[x] - Suggest joint control

If he doesn't want to deal with it, we'll probably just be in control anyway, but this way looks better (and that we're not stealing his position away from him). I feel like if we were to go for stay in control, he'd want the position just because we have it instead of him.
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Because the jounin sucked at using it.
On what evidence do you make this claim?
If he sucked at using a blade and insisted on toting it into combat, he'd have lost it or gotten ganked within his first couple years wielding it.
The reward for ineptness is death or crippling.

Seriously, you think he made jounin in Pain's village without being able to use his weapon properly?
It's like claiming that Kubikiribocho got cut in half because Suigetsu sucked at using swords. Or that Kakashi got his sword broken because he couldn't use it properly.

You are acting like we'd never would pick up fuinjutsu.
I'm pointing out that you get an early start on important stuff for a reason.

We have five pressing threats OOC: Itachi, Tobi, Zetsu, Orochimaru, Danzo.
We have Itachi and Tobi partly covered because we're learning the ins and outs of the Haxigan. Zetsu is covered by the Sharingan and medicine.
Danzo and Orochimaru both remain unaccounted for, and they are both Fuinjutsu masters, which is the hole we left unattended.

Being able to at least recognize the threat would save you a ton of grief.

Right now, we're in the same position as canon Team 7, who didn't realize that Orochimaru slapped a seal on Naruto despite actually seeing it happen.
It's one thing that Naruto didn't recognize it , but neither Sakura the Academy bookworm nor the Sasuke the Rookie of the Year recognized that Orochimaru's glowing hands were a seal application either. Which pretty strongly indicates that seal theory is not something routinely available.

Ebisu's standards of tutoring are not Academy level; like Kakashi said, dude trains jounin.

[X] - Suggest joint control
Handing everything over to a newly awakened tween is not good for him, or us.
And more to the fact, having the advantage of being able to defer major decisions by saying "I need to consult the co-Head" is a useful trick to have in reserve.
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On what evidence do you make this claim?
If he sucked at using a blade and insisted on toting it into combat, he'd have lost it or gotten ganked within his first couple years wielding it.
The reward for ineptness is death or crippling.

Seriously, you think he made jounin in Pain's village without being able to use his weapon properly?
It's like claiming that Kubikiribocho got cut in half because Suigetsu sucked at using swords. Or that Kakashi got his sword broken because he couldn't use it properly.

Because he was overconfident and relied on it more than anything instead of being smart with it. It's how a team of genin were able to coordinate an attack that broke it. Basically he put his other skills on the back burner from it. So the wielder sucked at using the sword while the sword itself is OP.

No armor blocks it. It converts lightning chakra insanely well. And a main lightning elemental user with it would be awesome.

Also he was a chunin when he got the sword from from Idate or whatever his name was, basically in the same position as Mizuki who didn't have enough talent to advance int he ranks. He became Jonin because the sword covered for some of his weaknesses from my understanding of it.


Yes, that movie was just as stupid and contradicting as generally is normal for anime movies.


Actually anime filler. Shit blurred together for me. >.>

I'm pointing out that you get an early start on important stuff for a reason.

And we have, just not that yet. Fuinjutstu is also not the end all and be all like you are making it out to be.
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I'm pretty sure Sasuke's going to ignore any clan bullshit in favor of training, but giving him the option is important.

[X] - Suggest joint control
Because he was overconfident and relied on it more than anything instead of being smart with it. It's how a team of genin were able to coordinate an attack that broke it. Basically he put his other skills on the back burner from it. So the wielder sucked at using the sword while the sword itself is OP.
I can buy his being overconfident and being defeated for it; that's basically what happened with Kabuto in canon.
I don't buy that his not using it properly was the reason why the sword got destroyed, else it would have gotten trashed earlier.
The Sage's Tools didn't get thrashed when they were used for the first time by Tenten, nor did Samehada get messed up when Killer B took possession.

And no, the weapon is not OP.
OP weapons don't get left on a shelf where random genin can steal them.
When OP items get lost, there are manhunts and bounties, like we saw when Naruto grabbed the Scroll.

No armor blocks it. It converts lightning chakra insanely well. And a main lightning elemental user with it would be awesome.
For one thing, armor is not really a thing in the Narutoverse; the heaviest we see in common use is the flak jacket. For another, there is no evidence that it would work with Lightning Release; it's effect is nothing like the way Lightning Release works in Naruto.
Lightning Release cuts; the SoTTG shocks.

