There's a TVTropes page for this quest! Behold!
A definiteve proof of this story greatenss. Congratulations.

Now to read it so we can make fun of things:
Starting with "All powerfull bystander"
Back from the brink is funny in a sence that nobody will belive us its true...
Beware the silly ones... who is the silly one?
Blue and orange morality... I was not aware that was a trope's name... but man, it does FIT.
The comicaly serious took me for a spin. and the batman example works as well... Slann doing gardening...
Don't fear the reaper... fear those he does not take. This one make me wanna hug that turtle.
Earning happy ending is ... honesly questionable. Do we really care? We'll do it anyway. huh, this may actually ge the answer.
Fantasy counterpart culture... feels like a checkbox....
Good counterpart will bug sooooooooooooooooo many people. I low key love it.
Gratuitous foreign language feels like a jab. To be honest Xan deserves it. but then again, so do we for enjoying it.
Heroic scarifice took me a moment too long to remember Malus... not my proudest admition.
Hold the line is so self explenatory yet executed so masterfull I just do not think about it till I read it, and it gets me every time.
Holy hand granate... no comment but will point out.
Magitek is such a big one, I was half expecting to be higher on the list.
Meaningful name... yeap, thou there is more of that
Neck lift was so casual, did not notice it till it was pointed out, ha!
Nice job breaking it is an enigma for me. Can someone point out an example for me?
Not so above it all is probably the funniest the longer I think about it. The Executionofit esspecially! Really make me look forward to reading more.
OCC is serious buisness... wow. goo job pointing that one out.
Our souls are diffrent is such a power move, it honesly never stops being a passive flex, no matter how casual they are about it.
Punny name ... how many variation of this trope are there? there are too many!
Removed Achelles heels is the better version of Earning happy ending with its mix of relief and giddynes it causes.
Magitek space elevator... yup. Not often see that one.
Shizo tech aka worp shenenigans aka Lizardman. How could we not love it
Shout out felt like a punch for not getting it sooner. Also feels like there were many more.
Scewed priorities is just priorities with awarness of bigger picture. Something we're too good for other to see.
Third option is cool, always glad to see it happen.
World wreackin/healing wave is just badass. Hope we get to cause more of it.

So those are my picks. Any coments welcomed. Certanly nostalgic. Would totaly do again.
Re; magitek's position, TVTropes puts everything in alphabetical order.
Nice Job Breaking It could be us messing with the usual cycle of Ork invasions & accidentally allowing the Orks to get higher up the tech ladder than they had in the past.
Beware the Silly, likewise, might be how the story has a lot of comedy from the Orks, while our research & final ritual against them revealed their fearsome nature.
The one that's picked will be your player character. The others are gonna space magic their way around the galaxy looking for the Old Ones. You'll probably hear from them from time to time when you get to space.
This is funny to me. They are not keeping up with letters, no cool bros, we miss ya...

On another note. Is anyone keeping track of all the 'technological' progress we made?
I'm asking cause of Dazzling wheel was essentially the 'end of the road' for a long path of progress in specific direction like the Ending of Fog Deamon. So I'm wondering what our tech tree looks for the 'completed' section...
May be idle musing, but would like to have it in one place...
The Informational about technology is all weapons and defences. Not exacly what I have in mind
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You know how we did the space elevator as a massive project? Would it be possible for use to do a planetary sheild that would of a similar scale of the elevator. I'm guessing that the regional geomantic web level that it's built in would decide the strength of the sheild. Or it could be the average of planets geomantic web level rounded down with a minimum of one. It would make it incredibly difficult to bombard the planet and, if it's strong enough, force you to take to take the world on the ground or you would have to exterminatus the world. The regular city sheild would protect from artillery and long ranged air sticks.
I'm asking cause of Dazzling wheel was essentially the 'end of the read' for a long path of progress in specific direction like the Ending of Fog Deamon.
What direction would you say that this is?

You know how we did the space elevator as a massive project? Would it be possible for use to do a planetary sheild that would of a similar scale of the elevator.
The elevator is a very tall slender tower; it's thousands and thousands of kilometers tall, I suppose, but it's still a tall slender tower.

Wouldn't any reasonably effective planetary shield be much larger in scale than the space elevator?

Or do you mean "would it be possible to build a true planetary shield by investing effort similar to what we invested in the elevator? Well, the answer to that question is probably "take a turn where you invest peak effort in building up defenses and find out how much you can accomplish that way."
What direction would you say that this is?
Skink wizards. First we got two, then we made a a colection of all 8. Then those 8 started working together to make poor skink quash, and finnaly we made a Quash skink as crowning achivment to solidyfy what is curentlly our mage guild.

Yeah a long road. Took us a centurie

Wouldn't any reasonably effective planetary shield be much larger in scale than the space elevator?
He might have mean a orbital ring as a planetary shield generator platform. sort of secon layer of Metropolitan preservation barrier.
Might be wrong bu personally I would first invest in more traditional satelites.

