--[] With the King of Metal, Gold, cast out of the nation, now it is time to introduce the Silver Mark, to build up our ability to make debt repayments and increase foreign trade, without hurting the value of our currency or impacting domestic currency exchange. Institute similar caps on silver as gold and create a silver reserve alongside our gold reserve to stabilize the Mark further, as well as increase debt repayments.
This bimetallism is meant to be foreign trade only right? Since the current system is gold standard for foreign trade and sort-of fiat for domestic commerce.
--[] The first priority must be the health of our people. Establish new medical schools to train doctors and begin creating subsidized, low-cost clinics. Expand the production of medicine.
Hmm, perhaps add the larger, similarly outpatient-care focused policlinics to this plank?
--[] Second is our children. Recognize childcare (and other domestic labor) as labor with the attendant benefits and begin establishing and expanding state-sponsored creches and orphanages. Begin expanding and improving primary and secondary schooling, including promoting progressive educational methods.
I think we currently have state-owned creches & orphanages too (part of "cradle-to-grave care"), with a separate network of civil society organization-based ones organized by AnConf (at least, I assume AnConf organizes them locally, QM can correct me if I'm wrong on that). Maybe revise "and begin establishing and expanding state-sponsored creches and orphanages" into ", expand state-owned creches and orphanages, as well as begin sponsoring community creches and orphanages"?
--[] Third, the railroads are the network that tie Germany together. They must be expanded and improved. Implement double-tracking where efficient, purchase new, higher-powered locomotives, expand the network.
I like trains - I think certain configurations are the best outside of very long distances or naval transport - but I wonder if we've reached a saturation point where all intercity & inter-prefecture connections are completed and it's mostly improving those tracks. Maybe a general "improve & expand infrastructure" plank? That could be fused into a single plank with the fourth-priority plank:
--[] Fourth, while cities are still being rebuilt, it is time to improve them. Ensure easy access to public transport, provide green spaces, parks, and zoos, and make it so that all the essentials of life are easily accessible. Experiment with urban planning!
If you do, there's room for one more plank. Some possibilities below (non-ConSocs feel free to steal em if you like em):
1. Create the Governance Audit Bureau to investigate corruption, money laundering, & complaints regarding government administration. Other powers include evaluation of management and accountability of central and local state finances - including related bodies such as state-owned firms.
OOC: Combining various Indonesian anti-corruption & audit services + Sun Yat-Sen's Control Yuan idea (which has been
watered down at varying levels in IRL RoC & Taiwan
2. Experiment with more participative forms of schooling, encouraging both teachers and students to take an active part in organizing less hierarchical education
OOC: Last turn's anarchist plank which they failed to pass - while somehow managing to pass the local planning plank. Could be expanded further by adding general improvement of education facilities & standardization. Perhaps something like empowering student governments?
3. Welcome the marginalized of the world to Germany, offering citizenship and employment to those who lack a nation, are persecuted where they live or just want opportunities in a country that respect their contribution as workers
OOC: Perhaps this could be expanded to foster some sort of Jewish Labor Bundism (and similar analogues for other marginalized ethnic groups)?
Edit2: Yes this is another AnConf plank I stole to suggest for ConSoc
Edit: Oh shit I forgot this one
4. Encourage German credit unions and cooperative banks to disburse loans at favorable rates in order to foster the creation of co-ops in countries we have trade agreements with, then incentivize both said co-ops and German ones to freely associate as confederations of autonomous worker enterprises.
OOC: Inspired by Mondragon's free association that co-ops can back out anytime without capital, & the realization that the previous attempt of "co-ops internationalization" has to deal with current-era protectionism.