Eldar tech.

[] Watchtower Military Alliance
Ruin is at our doors. We shall not let it in.
(Gain: Cooperative Campaign against the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists.)
Yah we really should do this, I'm worried they might get rolled over and it'd be best to be able to support them without the Watchtower resisting. Also would allow us to push through there.

Van Zandt Free Duchy
Current Relations: Tentatively Positive.
Trend: Rapid Increase
Modifiers: Choir Aid.

Watchtower Confederacy
Current Relations: 'Aight, y'all 'aight.
Trend: Increase
Modifiers: ISC Access.
both went up and I see the Choir Aid REALLY sent relations up because of the support. Watchtower Confederacy thinks we're alright now, so that's good.

Value My Darling or at least one rough translation of it, honestly not sure what to expect from there but another DOAT site that we can get something from.

-[] Flag Armada Nova (44/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Aquarius-Class Fleet Tenders, 6x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers, 16x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 17x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser)
Oh shit, pretty good. almost good it all done now and six that is some honest bullshit there with 6 Fleet Carriers in this. the Cruisers and Grand Cruisers good support, just need to do the Hercules now.

-[] Sector Battle Group Hydralisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
(4x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers 5x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 10x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers)
-[] Sector Battle Group Necrolisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Kraken (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gorgon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gryphon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Wyvern (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dragon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Cyclops (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Phoenix (40/40 Ship Capacity)
Oh wow we got a lot done there, around 9 SBG's ready for deployment if needed. and still a good set up.

-[] Logistic Fleet Mermaid (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
-[] Logistic Fleet Cherub (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
-[] Logistic Fleet Nymph (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
and the logistics fleet are all good and ready, I think we should be good on them but one more should be good and we can rely on those.

-[] Temple Ship/s
(1x The Pantagruel, 1x The Divine Spark, 1x The Last Word)
Oh right the new temple ships, so we got... the Drop of Divinity one with nothing else. the Dive Spark which is more morale and faith that can help with some conversion due to the scriptures being written there, the excess of celery there that can be spared, and the other roles to support the fleet, and then The Last Word for our exterminatus weapon. Still would have liked the Clockwork gun the Kil'drabi meant or the Yeeni Super Lance Cannon.

Uncovered: Revenant and Prophecy II.
Secret: Slumber.
Star Child: Compassion III, Mercy III, Health III, Innovation III, Justice III, Wisdom III, Ruthlessness III, Brutality II, and Love.
Kil'drabi: Paths II, Community II, and Family II.
Irrita: Growth II, Plants, Harmony, and Hunger.
Msk'fa: Comfort, Revenge, and Retribution.
Dirut: Peace, Clockwork, Candle, Time, Sunset, and Dawn.
Just a reminder of that there are a lot of melodies still to research, even just one action for six new melodies would help here.

Oof, the Duchy is struggling against the battleship led Nurgle forces, and we need more anti-Nurgle Songs.
Agreed, we need to produce the Hercules and then send them out to support the dutchy before making another flagship armada and supporting elements to send against the Gore-Sworn Duelists to support the Watchtower, Might be worth to send the Lamenters in as well to try to dogpile them and speedrun them.

More Anti-nurgle songs are must.

It was more "We don't trust each other enough yet that we can send enough dudes to be more than a speedbump" without risking a new outbreak in hostilities. They put their lives in serious danger by advancing in close enough and in enough numbers to Promethean Gaze the planet.

Which, apparently when used by 100 fucking Choirs, is basically an Exterminatus grade weapon.
To be fair it was a good gesture since we didn't know HOW far we could push, this peace that isn't a cold war is new and we didn't want to ruin it and we didn't want to risk 100 choirs so we had them play a support role, problem is this is the dutchy and not the Federation with how we taught the choirs and value of the Federation. Still do NOT expect Exterminatus from that.

You did not, the fleet action was some systems away. This was a deep-strike mission to deny bodies to the Duchy and get bodies, souls, and converts to the Sect.
Oh wow it was THAT far in as a deep strike? damn, so this wasn't even the frontline at all or the strike group with the battleships but the side show with what I assume is cruisers? we denied the Sect one planet from this but we are gonna need to support the Dutchy.

