Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[X] Radical Republicans
-[X] Recovery before Revolution
--[X] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
--[X] Set up training camps and an academy to train and support foreign anti-monarchist forces, to both support our ally Spain and encourage other revolutions eventually.
--[X] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
--[X] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the yeoman peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War. This will target the land of proven reactionaries and lands which are not presently being used, such as if the owner fled the country.
--[X] Establish a national program of pro- Second Republic education and political organization, to prevent the re-entrenchment of reactionary ideas. All citizens will be required to attend monthly meetings which will extoll the virtues of democratic and republicans values, and denounce the evils of all forms of exploitation.
[X] Constitutional Socialists
-[X] Rebuild better than before
--[X] A sensible plan of demobilization and recovery must be launched. The rehabilitation of all public infrastructure otherwise damaged or backwards, alongside the retooling of industries towards civilian production through the usage of surplus labor from demobilized soldiers returning home.
--[X] Establish a program of worker's rights, including a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize, and a nationwide union shop for any workplace that has a union.
--[X] Begin a job guarentee program to be employer of last resort, entirely eliminating unemployment. This program is to begin by working on construction and infrastructure projects, rebuilding the nation better than before.
--[X] Establish government funded free childcare, allowing parents to drop off their children before work. New childcare buildings are to be placed near workplaces.
--[X] Try to focus on building up fertilizers, tractors, etc. to build up food production capacity.

Yeah yeah I'm betraying the revolution, we need infrastructure.
[X] Constitutional Socialists
-[X] Rebuild better than before
--[x] A sensible plan of demobilization and recovery must be launched. The rehabilitation of all public infrastructure otherwise damaged or backwards, alongside the retooling of industries towards civilian production through the usage of surplus labor from demobilized soldiers returning home.
--[X] Establish a program of worker's rights, including a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize, and a nationwide union shop for any workplace that has a union.
--[X] Begin a job guarentee program to be employer of last resort, entirely eliminating unemployment. This program is to begin by working on construction and infrastructure projects, rebuilding the nation better than before.
--[X] Establish government funded free childcare, allowing parents to drop off their children before work. New childcare buildings are to be placed near workplaces.
--[X] Try to focus on building up fertilizers, tractors, etc. to build up food production capacity.
[X] Centrist Independents
-[X] Plan The Numbers, Mason, What Do They Mean
--[X] Reconstruction must be the first and primary item, of course. Ruined buildings must be torn down or rebuilt, basic commerce and services must be restored. Germany's cities must return to a state of normalcy.
--[X] Key transportation infrastructure must be repaired. Nationwide freight and passenger rail, canals and highways - all monitored by a government coordinating agency to ensure effective service.
--[X] As a broader point of economic philosophy, while self-management and worker ownership is obviously the future of political economy, the abolition of the capitalist class has also, ah, abolished many of the mechanisms that guided the market economy. That's all well and good, but someone must see the bigger picture. Establish national economic planning agencies, including coordinating agencies in the various industries.
--[X] With the war behind us, Germany is open for business! We must work to reestablish foreign trade and some sort of functioning system for regulating it, establishing state agencies or trading companies if they prove necessary.
--[X] The fighting destroyed countless lives, and the Republic must do what little it can to pick up the pieces. Invest heavily in state or NGO-operated orphanages, asylums, veteran's homes, and other such social services.



[X] Radical Republicans
-[X] The Marxist-Jacobin Platform
--[X] Continue the successful Army of Labor program and allow conscentious objectors to serve in Labour Battalions during their mandatory service. Entice out of work citizens to also join the labour battalions with steady and fair pay and career opportunities in the democratic structure of the Labour Army. Use the Labour Army to restore critical infrastructure that was damaged by the civil war.
--[X] Form and empower units of Red-Gold veterans headed by elected political commissars to persecute monarchists, criminal opportunists exploiting post-civil war instability and to oversee reintegration of former reactionary territories.
--[X] Revitalize international trade by reaching out to neutral & friendly countries and enticing them with low tariffs and government backed insurance policies for trade goods.
--[X] Turn a blind eye too and encourage smuggling into and out of Austria and Russia. Use smuggling networks to spread subversive literature and insert operatives into the absolutist bloc.
--[X] Introduce legislation to grant easy access to asylum & citizenship for republicans and leftists that are oppressed in their home countries or want to help build the progressive future the Second Republic is striving for.