Certainly, the only user we see using it in canon was not a Lightning Element user.
And all this assumes it's even a thing in this quest, since it was a one-off invention for filler.
I don't expect to see Mecha-Naruto here, either, or the Mysterious Peacock Method.

Also he was a chunin when he got the sword from from Idate or whatever his name was, basically in the same position as Mizuki who didn't have enough talent to advance int he ranks. He became Jonin because the sword covered for some of his weaknesses from my understanding of it.
I call bullshit.
You don't make jounin because you can flip a switch on a tool, any more than possession of a two tomoe Sharingan is enough to make you chuunin, or the ability to channel bijuu chakra gets you a promotion.

Again, dude is supposed to have been employed by Ame. Pain's village.
Nagato et al have no motive to give a missing-nin jounin-rank unless his skill repertoire explicitly meet the requirements for the class.
If his expertise came from the sword, they could simply take the sword away and give it to a native whose loyalty is not in doubt.

Actually anime filler. Shit blurred together for me. >.>
Neither Kakashi breaking his sword or Suigetsu breaking his is filler though.
Unless you refer to other stuff.

And we have, just not that yet.
Look at our character sheet. Note what isn't there.
Note that genjutsu is on the sheet, despite being 0, and fuinjutsu is not.

Fuinjutstu is also not the end all and be all like you are making it out to be.
Okay, now you are just flat out wrong. Let's skip over vanilla Hiraishin for a moment.

Minato: Bijuudama-teleporting barrier seal. Jinchuuriki seal. Contract seal that freed Kurama from Tobi's control.
Jiraiya: Amaterasu-containing seal. Bijuu-suppressing seal.
Danzo: Paralysis seal. Suicide seal. Root silence seal.
Tsunade: Strength of a Hundred Seal

Sarutobi(and the other Kages): Red Yang barrier seal.
Hyuga: Caged Bird seal.
Itachi: Contingency seal he set to throw Amaterasu at Tobi.
Everybody else: Storage scrolls. Explosive tags(?). The various seals that were used to stop the Edo Tensei zombies in the Fourth War. Most barrier seals. Medical seals like the ones used to treat Neji after Kidomaru blew a crater in his shoulder.

And that's not an exhaustive list by any means.

Fuinjutsu is a big fucking deal.
Don't fool yourself otherwise.
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You know what uju3 I'm done arguing. Congrats. I clearly isn't make my points clear enough so I'm going to bother trying anymore.


Note, I am not blaming you because you are actually arguing the right way. I'm blaming myself for not being coherent enough with what I want to say.
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We're not planning to be the second coming of Tsunade tho. I'll be fine with learning how to treat field injuries. Perfect chakra control can't be a requirement for being a decent mednin anyway, or else there'd barely be enough to count on one hand.

Fuuinjutsu is great and all, but it can't be the only path to power. It's insulting to QM to think otherwise.
Personally I think people are underestimating just how difficult and unrewarding medical jutsu is likely to be. Especially considering we don't have Sakura's prodigious chakara control.
We're Uchiha though.
Eye problems are demonstrably an issue for our clan; getting a leg up there will save us future grief.
I'm already halfway convinced that it was some sort of Mangekyo Sharingan interaction that stuffed Mary inside Hisana's head; if the poor girl ever had a reason to go from zero to Mangy Eye, killing her entire clan would do it.

Canon Sasuke relied on Orochimaru and his clique to be his medics as he grew up; we don't have an S-class ninja catering to our every medical need.
While S-class would be nice, it's not actually necessary; just B- or A-rank might be enough.
I will admit that I would love to grab the Strength of a Hundred Seal, just for the backup chakra storage, but it probably won't happen.

As for medic-nin, see Kabuto.
Sakura is not the only extant example to aspire to.
Eye problems are demonstrably an issue for our clan; getting a leg up there will save us future grief.
I'm already halfway convinced that it was some sort of Mangekyo Sharingan interaction that stuffed Mary inside Hisana's head; if the poor girl ever had a reason to go from zero to Mangy Eye, killing her entire clan would do it.