Our alloance shall defeat the chaos force through:

HARMONY AND CHOIRS!:*glimm fed hetalia does a pose*

REDNECK!!:*watchtower pose*

EDUCATION:*mashan pose*

PTSD AND (SELF)HATRED: *duchy soldier with thousand yard stare*

AND NAVAL INDUSTRY!: *shipwright poses*
HAhahaha, nice. and I kinda hate how this actually works well. it is five for a full Ranger team and the number for the star child. I did die at the REDNECK from Watchtower. I needed that laugh. and yah Harmony and Choirs is Glim's focus/thing. Mashan with Education, Dutch with hate and PTSD, and Shipwright with Naval Industry. we just need to come together! which we very well might.

3. 1 Logi = 1 Flag + 4 SBGs. This does not include maintenance, repairs, or supplies beyond morale and food. For that you need at least one Nomadic Fleet plus Logi.
Oh is that the ratio for it? okay so we can make 2 more flag formations and give them 4 SBG's with the current logistics fleet we already built or give more SBG's for more escorts and ability to detach and move around rather then just blob up.

okay so one Nomadic fleet as well to attach to 1 flag, 4 SBG Armada with one logi. or did you mean we also need a logi fleet for the nomadic fleet as well.

Burn Out The Festering Growths - Health, Fire, Hope, Protection, Song
I'd rather take this one along with 'shield us from the influence of four' most bang for our buck but I'd be fine with taking it next turn as long as we already do it.

Yeah, that was super, super cool to see. I'm definitely glad I suggested shaking loose a hundred to help out the Duchy — we definitely got some brownie points there and I'm excited to see those relations continue to normalize. Seeing 100
choirs sing a Level 3 Promethean Gaze wasn't what I was expecting, but definitely cool and kind of did I was intending, haha…
Yah it paid up, I thought it was a little excessive but caught the Dutchy's attention and it did help. It was cool and terrifying. we really haven't used many choirs together besides sniping the Warboss during the WAAAAAGH in Macabre when we had to use something like 25-30 Sun Melodies. we kinda of forget how grouping them up and using the same thing can be.

If we do end up taking a Colonize action, we should go for Gulf's Edge over Chery. The Shipwright's Grove moved closer to it again this turn, and we want them to take it. They're our best friends, it's not like this is a rival taking it. Besides, there's no lack of room in that direction.
Agreed we still need to expand even while doing this. Hence I am bringing up what I asked the QM last time. It was confirmed free as long as we don't do SBGs and go conquest which I dobut we would do with the action crunch right now.

I just ask that planmakers do a free action to send scouts south the sub-sectors we got from the Lords of Eternity, the Chery and Gulf's edge to check out the state of things to see if there is anything interesting? or just use an action to send a few SBG's to go to conquer there.

1. how would things be in this Lamenter Chapter(?) suddenly were in canon 40k out of nowhere due to warp travel shit with all their current gear and ships and numbers?
2. What was the previous standing orders for Choirs? because we did use them during the Voxx Primus uprising and for Sun melodies, implied use of them during battles to support them from the backlines. Is this more because they themselves decided on this and there is a risk in letting the Choirs take charge and do this? or more of a 'this path can lead to falling and having it used against them via daemons' type of deal?
3. how is the Current look of the Hetalia version of the Glimmering Federation and Free Dutchy? and how is the scene of the Fed Glim Nun and her Reverse Harem group look like considering everyone getting a buff and bigger ships?
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As long as we send them Choir support the Duchy can likely hold against the Nurgle cult- or at least lose very slowly. If we can knock out the Khorne cult we can double team the Nurgle cult alongside the Duchy.

Though we'd also like to build up a second doomstack fleet to throw at the Slaanesh cultists.
Instructions unclear, made bigger scout.
[] [Battleship] Steiner-Class "Scout" Battleship
-[] Length - 20.000 Meters (-1 DP)
-[] Width - 3.000 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-4 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus Pattern Armor (-6 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-5 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Spinal Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade/2x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/2x Green Arc Lance Batteries/60x Light Lance Turrets (-22 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Bridges/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations)/Harsh Crew Training/Lattice Hulls/Refractive Hull Coating/Enhanced Strategium/Luxurious Crew Amenities/Augmetic Security Department/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Icons to the Faith/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers/Elite Crews/Zero-Emission Protocols/The Celestial Orrery/Ears of Hare Bnuy/Small On-Board Manufactury/Ghosts Amidst the Stellar Winds/Arcane Lenses/Gravimetric Violation-Modulators (-110 DP)
I know I initially made this as a joke, but with a few minor tweaks this might actually be surprisingly viable. Maybe I should replace the [Emergency Transition Warp Breakers] with a [Micro-Warp Jump Engine]?

