Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[] Constitutional Socialists
-[] Lies, Damn Lies, and Logistics
--[] Focus on repairing canals and railroads, especially in the north west and in industrial centres
--[] Negotiate a non-aggression and trade pact with the Netherlands. we can use them to sell to markets that won't accept German flagged ships
--[] Negotiate a similar treaty with Switzerland to allow us to trade and communicate with Italy.
--[] Create a National Assembly of Unions where unions can discuss collective problems and strategies. It should be organised in a parliamentary form
--[] Create a National Army of Labor, guarantee a 40hr work week and two square meals a day to all who join it.

Deleted previous version because I missed the 5 plank limit.
[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Defense against the Monarchists
--[] Initiate a program to rebuild the housing, public utilities, and infrastructure that was damaged from the civil war.
--[] Rebuild and expand existing rail lines, with priority given to networks that would supply the Austrian and Russian fronts.
--[] Expand our shipbuilding capabilities and expand/repair our existing canal networks, such as by establishing a new canal connecting Dortmund and Meppen. Our navy must be ready to act against monarchist aggression from Denmark and Sweden, and more ships will help us further our ties with our friends abroad.
--[] Establish a 40 hour work week without reduction in pay and establish an agency to create and enforce workplace safety standards. We must protect the welfare of the working class and set an example for workers of the world!
--[] We must create a central apparatus, answering to the National Assembly, for investigating and detaining counter-revolutionary forces in the Republic (or strengthen it if one already exists). It is clear by the mere existence of the Imperial Coalition in the civil war that there are still Monarchist forces at work in our country being supported from abroad, and so we must make sure they never again have the chance to undermine our glorious republic!
Here's my plan how we can guillotine every last monarch in the world in a single war.
We rebuild and build up.
Lay the groundwork.
The biggest army the world will see once mobilized.
Coordinating with revolutionaries in other countries.
Wait for the next boom and bust cycle.
When the world enters into recession its go time.
We don't stop until there literally are no more nobles.

If it takes too long we can invade switzerland since it has loads of exiled aristocrats to execute to tide us over while we wait for the next global market crash.
[] Constitutional Socialists
-[] Fox's Form For Forging a Fortuitous Future, with Friends
--[] Focus on repairing canals, railroads, and other infrastructure to support internal commerce along with trade with Spain.
--[] Send a delegation to Spain to form treaties for coordinating economic policies so that both nations can recover economically and support each other where possible.
--[] Form a national commission dedicated to ensuring that local political or communal authority is not used to discriminate or persecute fellow citizens on the basis of activities, opinion, or membership associated with the Civil War.
--[] Create a National Assembly of Unions where unions can discuss collective problems and strategies. It should be organized on a parliamentary model with sub-groups dedicated to specific industries.
--[] Establish a National Agency for the Allocation of Labor that tracks the unfilled jobs throughout the Republic, posts these figures in papers, and helps those that apply or enter the agencies offices to fill these jobs. This service will be free of charge.

Edit: Rough idea is to try and help bolster economic recovery, strengthen ties with Spain, and ensure that post-civil war acrimony doesn't hurt the nation going forward. Those first and last bits should help with those outside the victorious parties buy into Germany as it is now.
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I'm thinking, how much political reconstruction has been done already? We might need socialist plans (or at least a plank) that addresses reintegrating reactionary areas more thoroughly. I see a lot of material rebuilding but we have to ensure people are properly integrated into the new republic. It'd be a shame to repeat the mistakes that left the east as a base for reaction under the first republic.
I'm thinking, how much political reconstruction has been done already? We might need socialist plans (or at least a plank) that addresses reintegrating reactionary areas more thoroughly. I see a lot of material rebuilding but we have to ensure people are properly integrated into the new republic. It'd be a shame to repeat the mistakes that left the east as a base for reaction under the first republic.