The thirst of Madame Guillotine shall never truly be sated, but we can damn well try with the blood of reactionaries.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.

I'm not necessarily in the war camp but the ConSocs are going rather soft and this is mostly internal concerns anyway. Feels kinda like letting their moderate wing have control but oh well.
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[X] Constitutional Socialists
-[X] Rebuild better than before
--[X] A sensible plan of demobilization and recovery must be launched. The rehabilitation of all public infrastructure otherwise damaged or backwards, alongside the retooling of industries towards civilian production through the usage of surplus labor from demobilized soldiers returning home.
--[X] Establish a program of worker's rights, including a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize, and a nationwide union shop for any workplace that has a union.
--[X] Begin a job guarentee program to be employer of last resort, entirely eliminating unemployment. This program is to begin by working on construction and infrastructure projects, rebuilding the nation better than before.
--[X] Establish government funded free childcare, allowing parents to drop off their children before work. New childcare buildings are to be placed near workplaces.
--[X] Try to focus on building up fertilizers, tractors, etc. to build up food production capacity.



ABC- Always be Censusing.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.
[X] Centrist Independents
-[X] Plan The Numbers, Mason, What Do They Mean
--[X] Reconstruction must be the first and primary item, of course. Ruined buildings must be torn down or rebuilt, basic commerce and services must be restored. Germany's cities must return to a state of normalcy.
--[X] Key transportation infrastructure must be repaired. Nationwide freight and passenger rail, canals and highways - all monitored by a government coordinating agency to ensure effective service.
--[X] As a broader point of economic philosophy, while self-management and worker ownership is obviously the future of political economy, the abolition of the capitalist class has also, ah, abolished many of the mechanisms that guided the market economy. That's all well and good, but someone must see the bigger picture. Establish national economic planning agencies, including coordinating agencies in the various industries.
--[X] With the war behind us, Germany is open for business! We must work to reestablish foreign trade and some sort of functioning system for regulating it, establishing state agencies or trading companies if they prove necessary.
--[X] The fighting destroyed countless lives, and the Republic must do what little it can to pick up the pieces. Invest heavily in state or NGO-operated orphanages, asylums, veteran's homes, and other such social services.
[x] Moderate Democrats
Plan Win the Peace
--[x] Put an end to wartime taxation to stimulate economic growth and reduce the burden on the population.
--[x] Began demobilization of the army untill only the professional core remains, with an eye toward reducing military budget as much as feasible.
--[x] Reach out to Spain to establish trade treaties.
--[x] Support a public work program for restoring and repairing the damaged infrastructure of the republic.
--[X] Establish a state sponsored Chamber of Co-operatives, with representatives coming from all influential co-operatives of the German Republic. It will represent the interest of the co-operative sector, advise the government and help the various co-ops form closer partnership with each other.
[X] Centrist Independents
-[X] Plan The Numbers, Mason, What Do They Mean
--[X] Reconstruction must be the first and primary item, of course. Ruined buildings must be torn down or rebuilt, basic commerce and services must be restored. Germany's cities must return to a state of normalcy.
--[X] Key transportation infrastructure must be repaired. Nationwide freight and passenger rail, canals and highways - all monitored by a government coordinating agency to ensure effective service.
--[X] As a broader point of economic philosophy, while self-management and worker ownership is obviously the future of political economy, the abolition of the capitalist class has also, ah, abolished many of the mechanisms that guided the market economy. That's all well and good, but someone must see the bigger picture. Establish national economic planning agencies, including coordinating agencies in the various industries.
--[X] With the war behind us, Germany is open for business! We must work to reestablish foreign trade and some sort of functioning system for regulating it, establishing state agencies or trading companies if they prove necessary.
--[X] The fighting destroyed countless lives, and the Republic must do what little it can to pick up the pieces. Invest heavily in state or NGO-operated orphanages, asylums, veteran's homes, and other such social services.
[X] Radical Republicans
-[X] Recovery before Revolution
--[X] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
--[X] Set up training camps and an academy to train and support foreign anti-monarchist forces, to both support our ally Spain and encourage other revolutions eventually.
--[X] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
--[X] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the yeoman peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War. This will target the land of proven reactionaries and lands which are not presently being used, such as if the owner fled the country.
--[X] Establish a national program of pro- Second Republic education and political organization, to prevent the re-entrenchment of reactionary ideas. All citizens will be required to attend monthly meetings which will extoll the virtues of democratic and republicans values, and denounce the evils of all forms of exploitation.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.
[X] Radical Republicans
-[X] Recovery before Revolution
--[X] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
--[X] Set up training camps and an academy to train and support foreign anti-monarchist forces, to both support our ally Spain and encourage other revolutions eventually.
--[X] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
--[X] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the yeoman peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War. This will target the land of proven reactionaries and lands which are not presently being used, such as if the owner fled the country.
--[X] Establish a national program of pro- Second Republic education and political organization, to prevent the re-entrenchment of reactionary ideas. All citizens will be required to attend monthly meetings which will extoll the virtues of democratic and republicans values, and denounce the evils of all forms of exploitation.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.
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[x] Moderate Democrats
Plan Win the Peace
--[x] Put an end to wartime taxation to stimulate economic growth and reduce the burden on the population.
--[x] Began demobilization of the army untill only the professional core remains, with an eye toward reducing military budget as much as feasible.
--[x] Reach out to Spain to establish trade treaties.
--[x] Support a public work program for restoring and repairing the damaged infrastructure of the republic.
--[X] Establish a state sponsored Chamber of Co-operatives, with representatives coming from all influential co-operatives of the German Republic. It will represent the interest of the co-operative sector, advise the government and help the various co-ops form closer partnership with each other.