@HeroCooky, in astronomical units, what's the approximate range opposing fleets engage each other, the range of micro-warp jumps, and the range of the [Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade]? And how long does it take the average fleet to travel 1 AU?

The fluff of the HTARC says that its range is measured in AUs, plural. Even with the most pessimistic assumption of a base range of 2 AU, [Pure Lenses] and [Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice] would boost its range by an additional 150% to 5 AU.

The distance between Jupiter and the Sun is 5.2 AU.

And this is ignoring whatever boost [Arcane Lenses] would bring to the table. The sniper ship could engage from a range so far from the battlespace that even with a reload time measured in hours, the only practical way to catch it would be by using warp jumps.

And even that's assuming that the enemy could find it in the first place. At such ranges, I'm doubtful that even a gigantic battleship could be detected by enemy sensors, let alone one made to be as stealthy as possible with [Refractive Hull Coating], [Stealth Engine Dampeners], [Zero-Emission Protocols], and [Ghosts Amidst the Stellar Winds].
Anyone remember if the actions gained from Cry for the Future count towards its AP bonus?
They do not. So you don't get a third cry for the future action with this plan because it only contains 8 non-Cry actions. But there's a way to fix that!

The Agenda actions do count for additional agenda actions, which means that you get a second Military Agenda action with this plan. So that frees up Cry to the Future action #1 (just make the "Begin Military Operations" into (Agenda Action 2).

However, to get a third Cry to the Future Action, Cry to the Future action #1 needs to produce an extra bonus action, which means either research or Psykana. I'm going to go with psykana because of how many choirs we have and how many buffs we have for them, and this upgrades Placebo and makes sure all of the new songs are coming in at level III, and gets us halfway to upgrading Foretold Luminous Paths Seen. I also want to send 100 choirs towards the Gore-kissed duelists and see how that does.

Other comments on the plan:
1. We should modify the Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules battleships in it so that Nebula contains some Hercs. They should be excellent brawlers.
-[] [Military] [Free] Redefine The Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules-class Battleships & 4 Virgo-class Fleet Carriers instead of 6 Virgo-class Fleet carriers.
2. The military plan has a couple other tweaks:
A. We should invite the Lamenters along to go step on the Gore-sworn duelists.
B. We should bring the Temple ships along. They're designed to help us fight better against Chaos.
C. You're bringing the Nomadic Fleets that don't have their battleships yet. In fact, these are the ones being upgraded by your build action. They won't be able to provide logistics support.
D. Don't forget to assign the Taurus's to carry the army.
E. Let's send 100 extra choirs distributed across the fleet. We saw the power of that last turn, let's add them on this turn!
F. I say let the fleet push as hard as they can, don't limit them to just one sub-sector.
3. Finally, I think we really want to integrate Black Ash, so I'm throwing the bonus Mechadendrite action towards Duel of the Fates - they'll increase us in size by quite a lot more than a colonization action will.
Edit: 4. Right, gotta turn the ISC back on. Grumble I was hoping that it would turn itself back on after the Confederacy was done. But NOOO.

All of this is edited into my plan below:

