Well, I'm not surprised with the new drive for caana if we are going to take down the control freak, we definitely need to help the remaining ruddies and they came to the right person.

We should probably try to reach out to them next turn. We know they definitely need the help plus, we did repair their robotic, buddy robot boy.

Also, I'm surprised that we don't have any actions to search where the whereabouts of the deadly six. That probably requires us to get back our base.
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Well, I'm not surprised with the new drive for caana if we are going to take down the control freak, we definitely need to help the remaining ruddies and they came to the right person.

We should probably try to reach out to them next turn. We know they definitely need the help plus, we did repair their robotic, buddy robot boy.

I kinda want to get the restoration into the anti-black doom alliance if for no other reason than so, they don't attack while we build up. if we aren't doing that this turn I would like to do it next turn.
So you want to assigned to decode a signal where both Isara and Stone are way better?

Stone is better by six points and Isara by five, but Starline has advantage. You want a higher number on the signal? Assign Starline. Advantage easily trumps a five or six point difference.

If your point is that you want Starline specifically on Pyramid for the sake of his drive, emphasize the drive rather than fudging the numbers. Because my point is specifically about maximizing those numbers.

Specially since that action is not really that fleshy to satisfy his drive, after all it just deconding a transmission.

His drives are to assist Eggman in his conquest and impress him. Doing what Eggman wants him to do should suffice.

Edit: I'd also like to suggest putting Honey on solo training instead of outfits. If we want her to get to fight Zavok or be worth using in general, she needs to be making progress.
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Stone is better by six points and Isara by five, but Starline has advantage. You want a higher number on the signal? Assign Starline. Advantage easily trumps a five or six point difference.

If your point is that you want Starline specifically on Pyramid for the sake of his drive, emphasize the drive rather than fudging the numbers. Because my point is specifically about maximizing those numbers.

I did mention his Drive?

I also mention that with the combine power he also has good odds to crit the actions too and that would impress Eggman a lot if anything else.
Well just checked Canaan and Maria roll for the heart action.

32 base total + a whopping 17 from 3/4 from her trickery rounded down + 7 from Eggman + 5 from loyalty.

She outrights rolls a 61 at base.

14 or more before any omake bonuses are factored in and we suceed the action of reaching out to Jakken.

A 89 of more suceeds the crit.

Belle who was our best diplomat only gets a 47 probably on the Jakken action.
Actually, if we do we go on this adventure we can try to beat him at the one game we can never lose. After all all conflict is settled by games in that land as we calmly approach him and explain we we bet on a game for our robots.

Remember, there's an achievement related to Jeanne the great
Pretty sure now that he's beaten satan and is declared the luckiest thing alive were not on an even playin field playin any kind of game
I did mention his Drive?

You did. Except your other big point was saying that Stone would do better at Logistics. Which, statistically speaking, will not be the case.

Anyways, is there a reason that you want Honey on making clothes over training? If she's going to be sent out against Zavok, whenever that happens, it would be good for her to have better than effective 23 Power.
Anyways, is there a reason that you want Honey on making clothes over training? If she's going to be sent out against Zavok, whenever that happens, it would be good for her to have better than effective 23 Power.

I put her to train with Storm if that helps?

And I already fix the reasoning with him only need a 9 to critical succeed the action that one would likely impress Eggman a lot. After all ctirical suscess are always good thigns for the recipient.

Reclaiming the Arsenal Pyramid and critical succeed the action would likely do a lot for him.
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I don't really have a dog in the Starline race, I just want to request that we please try and get the Ring Tossers and Ring Reactor out of the way. I feel like we need the Reactor up sooner rather than later, and I'd like to have a consistent supply of rings too.
A New Friend New
A New Friend

Belle didn't know why she was here.

After she return from Tokyo-to she just want to be a left alone, she...


Never see so many people die.

She is surround by killers, people that will kill anyone on they way. She know this since the beginning but it's another thing to see with your own eyes.

It was unfair to Canaan, Clove and Piastol that but do they really need to kill all those cops?

And Metal destroy whole floors of that skyscrapers with air defenses that she hope were empty. She has to specify him to not kill anyone and he still find a way to kill people.

All of them are serving someone bent on world conquest that will kill more on the following days in his wars.

Gears and Starters she saw a whole city district burn in flames killing who knows how many on the orders of a madmen.

It's not that she naive, Papa make sure to explain to her on the day Belle asked why she have a combat mechanism. He said, with a uncharacteristic sadness that sometimes people hurt others when they are scared despite wanting to do good, almost as if he was remembering something else before quickly changing the subject.

Dr. Eggman's base wasn't a place for her, not truly. It was all cold metal, sharp edges, and artificial calculations, a far cry from the warmth and care of Mr. Tinker's little workshop. And yet, she remained, as if some hidden part of her believed that staying here might help her understand. Perhaps there was something left of him buried beneath all this steel and machinery. Perhaps she just wanted there to be.

