Isn't affinity more of a "yes/no" thing than a scale of say, 1-10?

It might be a scale, you have someone like Sasuke who's primary affinity is lightning but has very good fire attacks too but other attacks are not used as much by him.

You can still use nature transformations but your ability might affect how easy it is to do it with each one and that is one of the many reasons that Kakashi is an elite Jonin, he can use all 5 natures easily enough in battle.

The problem is that there is very little hard data on the mechanics of the setting from the author. Everything not in the manga itself is either from databooks which are largely best guess estimates by editors and others at the magazines with an unknown amount of input from the author to licensed video games where hard rules will be sacrificed for playability, balance and fun and the final source is filler episodes and movies.

So I think it is a scale but I can't point out a manga quote either way.
Isn't affinity more of a "yes/no" thing than a scale of say, 1-10?

No. The Uchiha were noted as having an especially strong affinity for Fire, to the extent that Sasuke, whose primary affinity is actually for Lightning, was still able to master a B-Rank Fire Release technique by age 12 without any Sharingan assistance.

Besides, an element you have an "affinity" with is just one you find much easier to shape and master than the other elements; nothing's stopping you from learning and even mastering elements you don't have an affinity for except your willingness to invest the extra time and effort into doing so.

It might be a scale, you have someone like Sasuke who's primary affinity is lightning but has very good fire attacks too but other attacks are not used as much by him.

You can still use nature transformations but your ability might affect how easy it is to do it with each one and that is one of the many reasons that Kakashi is an elite Jonin, he can use all 5 natures easily enough in battle.

The problem is that there is very little hard data on the mechanics of the setting from the author. Everything not in the manga itself is either from databooks which are largely best guess estimates by editors and others at the magazines with an unknown amount of input from the author to licensed video games where hard rules will be sacrificed for playability, balance and fun and the final source is filler episodes and movies.

So I think it is a scale but I can't point out a manga quote either way.

Kakashi is adept in the use of all five elemental natures because he's a prodigy who's had a Sharingan for half of his life (literally, he's 26 and got it at age 13).


Here's what we know for sure about Nature Transformation: it is an advanced form of chakra control that entails the moulding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics to perform various feats. This is in contrast to its counterpart Shape Transformation, which entails controlling the actual form and movement of chakra.

To wit: Nature Transformation alters the properties of chakra while Shape Transformation alters the form and movement of chakra. Together, these two forms of chakra control are the basis of pretty much all ninjutsu.

The Five Basic Natures are the five elemental chakra natures that are the basis of all Elemental Release ninjutsu. In general, every person's chakra has an affinity for one of the basic five elements; this seems to run in families to some extent, as the Uchiha were noted for tending towards strong affinities for Fire.

At least one method is known for determining what one's affinity is; there may be others, but they aren't shown or stated. The method shown is through the use of Chakra Induction Paper, a substance made from the wood of a tree that is grown and fed with chakra. When chakra is channeled into this paper, a spontaneous effect is created that reveals the nature: Fire causes the paper to ignite, Wind cuts it, Lightning wrinkles it, Earth causes it to crumble, and Water dampens it.

One will have an easier time learning to mould chakra into the element that they have an affinity for, but even that can take years to get to the point of being useful for actual techniques.

As stated above, an "affinity" just means it comes more naturally to you to mould your chakra to that particular element; there's nothing stopping you from learning and mastering other elements except that it takes longer and is harder than the one you have an affinity for. In fact, it's common for jōnin to master two different elements (likely because only knowing one can lead to vulnerability, since the elements have a rock-paper-scissors relationship with each other).

Technically, there's nothing stopping you from mastering all five, except for the fact that it would take decades of extensive study and practice; throughout the entire series, a grand total of five shinobi have been shown or stated to have mastered all five elemental natures without using a shortcut like the Sharingan: the first three Hokage, the Second Tsuchikage, and Orochimaru.

Shortcuts other than the Sharingan include Six Paths Senjutsu, the Rinnegan, and Kakuzu's Earth Grudge Fear technique.

By using two or three basic nature transformations simultaneously, one can create a completely new elemental nature with unique properties that wouldn't exist on its own. However, doing this requires a kekkei genkai or, if three elements are used, a kekkei tōta. I'll note, BTW, that only in the anime is it stated that this also requires an affinity to both/all three elements being combined, though it seems likely that someone who inherits the kekkei genkai will also inherit affinities for both of the elements, and the information in the Databooks (which lists elements known and used by people) support this.