[] Plan: Don't Duel the Duelists. Crush Them.
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Hidden Village Subsector)
-[] [Free] Activate the New Dawn ISC.
-[] [Free] Choir Assignments:
--[] Remove 100 Choirs from Hippity, Hoppity, put 40 into Class is in Session, attach 100 choirs to the Fleet, removing them from Dutiful Spirits if necessary.
-[] [Psykana] Turn on Cry for the Future.
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Class is in Session Action)
--[] Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health III, Protection III
--[] Burn Out The Festering Growths - Health III, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Cry for the Future Action 1)
--[] A Burning Sword Against The Foe - Fire III, Death III, Justice III, Struggle III
--[] Nova Explosiva Killinga - Star, Fire III, Death III, Death III, Death III
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session Action 2)
--[] Compassion III, Justice III, Health III, Wisdom II, Prophecy III, Innovation III
-[] [Military] [Free] Redefine The Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules-class Battleships & 4 Virgo-class Fleet Carriers instead of 6 Virgo-class Fleet carriers.
-[] [Military] [Free] Direct the Scouts to scout out Sub-Sectors Chery and Gulf's Edge in detail, in preparation for colonization.
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) x2
--[] Build Flag Armada Nebula
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Military Agenda Action)
--[] Standardize Your SBGs (200 Points)
--[] Build 4x SBGs (Garuda, Enfield, Anansi, Umbra)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Heartbeat of Industry Action)
--[] 5x Nomadic Fleet Upgrades [Automatic] (0.2/1)
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s) (Military Agenda Action 2)
--[] Target: Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists
--[] Objectives: Push back the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists and ensure the safety of the Watchtower Confederacy, after which they are to push into enemy territory and liberate whatever territory possible. Eliminate as many enemy forces as possible to make follow on campaigns against the Khorne cultists easier.
--[] Forces:
---[] Flag Armada Nova
---[] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix)
---[] 9x Old-style Nomadic Fleets (Winged-Deliverance, Dust-Upon-The-Winds, Hot-Sands-Under-Swift-Legs, Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times, Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums, Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times, Stellar-Harvesters, Purpose-Of-Unity, Unimpeded-Festival)
---[] Temple Ships The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark
---[] 100 Choirs attached to the fleet for songs & Melodies.

---[] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph)
---[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper', to ferry around the army and provide scouts/outriders
---[] Archwan Grand Army (28 SAGs), Amratur Grand Army, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Suns, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer
---[] Whatever Lamenters want to come. Battle-Barge time?
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future Action 2 + 3)
--[] Choir Warfare Clause
--[] Watchtower Military Alliance
--[] Duel Of The Fates (5.5/12) (Full mechadendrite action)
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yah that's fair but I need to ask if we NEED to send all five Nomadic fleets there. like two or three I can understand, but is five more just for building a doomstack? just asking the reasoning for that and if we are planning to doomstack there through sheer weight of metal. I would advise supporting the Lamenters via Legion Building or just tossing an action to them training companies to fill up the Battle Barge with enough to crew it. one action and the have 12 companies by next turn and should be... actually done and they should be ready to join us in full. they did 1 action's worth to get 8 companies done, next turn will be .5 for another 4 companies, and if we help they have the 8 other companies meeting the 20 companies needed by their Battle Barge.

Other then that, I DO want to do expeditions and titan building... we have 6 more turns after this to use the military bonus. I guess one more turn of fleet building and doom stack before doing the expeditions and Titan Legio building? but maybe worth another action on songs to grab some more Anti-Chaos songs or just more combat songs.

Oh something to note we do NOT have an ISC active so Aceraptor and Neablis you want to put New Dawn back on?

I know I initially made this as a joke, but with a few minor tweaks this might actually be surprisingly viable. Maybe I should replace the [Emergency Transition Warp Breakers] with a [Micro-Warp Jump Engine]?

@HeroCooky, in astronomical units, what's the approximate range opposing fleets engage each other, the range of micro-warp jumps, and the range of the [Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade]? And how long does it take the average fleet to travel 1 AU?

The fluff of the HTARC says that its range is measured in AUs, plural. Even with the most pessimistic assumption of a base range of 2 AU, [Pure Lenses] and [Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice] would boost its range by an additional 150% to 5 AU.

The distance between Jupiter and the Sun is 5.2 AU.

And this is ignoring whatever boost [Arcane Lenses] would bring to the table. The sniper ship could engage from a range so far from the battlespace that even with a reload time measured in hours, the only practical way to catch it would be by using warp jumps.

And even that's assuming that the enemy could find it in the first place. At such ranges, I'm doubtful that even a gigantic battleship could be detected by enemy sensors, let alone one made to be as stealthy as possible with [Refractive Hull Coating], [Stealth Engine Dampeners], [Zero-Emission Protocols], and [Ghosts Amidst the Stellar Winds].
thing to keep in mind is the speed is only 1 gravity compare to even the light cruisers 4 to 6 gravities. that said it would be an interesting experiment. The Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade is akin to the Nova Cannon, so that should be a good idea.

