Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

You know, "marching on Vienna" has been the byword for deposing tyrannical monarchs since SoN 1, but…if we peace out with Scandinavia, take Koenigsberg, and move into the Eastern Baltic, is it possible that we could launch a naval invasion of Saint Petersburg?
That seems overly ambitious to me. I feel like any sort of invasion of Russia is a bad idea for us.
A naval invasion of St.petersburg is suicidal to the extreme, and pointless to boot.I don't think I need to explain why.
That seems overly ambitious to me. I feel like any sort of invasion of Russia is a bad idea for us.
Military action doesn't suddenly turn into a disaster if we cross into Russia proper. The issue is our logistical tether but if the naval war continues to go our way we can support a push on St. Petersburg through the Baltic States via shipping.
Military action doesn't suddenly turn into a disaster if we cross into Russia proper. The issue is our logistical tether but if the naval war continues to go our way we can support a push on St. Petersburg through the Baltic States via shipping.

Having trouble with Russian partisans?
Peasants sheltering Tsarist soldiers?
Orthodox Church getting you down?

We have the solution for you: try LAND REFORM! One-hundred-percent effective at bringing rural areas to your side, comes with free collectivization if it doesn't work for you.
Never be menaced by local nobles again with LAND REFORM! Simply apply the policy of land to the tiller and see all your problems melt away.

Don't believe us? Listen to previous customers:
I was having trouble with uppity nobles, but when the peasants rose up and took their lands, they all ran away- Maximilien Robespierre, 1792
Guaranteed to end all your slavers, would buy 40 acres and a mule again- William Sherman, 1865
After applying land reform, West Prussia suddenly stopped being a hive of reaction! Why didn't we do this earlier?- Red-Gold Alliance, 1880
Military action doesn't suddenly turn into a disaster if we cross into Russia proper. The issue is our logistical tether but if the naval war continues to go our way we can support a push on St. Petersburg through the Baltic States via shipping.
logistical tether in russia with little to no motorization, non existent roads, incompatible rail lines , partisan action and russian mud. on top of all of that, our front will balloon in size at the same time we must garisson the entirety of the austrian empire + we dont want to look too aggressive or the entente will fuck us up the ass.

moving supplies by sea is an incredibly risky affair and should be avoided at all if possible.
remember as well that water freezes in winter, so we cant necessarily keep up supply year round which would be critical.
also the russians have shown that they dont care for their own cities and are willing to burn them down rather than letting us keep them.

we should probably stop after poland and some security cordon, unless there are spontaneous uprisings in the baltics or Ukraine, but even then, it will be a risky proposition to continue our campaign at that point. and i very much suspect another ' remember poland ' situation
I'm more interested in occupying Poland and deleting Russian armies with trenchworks than actually taking and holding Russian land. Blockading the Gulf of Finland is looking increasingly probable, but there's simply no need to Napoleon our way that deep into Russia on land unless they collapse entirely.

Austria we'll just need to keep seizing major cities until they run out, but at least those are easier to walk to once we secure mountain passes.
logistical tether in russia with little to no motorization, non existent roads, incompatible rail lines , partisan action and russian mud. on top of all of that, our front will balloon in size at the same time we must garisson the entirety of the austrian empire + we dont want to look too aggressive or the entente will fuck us up the ass.

moving supplies by sea is an incredibly risky affair and should be avoided at all if possible.
remember as well that water freezes in winter, so we cant necessarily keep up supply year round which would be critical.
also the russians have shown that they dont care for their own cities and are willing to burn them down rather than letting us keep them.

we should probably stop after poland and some security cordon, unless there are spontaneous uprisings in the baltics or Ukraine, but even then, it will be a risky proposition to continue our campaign at that point.
The question is more what will be necessary to get the Russians to the peace table, which once their allies are defeated will be much less than if we try to take them out entirely first; with the attendant issue that the more of Russia our armies liberate the more demands we'll be bringing to them.

