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971: Idol Business

"...Yeeees...?" You tell her, unsure as to... Well, anything about this conversation.

Kohaku nods, smiling. "See you then."

...That felt abnormal. Did you just agree to selling your soul to her? You suppose that there are worse people to be eternally ruled by than Kohaku...


[X] "Not yet, Ferb."

"C'mon, miss!" The man pleads, "You're not gonna let these things kill me, are you?!"

"...Let me make a call first." You reply noncommittally, stepping past everyone to go outside. Kyoko doesn't follow you, wanting to make sure that the demons don't get bored and kill him anyway.

You take your phone from your pocket, and call Uncle Raido.

Ring, ring...

Ring, ring...


"...Whoisit...?" You hear a tired Nori answer.

"Nori?" What the hell...? "Why did you answer Uncle Raido's phone?"

"What're you talking ab--!!!" You hear her nearly choke on the other end, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!"

(INT ROLL: 14+10)

"You never gave him his phone back?" You ask, shaking your head, "You've had it for days and never thought to--?"

"Sh-Shut up! Let me think!" Nori yelps at you, "Fuck, does this count as stealing? Am I gonna get arrested?! Is Ma gonna have to hire a lawyer?! Am I--?"

There's a knock at her door.

"Oh, God." Nori mutters.

You hear her open the door.

"Can I get that back now?" You hear Uncle Raido ask.

There's some indiscernible noises, then...

"Yumi, you alright?" Raido asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah, mostly." You answer, a little confused from everything, "But, uh, do you have any leads on a missing... Idol recruiter?"

"...I'm guessing this A; isn't a joke, and B; means you found one."

"...Potentially. If he's not lying." You tell him.

"I see. Can I get a name?" Raido asks after sighing.

"Uh... One sec." You poke your head back inside, "Yo, what's your name?!" You shout across the room.

"Shinji! Shinji Koyanagi! I work for Hearts 'n' Stars!" He answers hurriedly.

You lean back into the phone, "Shinji Koyanagi. Works for Hearts 'n' Stars, whatever that is."

"Mmhm." Raido grunts, apparently busy, "...Hearts 'n' Stars... Texting the Chief now. Waiting on a response. I'll get back to you soon."

"How soon?" You ask.

...This bitch just hung up on you.

You head back inside with a huff.

"So, you got any coworkers, Shinji Koyanagi?" Rakshasa asks, keeping his swords on his back.

"I-I mean, not that I'm friends with, those guys can be creeps, but they know me!" Shinji answers, "I just hope they don't throw me under the bus..." His eyes light up, "Wait! I've got a pack of business cards in my back left pocket! Check there!"

Kyoko shrugs, instantly putting her hand in his pocket and producing...

...A rather long receipt for a model building shop.

"...My left." He reiterates.

Kyoko huffs, digging around in his other pocket for--?

"Got one." She holds it up, "Take a look!" Kyoko hands you the card.

You take it, inspecting it closely...

(INT ROLL: 18+10)

...Yup, looks official. Hell, it feels official, too. If this is a fake, it's pretty damn well made. There's his name, Shinji Koyanagi, and right above that, the logo for Hearts 'n' Stars Talent Agency.

Your phone buzzes, and you take a look.

>(1) Kuzunoha Guy: His work called the Chief about Shinji Koyanagi not checking in earlier this afternoon after he didn't respond to any phonecalls. Is he alright?


"Looks like it checks out." You put your phone away along with his business card, "Thank you for telling the truth."

"You're a lucky man, Shinji Koyanagi." Rakshasa nods over to the armored demon with the spear, who releases Shinji, "Maybe you should tone it back a little, yeah?"

Shinji hurries to his feet, hugging you like you were an old friend, "You saved my life! I can't thank you enough...!"

[] ?????????????????????????????????
972: (QUICKLY) Taking His Leave
[X] "You have the rest of the day off! Woohoo!"

"...Hey, uh, you should probably head over to the police station, 'cause your work called there about you going missing." You worm your way out of his grip, "Speaking of which, how long have you been here?"

"4 hours, 15 minutes and 31 seconds." The cat demon answers, "...Give or take a few."

Everyone stares at her.

"What?" She asks, "It passes the time!"

"Counting the seconds of a human's imprisonment passes time?" The teal armored demon places his hands on his hips.

She nods happily.

"This is fucking insane...!" Shinji shakes his head, muttering to himself, "I just wanted to give opportunities to potential stars...!"