Edit: and can you do a free action about the scouts getting information for Sub-Sectors Chery and Gulf's Edge? QM mentioned it was something noted.
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I know I initially made this as a joke, but with a few minor tweaks this might actually be surprisingly viable. Maybe I should replace the [Emergency Transition Warp Breakers] with a [Micro-Warp Jump Engine]?

@HeroCooky, in astronomical units, what's the approximate range opposing fleets engage each other, the range of micro-warp jumps, and the range of the [Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade]? And how long does it take the average fleet to travel 1 AU?

The fluff of the HTARC says that its range is measured in AUs, plural. Even with the most pessimistic assumption of a base range of 2 AU, [Pure Lenses] and [Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice] would boost its range by an additional 150% to 5 AU.

The distance between Jupiter and the Sun is 5.2 AU.

And this is ignoring whatever boost [Arcane Lenses] would bring to the table. The sniper ship could engage from a range so far from the battlespace that even with a reload time measured in hours, the only practical way to catch it would be by using warp jumps.

And even that's assuming that the enemy could find it in the first place. At such ranges, I'm doubtful that even a gigantic battleship could be detected by enemy sensors, let alone one made to be as stealthy as possible with [Refractive Hull Coating], [Stealth Engine Dampeners], [Zero-Emission Protocols], and [Ghosts Amidst the Stellar Winds].
Those equipments only boost lance weaponry ranges. The HTARC isn't a lance weapon. I also asked this exact same question before - it kind of doesn't work.
1. Like a large asteroid at first glance. Anything more than "Passive Medium-Alert Level Awareness" will reveal it at least halfway to its intended target. Also, once combat starts it stays uncovered until it Warps out of the system.

yah that's fair but I need to ask if we NEED to send all five Nomadic fleets there. like two or three I can understand, but is five more just for building a doomstack? just asking the reasoning for that and if we are planning to doomstack there through sheer weight of metal. I would advise supporting the Lamenters via Legion Building or just tossing an action to them training companies to fill up the Battle Barge with enough to crew it. one action and the have 12 companies by next turn and should be... actually done and they should be ready to join us in full. they did 1 action's worth to get 8 companies done, next turn will be .5 for another 4 companies, and if we help they have the 8 other companies meeting the 20 companies needed by their Battle Barge.

Other then that, I DO want to do expeditions and titan building... we have 6 more turns after this to use the military bonus. I guess one more turn of fleet building and doom stack before doing the expeditions and Titan Legio building? but maybe worth another action on songs to grab some more Anti-Chaos songs or just more combat songs.

Oh something to note we do NOT have an ISC active so Aceraptor and Neablis you want to put New Dawn back on?

thing to keep in mind is the speed is only 1 gravity compare to even the light cruisers 4 to 6 gravities. that said it would be an interesting experiment. The Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade is akin to the Nova Cannon, so that should be a good idea.

Edit: and can you do a free action about the scouts getting information for Sub-Sectors Chery and Gulf's Edge? QM mentioned it was something noted.
It's to give the fleet logistics support. The battlecolonies build spare parts for the entire fleet.

I'll add in the ISC action and a scouting.

Depending on how this goes next turn might be another Cry for the Future turn where we just put 8 actions into a Very Big Titan.
I've got a murderboat Battleship on the table, but right now, we need to act, see how the New Model Armada holds up against the Ultimate Foe.
They do not. So you don't get a third cry for the future action with this plan because it only contains 8 non-Cry actions. But there's a way to fix that!

The Agenda actions do count for additional agenda actions, which means that you get a second Military Agenda action with this plan. So that frees up Cry to the Future action #1 (just make the "Begin Military Operations" into (Agenda Action 2).

However, to get a third Cry to the Future Action, Cry to the Future action #1 needs to produce an extra bonus action, which means either research or Psykana. I'm going to go with psykana because of how many choirs we have and how many buffs we have for them, and this upgrades Placebo and makes sure all of the new songs are coming in at level III, and gets us halfway to upgrading Foretold Luminous Paths Seen. I also want to send 100 choirs towards the Gore-kissed duelists and see how that does.

