Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

The first quest involved Christian Socialism getting perceived as reactionary and largely shot down. Given that and Germany's historical religious divides (and the number of times we've legally looted church estates for money) that has a high chance of backfiring.
And have a care for the non-Christians too.
Eines tages werde ich an deine seite zurückkehren.

Le retour of the quest, for the Vanguardists shall turn Germany into an armed camp for the world revolution! (This is a good thing.)
Meh, better than what Robspierre did.

Something tells me if we go full Robspierre, we'd see a recreation of the later years of the French Revolution to occur, with our own Napoleon Bonaparte at the end of it.
I repeat: Jacobins are in the ruling coalition.

Overall, the political mood in the country is that Robespierre didn't go far enough.
Didn't play the first SoN, did the constitution of 1881 provide women's suffrage?
Here's my proposal for a Radical Republican plan. I really want suggestions, I feel as if it's not Republican enough, but it's the general gist of what I think needs to be done.

[] Radical Republicans
-[] Ease wartime taxation to ease the burden on the people and encourage economic growth. Attempt to temporarily accept payment in goods such as crops, which will be used to prevent the specter of famine from becoming a reality.
-[] Reach out to our Republican brethren in Spain and America to try and stabilize our desperate economic situation through trade. In addition, make diplomatic contact with the new Union of Central American States in an attempt to do the same.
-[] Ensure that in the event of reactionary uprising or invasion, Landwehr reserves and garrisons are able to be deputized to support the police.
-[] Begin the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War.
-[] Begin rebuilding the industrial centers, reorganizing them into models of the democratic and Republican ideal. Tear down any reactionary monuments and erect new ones to Revolutionary Heroes of the Republic!

Super special sixth plank - Anytime Bundie isn't being written about, all the voters should be asking "Where's Bundie?" @Etranger please take this into consideration.
Not radical enough.

[] Radical Republicans
-[] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
-[] Giving funding and military equipment to foreign volunteers who wish to return home to fight against those monarchies, especially in the Russian and Austrian Empires. They will have a taste of their own medicine.
-[] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War, with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
-[] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War.
-[] Rebuild and expand war making industries across Germany, we must become ready to take the fight to the reactionaries as soon as possible.

"But Aedan, the country just came out of a ruinous civil war and the country doesn't have the apatite to go to war with half of Europe. We should focus on rebuilding internally and balancing the books."

"Can't hear you over the sounds of foreign monarchies oppressing their peoples and trying to stamp out the Revolution. The war isn't over, their efforts have merely paused. Now we must take the initiative."
For VanCom and/or ConSoc plans, I'm afraid I must insist on an immediate legal limitation of the working day to 40 hours for all workers, with no reduction in weekly take-home pay.
you fool! you would handicap our production of surplus value after a bloody civil war that destroyed the People's Capital Stocks? counter-revolutionary wrecker!
Not radical enough.

[] Radical Republicans
-[] Confirm the civil war measures of the Army of Land and Army of Labor as an organizing principle for Germany in war time. We must prepare for the next wars, and all resources will need to be brought to bear effectively.
-[] Giving funding and military equipment to foreign volunteers who wish to return home to fight against those monarchies, especially in the Russian and Austrian Empires. They will have a taste of their own medicine.
-[] Expand existing institutions to support Red-Gold veterans of the Civil War, with jobs and money, their sacrifices in war time must be honored and rewarded.
-[] Continue the process of land expropriation and redistribution to the peasantry, especially in the reactionary parts of Germany which rose up during the Civil War.
-[] Rebuild and expand war making industries across Germany, we must become ready to take the fight to the reactionaries as soon as possible.

"But Aedan, the country just came out of a ruinous civil war and the country doesn't have the apatite to go to war with half of Europe. We should focus on rebuilding internally and balancing the books."

"Can't hear you over the sounds of foreign monarchies oppressing their peoples and trying to stamp out the Revolution. The war isn't over, their efforts have merely paused. Now we must take the initiative."
Absolutely correct and based. However, could I also suggest providing resources/having diplomatic contact with friendly countries through our returning volunteers? We must not abandon our sister republic in Spain!
Centrist things
- expand the definition of enfranchising compulsory service to include nonmilitary forms of service (public labor corps and other things the state may require)
- focus the state owned sector of the economy on public conveniences like cafeterias, hostels and theaters rather than factories or farms
- introduce standardized and comprehensive civil service examinations updated to the current constitutional order and technological age
- Offer a recognition of National Government debt in exchange for a military alliance with Britain
- Shore up the Italian alliance with an agreement regarding favorable trade andpreventing German political groups from disseminating propaganda to Italy
You Are Not Immune To Social Engineering.

And by you I mean Etranger specifically.

I'm back for the Red, Gold, and Green, but for the love of Marx can we at least build some guillotines first before we declare war? Ideally guillotine factories?
I believe with the innovations of the 91 years we can make a more efficient method of decapitation.
For discussion. And do we indicate coalition partners or is that not a thing this time 'round?