"Oh, yeah, about that." You put your hand on his shoulder, "You've gotta be more careful on how you present yourself. Make your actions as crystal clear as you can, because next time, you might be confronted by people who are... Less inclined to talk."

Shinji nods, "Y-Yes, ma'am. I'll, uh, be on my way." After speaking quickly, he dashes off like a bat out of hell. You can't say you blame him for that.

Kyoko stands in the corner, horribly confused. "...What the hell just happened?" She asks you.

[] ???????????????????????????????????????
973: Leaving.
[X] Plan Sitrep

"Apparently, a big misunderstanding." You cross your arms, "Although, I can't really say that they were out of line by acting on the information they knew. Just, uh, try not to think about it too much!" You pat Kyoko on the back.

"Well, at least no one died." Kyoko offers.

"One guy did, actually." Rakshasa admits, "But we weren't involved, so..."

"Wait, what?" You ask, "Someone's dead?!"

"Yeah, some kinda altercation between humans. Nekomata knows more about it than I do." Rakshasa steps out of the way, and the cat demon struts up to you.

"I watched a drug deal go wrong!" She happily tells you, "The guy got shot, then some pink goop leaked out of his head! Gross, right?"

You and Kyoko stare at her.

"And then some guys in blue showed up and started talking really loudly, so I left!" Nekomata finishes her story, "Crazy day, huh?"

"Yumi, can we leave?" Kyoko asks quietly.

"...Yeah, that might be best." You guide her to the exit while Rakshasa waves goodbye.

Neither of you say a word as you leave the industrial district.

"Hey..." Kyoko begins, "...Do you think that cat thing... Tried to help that guy at all? The one who got shot?"

"I don't think we should talk about that right now." You tell her, now wondering the same thing.

Your phone rings in your pocket. The screen displays the name "Buckethead", so you go ahead and answer it.


"There's a Mitama on the road into Kazamino." Oriko cuts you off almost instantly, "It doesn't seem like it's gonna run off anytime soon. Can you get to it?"

[] ????????????????????????
974: Race!

"Wow, great timing! I was just about to ask!" You smile, "Thanks for the tip!"

"Well, I don't have much else to do right now, so I decided to look around for a while." Oriko explains, "Stay safe."

...Okay, you're getting pissed off about everyone hanging up on you. Like, it's not too big a deal, the conversation is pretty much over, but still!

"What was that about?" Kyoko asks, "...Also, you look a little mad."

"Oriko found a Mitama for us," You answer, "And I'm mad because people keep hanging up on me! I didn't even get to say bye!"

The mere mention of a Mitama immediately sparks excitement in Kyoko's eyes. "Then what the hell are we waiting around here for?! Let's go get some cash!" She almost takes off then and there, but realizes that she doesn't know where it is.

"You know the street I always take to get into Kazamino?" You explain to her, "Apparently, it's there!"

"Race you!!" Kyoko shouts as she bolts past.

"Hey, you didn't even count!!" You yell as you rush behind her.

(AGL CHECK: 10+10)

You don't like bragging normally. Whether you win or lose in any kind of competition, you are usually respectful of your opponent and congratulate them on a match well fought. But alas, Kyoko cheated by not counting down.

And you still smoked her by two minutes.

To be fair, she's still probably getting used to moving as a normal human, but still.

You arrive first. You could bump the Mitama off right now, and have the bragging rights all to yourself!

Speaking of the Mitama, it's cyan in color, and looks rather happy. You wonder what this one's purpose is...

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
975: Mitama Business!
[X] Plan: not being rude

You duck behind a parked car, keeping an eye on the Mitama as it floats lazily around the area. After all, it'd be rude not to wait for Kyoko to get here, especially since you invited her.

Thankfully, the Mitama doesn't move around too much. It seems like it's staying close to the streetlights.

After a moment, Kyoko stumbles up to you, struggling to catch her breath. "F-Fuck...! I think... Your magic shit... Made me... Out of shape!" She huffs out, leaning on the signpost beside her, "I'm gonna... Sit this one out."

You nod, tapping the screen on your Gauntlet. Devil Dog is the first one to appear, quietly taking aim at the enemy demon. "On your go." He whispers to you.

Next appears Virtue, who doesn't make any attempt to hide. "Ah, how fortunate! The Lord has blessed us with a Mitama!"

Then, Black Frost.

"Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!" He roars as he bounds over the car and charges at the Mitama.



"Works for me!!" Devil Dog says as he fires a barrage of bullets at the demon...

...Only for them to harmlessly bounce off and fall to the ground.


