The Sky Wanders I
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Emanations of sound heralded death on Mochantia. Death as rampant life hunted its food. Death as lesser beings became food. Death as mighty beasts clashed under the canopy. What blotted out all instinct and base thought in atavistic terror was thus the greatest death anything had ever witnessed on the planet. Sublime earthquakes spoke of her coming hours ahead of her appearance over the horizon, even to the least of beasts.
She was old. Not as old as the youngest Slann, not as old as the Ayacamanik, but ancient all the same. In an age long gone on Mallus Mahultep of the Fifth Generation had presided over her birth to the fated behemoth Yoliztli and named her Iluikatl, after the sky she would grow to obscure.
Her mountainous layers of hide were black and stripped and patched in living green and grey scars. Iluikatl was so large that sand and dirt accumulated in the folds of her skin and built up on her gargantuan shoulders and back in deep layers. In that dirt the wind laid seeds and small creatures and the rains created shallow pools. As she wandered and explored her jungle, a forest grew on her like a cloak or shawl. Many generations of fleeting life called Iluikatl home and she paid them no heed.
To Iluikatl the emanations of her passing shaped the world around her in a whirling tapestry of echoes. Her great towering bones, taller than the tallest buildings and thrice as thick, conducted the rumbling of her passage up through her body. The leaves of the motile trees on her back, were set to constantly twitching and shaking by its passing touch. Iluikatl knew from these immaterial heralds at a great distance what passed around her and was large enough to be worthy of her attention.
Beasts three times as large as a kroxigor ran from Iluikatl's course, noted and then ignored. Crushed if they struck at her in their panic, beneath titanic feet. Iluikatl strode on four limbs on this day, leisurely dipping and bobbing her building sized head like the tide. As it bobbed she uprooted whole millennia trees a quarter of a kilometer high which came up to her knees, and calmly atomized them in her gnashing teeth the size of boulders and tanks while feeling nothing from the lashes of their paralytic vines.
While not a being blessed by motherhood like her parent before her, she was curious. She liked to know where her kin might be in the great and wide world. It pleased the heat within her to know these things. And she did not know, for she could not feel the avalanche thuds of their steps.
Nor could she taste them on the wind, her sensitive nose and slab of a tongue feeling only years old traces. And her great limpid eyes under brows the size and shape of mountain cliffs could not see their horizon breaking silhouette. This displeased Iluikatl and she rumbled, a blast of air released from her cavernous mouth that leveled trees and killed beasts for a half kilometer in front of her and splattered a passing flock of colorful sky eels. Slowly the booming of her stride slowed, the flocks of birds circling her forested back rising up and twirling in the air as Iluikatl ponderously rose upright with a great creaking and shaking and rain of dirt and water to the small valley her footsteps had made in the forest below.
Haaaaaaaaaah. Air rushed toward Iluikatl like the prelude to a mindboglingly vast hurricane as her mouth expanded to twice its width. Light shone up from the deep pits of her multi-stomach and furnace warmth. Not a light that heralded true death however.
Above her head clouds shifted and tore themselves to ribbons as they were sucked into her maw, to be consumed incidentally.
A wave of sound comparable to a third of the force Lord Mazdamundi used to flatten the road between Heoxatl and Xlanhuapec blasted out from that deep abyss of heat. Shaking off the dirt and many trees from Iluikatl's august hide in a micro-cataclysm for the fleeting life on her shoulders. But that event was like dust in comparison to the oblong hole punched through the nearby clouds as her cataclysmic cry traveled for hundreds of kilometers and deafened anything within ten.
Iluikatl settled on her haunches, forelimbs tucked to her torso and enormous mouth levering closed. Her tail slammed down like a great river of flesh and bone and crushed the forest behind her for several hundred meters. Balanced like an ancient monolith, Iluikatl waited, head canted ever so slightly for such a large creature.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited until a distant -oooaaaaaan came back to her many hours later. Far over the horizon to the east that cry told of a distant relation. A fellow who reported good eating and a strong claim to her lands. There were no Threats. Life was calm, as it often was. Her journeys would carry her far away, a roaming hunt as was liked by all of Iluikatl's kin and Iluikatl herself.
Iluikatl was building to another great cry, to tell of her own journeys, when her hearing noted a disturbance. Something large was coming from the south, shaking the canopies of the trees. Many large things. Each the size of a dozen Kroxigors, there were hundreds of their footsteps shaking the forest. A small threat.
Gracefully for something so large Iluikatl stepped forward onto four limbs and began to trot. Kilomters disappeared beneath her stride as she closed the distance. The beasts, now that she could see them through the trees, were revealed to be large and hyperagressive saurian creatures like the blending of a triceratops and razordon with a six limbed build. A familiar foe.
The fire within Iluikatl rose higher, the great lizard exicted at the prospect of combat against so numerous a foe. She trumpeted a challenge, proclaiming for all to hear that doom had come.
And it did for these creatures. Iluikatl's first step amidst them broke the front ranks, squishing a dozen into bone paste and flesh jelly beneath her columnar foot. Another roar stunned several more as some began to clamber up her pillar like legs with their sharp claws. One step, two steps, Iluikatl jinked from side to side and the climbers were flung for a hundred meters through the air to slam into tree trunks and stones. While their comrades died underfoot, or were crushed between Iluikatl's jaws.
Iluikatl thundered and roared and stomped in an orgiastic burst of violence and crushed meat and splintered wood pulp. But more kept coming in a great herd, driven by confused territorial instincts to drive away the invader. Iluikatl could not know fear in her simple mind and even this flood of beast flesh would never overwhelm the massive beast and so she attacked relentlessly.
Deep within her belly a greater, vicious heat began to burn as the flame fed on the bodies of these creatures. Streams and brooks of blood flowed from a hundred hundred tiny cuts which meant nothing. The air thundered around Iluikatl as a low pressure front formed around the battle, pulling clouds in to silhouette the combatants. And then Iluikatl stepped back, once.
She then rose upright to her full height, almost two kilometers tall and inhaled. The sky darkened as the clouds rushed towards her. Her jaw unhinged like a snake preparing to swallow the world. And this time the beacon light shining over the forest like a false sun from that abyss was death.
Light, and heat like the furnace of a star bloomed in a sea of lashing inferno flames. Iluikatl smote her enemies with a blast of flame and smoke to shame Emperor Dragons, reducing everything for one hundred kilomters to ash in a sweeping field of destruction. Silence then reigned, except for the rushing of the wind caused by the great beasts calm breaths and the hissing rise of the smoke into dissipating clouds. She was satisfied.
A quick look at a Thunder Lizard. I figured with them being so big and important that the Slann would name them individually. So why not link her to my boy Mahultep since he's got a life facination.
Iluikatl means sky in Nahuatl and Yoliztli means fate.