Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

I got to say I think it's time to spread Socalism around the world again just like we did with the US so let's send more the the americas so they don't become too corrupted
If we want to help the Japanese radicals, we should help the US radicals first. It has already been pointed out that, even if a Japanese revolution were to succeed, it would still be sorrounded by hostile reactonary powers but by radicalising the US we would be giving them an ally (even if it would be a distant ally).

I sincerely don't know how we should go about radicalising the US (preferably, though, we should avoid provoking a Civil War), that said, the radical movement seemed to be strong enough to force the federal government into enacting a policy so they must be a viable political block. My guess is that they don't hold political positions either due to lack of organization or lack of funding and we could fix both issues.​
If we want to help the Japanese radicals, we should help the US radicals first. It has already been pointed out that, even if a Japanese revolution were to succeed, it would still be sorrounded by hostile reactonary powers but by radicalising the US we would be giving them an ally (even if it would be a distant ally).

I sincerely don't know how we should go about radicalising the US (preferably, though, we should avoid provoking a Civil War), that said, the radical movement seemed to be strong enough to force the federal government into enacting a policy so they must be a viable political block. My guess is that they don't hold political positions either due to lack of organization or lack of funding and we could fix both issues.​
Not entirely surrounded, they'd have the Philippines for a nearby ally. How much good that'll do 'em depends rather a lot on the aid the Philippines gets through the Council framework. I agree with the larger point that the American sections of the IRA should be getting help through the IRA framework.
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The Death (and Revival) of the Microstate: 1891
The Death (and Revival) of the Microstate: 1891

General Overview
Following the annexations of 1864, Europe had just four tiny statelets remaining, as the free cities and principalities of Germany disappeared into the growing Republic. Less than thirty years later, just one remains, and it is not of the original four. What follows is a brief explanation of how the so-called "microstate" declined and fell, ending one of Europe's more curious traditions.

In simple terms, the annexation and dissolution of each microstate can be laid at the hands of radical republicanism. With Germany set to prove itself another revolutionary France, suddenly having a tiny little enclave with its own laws and customs on or within one's borders no longer felt safe to the monarchies of Europe. As for those radical republics, the same was true in reverse; those miniature bastions of tradition could easily become staging grounds for reaction. And so, in the name of perhaps somewhat justified paranoia, they had to go.

The Principality of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein was the first to fall, shortly after the conclusion of the Five Weeks War. During the dissolution of the German Confederation, when the states were enumerated and their claims ceded to the Republic, Liechtenstein was left out of the final treaty owing to a clerical error. In fairness to the clerk in question, there were over 40 states in the German Confederation, and Liechtenstein's position in the middle of the alphabetical list left it devastatingly vulnerable to a misplaced page break.

Instead, two years after the end of the Confederation, the House of Liechtenstein had fallen into ruinous debt, forced to disband its army for budgetary purposes. Much of this debt was owed to creditors in Vienna, where the princely family lived most of the time anyway. As such, rather than continue to prop up yet another dissolute noble line, the Austrian Emperor saw the virtue in eliminating a vulnerability and, in an undeclared military action more akin to a repossession, took control of the tiny principality. It is now part of the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.

The Principality of Andorra
The upheaval in the Principality of Andorra began with a moderate reform movement, which was in turn met by a radical revolution opposed to, of all things, a reformist ban on casinos and gaming houses. In 1881, this conflict became outright civil strife, and hundreds of Andorrans participated in the uprising, either taking the side of the New Reform Council or the Provisional Revolutionary Council, which under its own authority lifted the gambling ban. Finally, the conflict grew out of control and the Bishop of Urgell, one of the Co-Princes of Andorra, asked his fellow Co-Prince, the Emperor of the French, to intercede.

What followed was a short and bloody military invasion by a French infantry brigade, which put down both sides of the unrest and planted the French tricolor in front of the Council building in Casa de la Vall. Its annexation into the department of Ariège soon followed.

The Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino
These two Italian microstates shared each other's fate within months, owing to the outbreak of the Red Revolution in Italy. While the Sammarese Republic was overrun by revolutionary forces and annexed in a fit of patriotic fervor (an unfortunate irony given its history of support for the Garibaldi family), Monaco met its end due to its support of the revolution rather than its resistance to it. The prince of Monaco served as absolute ruler of his fiefdom, and his sovereignty had even been recognized as such by the French Empire following the transfer of the surrounding territory of Nice, but his people remained restive. Rather than continue to serve as rich men's servants and card dealers, they rose up with the Red Banner... and were just as quickly put down by the French Imperial Guard, their numbers insufficient against the combined might of Napoleon's elite.