You know, that's a very good point. I am gonna throw out the Swiss efforts and add something on that.
[] Moderate Democrats
Plan Win the Peace
--[] Put an end to wartime taxation to stimulate economic growth and reduce the burden on the population.
--[] Began demobilization of the army untill only the professional core remains, with an eye toward reducing military budget as much as feasible.
--[] Reach out to Spain to establish trade treaties.
--[] Support a public work program for restoring and repairing the damaged infrastructure of the republic.
--[] Establish a state sponsored Chamber of Co-operatives, with representatives coming from all influential co-operatives of the German Republic. It will represent the interest of the co-operative sector, advise the government and help the various co-ops form closer partnership with each other.
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Not radical enough.

[] Radical Republicans
-[] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
-[] Giving funding and military equipment to foreign volunteers who wish to return home to fight against those monarchies, especially in the Russian and Austrian Empires. They will have a taste of their own medicine.
-[] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War, with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
-[] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War.
-[] Rebuild and expand war making industries across Germany, we must become ready to take the fight to the reactionaries as soon as possible.

"But Aedan, the country just came out of a ruinous civil war and the country doesn't have the apatite to go to war with half of Europe. We should focus on rebuilding internally and balancing the books."

"Can't hear you over the sounds of foreign monarchies oppressing their peoples and trying to stamp out the Revolution. The war isn't over, their efforts have merely paused. Now we must take the initiative."
I have been asked to make a more serious plan, so here it is.

[] Radical Republicans
-[] Recovery before Revolution
--[] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
--[] Set up training camps and an academy to train and support foreign anti-monarchist forces, to both support our ally Spain and encourage other revolutions eventually.
--[] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
--[] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the yeoman peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War. This will target the land of proven reactionaries and lands which are not presently being used, such as if the owner fled the country.
--[] Establish a national program of pro- Second Republic education and political organization, to prevent the re-entrenchment of reactionary ideas. All citizens will be required to attend monthly meetings which will extoll the virtues of democratic and republicans values, and denounce the evils of all forms of exploitation.
I don't get all the union support, we're a socialist government, the worker's interests are represented directly in the dotp, I don't see much need for unions in this scenario, though I'm fine to have them, but having a bunch instead of unifying everyone into one union seems pointless
The ruling elite will ultimately only ever be the ruling elite, and we cannot expect more for them than to be what they are. Without "lesser" organizations to speak for individual groupings of citizens in time they will be ground underneath for whatever the "greater good" of the day happens to be.

The revolutionary spirit is widespread for now and may last for a time but we must remain prepared to resist the ossification of our instituons and social structures.
The ruling elite will ultimately only ever be the ruling elite, and we cannot expect more for them than to be what they are. Without "lesser" organizations to speak for individual groupings of citizens in time they will be ground underneath for whatever the "greater good" of the day happens to be.

The revolutionary spirit is widespread for now and may last for a time but we must remain prepared to resist the ossification of our instituons and social structures.
The ruling "elite" is the working class, the vast majority of the population and soon to be 100% of it when the lady remnants of fuedalism are gone
I think the goal of devolving power (to local unions or whomever else) is to avoid the creation of a new political class through the processes of parliamentary government.
Devolution has been a method of reactionary return and backsliding whenever it's been done, centralization is key
So er, as someone who's never played the original Springtime of Nations, could someone please give me a quick rundown on what happened and why some people are going 'oh no'?
So er, as someone who's never played the original Springtime of Nations, could someone please give me a quick rundown on what happened and why some people are going 'oh no'?
I didn't participate personally, but from what I understand it was an extremely contentious quest that got a lot of participants very worked up. I was just reading through the original, there are a couple of places where the QM cuts off voting due to how harsh the debate was getting.

Also I'll never forgive you guys for backstabbing the Poles
So er, as someone who's never played the original Springtime of Nations, could someone please give me a quick rundown on what happened and why some people are going 'oh no'?