Other comments on the plan:
1. We should modify the Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules battleships in it so that Nebula contains some Hercs. They should be excellent brawlers.
-[] [Military] [Free] Redefine The Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules-class Battleships & 4 Virgo-class Fleet Carriers instead of 6 Virgo-class Fleet carriers.
2. The military plan has a couple other tweaks:
A. We should invite the Lamenters along to go step on the Gore-sworn duelists.
B. We should bring the Temple ships along. They're designed to help us fight better against Chaos.
C. You're bringing the Nomadic Fleets that don't have their battleships yet. In fact, these are the ones being upgraded by your build action. They won't be able to provide logistics support.
D. Don't forget to assign the Taurus's to carry the army.
E. Let's send 100 extra choirs distributed across the fleet. We saw the power of that last turn, let's add them on this turn!
F. I say let the fleet push as hard as they can, don't limit them to just one sub-sector.
3. Finally, I think we really want to integrate Black Ash, so I'm throwing the bonus Mechadendrite action towards Duel of the Fates - they'll increase us in size by quite a lot more than a colonization action will.

All of this is edited into my plan below:

[] Plan: Don't Duel the Duelists. Crush Them.
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Hidden Village Subsector)
-[] [Free] Choir Assignments:
--[] Remove 100 Choirs from Hippity, Hoppity, put 40 into Class is in Session, attach 100 choirs to
-[] [Psykana] Turn on Cry for the Future.
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Class is in Session Action)
--[] Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health III, Protection III
--[] Burn Out The Festering Growths - Health III, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Cry for the Future Action 1)
--[] A Burning Sword Against The Foe - Fire III, Death III, Justice III, Struggle III
--[] Nova Explosiva Killinga - Star, Fire III, Death III, Death III, Death III
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session Action 2)
--[] Compassion III, Justice III, Health III, Wisdom II, Prophecy III, Innovation III
-[] [Military] [Free] Redefine The Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules-class Battleships & 4 Virgo-class Fleet Carriers instead of 6 Virgo-class Fleet carriers.
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) x2
--[] Build Flag Armada Nebula
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Military Agenda Action)
--[] Standardize Your SBGs (200 Points)
--[] Build 4x SBGs (Garuda, Enfield, Anansi, Umbra)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Heartbeat of Industry Action)
--[] 5x Nomadic Fleet Upgrades [Automatic] (0.2/1)
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s) (Military Agenda Action 2)
--[] Target: Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists
--[] Objectives: Push back the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists and ensure the safety of the Watchtower Confederacy, after which they are to push into enemy territory and liberate whatever territory possible. Eliminate as many enemy forces as possible to make follow on campaigns against the Khorne cultists easier.
--[] Forces:
---[] Flag Armada Nova
---[] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix)
---[] 9x Old-style Nomadic Fleets (Winged-Deliverance, Dust-Upon-The-Winds, Hot-Sands-Under-Swift-Legs, Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times, Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums, Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times, Stellar-Harvesters, Purpose-Of-Unity, Unimpeded-Festival)
---[] Temple Ships The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark, The Last Word
---[] 100 Choirs attached to the fleet for songs & Melodies.

---[] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph)
---[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper', to ferry around the army and provide scouts/outriders
---[] Archwan Grand Army (28 SAGs), Amratur Grand Army, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Suns, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer
---[] Whatever Lamenters want to come. Battle-Barge time?
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future Action 2 + 3)
--[] Choir Warfare Clause
--[] Watchtower Military Alliance
--[] Duel Of The Fates (5.5/12) (Full mechadendrite action)
I'm pretty sure that 5 of the old style Nomadic fleet is going to be offline this turn because they are being refit. So you could go with 1 of the new style Nomadic Fleets and send 4 of the old style Nomadic fleets. Also the Last Word should be held back because we should keep it as a surprise for when we go for the throat against the Nurgle Cult, targeting the Daemon world. None of the worlds in the bordering subsectors are going to require Exterminatus.

And I'm not sure if we want to risk the Pentagruel just yet. The Pentagruel might be best held back until we go deeper into Chaos held territory.
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I'm pretty sure that 5 of the old style Nomadic fleet is going to be offline this turn because they are being refit. So you could go with 1 of the new style Nomadic Fleets and send 4 of the old style Nomadic fleets. Also the Last Word should be held back because we should keep it as a surprise for when we go for the throat against the Nurgle Cult, targeting the Daemon world.