We must uuuuuh demobilize so that other nations will come to free us see we intend no aggression.
[X] Radical Republicans
-[X] The Marxist-Jacobin Platform
--[X] Continue the successful Army of Labor program and allow conscentious objectors to serve in Labour Battalions during their mandatory service. Entice out of work citizens to also join the labour battalions with steady and fair pay and career opportunities in the democratic structure of the Labour Army. Use the Labour Army to restore critical infrastructure that was damaged by the civil war.
--[X] Form and empower units of Red-Gold veterans headed by elected political commissars to persecute monarchists, criminal opportunists exploiting post-civil war instability and to oversee reintegration of former reactionary territories.
--[X] Revitalize international trade by reaching out to neutral & friendly countries and enticing them with low tariffs and government backed insurance policies for trade goods.
--[X] Turn a blind eye too and encourage smuggling into and out of Austria and Russia. Use smuggling networks to spread subversive literature and insert operatives into the absolutist bloc.
--[X] Introduce legislation to grant easy access to asylum & citizenship for republicans and leftists that are oppressed in their home countries or want to help build the progressive future the Second Republic is striving for.
[X] Constitutional Socialists
-[X] Rebuild better than before
--[X] A sensible plan of demobilization and recovery must be launched. The rehabilitation of all public infrastructure otherwise damaged or backwards, alongside the retooling of industries towards civilian production through the usage of surplus labor from demobilized soldiers returning home.
--[X] Establish a program of worker's rights, including a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize, and a nationwide union shop for any workplace that has a union.
--[X] Begin a job guarentee program to be employer of last resort, entirely eliminating unemployment. This program is to begin by working on construction and infrastructure projects, rebuilding the nation better than before.
--[X] Establish government funded free childcare, allowing parents to drop off their children before work. New childcare buildings are to be placed near workplaces.
--[X] Try to focus on building up fertilizers, tractors, etc. to build up food production capacity.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.

Forward, comrades, always forward!
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.

Be a bit inappropriate Not to host an International.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.

Eh, I was planning on jumping ship eventually and as Nyvis said there's nothing overly aggressive here.
[X] Anarcho-Mutualists
-[X] Federation of Mutual Credit
--[X] Connect local mutual banks into a Federation of Mutual Credit Banks.
--[X] Organize urban mutual aid systems to help demobilized soldiers.
--[X] Sponsor co-operative workplace, industries, and farms via favorable loans from Mutual credit banks and hiring of demobilized workers.
--[X] Connect co-operative workplace, industries, and farms to one another from producer to distributor through favorable pricing.
--[X] Sponsor workers purchase of their own industry, workplace, and farms using state funds and local mutual credit banks loans.