There's a helpful timeline in the first post if you want in-game events. If you want what happened surrounding the quest, you'll need to track someone down outside the thread.
[] Centrist Independent

-[] Rebuilding infrastructure, including transportation and agricultural sectors, should be the top priority in post-war Germany. This will require coordination between government agencies and the private sector, with an emphasis on efficiency and public health.
-[] Encouraging manual work in reconstruction, especially in politically agreeable areas, will help Germany recover and restore a sense of normalcy. This can be achieved through targeted campaigns and incentives for workers.
-[] Alongside rebuilding efforts, establishing national economic planning agencies will be crucial for guiding the market economy in the absence of the capitalist class. This should include coordinating agencies in various industries to ensure effective service.
-[] With the war over, Germany should focus on reestablishing foreign trade and regulating it through state agencies or trading companies, if necessary. This will require a functioning system and a commitment to fair and ethical trade practices.
-[] Investing in state or NGO-operated social services, such as orphanages, asylums, and veteran's homes, will be essential in supporting those affected by the war and rebuilding a strong and resilient society.

(Fuck it Here's my first plan this whole site)
[] Anarcho-Mutualists
-[]Conquering Bread
--[]Demobilize non-vital Landwehr personnel and conscripts into the civilian labor pool for economic recovery. Where possible assign these groups to repairing their local communities infrastructure.
--[]Aid newly formed cooperative and communal workplaces in their reorganisation and the securing of their supply chains.
--[] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[] With the war over, Germany should focus on reestablishing foreign trade and acquiring of foreign specie. Exhort cooperative industry as every ton of manufactured goods is a train car of grain to feed the children(propaganda ratio may not be accurate).
--[]Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War.
[] Radical Republicans
-[] The Marxist-Jacobin Platform
--[] Continue the successful Army of Labor program and allow conscentious objectors to serve in Labour Battalions during their mandatory service. Entice out of work citizens to also join the labour battalions with steady and fair pay and career opportunities in the democratic structure of the Labour Army. Use the Labour Army to restore critical infrastructure that was damaged by the civil war.
--[] Form and empower units of Red-Gold veterans headed by elected political commissars to persecute monarchists, criminal opportunists exploiting post-civil war instability and to oversee reintegration of former reactionary territories.
--[] Revitalize international trade by reaching out to neutral & friendly countries and enticing them with low tariffs and government backed insurance policies for trade goods.
--[] Turn a blind eye too and encourage smuggling into and out of Austria and Russia. Use smuggling networks to spread subversive literature and insert operatives into the absolutist bloc.
--[] Introduce legislation to grant easy access to asylum & citizenship for republicans and leftists that are oppressed in their home countries or want to help build the progressive future the Second Republic is striving for.
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I don't get all the union support, we're a socialist government, the worker's interests are represented directly in the dotp, I don't see much need for unions in this scenario, though I'm fine to have them, but having a bunch instead of unifying everyone into one union seems pointless
The reason I put in the NAU is that the ConSocs think Parliament is the best thing ever so they want to put the (already existing) unions in a parliament. In other words, it's a brainworm. It could become either a bottom up thing to develop a more syndicalist line of government, or it could become a top down way of aligning labor with the government line. As to which, if either, that's for a future round of voting.
The Constitution of 1880
The Constitution of 1880

This represents a cross-section of relevant parts of the constitution for the purpose of legislating. It is not a complete document, nor is there a complete document on my hard drive somewhere that I just haven't posted, but there is a complete constitution in-universe. I reserve the right to change the wording or insert sections as needed. I have left out specific enumerations of powers except where appropriate to save myself time and effort; they can be assumed to exist. Just because something isn't specifically listed here doesn't mean it isn't present in the hypothetical actual document.

The German Republic is a united and indivisible state consisting principally of workers, farmers, and soldiers, with all other professions acting in support of the three pillars of the nation. The Republic rejects all class and economic distinctions and shall at all times work toward the prosperity of its people. It shall continually strive to protect and defend the inalienable political and social rights of all German citizens, regardless of gender, religion, language, culture, or any other form of difference...

Article I, Section I
The German Republic derives all power from the collective will of its people, who through free and fair elections vest that power in the National Assembly of the Republic, which is the sole fount of honor, authority, and national determination. Any individual in service to or exercising the power of the Republic does so at the behest and with the authorization of the National Assembly, and no other state power can exist without the consent and approval of that Assembly...

