I wonder if the damaged robot girl is mecha robotnick, and if it is, boy are belle and save going to meet their big sister who has an actual reason to either love sage and belle or deplore eggman for replacing her
Bring In Others DC: Various
You are... *loathe* to even consider the idea, but Doom is something of a larger threat that even you anticipated. It would not be... illogical to inform others of the threat and what can be done to stop the alien that looks to make the world into a factory farm. Who knows, they may actually have some minute crumb of intelligence to add to this problem. But who to inform...
- The Restoration DC: 60
- The Empire DC: 80

Result: The selected group is informed of the threat of The Black Arms and may contribute into research into defeating them. Or they may take the information and run.
Alright, unfortunately the DC to create the virus is high enough that it is unlikely we will succeed unless we get more help. Even with GUN's help, we only got a 211 by rolling a 91. If I'm not mistaken we'd probably be working with Chuck if we passed the DC. Might even try to get the Empire.

I want to unleash the virus that has absolutely zero potential to go wrong whatsoever.

[ ] Ragnite Coating: Increases Rusty HP by 1 (6 HP Total) Rusty doesn't lose HP when defeated in combat if the enemy base power roll is 20 or less. (3 Upgrade Points)
Also Kingster, this is from Rusty's upgrade section. Rusty has 4HP, so increasing her HP by 1 should put it to 5HP total.

I wonder if the damaged robot girl is mecha robotnick, and if it is, boy are belle and save going to meet their big sister who has an actual reason to either love sage and belle or deplore eggman for replacing her
I think the QMs said she was closer than we would have thought and that she was among friends. This looks like it would fit.

I'm more surprised that we got their location without needing to spend an action.
I think the QMs said she was closer than we would have thought and that she was among friends. This looks like it would fit.

I'm more surprised that we got their location without needing to spend an action.
If it is mecha robotnick, we are now essentially closer to one of the achievement and get another adventure hero, since mecha robotnick is a bodyguard unit as well
So power.

We really need to retake that seat right now and it is at a 60 power check so nothing againts there.

If we want to upgrade Rusty we can assign Isara to it and we get 6 points secured, the only other better option is Metal and it gives us more or less the same roll.


I honestly say we need to decipher that signal to get intel on napoleon.

Honey Shop is important to get our 2nd trickery action so that is also something we need to do.


We are locked to recalling badniks and Cassia treatment.


Think we actually don't take any action on our public territory.

We could let Whisper rest for a turn so her alert from the near miss on Rusty patrol cools down.

As she probably will be either rolling with adventage or more bonuses due to being in alert of he surroundings.

So maybe we could investigate the underworld this turn.


Either trough the ringer or the candelabra, the later outrights gives us a demon summon and also gives us a demon detector which means we will know when Goji is coming for us.
Egg-colonize the territory: Logistics Dc 90
Metal Cost: 120
Badnik Cap 15 (Construction bonuses only) Your new territory is a mess, simple as that, the ruins if the black arms fortress and all the conflicts happening is just littering the place. That won't do at all. Time to give this place your personal touch
Rewards: Black arms territory is urbanized. Allows us to build factories, mines, and other infrastructure here.
Didn't we already do this?

I don't think we managed to grab any new territory yet.
Set Up A Black Market For Software and Hardware Pirates

Dc 70/100 (Second DC reached means that eggman will be able to hide his involvement on this)

Those 'Noise tanks', your minions rescued have come to you with a idea (after they stopped going star eyed at your tech) about setting up a blackmarket to buy and sell illegal tech and software,

it would prove useful to have another source of parts and income at your disposal as well as giving you a way to get rid of some of your more old and outdated (though still more impressive than G.U.N.) hardware.