And I'm not sure if we want to risk the Pentagruel just yet. The Pentagruel might be best held back until we go deeper into Chaos held territory.
We can build another one. Explicitly. We sent it against the Waaagh and it helped a lot (nabbed the Warboss in fact), I don't see a reason to hold it back. I'll hold back The Last Word though.

My read on the Nomadic fleets is that 5 of them are missing their Battleships, but the other 49 ships are all built (ship #50 is the BB).
[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
And 9 of them are old-style, with the smaller battlecolonies attached:
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hot-Sands-Under-Swift-Legs' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Stellar-Harvesters' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Purpose-Of-Unity' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unimpeded-Festival' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
So I'm sending the ones where it actually has the flagship built for each fleet.
@Neablis the Nomadic BBs are finished. The ship count adds up to 49. Also, can I just say that having 5-6 'SBG' formations with differing composition makes book keeping really annoying. We should fix this. As soon as possible.

Edit: And Nomadic fleets have always been a pain for me Choir-wise. They apparently take 3 (now 5) Choirs for FTL travel but none of the ships in their fleets have the psytech for it.
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@Neablis the Nomadic BBs are finished. The ship count adds up to 49. Also, can I just say that having 5-6 'SBG' formations with differing composition makes book keeping really annoying. We should fix this. As soon as possible.

Edit: And Nomadic fleets have always been a pain for me Choir-wise. They apparently take 3 (now 5) Choirs for FTL travel but none of the ships in their fleets have the psytech for it.
Ahhh I'm so confused. Where does it say they're finished? We're finishing them this turn, but we've never been able to deploy ships the turn they were built.

Right here it looks like they're not finished.
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
They're missing one ship, and that ship is the BB, given this threadmark.
My read on the Nomadic fleets is that 5 of them are missing their Battleships, but the other 49 ships are all built (ship #50 is the BB).

And 9 of them are old-style, with the smaller battlecolonies attached:

So I'm sending the ones where it actually has the flagship built for each fleet.
No actually, adding up all the ships in the new model Nomadic Fleet comes out as 49 ships.

1 (Battlecolony)+6 (Heavy Cruiser)+12 (Light Cruiser)+30 (Frigates)
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... then why are they 49/50? And we haven't finished a nomadic fleet autoticker? I think that's a typo, and there's supposed to be 1 more of another ship.
... then why are they 49/50? And we haven't finished a nomadic fleet autoticker? I think that's a typo, and there's supposed to be 1 more of another ship.
Because Nomadic Fleets are a pain. And will continue to be one, along with the rest of our Fleet.

Edit: It's because the 50 is the capacity for their faster FTL, despite none of their ships having the Psytech Equipment that allows it. No clue why that is, but HeroCooky has said it does.
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[] [Battleship] Cetus-class Arsenal Ship
-[] Length
- 28.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Width - 6.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-4 DP)
-[] Armor - Deus Pattern Armor (-6 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-4 DP)
-[] Weapons - Spinal Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade/4x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/4x Green Arc Lance Turrets/40x Light Lance Turrets (-35 DP)
-[] Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategeium/Augmetic Security Department/Chapels to the Five/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Elite Crews/Micro Warp-Jump Engine/Ears of Hare Bnuy/Silent Shimmershroud/Arcane Lenses/Temperature Controls/Living Warp Machines (-91 DP)

"So, what's this abomination you've churned out this time?"

"Well, I've built a ship that has maxed out range, four effective batteries of Arc Weapons which can concentrate fire on any given target with at least three on a single target, a Heavy Tetratek for our pleasant greeting gift to any enemy armada, and 40 light lance turrets for good measure. We have all the +accuracy and -enemy evasion options and our specialty gear that maxes out the rate of fire on our weapons, and we've got Living Warp Machines and Silent Shimmershroud combined with Micro Warp-Jump Engines to just teleport away if anything gets close enough to threaten it, and it can just sort of phase out a little bit if something tries to shoot at it from extreme distance because we have what amounts to being a primitive Holofield"

"Sure, you might kill me if you get into close range, shame that'll never happen"
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... then why are they 49/50? And we haven't finished a nomadic fleet autoticker? I think that's a typo, and there's supposed to be 1 more of another ship.
Probably because the Kil'drabi doctrine means there's a specific ratio of ships they go for, and if there's a slot left over, oh well.

