Current tally if anyone is interested.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21

[x] - Suggest joint control
No. of votes: 23
UbeOne, Briefvoice, OverReactionGuy, Dirk93, ThatOneCrazyChic, Veedrac, veekie, Aranfan, ChronOblivion, Demojay, Scotchtape27, Marked_One, Random Asian Person, Leingod, Katreus, Demonlorddraco91, uju32, Zilla, Yun, PsyFarrow, pianoman, Yog, Blueshift

[X] Subtly push to remain in control of the clan.
No. of votes: 11
Marla, lostgamer64, Koden, UberJJK, tri2, Vindictus, CatScannerDarkly, kellanved, Muer'ci, IntoLight, Varano

Not one vote for shoving all the responsibility off to Sasuke full sail.
Joint might be best, it keeps a toe in things and can easily be changed into full control if we want it/Sasuke doesn't care about the politics in the long run.

Simply something like taking on the work in truth and then one day just straight up asking if Sasuke would prefer Hisana taking it all on officially.

[x] - Suggest joint control
We're Uchiha though.

Canon Sasuke relied on Orochimaru and his clique to be his medics as he grew up; we don't have an S-class ninja catering to our every medical need.

While S-class would be nice, it's not actually necessary; just B- or A-rank might be enough.
I will admit that I would love to grab the Strength of a Hundred Seal, just for the backup chakra storage, but it probably won't happen.

As for medic-nin, see Kabuto.
Sakura is not the only extant example to aspire to.

What medical needs are you refering to? Since not every Uchiha is a medic I assume your not referring to normal usage. If your refering to actually messing with our eyes I doubt the secrets of the sharigan are so easily understood. Otherwise somebody else would have done it already.

As for Kabuto, he's had years of experience access to Orochimaru's tutelage and data. He is on the cutting of edge of ninja science. I don't think aspiring to be like him is going to be any easier. Possibly more accessible but also more time consuming.

I personally voted for medical jutsu so that Hisana can hopefully see a little less red in the future by keeping her comrades blood where it belongs, which only requires a basic level of medical jutsu, and was what she was aiming for IC. Frankly after waking up in a pile of corpses belonging to pretty much everyone she knew... Hisana picking up medical jutsu is simply a means of coping with the mental trauma.

Fair enough, some first aid is obviously useful. Although I would guess the basics like first aid and where too hit people are stuff every Ninja covers.
What medical needs are you refering to? Since not every Uchiha is a medic I assume your not referring to normal usage. If your refering to actually messing with our eyes I doubt the secrets of the sharigan are so easily understood. Otherwise somebody else would have done it already.
Some would have been; they're all dead now.

Mangekyo Sharingan use explicitly damages eyesight, which is not information commonly known; Sasuke started losing his sight after his fight with Killer Bee, which was like the first fight where he used Amaterasu. Gonna need a trusted medic to notice and either suggest management, or research a fix.

As for Kabuto, he's had years of experience access to Orochimaru's tutelage and data. He is on the cutting of edge of ninja science. I don't think aspiring to be like him is going to be any easier. Possibly more accessible but also more time consuming.
Kabuto was performing medical ninjutsu on the battlefield back in chapter 583; Orochimaru first met him when he was receiving healing from the boy.
Dude was like 6 or 7 at the time; literally still in the orphanage.
Orochimaru's tutelage had shitall to do with it; his initial instruction was from his adopted mother Nono Yakushi. Then ROOT taught him to be a spy.

And as Orochimaru is not a medicnin, he didn't teach him medical ninjutsu either.
Besides, Kabuto spent most of his time undercover spying, as a nondescript genin of no particular ability.
He would have had to teach himself most of the time. By the time Orochimaru recruited him directly, the teen could use chakra scalpels.

Rochi may have been his mentor in research, but medical ninjutsu? Nope.
Fair enough, some first aid is obviously useful. Although I would guess the basics like first aid and where too hit people are stuff every Ninja covers.
Look at canon.
When Hinata had a relapse with Kiba present, when Kakashi collapsed in front of Team 7?
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I can buy his being overconfident and being defeated for it; that's basically what happened with Kabuto in canon.
I don't buy that his not using it properly was the reason why the sword got destroyed, else it would have gotten trashed earlier.
The Sage's Tools didn't get thrashed when they were used for the first time by Tenten, nor did Samehada get messed up when Killer B took possession.

And no, the weapon is not OP.
OP weapons don't get left on a shelf where random genin can steal them.
When OP items get lost, there are manhunts and bounties, like we saw when Naruto grabbed the Scroll.

