[] [BOHEMIA] Accept the request.
[] Plan: Long Promised Vienna by Christmas
-[] Initiate an offensive toward Konigsberg (Gold).
-[] Initiate an offensive toward Vienna (Pink).
-[] Ask the Allies to initiate a full offensive.
-[] Deploy the Allied fleet to contest the eastern Baltic Sea.
-[] Ask the Allies to threaten the Dalmatian coast.
For the military options, I'm not 100%, a defensive stance in Poland rather than an Offensive against Konigsberg might be a good idea considering word reaching us of a planned Russian counterattack to relieve Austria.. Or if we want to play a little risky, perhaps all three?
On the other hand though, the Russians have not had the best showing on the offensive, and if they're trying to attack us, then their defenses around Konigsberg will be weakened, and they are getting better on that front.