"Fuck." He grunts, "That's two for two."

"I'll get hee-him, ho!" Black Frost shouts as he prepares his spell.


The Mitama instantly freezes over, falling to the ground and shattering. As usual, money and items are strewn about, but there's now a strange glow from where it was floating.

As you take a cautious step closer, you think back to that other orb of light you saw back when--

[] Maragion (18 MP) [2d10+INT] {FIRE}

[] Repel Fire
[] Apt Pupil (When receiving a crit, make an END save to take normal damage.)
[] Hand of Fate (Once per day, you will reroll any critical failure.)

...You feel... Strange. Not awful, not great, just...


[] ?????????????????????????????????
976: Loot Roll!
[X] Repel Fire

[X] "That was fast."

"...Damn, that's gotta be a record." You pat Black Frost on the shoulder.

"Hee-Hell yeah, murder!!" Black Frost replies, pumping his fists in the air.

"Oorah, little buddy!" Devil Dog laughs.

"...I am a little disappointed." Virtue mutters to himself, "I could not even help."

"Join the club...!" Kyoko sighs, "I'm still catchin' my breath!"

You nod to everyone, and go to collect the loot. From this Mitama, you obtained...

1. A rather large tome with some pages sticking out,
2. A pristine looking coin that you've never seen before,
3. A wicked looking knife that wouldn't be out of place in a ritual chamber,
4. A pistol that looks like the one Omaya used in that Labyrinth,
5. 17590 Yen (Already split with Kyoko),
And 6. 3000 Macca!

"Woohoo! Look at that haul!" You smile to Kyoko, "Hey, I'm gonna call up Oriko to see if she can find another Mitama. You in?"

"Oh my God...!" Kyoko shakes her head, "Let me catch my breath! Jeez, you're fast!"

You smile more, pulling your phone out and--

>(1) Candelabra: watching.

Your eyes widen as your breath nearly stops in your throat.

"...Yumi?" Kyoko loses some of her confidence, "You look a little green around the gills, there..."

[] ??????????????????????????????????

[] Honing: +2 Accuracy, -5 DMG.
[] Mage's Blade: Normal attacks steal MP from enemies.
[] Assassin's Concoction: Normal attacks have a chance (20%) to poison a target.
[] Improved Trigger System: +1 to your Sword Trigger Modifier (for a maximum of 1.5).

[] Quick Slice: Adds Quick Slice (8 MP) [NORMAL DAMAGE, ALWAYS GOES FIRST] {PHYSICAL}
[] Smoldering Blade: Normal attacks have a chance (20%) to burn a target.
[] Burning Break: Adds Burning Break (20 MP) [NORMAL ATTACK+AGIDYNE] {PHYS+FIRE}
977: fiend.
[X] Honing: +2 Accuracy, -5 DMG.
[X] Burning Break

[X] "Oh. Oh, no."

"...There's a Fiend nearby. Get ready, Kyoko." Your sudden seriousness catches Kyoko off guard, "I don't know if this one's gonna come charging at us like Matador did." You quickly swap your demons out, calling on Nue, Yurlungur and Black Frost, and--

"So, you have sensed my presence from that far away?" A voice calls from everywhere and nowhere, "Indeed, the youth of this plane are quite adept in these arts. It is... Almost disappointing. But, salvation waits for no mortal."

Kyoko's face pales as she draws her spear and points it...?

You feel a cold breath on the back of your neck. "After all, is that not what you strive for?"

You spin around and back up, keeping your hand on Dawn's handle. You almost don't notice the scenery change into that desert Matador brought you to.

"We're fighting a skeleton guy?!" Kyoko barks, pointing her spear at your assailant.

"Guess we don't have a choice!" You answer, your demons at your back.

"Foolish, foolish." The skeletal monk shakes his head, "You would fight against your death, the ultimate salvation? Even though I grant it to you without pain, without fear? How foolish, indeed..." The monk floats about a foot off of the ground, "Know me as Daisoujou, little ones."

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
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978: VS: Daisoujou, Pt. 1
[X] Plan Maximum Firepower

"Death is salvation...?" You mutter, your grip on Dawn's hilt tightening.

Daisoujou seems to smile, "Indeed, young--!"


"Cut the crap!" You shout, genuine fury building up within you, "Are you trying to say Mom was saved when--?!"

"Yumi, focus!" Kyoko shouts, "He's just a nihilistic asshole!"


Daisoujou, not saying a word, rings the bell that he's holding.

(AGL CHECK: 11+10)

Everyone except Yurlungur manages to dodge the wave of... Something that bellowed forth from Daisoujou.