Oh, also, I looked it up, and the Lava Release used by Mei is spelled differently from that used by others, suggesting there might be some kind of difference between them.
A quote from the early days, Merger 1.3, of the quest:
Thirdly, she needed to get on top of the whole Orochimaru problem. She didn't have any solutions for this one other than to somehow bypass the second round of the Chunin exams, if they still happened. Orochimaru getting his curse mark on Sasuke was the beginning of the end for Team Seven. Fundamentally, though, she didn't believe for a second she'd be able to fight off Orochimaru at the age of twelve. Or probably ever.
We've come so far considering Hisana did end up fighting off Orochimaru at age twelve. Sure she had help and didn't beat him in the fight itself but she still won in that Orochimaru left without marking Sasuke.
[x] Shushin mastery. This trait allows the user far greater control over the Shushin, making it a viable move in combat. Specifically, straight lines are no longer a limiting factor.
Does our Shushin Mastery manifest in the form of our Lightning Blood Seal? Or can we do nonlinear Shushin without the seal, and the seal only enhances it? Or some third thing?
Guys, I´ve just watched again the fight between Danzo and Sasuke and I´ve noticed that despite summoning Hawks in that fight and later in Boruto, he is still able to summon snakes in the fight against the Ten Tails.

I thought that summoning contracts were exclusive from one another, but having seen this it may be useful that Hisana, eventually, signs another contract that has either a good synergy with the Ravens, or that can be used to make ups for their weaknesses...
Kitty contract. Because kitties are the bestest.
Imagine Sakura reaction:

"Hisana, you get to sign a contract with adorable kittens... How is that I had to sign a contract with FUCKING SLUGS?!?!?!"

"That is not fair..."

The Magpie contract, as I mentioned earlier. They're memetic thieves, and the only non-mammal to recognize themselves in mirrors.
I don´t know, we already have a contract with Ninjutsu specialists, our next contract should be with genjutsu specialists, or with more physical summons.
Imagine Sakura reaction:

"Hisana, you get to sign a contract with adorable kittens... How is that I had to sign a contract with FUCKING SLUGS?!?!?!"

"That is not fair..."

Cute kitties are the best distraction! Just ask anyone on social media!

Personally, I would sell my Steam name and password for a large fluffy kitty to play with...

This must happen!
Guys, I´ve just watched again the fight between Danzo and Sasuke and I´ve noticed that despite summoning Hawks in that fight and later in Boruto, he is still able to summon snakes in the fight against the Ten Tails.

I thought that summoning contracts were exclusive from one another, but having seen this it may be useful that Hisana, eventually, signs another contract that has either a good synergy with the Ravens, or that can be used to make ups for their weaknesses...
It's likely something to do with how major and minor contracts interact with each other. We don't really have any canon rules for how that works, so its QMs decision tbh.
If we can get away with a second contract- and that's a big if- we'll probably want to consider what weaknesses we need our new allies to cover.

To be blunt, we don't need a second contract with birds. We've already got the one, and while we've gotten a lot (ninjutsu and mobility options) from them, I question the use of having two contracts with groups that fill the same role.

I'd actually suggest that toads might be a good option, specifically because we see Toads using swords, and we might be able to get some interesting benefits from Toad-style kenjutsu.

Alternatively, there are probably other contracts that fill a similar role to the Toads. IIRC doesn't Temari's weasel summon use a kusari-gama?
I remind you that cat is the physical combat option of the scrolls we have. And that cats are objectively the best.
If we can get away with a second contract- and that's a big if- we'll probably want to consider what weaknesses we need our new allies to cover.

To be blunt, we don't need a second contract with birds. We've already got the one, and while we've gotten a lot (ninjutsu and mobility options) from them, I question the use of having two contracts with groups that fill the same role.

I'd actually suggest that toads might be a good option, specifically because we see Toads using swords, and we might be able to get some interesting benefits from Toad-style kenjutsu.

Alternatively, there are probably other contracts that fill a similar role to the Toads. IIRC doesn't Temari's weasel summon use a kusari-gama?
I remind you that cat is the physical combat option of the scrolls we have. And that cats are objectively the best.

According to the QM description of the summonings, from all the summonings we have, the Cats are the best suited to do the Toads job (colossal melee fighters)
The Cats were traditional physical summons, with a variety of extremely large animals and the occasional ninjutsu user. The Hawks were also suited towards battle, though somewhat obviously they flew. The Crows and the Ravens were masters of genjutsu and ninjutsu respectively. Hisana remembered something about ninja cats from the anime, and Sasuke's hawk summon. All of them sounded good, though flight was such a big advantage she was leaning towards a bird of some kind.
So, I was thinking, and watching this show called Travelers. What if the Trenchcoats aren't SIs? or just SIs. What if they're time travelers?