For one thing, armor is not really a thing in the Narutoverse; the heaviest we see in common use is the flak jacket. For another, there is no evidence that it would work with Lightning Release; it's effect is nothing like the way Lightning Release works in Naruto.
Lightning Release cuts; the SoTTG shocks.
I'd like to note that Rasengan and Chidori are a big deal, and being broken by them isn't a death sentence to it's power. Remember Rasengan? That's one of Minato's signature ninjutsu, and it took Jiraiya over a year to learn it. He clearly thought it was worth the effort, even given that he was already easily S-rank. It's supposedly the pinnacle of Shape transformation for a reason. The Chidori isn't quite as much so, but since sasuke has it it's thematically opposite rasengan and is good enough that Kakaksi "I have 1000 jutsu" Hatake was known for using it.

What are you talking about? Tenten has the sage tools in her house, literally lying on a shelf. The forbidden scroll was also just lying around, albeit in a secure location. We also don't know much about the robbery even, so idk why you're assuming there wasn't a manhunt?

Land of Snow. Susano. Gaara's sand. Battle armor in the warring states, which only dissapeared because of the transition from combat to stealth; Heck, even Sarutobi has a set. Han's steam armor. The rock or crystal armor ninjutsu used by Guren and Fudo. Kidomaro's gold armor thing. Heck, flak jackets are light armor and can block Kunai.
I call bullshit.
You don't make jounin because you can flip a switch on a tool, any more than possession of a two tomoe Sharingan is enough to make you chuunin, or the ability to channel bijuu chakra gets you a promotion.

Again, dude is supposed to have been employed by Ame. Pain's village.
Nagato et al have no motive to give a missing-nin jounin-rank unless his skill repertoire explicitly meet the requirements for the class.
If his expertise came from the sword, they could simply take the sword away and give it to a native whose loyalty is not in doubt.

Look at our character sheet. Note what isn't there.
Note that genjutsu is on the sheet, despite being 0, and fuinjutsu is not.

Okay, now you are just flat out wrong. Let's skip over vanilla Hiraishin for a moment.

Minato: Bijuudama-teleporting barrier seal. Jinchuuriki seal. Contract seal that freed Kurama from Tobi's control.
Jiraiya: Amaterasu-containing seal. Bijuu-suppressing seal.
Danzo: Paralysis seal. Suicide seal. Root silence seal.
Tsunade: Strength of a Hundred Seal

Sarutobi(and the other Kages): Red Yang barrier seal.
Hyuga: Caged Bird seal.
Itachi: Contingency seal he set to throw Amaterasu at Tobi.
Everybody else: Storage scrolls. Explosive tags(?). The various seals that were used to stop the Edo Tensei zombies in the Fourth War. Most barrier seals. Medical seals like the ones used to treat Neji after Kidomaru blew a crater in his shoulder.

And that's not an exhaustive list by any means.

Fuinjutsu is a big fucking deal.
Don't fool yourself otherwise.
We see him fight, he's... not that competent. His other skills might be out of battle skills, or maybe the sword is holding him back and he's just bad with it instead of in general, but Jonin rank he was not by the standards shown in series.

Hiraishin, Medical seals, and probably some of the root seals are actually Jutsu Shiki, which probably requires a different skill, like how Ninjutsu function alongside Genjutsu.
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Mangekyo Sharingan use explicitly damages eyesight, which is not information commonly known; Sasuke started losing his sight after his fight with Killer Bee, which was like the first fight where he used Amaterasu. Gonna need a trusted medic to notice and either suggest management, or research a fix.

That's the point. I'm pretty there isn't a simple fix and management is not to use it which is part of our cannon knowledge which we don't exactly need to be told.

Rochi may have been his mentor in research, but medical ninjutsu? Nope.

Yeah but that's a skill that he clearly improved over his entire lifetime. Just because he first learnt it and was proficient at it from a early age doesn't mean he stopped improving. Not something we can reliablely replicate (unlike say copy ninjutsu, sharigan abilities).

You noted Genius's as your example which we may or may not be. Far more reliable to simple rely on sharingan and basic ninja skills that everyone is at least proficient at.

Look at canon.
When Hinata had a relapse with Kiba present, when Kakashi collapsed in front of Team 7?

Pretty sure these are just one of those moments where canon is being stupid for the sake of dramatic tension. There is absolutely no reason for every Shinobi not to be versed in first aid.

You have to abmit it's pretty dumb.
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That's one of Minato's signature ninjutsu, and it took Jiraiya over a year to learn it.
Citation please.

It took Minato 3 years to invent; I do not recall anything about how long it took Jiraiya to learn.
Furthermore, it's an A-rank, but it's still an A-rank executed by a genin.
Who uses it matters.