Maybe, but starting a road around the planet, starting from the tower, would be a very Lizardman thing to do given their lack of experience with space.
Would preffer if they stick to reaching the moon and setting orbital station using the geo/astro diffrientian.
Sure at some point they very much would do that, but they are also smart enough to know when to allocate resources on somethingthat is not a priority.
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might have mean a orbital ring as a planetary shield generator platform. sort of secon layer of Metropolitan preservation barrier.
Might be wrong bu personally I would first invest in more traditional satelites
Maybe, but starting a road around the planet, starting from the tower, would be a very Lizardman thing to do given their lack of experience with space.
He might have mean a orbital ring as a planetary shield generator platform. sort of secon layer of Metropolitan preservation barrier.
Might be wrong bu personally I would first invest in more traditional satelites.

I was thinking a city sized or multi city sized structure on the ground that would use the barrier between the atmosphere and space to make a giant sheild that would bend around the planet forming a planetary sheild. We could to build sub stations that connect to structure around the planet to an entire planets worth of geomantic energy strengthening the sheild and\or ensure that it encompasses the entire planet. The pros it would have over an orbital ring is that it would protected by its own sheild.
... do we want to turn the Spire into a Logistics hub? We may have to.
Then again, our to do list will only continue to grow longer. Orbital infrastructure simply being another part of it...
Do wonder, if we start increasing our investment into underground infrastructures. May not need it, but planetary metro would be neat.
As for shielding? that shite will contiune to aquire layer after layer of interlocking and interchanging barriers. As it is currently, we have a continental shield dou to interconnected TCs with them reaching Mag 4 they may well fill in all the gaps. Then again, Mag 4 is still of a bit.
I think with all of the stuff we have to do we should make a list what'swe need to get finished.

Up there is
1. Getting all the the tech for spacecraft.
2. get the means to build ships built.
3. research slann spawning tech.
4. Get a means for FTL, but that can come after getting spacecraft built.
5. Right now we're doing most our industry by hand so I think we should research the automation tech eventually. We'd likely want to get this done before we build ships.

The order has no particular meaning.
Anything else that I missed?
Skink wizards. First we got two, then we mada a colection of all 8. Then those 8 started working together to make poor skink quash, and finnaly we made a Quash skink as crowning achivment to solidyfy what is curentlly our mage guild.

Yeah a long road. took us a centurie
Ah. I was confused and thought you were describing the defeat of the fog daemon as being part of that 'tech tree,' instead of a thing that happened before it started.
Ah. I was confused and thought you were describing the defeat of the fog daemon as being part of that 'tech tree,' instead of a thing that happened before it started.
I see. To be fair taking care of the Fog Deamon was and long time project of its own. Took us 80 years, most of slann attention and direct PRESENCE of a God plus a number of geomantic rituals...
It was a BIG undertaking but it was worth it, effectivly altering value of each slann. Dazzling wheel was similary sizable achivment in my humble opinion.
One thing those two has in common is that their effect fully show up at the 'end of the road' . Once we get there, not really much way forward.
Can't make Slann more awake or skinks that's better at magic that those that can use all of it...

So I wonder. What's the next big thing may be...
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A Plausible Title Card - Dragonofelder New
It is the 31st Millennium. For more than a hundred decades the Slann of Lizardkind have sat snoozing on their floating mobility scooters. They are the master of lizardkind by the will of the Old Ones and master of a million spells by the might of Their inexhaustible intellect. They are fat frogs bulging visibly with knowledge from the Old World. They are the Ribbeting Lords of the expanding Lizardman Empire for whom a thousand litres of oil are rubbed on every day so that They may never truly dry.

Yet even in Their sleepy state, the Slann continue Their great duty. Mighty fleets cross the squid-infested oceans of Mochantian, using new fangled "boats", their way guided by the Geomantic Web, the magical manifestation of the Old One's plan. Vast armies give battle in Their name on just one world. Greatest among Their soldiers are the Saurus Warriors, the Scalie Boys, magically designed super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion - the countless Skinks, the ever-steady Kroxigor and the puppet bodies of the Ayacmanik to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat of lizard-kind from orcs, eldar, uh... moving trees?

To be a lizard in such times is to be one amongst carefully counted billions. It is to live in the scaliest and most efficient civilisation imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Discover the power of technology and science, for so much is possible, waiting to be learnt. Build the future of progress and understanding, for in the bright future there is only research. There is no rest amongst the stars, only an eternity of BUILD BASE and maths, and the seething of coping gods.​
Might be funnier, if not necessarily wise, to not automate until we're an interstellar power.

Or just plain never in the first place.
I don't agree, we have the technology to decide which subrace we want to breed in the spawning pools. If we optimize the work of the Skinks we could generate more Saurians without losing manpower.

Edit: I wrote 'optimize' instead of 'automate', my bad.
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