and i very much suspect another ' remember poland ' situation
Also known as a "Hey, why are Voight and Dillinger outside the National Assembly with twenty thousand Landwehr?" situation.
The question is more what will be necessary to get the Russians to the peace table, which once their allies are defeated will be much less than if we try to take them out entirely first; with the attendant issue that the more of Russia our armies liberate the more demands we'll be bringing to them.
Riga is apparently the third largest city in Russia right now, obviously there's no guarantee, but if we threaten it that might be enough to bring them to the table. We've not been given any indication that we're going too far yet.
Honestly, it might be best not to put a ton of pressure on Italy or Spain in this war, since we're winning it pretty convincingly already and we'll want them to be in the best shape they can be in if the Entente comes knocking.
All of the forces they're contributing are what they can spare in addition to garrisoning against France, actually.
That makes sense, but what I mean is that it's best not to have them torn up in Alpine fortifications and have the Allies' money and population going towards replacing the losses when we could be fighting another war soon, even if they have sufficient troops to garrison the French borders already.
That makes sense, but what I mean is that it's best not to have them torn up in Alpine fortifications and have the Allies' money and population going towards replacing the losses when we could be fighting another war soon, even if they have sufficient troops to garrison the French borders already.
I think we can afford to have them pin the League forces in place this turn, at least. The casualties from that in turn one were pretty low.

But I do think we're going to need to do a dedicated offensive into the Alps next turn. If we couple it with an attack on Kalgenfurt supported by the army in Denmark and also wait to threaten the Dalmatian coast until next turn I think we can achieve a breakthrough.

Obviously it'll be bloody, but we're going to need those troops if we want a decisive victory over Austria instead of a grinding war of attrition.
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[X] Plan: Operation Hamstring
-[X] [SWEDEN] Attempt to secure a separate peace with Scandinavia.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Warsaw (Green).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Prague (Gold).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to put pressure on the League.
-[X] [BALTIC] Order the Allied fleet to interdict the Scandinavian coast.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

The plan here is to go after the League's logistics hard this turn in preparation for offensives against Lvov and Klagenfurt in the summer. Taking Prague shortens our lines, further chokes Austria off from Russia, and gets some partisan action going. Warsaw hits the battered and demoralized Russian army where it hurts, setting us up to push on to Lvov while they're in disarray.

Finally, I'm having the Italians keep the Austrians pinned. I think it's very likely we'll only get one turns worth of benefit out of threatening the Dalmatian coast, so we need to save that card for when we're trying to break through the Alps.
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[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] [SWEDEN] Attempt to secure a separate peace with Scandinavia.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Lvov (Red).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Prague (Gold).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to put pressure on the League.
-[X] [BALTIC] Order the Allied fleet to interdict the Scandinavian coast.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

I think taking Lvov promises the greatest potential gain, severing the link between Russia and Austria. With Austria cut off from any means of resupply they will begin to wither, especially the Russian troops in their territory. And the sooner we do this, the more damage it will inflict over time to them. And while Lvov will be a salient that can be attacked, we have seen repeatedly the Russians fail to dislodge the Landwehr when on the offensive. I am entirely confident we can take and hold Lvov.
[X] Plan: Case Chain Link
-[X] [SWEDEN] Strengthen defensive positions in Denmark.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Warsaw (Green).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Klagenfurt (Red).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to initiate a dedicated offensive.
-[X] [BALTIC] Maintain the Baltic blockade.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to threaten the Dalmatian coast.
[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] [SWEDEN] Attempt to secure a separate peace with Scandinavia.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Lvov (Red).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Prague (Gold).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to put pressure on the League.
-[X] [BALTIC] Order the Allied fleet to interdict the Scandinavian coast.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

Been convinced on the merits of testing peace with Scandinavia, don't feel we have manpower issues that require us to deploy Poles in force yet; and pressing Prague, Lvov, and the Alps concentrates our energies on a single 'trouble'.
[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] [SWEDEN] Attempt to secure a separate peace with Scandinavia.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Lvov (Red).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Prague (Gold).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to put pressure on the League.
-[X] [BALTIC] Order the Allied fleet to interdict the Scandinavian coast.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.
[X] Plan: Operation Hamstring
-[X] [SWEDEN] Attempt to secure a separate peace with Scandinavia.
-[X] [POLAND] Initiate an offensive toward Warsaw (Green).
-[X] [REBELS] Have the volunteers continue operating as irregular partisans.
-[X] [AUSTRIA] Initiate an offensive toward Prague (Gold).
-[X] [ITALY] Ask the Allies to put pressure on the League.
-[X] [BALTIC] Order the Allied fleet to interdict the Scandinavian coast.
-[X] [MED] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

I don't see the need for us to rush Lvov and take a meaningless risk. We can just go take Lvov during the summer, when the Russians can't even respond after our taking of Warsaw.