Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

I was just wondering what the current objectives we have to work towards would be?
Currently our major goal is to win a war with the Absolutist Bloc (Russia, Austria, and Scandinavia) without the Entente (Britain and France) interfering or stabbing us in the back to maintain a balance of power. Ideally, we would destroy Austria as a polity and liberate Poland from Russia. To that end, I see our current priorities as

1. Strengthening our armed forces—the Landwehr are doing well right now so we should prioritize our lacking fortifications and our still anemic navy.
2. Strengthening our allies—Spain and Italy are the only two powers we can count on so we want to help them industrialize and improve their own militaries
3. Strengthening our economy—via infrastructure projects, especially electrification now that the tech has advanced enough.
4. Making more allies—The Balkan states (save Bulgaria which is a Russian catspaw) are restful and a good way to threaten Austria, while a dedicated diplomatic offensive could get the US to back us against the Entente
5. Destabilizing the absolutists—by supporting revolutionary organizations in their territory.
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Aw man so I guess we have to empower the Americas so they can get more States right
Enabling American imperialism is both bad and counter to our existing policy (i.e., freedom and independence for Spain's ex-colonies). The republics of this world may seek world power in and through the framework of the Triple (sic.) Alliance, provided they meet the appropriate democratic and social benchmarks.
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How is bundie doing?

Bundie V is doing well. His caretaker is on a local planning council and the hours are much better than they were in the pre-war Assembly, so they see each other more often. He's old enough that he's started showing interest in that nice girl cat down the street, so there may be something brewing there.

Eh not if we do it that includes freedom
Say @Etranger how does the usa veiw germany and socialism at all

That's a complex question and a detailed answer is outside the scope of this quest, but they do have socialist and radical parties (or factions within the big-tent parties, at least) of moderate size who are affiliated with the Second International. Those guys like Germany a lot.
That's a complex question and a detailed answer is outside the scope of this quest, but they do have socialist and radical parties (or factions within the big-tent parties, at least) of moderate size who are affiliated with the Second International. Those guys like Germany a lot.
The Republican Party is undoubtedly better and healthier place as a result of having some sort of guiding ideology to turn to once slavery was 'resolved', rather than just becoming a stinking morass of corruption.
The 1890-1891 update is now posted on Patreon for all $5 patrons and above. It will remain there for about 24 hours and then I'll post it in the thread. Thank you to everyone, patron or otherwise, for your continued support and participation.