We see this in particular with Rasengan, where two different people use the same technique on Pain during the Second Konoha Invasion.
Konohamaru use vanilla Rasengan on Naraka Path Pain, and it walked it off. Naruto used vanilla Rasengan on Asura Path Pain, and it shattered.
Killed Animal Path outright as well as Deva Pain.

What are you talking about?
In peacetime.
When there had been no war or internal conflict for around 12 years, and basically very few people could use it without dying.
SoTTG is basically plug and play in comparison.

Land of Snow. Susano. Gaara's sand. Battle armor in the warring states, which only dissapeared because of the transition from combat to stealth; Heck, even Sarutobi has a set. Han's steam armor. The rock or crystal armor ninjutsu used by Guren and Fudo. Kidomaro's gold armor thing. Heck, flak jackets are light armor and can block Kunai.
Not canon.
Evolved Bloodline.
Evolved Bloodline.
No indication that Sarutobi's armor provides better protection than modern flak jackets.
One-off horrible abomination of Orochimaru nature.

Citation for flak jackets blocking kunai please?
Never seen it happen. I especially remember Iruka getting hit with a fuuma shuriken.
Shinobi hit so hard that everyone simply dodges.

Unless you're an Edo Tensei.
We see him fight, he's... not that competent. His other skills might be out of battle skills, or maybe the sword is holding him back and he's just bad with it instead of in general, but Jonin rank he was not by the standards shown in series.
Or he was clowning genin. Because, you know, genin.
Why would he exert himself?
We see the damn same reasoning with Kabuto which allowed Naruto to nail him one.

Zabuza is no less jounin for the fact that Naruto outmaneuvered him, or because Sasuke was able to speedblitz his water clones after grinding training for a while.
Hiraishin, Medical seals, and probably some of the root seals are actually Jutsu Shiki, which probably requires a different skill, like how Ninjutsu function alongside Genjutsu.
Citation for all of this claim requested please.
Because as far as I can tell, those are claims with no basis in the manga or anime.
[x] - Let Sasuke deal with all that bullshit

He's the actual heir now anyways, and this gives us more time to do things we want instead of clan bullshit.
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So Mary was fourteen years old, but Hisana is the same age as Sasuke/Naruto, right?

We don't really have any excuse to maintain control if Sasuke is able and willing. We're not older, so far as anyone else knows, and he's the clan heir. The folks who know about the coup might like the idea of disinheriting him in favor of an outcast wasn't-even-formally-an-Uchiha-before girl, but that's not really something they can admit to wanting since officially there's no coup. And even if we somehow pull it off it'll probably make an enemy of Sasuke long term.

So, on the assumption that we're capable of selling the suggestion in a way that won't sound like we're trying to steal something from Sasuke, I'll go with:
[x] - Suggest joint control
We see this in particular with Rasengan, where two different people use the same technique on Pain during the Second Konoha Invasion.
Konohamaru use vanilla Rasengan on Naraka Path Pain, and it walked it off. Naruto used vanilla Rasengan on Asura Path Pain, and it shattered.
Killed Animal Path outright as well as Deva Pain.

Not as certain about the Deva Path, but when Naruto's fighting the Asura and Animal Path he's in Sage Mode which kind of invalidates that comparison.
Technically our character is 22 years old since 14 years as Mary and 8 as Hisana though our mindset would be really weird.
[x] - Subtly push to remain in control of the clan "joint control" a potential trap? I don't recall anything about joint control of clans from the Naruto world.

I don't know enough about the Tekomander's QMing style to judge, though. The joint control option was readily added, after all. Maybe it'll go fine in practice.
Not as certain about the Deva Path, but when Naruto's fighting the Asura and Animal Path he's in Sage Mode which kind of invalidates that comparison.
No actually.
If a vanilla Rasengan by Sage Naruto is more powerful than a vanilla Rasengan by normal Naruto, it kinda illustrates the point that both current power levels and the person using a technique affect it's effectiveness.

And of course, baseline Naruto Rasengan'd Deva Pain to death; no Sage mode involved. "joint control" a potential trap? I don't recall anything about joint control of clans from the Naruto world.
Only two legitimate members of the clan as it currently exists though, and they're both the same age.
No real justification for giving either person control over the other.
Merger 1.6
Merger 1.6

Hisana rushed through the streets, as fast as she'd ever gone. It was still odd, to her, that she possessed such physical ability. She probably couldn't pull off the tree leaping that most ninja in the Land of Fire traveled by just yet, but she was still far faster than she had been in her old life. Even if her legs were stubby and her steps tiny.

The Konoha Hospital was a surprisingly modern building. It was amongst the tallest in the village, though at less than ten floors that wasn't saying much. Hisana had rushed over, and she took a moment to breathe just outside the hospital proper. Then, she walked inside to face her first major challenge in changing things. Getting an in with Naruto was as easy as, well, turning up with some extra food. Sasuke, just after the massacre? She could forget about making any progress for a while.