Reward: Business set, income gained from this project
Well nice to see the Noise Tanks are becoming fans to us. Still another way to get income will be useful in case the Restoration closes Honey's shop.
Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Dc 80/110
Badnik Power Cap:15 (only Badniks that boost trickery or stealth)
While making a show about your return is tempting, caution might be the best…quietly infiltrating nearby areas and wresting control of those facilities could be for the best…
Reward: Reclaim territory from Zavok, taking nearby areas, none being the wiser.
Do we even still need this action now that Zavok left with the remaining D6?
If the robot really is Mecha we had to really hope the roll is on our side because it's probably the best moment we unlock our evilest version since she is the only one he had a speck of kindness toward (just a speck unfortunately).
[] Plan: The Eggman Empire Strikes Back!
-[] National Actions
--[] Power: Reclaim Your Territory! DC: The Higher The Better
---[] Launch Reclamation from Egg City - Metal Sonic + Omega
--[] Power: Retake The Seat Of The Eggman Empire DC: 60 - Starline + Badniks: 4x Egg Pawns, 4x Egg Robos
--[] Heart: Reach out to Janken The Great DC: 75 - Canaan
--[] Logistics: Check In On The Mysterious Signal DC: 75 - Agent Stone
--[] Logistics: Rebuild Honey's Shop DC:30 - Orbot & Cubot
--[] Brains: Recall all the Badniks to Your Command DC: Autopass (Only Sage may be assigned) - Sage + Noise Tanks
--[] Brains: Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (Locked) - Belle
--[] Trickery: Look For The Sniper DC: Contested by ??? - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Newtron + 2x Moto Bugs + 1x Hotaru
--[] Mystic: Through The Ringer DC: 70 - Yahan
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Dr. Eggman: Get back to Shape
--[] Dr. Eggman: Draw Up Blueprints
--[] Dr. Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
--[] Dr. Eggman: Talk to Belle
--[] Dr. Starline: Read up on Eggman Lore
--[] Rusty Rose: Perform Personal Maintenance
--[] Metal Sonic: Do Some General Training
--[] Agent Stone: Read The Manual
--[] Belle: Learn More About Eggman's Past
--[] Pronghorn Sisters: Gamers Rise Up!
--[] Canaan: Try out those Air Skates that Maria brought.
--[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[] Sage: Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
--[] Piastol: Rest and Recover
--[] Conquering Storm: Train your Ninjas
--[] Honey: Honey: Do some Training
--[] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[] Yahan: Develop a Magical Theory Dossier.
-[] Magical Amulet: +10 to combat rolls, gives +5 to heart rolls when rolling againts those musical proficient.
--[] Give it to someone?
---[] Yes: Metal Sonic

I think this all the actions for this turn.

This is a scramble for territory and we can't be left behind and let Egg City be surround by enemy forces and please guys let's try to negotiate the release of our robots first before going into another adventure and get in the wrong side of another King.

Also the QMs are not answering how long we have to rebuilt Honey Shop now that Zavok left so we should do it now and try to investiage the signal since the reward imply it is a first serve, first come kind of deal and if anyone decode before us we lose the opportunity to learn the valubel information behind (and resuce Sonia and MAnic along side the other prisioner).

Also send Starline to reclaim the Arsenal Pyramid to unlock the second action there and satisfy his Drive, specially since if he gets a critical suscess here it would really impress Eggman, while alongside some badniks, lucky we only need a few so we can pass normally and not leave us horrible defenseless in the process. He has into total 111 In Power very easy for him to critical succeed into the action since he only need to roll a 9.

Starline Drive demands he assist the Doctor on his conquest in a significant way and his ego would not be satisfied by anything less and thanks to our badniks he can reclaim Arsenal Pyramid.
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The quietly reclaiming our stuff Zavok who just left?

Cause either way we'll be taking our territory back.
The issue is anybody can now take that territory. Like, say, our nazi neighbors. Or the Restoration.

Unrelated, does anyone think Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun work like Orbot and Cubot and give us bonus actions? That'd be fucking sweet!
[] Develop a Magical Theory Dossier.
Seems interesting and could give us access to more Mystic actions, maybe even let us improve the magic of others. Reminder that Mystic was required to avoid being angered and confused in our battle against the demons.

She might have potential as a fighter, but we have some really strong combat focused heroes already, I don't think it would hurt having Yahan focus on more research based actions. Piastol can probably take advantage of more Mystic knowledge as well.
The issue is anybody can now take that territory. Like, say, our nazi neighbors. Or the Restoration.

Unrelated, does anyone think Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun work like Orbot and Cubot and give us bonus actions? That'd be fucking sweet!
I imagine they'd combine into Orbot and Cubot and give them a boost of some sort.
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Question, why is Omega included?

I don't think we have the ability to control him, unless I missed something?

Reward omake that Omega, just for this turn, can be deploy alongside a Metal unit and each has to roll a 1D100 and Metal has to beat the roll to avoid 3 HP.

Luckily upgrade action is autor repair so even if he suffer something here, nothing is loss.

Question, why is Omega included?

I don't think we have the ability to control him, unless I missed something?
Yeah pretty sure Omega would destroy any bases he comes across giving us more work.

Zavok already trashed all the factories and Zor launch a curse to boot, it will really don't matter if Omega destroy them or not since they are already in ruins, either way we would have to rebuild even if use normal forces.