[X] Plan Declutter
"You know what?" You snap your fingers, "I think I remember Dante and Vergil saying something about hunting Witches, so prey might be scarce."
"Then perhaps we could go and ask them for the Grief Seeds?" Mami suggests, "I can't imagine they would have any use for them."
"Oh, good shout!" Kirika nods quickly, "Once we get some more Seeds, we can--?"
"Yumi, don't you have that weird Grief to demon money thing on your arm thing?" Kyoko asks, pointing to your Gauntlet, "That was pretty safe, I think."
"Wait, you can do that?!" Hiro exclaims in shock.
"Yeah, there's an app for that!" You chuckle unconsciously, "It's worked every time I tried it!"
"So, what's the point of Grief Seeds now?" Hiro asks again, "We can just go to you if we need a cleanse!"
"We won't always be able to rely on Yumi." Homura shakes her head, "Grief Seeds are still instant cleanses, and invaluable to us."
"Hey, I give her some hell, but being Yumi'd at is better than fighting a Witch nine times out of ten!" Kyoko shrugs, a wry grin on her face.
""Yumi'd at?" What does that even mean?" Shoji asks quietly, before shaking his head, "No, nevermind. I see it now."
"...Yeah, wait! Didn't you and Mami have a contest to get that Marksman's Ring from me?" You change the subject without much thought.
"Oh, right~! We--?"
"After the cult is dealt with." Homura puts her hand to her forehead, "Let's just go and get those Grief Seeds from those demon hunters." Homura heads for the door.
"I'll get you something nice while I'm out!" Kirika hums as she gets up and follows the resident hair-flipper.
"Oh, we're going now?" Hiro shoots up out of her seat, and hastily trails the others.
"Come now, Kyoko! There's Grief Seeds to get~!" Mami calmly rises from her seat, and--
"Nah, I'm getting dinner!" Kyoko remains seated, "You save a few for me, okay?"
Mami blinks in surprise, "O-Oh, alright! Just save me some food!" She waves politely as she exits.
"...I wasn't quite done, but okay." You sigh, "To all summoners, I highly recommend that you fuse a demon with the skill "Lullaby". Trust me, it's the only reason that I only fought the Oracle and Lilith instead of the whole Ring."
"Oh, I already have one!" Madoka smiles, surprising everyone at the table, "I actually have two demons specifically for non-lethal takedowns! Fusing demons is actually kinda fun!"
The table goes quiet.
"...Oh, um, is that too many?" Madoka shrinks back a little.
"You scare me sometimes, Madoka." Hitomi admits.
"Are you kidding?" Grandpa grins, "This kid's a natural! Let's go join you pal in the living room, Mei would love to teach you!"
"Oh, um, okay?" Madoka gets up and follows your excited Grandpa out of the dining room.
"...You know, I'm getting really sick of people just leaving in the middle of our meeting." You tell everyone. Then, suddenly, you get an idea, "Hey, Oriko, can you see Mitamas with your sight?"
"...That's a good question. Let me try..." Oriko focuses, closing her eyes, "...I see it. Oh, Dante has already-- agh!" Oriko recoils suddenly!
"What happened?! Are you alright?" You nearly leap out of your seat.
"That red coated, sword swinging bastard poked me right in the eye!" Oriko rubs her eye, "He waited for me to get close, too!"
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