Vatican City
The fifth, final, unrecognized microstate of Europe is its smallest: Vatican City, a walled enclave within the bounds of the city of Rome. There, the Pope and the high officials of the Catholic Church live under a siege more imagined than real, their Swiss mercenaries guarding them from a revolutionary tide that has more or less subsided. Pius XII has declared himself the Prisoner in the Vatican and writes regular missives calling on the Emperors of France and Austria to free him from captivity, but to no avail. The history of Europe marches onward, and it seems to be leaving the temporal power of the Popes firmly behind it.
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We should leave Vatican City in place for now, so that once we defeat the League we can storm it to provoke France into dragging the Entente into war on our terms.
Just don't hook the Vatican up to the city power or water lines and see how long they last when the rest of the city gets indoor plumbing and electric lights.
Oh, I hadn't realized. I thought it was impassible mountain, not actually hostile mountain land.

NVM then.
There's a limited number of passes through Switzerland and (Austrian) Tyrol that are economically or militarily useful, but are controlled by those respective states.

The good news about Germany and Italy is that we both have lowland borders with Austria (and France), so if we are at war with those powers they at least have to split their defenders to the north and south of the Alps. However, historically, that ain't exactly been a deciding factor for a German-Italian alliance.
The Italian Republic should hold daily military parades in "Saint" Pete's square.
The United States Census Bureau begins using a tabulating machine, which functions by reading punch cards, to process its census results.

Huh. Maybe Communist can put adopting this thing in the next plan?

Our population jump 50 to 56 millions. That's largest population grow we have so far, is this result from error? I feel like it should not increased this much.

Marinewehr does not has its' stats increased yet, but continue improving. The same is true for forts. Understandably, those things take time to pay off. Hopefully we will get them in shape before the next war.

Everything is..pretty fine so far? Economy is booming, living standard is improving, we pass the last couple crisis with the pretty much optimal outcome, and even party realignment and raising partisanship has not impact things all that much. It just feel to good. It's like absolute horrible things are just lurking around the corner.
Huh. Maybe Communist can put adopting this thing in the next plan?

Our population jump 50 to 56 millions. That's largest population grow we have so far, is this result from error? I feel like it should not increased this much.

Marinewehr does not has its' stats increased yet, but continue improving. The same is true for forts. Understandably, those things take time to pay off. Hopefully we will get them in shape before the next war.

Everything is..pretty fine so far? Economy is booming, living standard is improving, we pass the last couple crisis with the pretty much optimal outcome, and even party realignment and raising partisanship has not impact things all that much. It just feel to good. It's like absolute horrible things are just lurking around the corner.

There was a census in 1890, so the figures are now fully up to date (and will get progressively less accurate until the next one in ten years).
Cities must be packed with slums. How about a mass commie block housing program? 5 stories apartments with the bottom floor dedicated for businesses and storage.
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Cities must be packed with slums. How about a mass commie block housing program? 5 stories apartments with the bottom floor dedicated for businesses and storage.

You must be unaware, we already have housing as a guaranteed right for anyone living in the Republic. Unless we are specifically told that we have a housing shortage, this really isn't a problem.
The housing situation in the Republic is a little tight owing to the rapidity of the population increase, but the immigration subsidy program made provisions for housing the incoming population and the National Ration is set up to provide housing as a basic requirement, so there aren't lots of homeless people or anything.
The housing situation in the Republic is a little tight owing to the rapidity of the population increase, but the immigration subsidy program made provisions for housing the incoming population and the National Ration is set up to provide housing as a basic requirement, so there aren't lots of homeless people or anything.
To clarify, this is not implying that there's even a 'normal for a liberal-democracy' number homeless people who are being brushed under the rug in this statement, right?
To clarify, this is not implying that there's even a 'normal for a liberal-democracy' number homeless people who are being brushed under the rug in this statement, right?

The de-commodification of housing in the Republic means that your homeless population is extremely small, percentage-wise, by the standards of any Western capitalist nation at this time. We're talking, like, people actually in the process of moving, or people who live nomadic lifestyles of their own volition, and then maybe a tiny fraction of involuntarily homeless people due to unusual circumstances or a specific issue.
What is the situation regarding religion in three main socialist nations?
With the National Assembly standing at 58 votes to 37 votes for "a government that does not integrate religious organizations into its operations but also does not interfere with their operation" over "a government that actively excludes religious organizations and movements from public life" I would say that progress on continuing the irrelevance of religious institutions in Germany is progressing slowly, but steadily. We could be doing more than we are, but other things are taking priority.
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