Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Clean power dose not remove the need of oil as it is still used for plastics, lubricants, fertilizer and medications
True. But that's NOT what OPEC will see (and react to). All they'll see is the removal (made irrelevant) of the majority of their power-base...use of oil for power generation/transport.

Almost guaranteed to be an apocalyptic reaction if it isn't "phased in". Hit them all at once with "your power is GONE"...and they're bound to go BOOM!
Frankly on SG1 and even Atlantis they were doing better before politicians got involved at a larger level, and as was proven the more people from different countries you have involved the harder it is to VET the damn people and keep them not screwing stuff up. The NID and the Trust were able to sneak more agents into the base after it became multinational and all.

Of course the Family can help with all that (maybe with another AI to handle background checks and security issues like Ramoth); also making sure the trustworthy SG teams are up to par and perhaps have a boost would help and the healing spores would help keep more people in boots on the ground condition as well.

There's a lot than can easily change for the better in SG1 with more thought put into it (and less hack writers being in charge of scripting).
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Full disclosure would be hard at this point as you have the Wormhole extreme show that people would say it is just promoting a new season.

First you would need to tell the world leaders not in on the secret and that is a fun can of worms of "we have been fighting a war with a race that can glass the planet without telling you". Then need a secure location for it as inside a joint US and Canada base is not a place you want it when every world leader will want access.

The only good news about the requirement is no longer need to hide the tech so can quickly swap to cleaner power production

So, The Asgard and the Family build a secure orbital conference centre.

Then, Asgard-beam all the world leaders up to it, and leave behind, in place each of them, a video display which shows what the body camera each is generously equipped with is seeing. Make sure none of the delegates gets to be violent to the others, fix any immediate health issues they have (but, don't make them effectively any younger), and point out the Earth, below, through that big window...

Of course, effective translation, recording and transcription services would be made available, along with food, drink, private quarters, etc. After spending a day shouting at each other they can start in on the briefing, having advisers who they can consult in their private living quarters, all the rest of the diplomatic mess. :)

The business of not wanting to stay away from the countries that they lead, for too long, should concentrate their minds wonderfully. :)

Giving each of them a (sealed) naquadah generator that they get to take home with them when some sort of basic agreement is made is a bit of a carrot...
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Giving each of them a (sealed) naquadah generator that they get to take home with them when some sort of basic agreement is made is a bit of a carrot...
That would be stupid if using pure SG1 tech that can be reproduced by the people there; it didn't take long for someone to figure out how to turn those into enormously effective bombs. Loop the power feeds, energy builds up and then they go BOOM in a big way.

You need stuff to be fail safe, not fail deadly - especially since more than a few countries are led by tin pot dictators who don't need single man portable devices that can trump a small nuclear weapon.

When those fail they go off like a 20 kiloton nuclear device.
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That would be stupid if using pure SG1 tech that can be reproduced by the people there; it didn't take long for someone to figure out how to turn those into enormously effective bombs. Loop the power feeds, energy builds up and then they go BOOM in a big way.

You need stuff to be fail safe, not fail deadly - especially since more than a few countries are led by tin pot dictators who don't need single man portable devices that can trump a small nuclear weapon.

When those fail they go off like a 20 kiloton nuclear device.

That's the reason it's sealed, and Dragon (or Miles and Kevin) takes a firm look at the design to ensure that it's fail-safe. Given Family involvement EDM could be part of the sealing, and, if the design doesn't allow refueling then you could make it pretty tamper-proof. As a final fall-back, have it disappear up its own dimensions if enough force is applied, while sending out an "I've been wrecked" message.
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And for those of you thinking, "What about the hosts?" Long term Goa'uld possession is so traumatic that the hosts are probably insane or suffering from ego-death at this point.
Not entirely true. Hosts don't actually suffer any ill effects mentally from the 'presence' of a Goa'uld symbiote. It's just that other than the Tok'Ra, all Goa'uld tend to torture their hosts minds till they break as a matter of course.

That's the reason it's sealed, and Dragon (or Miles and Kevin) takes a firm look at the design to ensure that it's fail-safe. Given Family involvement EDM could be part of the sealing, and, if the design doesn't allow refueling then you could make it pretty tamper-proof. As a final fall-back, have it disappear up its own dimensions if enough force is applied, while sending out an "I've been wrecked" message.
Fail safe means that it's unlikely to fail during regular operation, with proper maintenance. No matter how hard they try, L33T and Dragon won't be able to prevent people from fucking around with things if they aren't there. Even if they black box the whole generator, that won't stop people from figuring out how to use the output to cause problems.
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That's the reason it's sealed, and Dragon (or Miles and Kevin) takes a firm look at the design to ensure that it's fail-safe. Given Family involvement EDM could be part of the sealing, and, if the design doesn't allow refueling then you could make it pretty tamper-proof. As a final fall-back, have it disappear up its own dimensions if enough force is applied, while sending out an "I've been wrecked" message.
If it's sealed to the point it can't be looped it's useless because it has to be able to connect to the grid to power it. If its connectors can be used it can be looped, which makes it a bomb.

