[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.

Okay, reasons for this:
-Transformation can be detected. It's not a lot of chakra, but it adds up with the Sharingan, and it just takes a rough jostle to break off. A dispelling transformation draws attention.
-Simple sunglasses work well enough. They cannot demand that a random ninja take them off(and she can turn off the sharingan by then. Hisana is not known as an Uchiha to the outside, so nobody would check.
The failure of your transformation will make it quite obvious that you are in disguise, defeating the point of getting lost in the crowd via the physical disguise.
What if we make the transformation as small as possible, like say, just making her eyes look as if they were deactivated. Then wear sunglasses on top of that. Would that be harder or easier to do?
Neat choice of family bonding scene, by the way.

[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.
Do we get a free trench coat with this? Because I have this hilarious image in my mind.
Just picture our character wearing an oversized trench coat with sunglasses and a fedora while holding a newspaper with a hole in it for our eyes.
If questioned:


"Err...Aburame Hisana. Bzzz."


*Hisana subtly tries to make bee-ish buzzing noises*
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The failure of your transformation will make it quite obvious that you are in disguise, defeating the point of getting lost in the crowd via the physical disguise.
That would only matter if she was banned from watching the show.
Multiple reasons she could be in disguise: not wanting sympathy being only the most obvious.
As long as noone sees her flashing red eyes, she's probably good.

Do remember, that if the transformation drops and they see someone who does not look like Hisana?
Doesn't really affect her.
You'd be better off ruling it as a single choice gameplay mechanic.

That said:

[X]Use a physical disguise
Using a chakra technique will almost certainly draw the attention of security, as well as any shinobi with the skill to sense it.
And it'll drain chakra, which means lower endurance. Her physical disguise doesn't need to be perfect after all, just enough to fool casuals and hide her eyes.
And Mary may have had some experience with dressing up in her past life.

This is almost certainly a background mechanics choice, but I'm not sure what it improves.
Background knowledge of the Narutoverse vs Chakra reserves, maybe? Dunno.
[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.

We could wear a big coat and sunglasses. Any casual observer would assume we're an Aburame and think nothing more of it.

If an actual Abruame cross our path, just don't make a big deal and say hi. They seem like a fairly chill group and seem to keep to themselves. It's not like they own big coats and sunglasses, so wouldn't have anything to make a fuss over, even if they wanted to.
It was a chance to expand her arsenal of techniques with things she'd never be able to learn in the village, and likely only be able to copy off of enemy ninja. She was also fairly certain that such a thing would not be appreciated by the visiting ninja; or her comrades. So she could not use her Sharingan openly in the stands. In a natural user, the chakra drain of a Sharingan is very low; and almost undetectable even by skilled sensors compared to a 'standby' state of chakra usage.
I'm actually surprised she's worrying about this. As far as I know, there is no such taboo among ninja.
Do remember that Sasuke wholesale ripped off Lee twice in Part 1:

First time, he modified the Lion Combo from watching/experiencing Lee's Shadow of the Dancing Leaf.
The second time Kakashi outright tells Gai and Lee that their training for fighting Gaara was Sasuke outright remembering/projecting Lee's movements in his head, and then grinding his physical stats to match them.

And then Naruto copied Sasuke's copy of Lee by modifying the Lion Combo to incorporate shadow clones instead of higher physical stats, getting the Naruto Uzumaki Combo. Noone reprimanded either of them.

It just demonstrates the limits of Hisana's C-grade Canon Knowledge background, I guess; best we remember it's not perfect, especially in the details.
I expect this episode will end by someone, maybe ANBU, or possibly Ebisu, pointing out to her in private that she really didn't need to hide:V
Of course, given that most people don't know she awoke her Sharingan, secrecy is not entirely a waste.
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[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.

It was a chance to expand her arsenal of techniques with things she'd never be able to learn in the village, and likely only be able to copy off of enemy ninja. She was also fairly certain that such a thing would not be appreciated by the visiting ninja; or her comrades.
I'm not so sure Hisana is right about that. Given what Tekomander had to say about her take on the Naruto universe:
Another bit of game mechanics: this is a quest about ninjas. Element slinging battle wizards they may be, but deception is still important.

Remember that your protagonist is fallible and mortal.
I would be surprised if there aren't Jonin plants at every Chunin Tournament who are solely there to nick techniques and record data. Konoha probably does better then other villages at this thanks to our Hyuga and Uchiha but I'd still bet everyone does it.

That being said a disguise is still vitally important because, much like the canon first task, the trick isn't to be undetectable, no way all the blatant cheats we saw were undetected, but to be subtle enough that no one is willing to call you on it.

As for the choice itself; I think it's less about whether we succeed or fail and more about what message our method of disguise sends. Using a Henge demonstrates we know the technique and can (if we succeed) use it to great effect in real situations. It also shows that we didn't consider sensors, bloodlines, and other techniques that could see through it. Using a physical disguise meanwhile shows more creative thinking and that we considered the risk of detection with a more elaborate Chakra based disguise. It also shows what could be considered a great deal of arrogance since we'd be strolling in with just a pair of sunnies to disguise ourselves.

[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.
That all said I like the simple solution to a simple problem. Frankly we don't really need anymore of a disguise since it's highly unlikely anyone outside of Konoha knows of Hisana possessing the Sharingan, and even that is assuming Mizuki actually reported Hisana's Sharingan to his (Konoha) superiors.
I would be surprised if there aren't Jonin plants at every Chunin Tournament who are solely there to nick techniques and record data. Konoha probably does better then other villages at this thanks to our Hyuga and Uchiha but I'd still bet everyone does it.
This is presumably why only genin, throwing genin-grade techniques, get to compete for everyone else to watch.
If you don't want it nicked, or analysed for weaknesses, don't exhibit it.
That all said I like the simple solution to a simple problem. Frankly we don't really need anymore of a disguise since it's highly unlikely anyone outside of Konoha knows of Hisana possessing the Sharingan, and even that is assuming Mizuki actually reported Hisana's Sharingan to his (Konoha) superiors.
Going to point out that Ebisu knows, which means the Kage and possibly ANBU know. And the fact that Mizuki knows means he may or may not have shared it with other Academy tutors; probably in our Academy file. Even the people who treated us in the hospital may be aware, since they would have treated Uchiha before, and I suspect that Uchiha with awoken sharingan share similarities around the eyes.

At the moment I suspect a fair number of shinobi are aware, even if the general public or other villages don't know.
They just won't talk about it if Hisana doesn't.
It was a chance to expand her arsenal of techniques with things she'd never be able to learn in the village, and likely only be able to copy off of enemy ninja. She was also fairly certain that such a thing would not be appreciated by the visiting ninja; or her comrades.​

Meh. Not being blatant about it is a good idea, but using your techniques in public is asking them to be copied. Not everyone has the Sharingan, but everyone can watch your hand signs or whatever and try to figure it out.