Yurlungur seems to be mostly fine, just a little more wary of his opponent. "...Hurt. Small." He says.


Daisoujou grits his teeth, ringing his bell again.

(DAISOUJOU ATTACKS: MAMUDOON: 9-4-2, 18-4-2, 7-4-2, 6-4-2)

...Black Frost doesn't seem too torn up about taking that hit. In fact, you don't even think he noticed.


Both Nue and Black Frost cheer as they power up your party, while Yurlungur simply watches patiently.

You dash in, pulling Dawn's trigger.

OOC: Y'all killing me with this shit, bros.
OOC: If you got a fusion spell from this, I would've ended the fight.
(DMG ROLL: (9+35+15+1)+(10+6+2+140))
(TOTAL: ...?)

Daisoujou recoils from the blow, shielding his eyes as the flames wash over him. In that moment, you realize.

Fire. That's his weakness!

(TOTAL: 5579)

Daisoujou is still reeling from your attack, seemingly unable to recover.

[] ??????????????????????????????????
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979: VS: Daisoujou, Pt. 2
[X] Plan I'm Surprised He Survived That


Without a word, you cast your spell. You didn't kill it last hit, so you're gonna make absolutely sure that you do so this time.

Nue, wanting to help more, takes a deep breath...


...And spews something vile at Daisoujou.

After he finally recovers, Daisoujou sets his sights on Yurlungur. He leans back...


...And shouts, but his spell fails to take hold.

Yurlungur keeps his guard up, watching Daisoujou with both sets of eyes. There's a tense stare off between the two demons.

That's when Black Frost strikes.

(BLACK FROST ATTACKS: MARAGION: 6+4, 12+4, 12+4, 10+4)
(DMG ROLL: (8+2+23)+(6+6+23)+(10+3+23))
(TOTAL: 410)

Four fireballs come from the side, three of which hit Daisoujou where it really hurts!

Daisoujou suddenly tenses up, his jaw slacking. He drops his bell, empty sockets fixating on you as he begins to dissolve into Magatsuhi.

"So, life is truly this precious to you?" Daisoujou asks, his voice as steady as ever despite him not moving his jaw to speak, "It matters not in the end. One day, salvation shall come for you as it comes for me now. You are growing stronger, but even still, you are not even a speck upon his power. Perhaps the day shall come where you and he do battle. Perhaps you shall even..." His jaw lowers more, "...Survive."

And, without any fanfare or magical glow, you're back on the street. Kyoko doesn't say anything, just staring at you.

>(1) Candelabra: Eternity claimed.

There's another light on the Candelabra.

[] ?????????????????????????????????????????????
980: Home Again, Home Again...
[X] Plan A Little Long, but respectful of religion

You shake your head, sighing, "Enjoy your salvation," You half-heartedly sneer.

"So..." Kyoko puts her hands in her pockets, "...That's what you meant by "The Fiends are hunting you"?"

"Spot on," You nod, "Whoever his boss is decided I'm interesting or something, so now I've gotta deal with his guys. This makes three, now." You sarcastically pump your arm, "So, still feel like Mitama hunting?"

"...I'm gonna have to pass." Kyoko shakes her head, "I'm still pretty winded from running here, so I'll probably just--"

"Okay, cool! Let's go home!" You pass her at a slow pace, "I'll call Oriko and tell her we got the Mitama."

"A'ight." Kyoko follows behind you, quietly walking with her hands in her hoodie's pocket.

You take your phone, and call up Oriko.


"Done?" Oriko asks coming down from the tail end of a yawn.

"Yep, that Mitama's done for!" You smile, "...But that's not all that I found. There was another Fiend there, waiting for me."

Oriko sighs, "My goodness, you're popular today."

"Yeah, "popular"." You make a noise halfway between a sigh and a laugh, "Hey, you ever think that maybe the Fiends are tied to your visions somehow? Or maybe they're drawn to where your visions show?"

"That... Isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility." Oriko mutters, "...I'll get back to you on that." And, like clockwork, she hangs up.

...You don't even feel angry at this point. It's just annoying.


Thankfully, home isn't too far away, and your party reaches the front door in a nice, content kind of silence. You walk in...

"...What're you guys still doing here?" Kyoko asks Madoka, who is on the couch with Sayaka and Homura, "It's, like, half 'til nine."

"Yuma's playing Kirby Super Star, and we're watching." She replies, "Oh, don't forget to grab that treasure, Yuma!"

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