If that is the case then... ouch. Poor girl. :(
Personally I think people are underestimating just how difficult and unrewarding medical jutsu is likely to be. Especially considering we don't have Sakura's prodigious chakara control.
I personally voted for medical jutsu so that Hisana can hopefully see a little less red in the future by keeping her comrades blood where it belongs, which only requires a basic level of medical jutsu, and was what she was aiming for IC. Frankly after waking up in a pile of corpses belonging to pretty much everyone she knew... Hisana picking up medical jutsu is simply a means of coping with the mental trauma.
We're Uchiha though.
Eye problems are demonstrably an issue for our clan; getting a leg up there will save us future grief.
I'm already halfway convinced that it was some sort of Mangekyo Sharingan interaction that stuffed Mary inside Hisana's head; if the poor girl ever had a reason to go from zero to Mangy Eye, killing her entire clan would do it.
Wouldn't Hisana awakening the Sharingan before she was knocked out, or fainted, and the Mangekyo Sharingan when she woke up among the pile of corpses belonging to everyone she loved be a more reasonable means to achieve that end result?
Canon Sasuke relied on Orochimaru and his clique to be his medics as he grew up; we don't have an S-class ninja catering to our every medical need.
While S-class would be nice, it's not actually necessary; just B- or A-rank might be enough.
I will admit that I would love to grab the Strength of a Hundred Seal, just for the backup chakra storage, but it probably won't happen.
I doubt Hisana is intending to pick up this level of medical jutsu, but only time will tell whether, or not events conspire to make her want to go beyond the basic level. Because a teammate almost dying is an excellent motivation to delve deeper into that field beyond a strong desire to never see red on those you care about again.
If that is the case then... ouch. Poor girl. :(
Its the Narutoverse.
For all the bright colors and uplifting message, the backstory and setting elements are really grim.

Quick question:
-Who is Hisana's father?Does she know? What happened to him?
Obviously, if the clan had no problem with marrying the daughter of a clothes-seller into the clan, their calling him disreputable has to come from something else. And given how this is Naruto, I wonder about the other side of her genetics.
Especially as she just awoke her Sharingan at eight, the same age as Sasuke.

-How much friction is the fact that Hisana can consciously use her Sharingan going to cause?
Because Sasuke awoke his, but didn't remember that he did so.
And it's not like Mizuki can be trusted to keep that secret.
Wouldn't Hisana awakening the Sharingan before she was knocked out, or fainted, and the Mangekyo Sharingan when she woke up among the pile of corpses belonging to everyone she loved be a more reasonable means to achieve that end result?
The Haxigan is a freaky piece of work.
Kakashi didn't realize that he activated the Mangy Eye for about fifteen years after watching Rin die.
Sasuke activated a Level 1 Sharingan at age 7-8, then repressed the memory and went back to black eyes for another 4-5 years before activating a Level 1.5 Sharingan in Wave.

Having Hisana go straight to Mangy Eye, and then forget about it is entirely within it's possibility.

I doubt Hisana is intending to pick up this level of medical jutsu, but only time will tell whether, or not events conspire to make her want to go beyond the basic level. Because a teammate almost dying is an excellent motivation to delve deeper into that field beyond a strong desire to never see red on those you care about again.
Strength of a Hundred is actually an S-class fuinjutsu seal.
It's Creation Rebirth that's a medical jutsu, which requires the Strength of a Hundred Seal.
Hisana could pick up the seal and use the chakra for other stuff.

Different path to power than the whole nature energy or bijuu chakra pathways we see.

Do note that if Creation Rebirth is capable of fixing Sharingan eye failure, then going after it becomes a very good idea.
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The thing about "Subtly push to remain in control of the clan" is that it all depends on implementation.

Pushing for formal control, even if done subtly, risks antagonising Sasuke as people have noted.

However, there's no need to formally be in control. An alternative solution is to leave Sasuke in the formal position, and be his "advisor/grand vizier/administrator". As he will not really be up to dealing with everything, and would prefer to focus on Itachi-murdering, we can easily end up effectively being in control by virtue of the fact that we're the ones actually managing everything.

We don't even need to overtly be an advisor or anything. We just need to be making suggestions and managing things for him so he doesn't have to deal with them.

So I guess the question to @Tekomandor is: what does "subtly" mean in this context?
My guess would be that "subtly push for control" involves showing Sasuke the paperwork and asking if he wants to get in on that, or if he'd like us to keep doing the management part.

A 14 y.o. kid's idea of what "subtle" means might just be different from our own tho. Even if she's probably more canny than a traumatized 7 y.o.
[x] - Suggest joint control

We are a child. As is he. Both of us are emotionally compromised. There's no point in squabbling and both of us could help each other.