If the crazy lizards are involved then it's not a plan that's feasible long term. They're leaving and don't want people to be dependent on them to start with.

It has to be a solution that can be implemented by the SGC/Asgard to be feasible. Also you specifically quoted the generator from canon, not all these redesigns you're talking about now.

If you want something feasible and sustainable it needs to be a stationary emplacement, black boxed to high hell, and tamper proof.

You're running headlong into the same problem as using those tiny Arc Reactors of Tony Stark's to power cars (they're more than capable; hell they're capable of powering towns) but they're also a damn fine bomb. You need a custom design for your purpose and the naquadah generators as designed by Samantha Carter based on the alien design are not it.
Just a nit, but shouldn't this O'Neill be spelled with 2 "l"s? The one with 1 "l" was the serious one played by Kurt Russell, while I'm guessing you're thinking of the one played by Macgyver.

Fixed, thanks. That other guy has no sense of humor.

Edit: BTW, writing for O'Neill is quite amusing. He's like what Varga might have been like at the age of fifty.
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Not entirely true. Hosts don't actually suffer any ill effects mentally from the 'presence' of a Goa'uld symbiote. It's just that other than the Tok'Ra, all Goa'uld tend to torture their hosts minds till they break as a matter of course.

Most of the actual System Lords have had their hosts for a LONG time. Apophis's host, for example, was basically a gibbering wreck. The only thing they could do for the poor bastard when Apophis died was offer him last rights, but it wasn't clear how much of that he even understood. The standard Goa'uld propaganda, as we saw in the trial of Klorel by the Tollan, is that nothing of the host survives, and the snake does everything it can to try and make sure that's as accurate as possible.

The Family would not be so cavalier with, say, Sarah Gardner, or Vala Mal'Doran. I have not forgotten about them, nor the Tok'ra, but some of the other universes merit some attention, I think.
Also, most of the System Lords have used Sarcophagi many hundreds of times, and repeated Sarcophagus use causes all the insanity. Even if the host hasn't gone totally batshit from thousands of years as a powerless puppet, the Sarcophagus has almost certainly shattered their minds entirely beyond repair.

When it comes to people who have been hosts for so long, there simply isn't enough left of them to save.
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Not entirely true. Hosts don't actually suffer any ill effects mentally from the 'presence' of a Goa'uld symbiote. It's just that other than the Tok'Ra, all Goa'uld tend to torture their hosts minds till they break as a matter of course.

So what you're saying is that due to the actions of the Gua'uld, being a host is so traumatic that the hosts are probably insane?
On the subject of old hosts, I would remind everyone of the one episode where Apothos had been tortured to near death before being found by SG1; as the symbiote died, the host regained a bit of control..... but without the symbiote supporting his immune system (among other things) the aging deferred by using the sarcophagus began to affect the host in a big way; the host basically died of old age plus the toxins released by the dying symbiote.

So, not only are the hosts likely insane by this point, but they also likely cannot survive physically if the symbiote is removed.

Or, to put it another way, after the first century or so, the snakes are animating corpses for all intents and purposes. They just don't realize it. Or care.
On the subject of old hosts, I would remind everyone of the one episode where Apothos had been tortured to near death before being found by SG1; as the symbiote died, the host regained a bit of control..... but without the symbiote supporting his immune system (among other things) the aging deferred by using the sarcophagus began to affect the host in a big way; the host basically died of old age plus the toxins released by the dying symbiote.

So, not only are the hosts likely insane by this point, but they also likely cannot survive physically if the symbiote is removed.

Or, to put it another way, after the first century or so, the snakes are animating corpses for all intents and purposes. They just don't realize it. Or care.

And some are vain enough to discard their current host, which they've used for centuries, just because a youth is younger physically and beautiful.
And some are vain enough to discard their current host, which they've used for centuries, just because a youth is younger physically and beautiful.
Given a choice between two options, the snakes will choose the one marked 'maximum asshole' at basically every opportunity.
Remember what I said about repeated Sarcophagus use inevitably causing insanity?

Yeah, the Goa'uld are not immune to that effect. There's a reason why they're all so utterly catoonishly over-the-top crazy; they're actually insane. The genetic memories do not help, but it's the Sarcophagus that really does it.
The Goa'uld System Lords are genuinely unhinged from reality, driven utterly and irrevocably insane by millennia of abusing immortality. Functionally insane, but insane none the less.
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Given a choice between two options, the snakes will choose the one marked 'maximum asshole' at basically every opportunity.