Article I, Section II
The National Assembly is a single and unified body of legislators chosen by free and democratic elections from their various localities for two-year terms, subject to recall by their electors or dissolution by decree of the Assembly itself...

Article I, Section III
Any person wishing to serve as delegate for the National Assembly must be at least 21 years of age and a proven resident of the German Republic. They shall be eligible to serve for no more than six terms in the Assembly before being rendered ineligible for future service, including partial and incomplete terms...

Article I, Section IV
The delegates of the National Assembly shall, by majority vote, choose from their number a High Commissioner to serve as Chair of the Steering Commission, contingent upon the continued confidence of that Assembly majority, and who shall direct the proceedings and preside over the deliberations of the Assembly, so long as they retain the confidence of the majority. They shall also, by the same mechanism, choose from their number a Chief Representative to serve as Vice Chair of the Steering Commission, and who shall represent the Republic in national and foreign ceremonies, receive diplomats, and perform other necessary symbolic functions, so long as they retain the confidence of the majority...

Article I, Section VII
Any citizen of the Republic may, upon acquisition of a number of signatures in support equal to five percent of the previous electoral count, initiate a national referendum. These referenda shall be permitted to directly enact laws or to overturn measures passed by the National Assembly, subject to the approval of a majority of the electorate...

Article II, Section I
The National Assembly shall, by majority vote, nominate from among their number the Commissioners of the Republic, who preside over the legislative Commissions which exercise authority over the various bureaus, departments, and committees of the government. Each choice of Commissioner must in turn be ratified by an assembled body representative of those workers or individuals over whom that minister will exercise their authority, and Commissioners shall continue to exercise their authority so long as they retain the confidence of the legislative majority and the majority of those individuals represented...

Article II, Section II
The National Assembly shall, by majority vote, choose from among their number members of a Commission for Constitutional Review, which shall be tasked with reviewing and approving or rejecting all proposed legislation based on its conformity to this constitution and its terms. Any legislation rejected by this Committee shall be returned to its originating Commission for further review and revision...

Article II, Section IV
The National Assembly shall devolve to local authorities such powers as are necessary for their functioning and for the promotion of important services, and shall further permit those local authorities to take necessary measures as regard taxation, security, the rights of minorities, and regional governance...

Article III, Section I
All citizens of the German Republic shall be permitted the right to a fair, free, and speedy trial regarding criminal or civil offenses. In all cases, trials shall be conducted under the auspice of a jury of the accused's peers, which shall be empowered to pass judgment and sentence upon the accused. Trained jurists shall be retained by the Republic to represent the interests of all parties, as well as to serve as neutral arbiters, and shall provide all necessary legal advice to the jury and the participants...

Article IV, Section I
The military of the German Republic shall be the national and democratic Leutewehr, whose membership shall be derived from the body of citizens making up the Republic and from those foreign nationals who volunteer their service on the Republic's behalf, and the Leutewehr shall be vested with such authority as is necessary for the defense of the nation and its borders. The Leutewehr shall consist of the terrestrial Landwehr and the maritime Marinewehr, and may further be assisted in its duties by other military bodies duly constituted by law, which are subordinate to it...

Article V, Section II
Citizens of the German Republic shall possess the right to freely express themselves, speak, associate, publish, and assemble in accordance with their personal views. Any restriction of this right must be enacted in the course of the preservation of the democratic and socialist Republic; no speech attacking the Republic, the democratic system on which it functions, or its right to govern shall be permitted...

Article V, Section III
Citizens of the German Republic shall be permitted to own personal property without restriction or fear of confiscation. However, any property capable of supporting, housing, or employing more than a single individual and their immediate family shall be considered private property, and shall be liable for reorganization or confiscation without compensation, according to the laws established by the National Assembly...

Article V, Section IV
Citizens of the German Republic shall be entitled to abundant and universally accessible rights regarding their participation in the workplace, medical care, education, child care, elder care, and other necessary fields of social and economic endeavor, according to the laws established by the National Assembly...
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