Eventually she came across Dr. Eggman workshop and she don't even realize she get inside and start to explore.

Her wooden fingers ran along the surface of the workbench as she wandered the room, letting her thoughts drift. That was when she saw spot a Moto Bug sprawled motionless on the floor of the cluttered workshop, discarded like a broken tool.

Belle knelt beside the little Badnik, tilting her head as she examined it. It was partly dissablembed, it's chassy open, the tire was missing, and its optic lens completely dark.

She hesitated.

This wasn't like fixing a toy or tuning a music box. This was a badnik, one of Eggman's creations. She shouldn't care, shouldn't feel an ache in her chest looking at it. And yet…

"Guess I could use a project," she muttered, kneeling down and lifting the broken bot onto the workbench.

Half because she wanted to, and half because she needed a distraction.

Hours pass and Belle worked tirelessly, hands moving with practiced care as she replaced circuits, adjusted wiring, and cleaned away layers of grime. But as she worked, an idea took root in her mind.

She had seen something strange while wandering the base sometimes. Badniks left to their own devices, displaying behaviors that weren't part of their programming. A lone EggRobo, pausing during its rounds to pluck a flower and stare at it as if admiring its beauty before quickly crushing aside when realize it was not meant to do that and continue as if nothing happen. Some Egg Pawns wearing the hats she put on them during the whole trip to Tokyo-to and acting as if they are a sailor crew.

And so on this little oddities happen.

Did Eggman know this was happening?

Was it a glitch? Some unintended side effect of their AI routines?

Whatever it was, Belle couldn't help but find it…


It was like a spark of something more, something beyond what they were made for.

So when she finished repairing the Moto Bug and she altered its programming, just slightly.

A little more curiosity. A little more freedom. A chance to be something more than a simple drone.

She decide to long last active and it's optics were fill with light.

She set it down and watched as it rolled in a small circle before looking up at her, optics blinking. Then, to her surprise, it nudged against her leg like a pet seeking affection.

Belle let out a small laugh.

"Guess you like your new self, huh?"

Motobud beeped in response, its little antenna twitching.

"Oh, you're just adorable! I think I'll call you… Motobud!"

Motobud beeped in approval again, revving its tiny motor and circling Belle excitedly.

She wasn't sure if it was alive, not really, she wasn't sure if what she had done was right or wrong. But as she watched the little bot happily wheel around the workshop, she decided one thing for certain:

She was glad she had done it.

Here is my omake and introduce a new character Motobud!

Let's give Belle a friend that is not a dangerous person or a killer, the poor girls needs.

Yes btw this was the Moto Bug Sage use to contact Eggman, I just think the doctor forget all about it in the excitment of getting Sage back.
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I don't really have a dog in the Starline race, I just want to request that we please try and get the Ring Tossers and Ring Reactor out of the way. I feel like we need the Reactor up sooner rather than later, and I'd like to have a consistent supply of rings too.

We are goign to do this next turn but right now we need to decode the signal less someone get it before us and rebuild Honey Shop since the QMs are evasive over how long we have if we don't build this turn and she decide to leave and search Zavok on her own while also loosing a potential base to infiltrate the Restoration as well and a source of Income too.

Is the omake embargo over?

I believe so.
I don't especially want to pursue the signal this turn and want to focus on actually building some infrastructure instead, instead of putting the latter off indefinitely. As I see it, the signal is an opportunity, passives are a necessity.

[] Plan: Domeggstic Issues
-[] Power: Reclaim Your Territory! Metal Sonic and Omega
--[] Launch Reclamation from Egg City
-[] Power: Retake The Seat Of The Eggman Empire - Starline + Badniks: 4x Egg Pawns, 4x Egg Robos
-[] Heart: Reach out to Janken The Great - Canaan
-[] Logistics: Build A Ring Reactor - Isara + Badniks: 2x Quizon
-[] Logistics: Rebuild Honey's Shop - Orbot and Cubot
-[] Brains: Recall all the Badniks to Your Command - Sage + Noise Tanks
-[] Brains: Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia - Belle
-[] Trickery: Look For The Sniper - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Newtron + 2x Moto Bugs + 1x Hotaru
-[] Mystic: Through The Ringer - Yahna
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Dr. Eggman: Get back to Shape
--[] Dr. Eggman: Draw Up Blueprints
--[] Dr. Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
--[] Dr. Eggman: Talk to Belle
--[] Dr. Starline: Read up on Eggman Lore
--[] Rusty Rose: Perform Personal Maintenance
--[] Metal Sonic: Do Some General Training
--[] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
--[] Belle: Learn More About Eggman's Past
--[] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
--[] Canaan: Hang out with Belle
--[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[] Sage: Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
--[] Piastol: Rest and Recover
--[] Conquering Storm: Train your Ninjas
--[] Honey: Do some Training
--[] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[] Yahan: Develop a Magical Theory Dossier.
-[] Magical Amulet: Give to Metal Sonic

