Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

I like this plank and want it in the coop party plan for this turn.

I don't like how it works through the US state, which is only sometimes our friend.

[] Cooperative Party
-[]Plan Cooperative Buyouts and Social Transformation
--[] Build up our telecommunications network to reach every local town hall, planning office and production sites. Leverage those new communications to enable more participative planning, both for identifying demand and fulfilling it.
--[] Establish communally operated and owned "libraries" of goods that do not need to be owned by individuals but can instead be shared to improve everyone's access to uncommon goods.
--[] Increase the secret provision of funding, arms and ideological support to the rebels in Korea, using pre-existing channels and with an emphasis on keeping the revolt anti-monarchist and truly revolutionary. Cooperate with Chinese and Japanese covert efforts if they exist to the extent it doesn't undermine revolutionary ideals.
--[] Ultimately if one merely breaks up hierarchies between institutions but leaves them within them, the job is not even half done. Begin pilot programs experimenting with less hierarchial organization within school, and with alternate means of teaching than the more traditional rote learning so common even in good schools.
--[] Set up cooperation between farmers, biology researchers and tooling engineers to continually improve on agriculture and land management. Aim to produce long term planning for sustainability and preservation of nature alongside production.
--[] Help cooperatives draft war footing plans to prepare them for a change in economic priorities if conflict arises and to maximize their contribution in wartime.

I worked with The Laurent on this, so it already has my approval, but we can make alterations according to feedback.
Where are the buyouts in this plan?

As a typically coop voter I'd prefer a plan that has the supporting coops in the us thing from the communist plan.

I'd still like a variation of it.

If you write a more Coop variation of it and have a good argument for what to drop to put it in, I'm happy with it. We discussed dropping the war readiness and bumping down the agritulture to 6 put it in 5 when making the plan, but you might want to have it higher.
If you write a more Coop variation of it and have a good argument for what to drop to put it in, I'm happy with it. We discussed dropping the war readiness and bumping down the agritulture to 6 put it in 5 when making the plan, but you might want to have it higher.

I will try, but I"m having an attack of the depressions right now so I might not manage it before it's time to vote.
--[] Offer to help support the US in its trying time. Buy out failing businesses to cooperatize them as part of our coop federations. Offer no interest loans to the US Federal Government if they adopt our legal forms concerning coop organizational recognition rather than forcing coops to play games with the corporate form or partnerships.

@Nyvis how's this?
--[] Offer to help support the US in its trying time. Buy out failing businesses to cooperatize them as part of our coop federations. Offer no interest loans to the US Federal Government if they adopt our legal forms concerning coop organizational recognition rather than forcing coops to play games with the corporate form or partnerships.

@Nyvis how's this?
Generally speaking, corporate law in the United States is a state matter, and I suspect reactionary justices will strike down any federal cooperative framework law. Which might not get you the laws you want implemented, but could heighten the contradictions in American society. YMMV on whether that's an acceptable trade-off.
So something like:
--[] Offer to help support the US in its trying time. Buy out failing businesses to cooperatize them as part of our coop federations. Offer no interest loans to the US State Governments if they adopt our legal forms concerning coop organizational recognition rather than forcing coops to play games with the corporate form or partnerships.\

Generally speaking, corporate law in the United States is a state matter, and I suspect reactionary justices will strike down any federal cooperative framework law. Which might not get you the laws you want implemented, but could heighten the contradictions in American society. YMMV on whether that's an acceptable trade-off.

We don't know how reactionary dominated the supreme court currently is. You might get this by arguing you're regulating interstate commerce if it's staffed by sympathetic justices. I think this is necessary if we want to assist American coops since that legal structure barely exist right now, even for non international coops. So I like trying it.

@Aranfan I put it where I suggested for now and I combined federal and state efforts to get the most of the situation.

[] Cooperative Party
-[] Plan Cooperative Buyouts, for real
--[] Build up our telecommunications network to reach every local town hall, planning office and production sites. Leverage those new communications to enable more participative planning, both for identifying demand and fulfilling it.
--[] Establish communally operated and owned "libraries" of goods that do not need to be owned by individuals but can instead be shared to improve everyone's access to uncommon goods.
--[] Increase the secret provision of funding, arms and ideological support to the rebels in Korea, using pre-existing channels and with an emphasis on keeping the revolt anti-monarchist and truly revolutionary. Cooperate with Chinese and Japanese covert efforts if they exist to the extent it doesn't undermine revolutionary ideals.
--[] Ultimately if one merely breaks up hierarchies between institutions but leaves them within them, the job is not even half done. Begin pilot programs experimenting with less hierarchical organization within school, and with alternate means of teaching than the more traditional rote learning so common even in good schools.
--[] Offer to help support the US in its trying time. Buy out failing businesses to cooperatize them, as part of our coop federations if possible or simply under their American workers if not. Offer no interest loans to the US Federal Government and sympathetic State Governments if they adopt our legal forms concerning coop organizational recognition.
--[] Set up cooperation between farmers, biology researchers and tooling engineers to continually improve on agriculture, fishing and land management. Aim to produce long term planning for sustainability and preservation of nature alongside production.

Edit: I changed the American plank a bit due to concern in the discord about whether they'll accept bailouts as part of German coops at all, so I tried to leave the option open for American workers to do it themselves.
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I'd like it to be higher up to have a bigger chance of passing. But I don't have an argument beyond that. Hopefully it'll synergize with the communist plank and get passed.
[] Cooperative Party
-[] The Food Security Act Of 1895
--[] Work with the local councils of riverine and coastal communities to better understand our fish stocks. As good socialists we know that we must preserve our fish stocks to preserve the livelihoods of coastal workers, unlike the reckless capitalists who consume ever more greedily.