And they tried carefully changing the world, but every change made created SIs. Some of which acted chaotically, some of which were acquired by the big bads of the series, ALL of which messed up their predicted timeline. So they panic, and decide to protect the original timeline/force it to happen as much as they possibly can. So they can at the very least reach the original good end.

It helps explains the canon obsession. Of course, they're fighting a losing battle with all the changes already made via Hisana.
Exams 4.13
Exams 4.13

Hisana rushed through the night, leaping across rooftops in almost perfect silence. Her eyes glowed a sinister red in the darkness, and the street lights below her were an excellent navigational aid. Her eyes focused, and she could see Hayate. He stood on a rooftop, opposite Baki. She couldn't sense Kabuto, but that wasn't a surprise. He was a supremely talented ninja, and sensor-types were common enough that a spy like him would make it a priority to be able to dampen his chakra. If he wanted to attack, though, he couldn't keep doing that. She could sense Baki however, and was glad that her cover story was intact.

As she rushed forward, Hisana saw the two men subtly shift their bodies into fighting stances. The time for talk was over, and to her superhuman eyes it was obvious. The seals along her spine glowed red, and the the world slowed. In a burst of speed beyond her before she'd invented the seal, Baki dashed forward. His blade of wind forming as he did, Hayate's blade too slow to stop him. Hisana blurred forward, her blade leaping out it's sheath; her crimson chakra enveloping it with startling speed.

Hisana's chakra met Baki's, and bit into the blade of wind. The jonin leapt backwards, and Hisana felt her seal deactivate. It could only be used in short bursts - it's usage of chakra was too imprecise to allow for anything else. If she hadn't included a safety mechanism to cut it out after a predetermined amount of time, it might end up doing irreparable damage to her spine or brain. Hayate managed to stop his own attack in time, and came to stand beside Hisana.

"Thanks - cough - for the save, kid," He said, his cough awful and ragged. Hisana wanted to reply , but Baki wasn't going to give them any time to coordinate. His hands moved with extreme speed, and then he started to fling arcs of cutting wind at the two Konoha ninjas. Hisana could easily see the paths of the arcs, and stepped between them with a casual grace. Hayate had a more difficult time of it, but he managed. Hisana started to make handseals, activated her lightning blood seal, and then completed them.

A white-hot stream of fire roared out her mouth, the more focused version of the flame dragon bullet shooting straight for the enemy jonin. It was fast, but he had enough time to dodge the attack from this range. Only barely, however, and one of his arms was caught in the flame. Anything below the elbow was simply gone, vapourised by the heat of the flames, but the rest of the arm was charred and burnt.

Hisana's seal deactivated, and it was only her chakra sense that saved Hayate's life. A masked figure, his hand glowing radioactive green, leapt out of the shadows to attack Hayate's undefended back. Hisana blurred over, her sword suddenly in between the chakra scalpel and Hayate. Kabuto, for that was surely who the masked man was, pulled his hand back and retreated for a moment. Hayate and Hisana stood with their swords ready as Kabuto rushed towards Baki.

"We need to leave, now. I had to fight through people to get to you, and this new guy is good," Hisana said, and as Hayate nodded his approval she activated her seal and brought him along in a rapid series of shunshins. Kabuto and Baki didn't follow, and soon they had an escort of masked ANBU towards the Hokage's tower. She sheathed her sword when they arrived, and went to wipe it clean; only to find it spotless.


Hisana woke with a gasp, sweat pouring off her brow. That had only been a few nights ago, and she had severely limited time to train before the invasion. She couldn't afford to fall apart like she did last time, she couldn't afford to shake when holding her sword.

She sat up in her western style bed, and she the slight glow of her eyes. Whenever she had a nightmare about those red-tinged memories her eyes had etched into her mind, she wake to find them active. She thought it was no wonder the Uchiha had a reputation for madness, if they all suffered the curse their eyes brought. No wonder Kakashi had been so... broken by what happened to Rin.

Hisana had been debriefed by the Hokage late in the night, withholding only information that would out her knowledge of the future. As she found her way home, she smiled as she saw Hayate still sitting in the Hokage's office. She'd done it - she'd defeated fate, canon, and whoever those trenchcoat wearing assholes were. She'd saved Hayate Gekko, crippled Baki, and escaped Kabuto.