Choosing the Ragnite mine so we can start stockpiling it, but would be open to considering the other passives.
Tournament's coming up and Omega needs babysitters. I have Metal working out because that'll make him better at both.
I also want to get Egg-Clan boosted, that'd be incredibly useful. Hopefully this gets done quick for the sparring
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I'll throw my desired plan in too, I guess. This is a variant of Soberan's plan, but it builds the Ring Reactor instead of Honey's shop. I don't think Honey is going to leave if we go another turn without building her shop. And even if there is a risk, her personal involves doing fashion. I think the risk is small, but with large payout. I really don't care about getting one extra income in comparison if we do it next turn. There's a pretty high chance it will let us squeeze more upgrades into Metal Sonic.

I'm debating whether to try to bring the Restoration onto the Black Arms collaboration. I'd also like to know if GUN will automatically collaborate with us if we do Black Arms research. There's no option to reach out to them. I guess their internal schism might be too great.

[] Plan: All Power to Eggman!!!
-[] National Actions
--[] Power: Reclaim Your Territory! DC: The Higher The Better
---[] Launch Reclamation from Egg City - - Metal Sonic + Omega
--[] Power: Retake The Seat Of The Eggman Empire DC: 60 - Starline + Badniks: 4x Egg Pawns, 4x Egg Robos
--[] Heart: Reach out to Janken The Great DC: 75 - Canaan
--[] Logistics: Check In On The Mysterious Signal DC: 75 - Agent Stone
--[] Logistics: Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100 - Orbot & Cubot + Badniks: 2x Quizons
--[] Brains: Recall all the Badniks to Your Command DC: Autopass (Only Sage may be assigned) - Sage + Noise Tanks
--[] Brains: Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (Locked)
--[] Trickery: Look For The Sniper DC: Contested by ??? - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Newtron + 2x Moto Bugs + 1x Hotaru
--[] Occult: Through The Ringer DC: 70 - Yahan
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Dr. Eggman: Get back to Shape
--[] Dr. Eggman: Draw Up Blueprints
--[] Dr. Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
--[] Dr. Eggman: Talk to Belle
--[] Dr. Starline: Read up on Eggman Lore
--[] Rusty Rose: Perform Personal Maintenance
--[] Metal Sonic: Practice With These Maracas
--[] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
--[] Belle: Learn More About Eggman's Past
--[] Pronghorn Sisters: Gamers Rise Up!
--[] Canaan: Try out those Air Skates that Maria brought.
--[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[] Sage: Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
--[] Piastol: Rest and Recover
--[] Conquering Storm: Train your Ninjas
--[] Honey: Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
--[] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[] Yahan: Develop a Magical Theory Dossier.

I want Honey Shop because not only give income but does give a in on Restoration territory and the QMs are really evasive if Honey will leave next turn or not if we don't build her shop now that Zavok leave Green Hills.

So I prefer not leave to chance instead of finding out the hard way, after all the QMs did not answer as well if the Sisters would lrave in Turn 7 or not if we have started Gene Therapy this turn.
I want Honey Shop because not only give income but does give a in on Restoration territory and the QMs are really evasive if Honey will leave next turn or not if we don't build her shop now that Zavok leave Green Hills.

So I prefer not leave to chance instead of finding out the hard way, after all the QMs did not answer as well if the Sisters would lrave in Turn 7 or not if we have started Gene Therapy this turn.
That in on Restoration territory won't do anything until we can actually take the action, which will be either Turn 7 or 8. And the DC to infiltrate the Restoration is already pretty low. This isn't a substantial action.

There is no reason to take evasiveness as hard confirmation that Honey would leave, as you are essentially doing. Of course the QMs won't answer every question out there. We're having her do a fashion project. If she leaves, she leaves. It's not that much of a loss. Personally I consider getting Metal Sonic prepared for the Tournament, and Neo Metal Sonic quicker, more valuable than her. But I really don't see a reason to act as if it is guaranteed she will leave.
I'll throw my desired plan in too, I guess. This is a variant of Soberan's plan, but it builds the Ring Reactor instead of Honey's shop. I don't think Honey is going to leave if we go another turn without building her shop. And even if there is a risk, her personal involves doing fashion. I think the risk is small, but with large payout. I really don't care about getting one extra income in comparison if we do it next turn. There's a pretty high chance it will let us squeeze more upgrades into Metal Sonic.
Honey Loyalty is -15, she might actually leave. On the other hand you are right with with her personal involving fashion. I guess that as long as the shop is build next turn she sould not leave. In the end i'm going with your plan, but i'm not sure if we can asign badnik to the reactor or not, the action have no badnik cap after all.