According to online sources, Ba'al was also apparently known for sending gifts booby-trapped with explosives to anybody who annoyed him. Teal'c's beef with Cronus was that the guy killed his dad for losing a fight he had been set up to lose. Heru'ur invaded Cimmeria as soon as he found out the Asgard security systems were compromised...apparently just to be a dickwad to the Asgard, as it's hard to imagine any other reason to try and conquer a planet filled with Viking-age humans. Anubis tried to colony-drop earth with a rock filled with Naquadah -- any attempt to blow it up would have destroyed a sizable chunk of the solar system. The writers always went for, "just for the evuls!" as a motivating force, though they at least justified it in the backstory for the Goa'uld as a species.
Anubis tried to colony-drop earth with a rock filled with Naquadah -- any attempt to blow it up would have destroyed a sizable chunk of the solar system.
To be fair, Anubis was well known to be quite over the top even among the Goa'ulds. So him sending a giant meteor rock is actually quite in character of him.
Also, the fact that he really wanted the Tau'ri gone and doesn't want the Asgards on him yet. So sending a giant meteor to circumvent the Planet Protection Treaty is actually quite smart. And if the Tau'ri happens to blow up the rock, igniting the massive naquadah reserves within and taking a large portion of the solar system with them including Earth, well its not his fault the Tau'ri are so nuke happy.
To be fair, Anubis was well known to be quite over the top even among the Goa'ulds. So him sending a giant meteor rock is actually quite in character of him.
Also, the fact that he really wanted the Tau'ri gone and doesn't want the Asgards on him yet. So sending a giant meteor to circumvent the Planet Protection Treaty is actually quite smart. And if the Tau'ri happens to blow up the rock, igniting the massive naquadah reserves within and taking a large portion of the solar system with them including Earth, well its not his fault the Tau'ri are so nuke happy.
I remember reading a fic where humanity basically steals the asteroid and starts mining it for Naquadah. It was a fun way to make that particular plan backfire.
Well I went to look up what that would actually take but there's no statistics on how big said asteroid is, so one would probably have to estimate from stills. I did learn that the actual US Air Force runs ads on the Stargate wiki though, which is funny enough to share.
If it's sealed to the point it can't be looped it's useless because it has to be able to connect to the grid to power it. If its connectors can be used it can be looped, which makes it a bomb.

If the crazy lizards are involved then it's not a plan that's feasible long term. They're leaving and don't want people to be dependent on them to start with.

It has to be a solution that can be implemented by the SGC/Asgard to be feasible. Also you specifically quoted the generator from canon, not all these redesigns you're talking about now.

If you want something feasible and sustainable it needs to be a stationary emplacement, black boxed to high hell, and tamper proof.

You're running headlong into the same problem as using those tiny Arc Reactors of Tony Stark's to power cars (they're more than capable; hell they're capable of powering towns) but they're also a damn fine bomb. You need a custom design for your purpose and the naquadah generators as designed by Samantha Carter based on the alien design are not it.

You start with a link to the Stargate gadget, so you know the general class of thing being discussed - not everyone is familiar with the same fictions, and I like to give the unfamiliar a chance to understand. The 'one per leader' is a taster, the equivalent of the 'free samples', which demonstrates the tech - and it's made clear that this is just the tip of an immense mountain of tech that Earth (and their nation) might gain access to. As a taster pretty firm one-off precautions can be taken against abuse. Any slightly smart leader should at least suspect this.

Shorting the power to try and get an explosion - I'd expect a shut-down, followed by a cool-off period. And maybe a 'maintenance and training' message from the gadget, sent to the suppliers.

Longer term, anything will likely be fixed-installation, yes. And, I'm pretty sure the Asgard have some pretty cunning engineers, who will work with human tiger teams to try and figure-out not just fool-proofing, but malicious fool-proofing.

Tech is sometimes talked about as coming in three stages: basic, established, and baroque. 'Basic' is better than the Carter design, and you rely on experts to keep it happy and working. 'Established' works for most people as long as they follow the training/instructions, and rarely fails catastrophically unless long abused. 'Baroque' allegedly works well and safely for everyone, but has lots of 'useful features' that few understand, and even less use. Then, a new cycle starts, with new tech, again at 'basic'.

Yes, you can provide pretty reliable 'alien tech', no, you can't completely guarantee to make it malicious fool proof. High density power supplies can't be made totally safe, even if they are black-boxed and incorporate low-grade AIs.

A fun 'generator' might be a really secure black box with a dimensional power receiver in it, and, a note "If you're reading this please expect a visit from a Family maintenance person". :)
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