Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
[X] Plan Maximum Firepower
(DMG ROLL: (9+35+15+1)+(10+6+2+140))
Firstly, we took Honing, which reduced the damage our Sword does by 5. On a related note, you also forgot to include Honing's +2 to hit and either Auto-Sukukaja's +2 or Personal Grip's +2 (personally, I'm inclined to think it was Personal Grip's this time).
This is the moment you know you've indulged in too much anime/visual novels.Am I the only one that can't look at Daisoujou without seeing Dai-Oujou-Sama?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. At the end of the day, it's your story. Tell it however you wish.And would it be possible to get a skill that lets her take human form in the quest?
If we go by One Piece logic, Dawn would take the form of the person that forged her probably.
From Update 787;
"Took you two long enough!" Kyoko jabs with a wry grin, "I'm gonna go find a spot." With that, Kyoko leaps out of her seat, and heads to the dining room.
"Oh, I should take my place, too!" Hiro quickly follows Kyoko's lead.
Can just change it to:EDIT Wait a minute! @Isiri Pudireach, we should have already told everyone about the Fiends back in Update 788 (I say should because most of the explanations were offscreen), so Kyoko should already know that (or, at the very least, something to that effect).
Stealing this for my vote... and also making my vote a plan because it's a bit long.[X] "Yeah... This is what I meant by 'the Fiends are hunting me.' Whoever his boss is decided I was interesting or something like that. This is the third one sent after me."