Edit: Also Herocooky wants to mess with us.
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Damn, I think this is the longest plan I've made. At least it's not too degenerate? Maybe next turn we'll swap away from Cry to the Future to one of the new symphony proposals. I think The Symphony of Sacred Wrath is fire.

[X] Plan: Don't Duel the Duelists. Crush Them.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Hidden Village Subsector)
-[X] [Free] Change the Destroyer Auto-build to Lupus Torpedo Destroyers
-[X] [Free] Activate the New Dawn ISC.
-[X] [Free] Choir Assignments:
--[X] Remove 100 Choirs from Hippity, Hoppity, put 40 into Class is in Session, attach 100 choirs to the Fleet, removing them from Dutiful Spirits if necessary.
-[X] [Psykana] Turn on Cry for the Future.
-[X] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Class is in Session Action)
--[X] Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health III, Protection III
--[X] Burn Out The Festering Growths - Health III, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
-[X] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Cry for the Future Action 1)
--[X] A Burning Sword Against The Foe - Fire III, Death III, Justice III, Struggle III
--[X] Nova Explosiva Killinga - Star, Fire III, Death III, Death III, Death III
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session Action 2)
--[X] Compassion III, Justice III, Health III, Wisdom II, Prophecy III, Innovation III
-[X] [Military] [Free] Redefine The Flag Armada to have 2 Hercules-class Battleships & 4 Virgo-class Fleet Carriers instead of 6 Virgo-class Fleet carriers.
-[X] [Military] [Free] Direct the Scouts to scout out Sub-Sectors Chery and Gulf's Edge in detail, in preparation for colonization.
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) x2
--[X] Build Flag Armada Nebula (build 4 Hercules & 2 Virgo so that both of the Flag Armada's can be updated to the new standard next turn)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Military Agenda Action)
--[X] Standardize Your SBGs (200 Points)
--[X] Build 4x SBGs (Garuda, Enfield, Anansi, Umbra)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action) (Heartbeat of Industry Action)
--[X] 5x Nomadic Fleet Upgrades [Automatic] (0.2/1)
-[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s) (Military Agenda Action 2)
--[X] Target: Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists
--[X] Objectives: Push back the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists and ensure the safety of the Watchtower Confederacy, after which they are to push into enemy territory and liberate whatever territory possible. Eliminate as many enemy forces as possible to make follow on campaigns against the Khorne cultists easier.
--[X] Forces:
---[X] Flag Armada Nova
---[X] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix)
---[X] 2x LRADs (Zeta, Epsilon)
---[X] 5x Nomadic Fleet ('Once-Forgotten-Joy', 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled', 'Bastion-Of-Pathways', 'Trade-Guardians')
---[X] Temple Ships The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark
---[X] 100 Choirs attached to the fleet for songs & Melodies.

---[X] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph)
---[X] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper', to ferry around the army and provide scouts/outriders
---[X] Archwan Grand Army (28 SAGs), Amratur Grand Army, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Suns, 1st through 15th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer
---[X] Titan Legio Gladius
---[X] Whatever Lamenters want to come. Battle-Barge time?
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future Action 2 + 3)
--[X] Choir Warfare Clause
--[X] Watchtower Military Alliance
--[X] Duel Of The Fates (5.5/12) (Full mechadendrite action)
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@Neablis I'm 100% certain that the new model Nomad Fleets are finished. Go back and look at the previous turn updates. The Nomad fleet refits go up by .2 every turn. 5 Nomad Fleets are finished refitting. We should send at least one of the new model Nomad fleets. They *are* complete.
Because Nomadic Fleets are a pain. And will continue to be one, along with the rest of our Fleet.

Edit: It's because the 50 is the capacity for their faster FTL, despite none of their ships having the Psytech Equipment that allows it. No clue why that is, but HeroCooky has said it does.
Presumably because they just use the Andromeda like everyone else. The 10 fleet capacity the Hymn of Machines provides doesn't include the ship with the Hymn.