A nurse directed her to her distant cousin's room, and as she exited the stairs onto his floor she saw the two ANBU standing guard outside. In their almost featureless masks and grey armour; they certainly cut an intimidating figure. Fans seemed to have been divided between thinking they were the coolest part of the series, or that they were just over glorified mooks. Actually standing near one, Hisana was perfectly aware that he could kill her in the time it took her to blink. This time though, they merely stood aside to allow her to enter.

She entered the hospital room gingerly. Sasuke looked up slowly, his eyes red. He'd clearly been crying. In that hospital room, he looked more like the traumatised child he was than what she'd been subconsciously expecting. The boy in front of her was no hardened avenger, or coldy closed off recluse. He mostly looked like he needed a hug. She didn't really know what to say. She almost opened her mouth to ask if he was okay, but that was stupid. Of course he wasn't.

"The-they told me you survived, too." Sasuke said, his voice hoarse and halting and agonisingly young.

"Yeah." Hisana said, sitting down in a chair next to Sasuke's bed.

"Do you... do you know why?" He asked her. Hisana wanted so badly to tell him the truth, then. To tell who was really at fault, who had manipulated his brother for their own ends. But that wasn't what she needed to do, or what he needed. At least, that's what Hisana told herself.

"I don't." She said, each word painful to say. Sasuke looked down, tears in his eyes. Slowly, gently, she hugged him and ignored the wetness on her shoulder. After that, there wasn't much more to say.

Only a week after Sasuke had finally been released from the hospital; the last two Uchiha stood on wooden pier overlooking a lake. It was located just behind the compound; and the wood bore more than a few singe marks. Hisana shivered into her jacket against the wind.

"You should stay clan head, cousin." Sasuke said.

"It's your birthright, Sasuke. I'm not even a real Uchiha." Hisana replied.

"You're more of an Uchiha than I am." He said, looking down at the lake.

"Sasuk-" Hisana started, but he interrupted her.

"How can we have a clan head who hasn't even awakened his Sharingan! How can we have one who was related to Ita... him." Sasuke shouted; looking up at her.

"Why the hell do we need a clan head anyway? There's two of us left, so we may as well just both "lead" the clan." HIsana said, growing tired of the argument.

"Fine. But I can't -" Sasuke began, only to stop when Hisana spoke up.

"I know you can't lead right now. I'll keep on taking care of it, okay?" Hisana said.

"Okay." Sasuke replied, visibly relaxing. "But that's not why I asked you to come to the pier with me. You should have learnt this... you should have learnt this from your mother. But I'm the only one left to teach you, so watch." Sasuke said, and Hisana's eyes spun in red on black. She saw the handseals, Snake-Ram-Monkey-Boar-Horse-Tiger, and the way Sasuke's chakra moved and changed. She saw the fire gather, and she saw it roar out past the pier onto the lake.

She formed her chakra, directing it along the pathways her Sharingan dictated; and breathed fire. Orange flame, far smaller and cooler than Sasuke's, came roaring out of her mouth and shot across the lake like a flamethrower. She felt incredibly powerful; and like she was finally becoming stronger. She knew that was absurd, of course - she'd only been Hisana for a few weeks, and she was far from being able to use the Grand Fireball in battle. But it was satisfying.

Plus, she wasn't quite so cold anymore.
It was a few days before Hisana's ninth birthday that a terrible and wonderful idea struck her. Or, perhaps, it might be better to say that she came across a piece of information that led to said idea. The Chunin Exams were being held in Konoha in a few days, and she had a Sharingan. Genin from all over the elemental nations would be traveling to Konoha to compete against one another, with the final stage being a tournament of the strongest in front of a public audience.

It was a chance to expand her arsenal of techniques with things she'd never be able to learn in the village, and likely only be able to copy off of enemy ninja. She was also fairly certain that such a thing would not be appreciated by the visiting ninja; or her comrades. So she could not use her Sharingan openly in the stands. In a natural user, the chakra drain of a Sharingan is very low; and almost undetectable even by skilled sensors compared to a 'standby' state of chakra usage.

So she had to physically disguise her eyes, and probably herself, if she wanted to get away with it. That left her two paths to go down - a physical disguise, using sunglasses to hide her eyes, or a transformation jutsu. She wasn't sure she could hold the transformation long enough, but she also wasn't sure she could pull off the physical disguise.

[x] - Use the transformation jutsu to disguise yourself once inside the stadium.
[x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.

QM's Note: We'll be skipping ahead in time pretty rapidly from this post onwards until the end of the Academy.​