There were only a few more days until the chunin exams, and Hisana was tired of the month of solitary training. It felt wrong not to see her teammates except at breakfast and occasionally dinner - she wanted more than anything to get back to being Team Seven, instead of working herself to the bone alone every day. She'd made great strides this month, but she was ready for it to be over.

Naruto was already wolfing down something downstairs, so Hisana resigned herself to an early morning and headed into the kitchen. She smiled as she saw her teammate, and he said hello with cereal in his mouth. There was a toad hopping beside his chair, and he blushed as she noticed it. So that seemed to be on track, she thought. She decided to give him some privacy, and so after a quick meal and a shower she headed out into the private training area of the compound. Sasuke had Kakashi today, and Hisana would be having a long overdue discussion with the Ravens.

She slammed her hand down onto the wet grass, and stepped backwards as lines of inky black seals shot out from the point her hand had touched. Summoning the actual elders of the clan was a privilege she'd not yet earnt, but Yatta - an old and willy bird who acted as something of a teacher - had hinted he knew a little about senjutsu.

He appeared in a puff of chakra smoke, cawing at her in greeting.

"Hello, Yatta. I'd like to talk about some things today, if you don't mind," Hisana said, sitting down on a picnic blanket as she did so. She lent against the old, hard bark of a large tree, sitting in the shadows of the branches as the morning sun started to beat down on Konoha.

"Of course, caw, fledgling," he said, flapping his wings and perching in the thick branches. He was about half the size of a person, but he was still small as far as the summoned birds went.

"What do you know of senjutsu?" she asked, looking up at the bird.

"That is a dangerous question, caw. Not something for fledglings to know, caw," Yatta replied.

"I don't want to actually try and do it, at least not for a while - I just want to know if the ravens can teach it,"

"Yatta thinks you already know the answer to that, caw. Yes, we know of the sage arts; though the elders would not deign to teach them to you yet. Your performance against the snake summoner was most impressive, caw, but you still have more to prove,"

"I understand, Yatta, but thanks for confirming that for me. I have some more academic questions on it, if you wouldn't mind..."

In your fight against Temari, will you use your Lightning Blood Seal?

Yes, you need to win it quickly to conserve chakra!

[x] No, you need the surprise!

What special preparations for the Invasion do you want to make?

Write In

A/N: So I'll be offering a +20xp reward (On top of quality bonuses) for a banner I can use for the internal advertising. Updates are going back onto a more rapid schedule, since I found my inspiration for this quest again.​
It's been a while so I might have included something I shouldn't or excluded something I should have but here are the new techniques we've unlocked:
  • Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet. This advanced technique requires great control, restricting its use to skilled shinobi. It can be used in two ways. The first method creates a number of dragon out of fire, an effective area or indirect attack. 30 chakra is used per dragon. It may also be used to create a hotter, more focused, stream of fire from the user's mouth. This is a precision attack, and must be well targeted to be effective. This method costs 50 chakra per use.
  • Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. This technique, unique to users of the Sharingan, allows the user to decrypt a genjutsu that has been cast on them, then turn it back on it's creator. There are some limitations to this technique, but it is a powerful counter to genjutsu. Costs 10 chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Chakra Conduits. This seal, which must be carefully inscribed in ink on a weapon, allows the user to activate their chakra flow techniques much faster, allowing the use of the Flickering Lightning strike.
  • Sealing Art: Ejecting Seal. This seal is a variation of the standard sealing scroll which stores its contents, then releases them at high speed. Speed varies with chakra input, with significant speeds requiring large expenditures of chakra. Hisana has used this with kunai, shuriken, large amounts of rock, and water.
  • Iaido: Dance of the Flickering Lightning: This jutsu involves the use of Chakra Flow: Razor Wind combined with a lightning blood seal aided shunshin and the chakra conduits seal. At the extremely high speed of the shunshin, the user performs an iconic Iaido strike and activates the razor wind as she does so. This is a nearly unblockable attack, owing to it's sheer speed.
  • Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade: The user makes a number of pseudo handseals with a sword or talon, then swings it in the desired direction. A massive blade of win is released, able to slice through buildings and ninja with ease and great speed. Costs 80 chakra to use.
  • Wind Release: Raven's Flight: An improvement on Wind Release: Raven's Wings, this jutsu allows the user to fly at great speed. Significant pain or a lack of chakra will end the technique, and it is not suited towards long use. Costs 10 chakra per second.
Ejecting Sealing Scrolls filled with: water, large cylindrical chunks of rock, kunai, shuriken, kunai fitted with explosive tags.