I'm sure everyone noticed that Turn 5 was very long and had over 50 omakes, so
@Kingster had some troubles with keeping the Character Sheets updated. I'm making this post to make fixing them easier for him, so he don't need to make constant changes to them.
If someone omake reward is missing, please just say it and i'll add it to the post.
Rusty Rose - Missing +5 loyalty from my omake Give him two minutes, it was an omake bounty of Meet the new arrivals. She should be at 75.
Belle - She is missing a +5 loyalty from giving her the Staple and another +5 from her trait Trial Period doubling all loyalty gains and loses. I think she is also missing some loyalty bonuses from Omakes bounties, but i don't know which ones, if your omake bounty did not got rewarded, tell me and i'll add it to the post. She's missing a Belle making the Rounds Omake bounty with Rusty by Fleightfire, so she should have +5 loyalty and a new trait with Rusty.
Thunderbolt - She is missing +5 loyalty bonus from The Egg fans bounty by Catfixer, the omake got fullfiled way before we got Thunderbolt, so Kingster may have forgotten or he might have included the +5 in her base Loyalty, i don't know which.
Starline - I know what you are thinking, how could Starline be missing anything if he is never doing Nationals, well this one have been missing since the time where Starline was still relevant. When he went in the adventure to recover the lance, his reward was +15 loyalty, but he is missing another +15 loyalty from Eggman trait I am the E.G.G.M.A.N doubling or halving the loyalty gains of hero units that know of his past. He should be at 70 loyalty.
Stone - His trait I'm Here, Doctor should now be called I Am His Rock as a reward for the Omake A Stone Thoughts by Catfixer_3_1. I'm adding this one just in case, but i assume that Kingster did not change the name because Stone already have a Trait with a very similar name called I Am Your Rock, specially since the rest of the reward got applied correctly.
Metal Sonic - Metal is missing his new Drive called Find and Face Shard again (And Win obviously!), from the Finale of What I'm made of.
Yahna - This is not from the Character Sheet, but from Discord. Yahna name is spelled as Yahan in current-hero-units and i think some people are starting to believe that's her name.
If someone know of something that is missing, just inform me of it and i'll edit it into the post, hope this help.