About that

Megidolaon Check 120:
Canaan Defense roll

**Result**: 1d100 (**100**) + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15
**Total**: 153

Canaan: "I have become DEATH, Destroyer of DEATH!

Sbe killed pale rider

Local lesbian kills Death itself after trying to kill her girlfriend.
This hopefully is a interesting turn for us.
The dice giveth and hopefully doesn't also taketh this turn. The power of a Lesbian in L... Love!

Also doesn't it seem the dice on these adventures barely take a middle ground, most often high or low numbers, instead of middling numbers or rolls.
Megidolaon Check 120:
Canaan Defense roll

**Result**: 1d100 (**100**) + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15
**Total**: 153

Canaan: "I have become DEATH, Destroyer of DEATH!

Sbe killed pale rider

...Huh. Well then.

It seems our prayers have been answered.

Yeesh Canann you didn't have to murder the guy...thank you for killing the guy. Tide really turned once she was actually able to act directly huh? She already did like half our damage just by remaining on the defensive.

Of course this doesn't mean that we've won or even done that well but it's still really heartening to have the biggest threat off the board.

Well this song feels oddly appropriate for this news

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By_T39ENlkg

Oh good taste.

Fitting too. It's nice to have the Nat 100 on our side for once.

Canaan, you've earned yourself a prrr-motion!

Oh absolutely even Eggman can't deny she deserves it at this point.

Canaan, you've earned yourself a prrr-motion!

Power Give Them A Promotion! DC: 100
Well more put them through their paces to make them earn it. Several of your minions are much more used to commanding your robotic forces than others, time to fix that. Select one of your minions to train up to gain the prestigious title of Egg Boss!
Reward: Selected Hero unit gains the Eggboss trait and potential to increase their stats depending on the hero selected.
(QM Note: new eggbosses do not count towards Getting The Team Back Together achievement)

Imagine just how nutty Canaan's going to be once she has the Eggboss trait and possibly some stat-ups. Her combat bonuses are already quite a lot.
Well the eventual Negaverse ought to be something huh? I really could use someone else to help me write all of these...

...On another note would someone be willing to tally up our accomplishments after the Adventure is over?

And make a ranking of our combat power? Good to see where we're at currently and how far we have yet to go.