--[] Work with ecologists, cooks, and local councils around the country to discover alternative or underutilised food stocks, and learn how to incorporate these items into local recipes. Publish the findings in an easily understandable book so that people can learn how to gather more food from hunting and scavenging when necessary.

--[] Build up our telecommunications network to reach every local town hall, planning office and production sites. Leverage those new communications to enable more participative planning, both for identifying demand and fulfilling it.

--[] Using the latest technology and a range of familiar local recipes, work on improving army rations. Apply any lessons learned from this towards building up a food stockpile so that there will never again be a time of hunger in german-administered land.

--[] Taking advantage of the increased interest in Federalism, promote a looser bottom-up confederate structure of cooperative organisation amongst those still reluctant to move away from the single-family model of business.

--[] Begin planning a new and expanded rural road network. In the future we will need to be delivering goods in quantities larger than ever before, possibly using mechanical means rather than horses alone. By negotiating routes and aquiring land now, construction can proceed much quicker when it is time to actually upgrade.

3 food planks and yet I promise I wasn't hungry when I wrote this :V
1 is just because I feel like the seaside has been a bit neglected,
2 is a war plank in disguise
3 is both an industry plan, and it could also be useful in the unthinkable case that we start losing ground,
4 Everyone has to eat them so might as well make them taste nicer
5 cooperativism is when you throw in exactly one anarchist adjacent plank
6 we're going to need trucks at some point.
Internal combustion is good for tractors and flying machines. It should be nowhere near streets.
[] Cooperative Party
-[] Plan Cooperative Steps and Social Transformation
--[] Build up our telecommunications network to reach every local town hall, planning office and production sites. Leverage those new communications to enable more participative planning, both for identifying demand and fulfilling it.
--[] Establish communally operated and owned "libraries" of goods that do not need to be owned by individuals but can instead be shared to improve everyone's access to uncommon goods.
--[] Increase the secret provision of funding, arms and ideological support to the rebels in Korea, using pre-existing channels and with an emphasis on keeping the revolt anti-monarchist and truly revolutionary. Cooperate with Chinese and Japanese covert efforts if they exist to the extent it doesn't undermine revolutionary ideals.
--[] Ultimately if one merely breaks up hierarchies between institutions but leaves them within them, the job is not even half done. Begin pilot programs experimenting with less hierarchial organization within school, and with alternate means of teaching than the more traditional rote learning so common even in good schools.
--[] Set up cooperation between farmers, biology researchers and tooling engineers to continually improve on agriculture and land management. Aim to produce long term planning for sustainability and preservation of nature alongside production.
--[] Help cooperatives draft war footing plans to prepare them for a change in economic priorities if conflict arises and to maximize their contribution in wartime.

Because the Federationists are their own party now, we decided to focus Coop efforts on... well, advancing the interests of Co-Ops/communities and of social transformation... as well as world-revolution, obviously.

[] Cooperative Party
-[] The Food Security Act Of 1895
--[] Work with the local councils of riverine and coastal communities to better understand our fish stocks. As good socialists we know that we must preserve our fish stocks to preserve the livelihoods of coastal workers, unlike the reckless capitalists who consume ever more greedily.

--[] Work with ecologists, cooks, and local councils around the country to discover alternative or underutilised food stocks, and learn how to incorporate these items into local recipes. Publish the findings in an easily understandable book so that people can learn how to gather more food from hunting and scavenging when necessary.

--[] Build up our telecommunications network to reach every local town hall, planning office and production sites. Leverage those new communications to enable more participative planning, both for identifying demand and fulfilling it.

--[] Using the latest technology and a range of familiar local recipes, work on improving army rations. Apply any lessons learned from this towards building up a food stockpile so that there will never again be a time of hunger in german-administered land.

--[] Taking advantage of the increased interest in Federalism, promote a looser bottom-up confederate structure of cooperative organisation amongst those still reluctant to move away from the single-family model of business.

--[] Begin planning a new and expanded rural road network. In the future we will need to be delivering goods in quantities larger than ever before, possibly using mechanical means rather than horses alone. By negotiating routes and aquiring land now, construction can proceed much quicker when it is time to actually upgrade.

3 food planks and yet I promise I wasn't hungry when I wrote this :V
1 is just because I feel like the seaside has been a bit neglected,
2 is a war plank in disguise
3 is both an industry plan, and it could also be useful in the unthinkable case that we start losing ground,
4 Everyone has to eat them so might as well make them taste nicer
5 cooperativism is when you throw in exactly one anarchist adjacent plank
6 we're going to need trucks at some point.
I really like both of these plan might try to combine them when I wake up tomorrow in something harminious
Internal combustion engines should only be permitted to be used on the road for emergency services, and then only so long as purely electric motors are inadequate replacements.
Trucks are going to be vital for eventually invading Russia. You think they're building usable railroads in that hellhole?
Trucks are going to be vital for eventually invading Russia. You think they're building usable railroads in that hellhole?

Well obviously we'll want trucks for our armies, but in the context of our own infrastructure and city planning, cars and trucks are rendered obsolete by other more efficient methods. But honestly, you'd be surprised how quickly an army can lay down rails to support their supply lines. Also have to take into consideration that mass motorization isn't all that easy as Germany, considering our lack of fuel. Horse drawn carriages and trains will probably still take up the vast majority of the work, like in OTL.
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