[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Mandate a work week no longer than 40 hours, with no reduction in workers' weekly take-home pay, throughout all state, co-operative, and remaining private enterprises. Commission worksite inspectorates empowered to enforce compliance, and establish reporting incentive payments.
-[] Connect Dortmund and Meppen by a modern ship canal, to at least the standard of the canal in Holstein, under state ownership and with the works self-managed; and dredge the lower Ems to accommodate modern ships. Employ workers sufficient to the project, at prevailing wages and for no more than 40 hours per week.
-[] Rehabilitate aqueduct and sewer infrastructure damaged by the civil war, aqueducts to be placed under state and sewers under municipal ownership and with the works self-managed, taking the opportunity to modernize plumbing and water treatment to the latest standard for the benefit of the public health. Employ workers sufficient to the project, at prevailing wages and for no more than 40 hours per week.
-[] Rehabilitate rail, telephone, and telegraph infrastructure damaged by the civil war, under state ownership and with the works self-managed, taking the opportunity to modernize signals and yard systems to the latest standard. Employ workers sufficient to the project, at prevailing wages and for no more than 40 hours per week.
-[] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.
I wish we were an Empire, so our party name can be: Imperial Socialist Party.
[X] Vanguard Communists
-[X] The Arduous March
--[X] An affirmation of the maximalist program for the pursuit of total annihilation of all forms of commodity production and world communism by any means. Conversely, a minimum program for a 40 hour work week, higher safety standards, a right to unionize and a national union shop shall be enshrined within the party program.
--[X] The empowerment of worksite safety and compliance inspectorates to investigate violations and enforce the compliance of new working laws. Respect must be given to the complaints of the working people regardless of their frivolity to the eyes of the state.
--[X] The creation of the People's Labor Army, a peacetime state-led organization modelled after the wartime Army of Labor, composed of demobilized soldiers and mandating union membership for the purposes of more efficient rehabilitation of state infrastructure and general post-war cleanup operations. Additionally, civilian industries that face a chronic shortage of personnel shall receive manpower from the PLA to replenish their production capacities, conditioned on adopting a union shop.
--[X] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[X] Invite workers', communist, and socialist parties, and trade and industrial unions, throughout the world to attend a grand congress in Cologne for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our forces against the capitalist empires, as did the esteemed Belgian and French and other workers' volunteers during the Civil War.

World Revolution NOW!*
*T&C apply.
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We've all been hyped up by Jacobin memes. We've become too unhinged to function in a republic. Evolved, but untamed.

So, rather than voting for some Marcobin Vanguard platform of maintaining wartime mobilized, I think we should probably recover from the civil war first. There are several cities that are still on fire in Germany. Our rail network got obliterated between factions. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands are injured and dead. Some of our major industrial cities got hit during the war. Our gold reserve was smuggled out of the country by the National Government to Austria to pay for imports and to escape with it when they lost the war.

In short, we're in a tight spot. The Ruhr managed to survive intact, so thankfully we still have it as a massive industrial base. Zimmerwalkd's plan is solid. It focuses on putting the energy on rebuilding, which we need to do.
[] Centrist Independent (Technocratic)
- [] Streamline the labor corps to ensure maximum efficiency - from each according to their ability, workers shall be organised so men may work according to their expertise.
-- [] Analyse agricultural activity and coordinate government assistance to the fields hardest hit by warfare. We cannot let famine run amok in the Republic!
--- [] Ensure the cleanliness of agricultural/hydrological product coming fron the fields to keep pestilence away.
- [] Rebuild the transportation infrastructure our nation relies upon, restoring critical trade routes based on national priority.
-- [] Call upon Americans with expertise for investment and advice on the renewal of German rail.
--- [] Based on mortality/development data, construct utilities throughout Germany (particularly in ailing cities) with a emphasis on public health.
---- [] Contact the brightest medical minds to work with the Republic in preventing post-war outbreaks of various maladies.
----- [] In line with sanitary advice, begin a program of widespread vaccination against common ailments based on medical data.
- [] In areas politically amendable, begin a campaign to encourage manual work in reconstruction. Germany cannot survive behind a desk.

Revive, rebuild, renew!
[] Centrist Independents
-[] Reconstruction must be the first and primary item, of course. Ruined buildings must be torn down or rebuilt, basic commerce and services must be restored. Germany's cities deserve to recapture a sense of normalcy.
-[] Key transportation infrastructure must be repaired. Nationwide freight and passenger rail, canals and highways - all monitored by a government coordinating agency to ensure effective service.
-[] As a broader point of economic philosophy, while self-management and worker ownership is obviously the future of political economy, the abolition of the capitalist class has also, ah, abolished many of the mechanisms that guided the market economy. That's all well and good, but someone must see the bigger picture. Establish national economic planning agencies, including coordinating agencies in the various industries.
-[] With the war behind us, Germany is open for business! We must work to reestablish foreign trade and some sort of functioning system for regulating it, establishing state agencies or trading companies if they prove necessary.
-[] The fighting destroyed countless lives, and the Republic must do what little it can to pick up the pieces. Invest heavily in state or NGO-operated orphanages, asylums, veteran's homes, and other such social services.

i'm from the government and I'm here to help.
By jingo, I can't believe's it back. And here I thought the time would never come again where I would get to LARP as a jacobin online. Does anyone have a link to the former discord, or has that been discontinued?