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Mami's pretty unlikely to pull a Tetris if she finds out from Vergil and Dante having Soul gems on their person.

Besides, Homura will also be there and can warn them beforehand / in timestop first.

[X] Plan Declutter
[X] Plan Declutter
-[X] To Homura and Mami: "I remember something about Vergil and Dante hunting Witches lately, prey may be scarce. You might be better off stopping by their place and asking to buy some of the Grief Seeds they've acquired. I can cleanse your gems before you leave, in any case -- there's an app for that, thanks to Stephen, it's tested out safe so far. ...and what about your competition over the Marksman's Ring, anyway?"
-[X] To the Demon Summoners in the room: "One last recommendation; If you can fuse something that can cast Lullaby, do so. Lorelei is pretty much the main reason I only had to fight the Oracle and Lilith this afternoon instead of the entire Ring."
-[X] To Oriko: "Actually, question; Can you see Mitamas with your precognition?"

I think- We should Actually do it soon.

Because the reason why Mami gets so upset is that it's PERMANENT in Madoka canon.

Here- we can absolutely with zero doubts show them that We CAN break contracts and save witched girls. This would also push them to agree with us that sooner or later, we need to break their contracts as well.

We also need them all to learn that there is a spell that can let the MG's keep their skills and levels when breaking the contract. That is VERY important. Next vote I hope we can push that along.
I thought she gets upset cause she literally has been leading girls to their deaths.

Also, again, without Samerecarm we can't 'discover' it IC.
That's part of why she gets so out of bent about it- It's like a list of reasons.

And I agree. The only way we can get that early though is if we can learn of the spell- And our grandparents are here now. This is the best chance we got at learning about it early and being able to use it. Of course- I still think we should wait until after the coming fight so we can have a training session to make sure they can all handle not being as their bodies were (Or bloody just teach them how to strengthen their bodies like they do when Magical Girling)

We have agendas to push training wise. A lot of agendas
I feel like it's best to do that, Y'know, when there isn't literal armies at our doorstep.

We should put off training until that's over.
I said that in the main paragraph-

Of course- I still think we should wait until after the coming fight so we can have a training session to make sure they can all handle not being as their bodies were (Or bloody just teach them how to strengthen their bodies like they do when Magical Girling)

Still I agree- Not until the next fight is over- We can prepare now and at least poke around about breaking their contracts :smile:
Still I agree- Not until the next fight is over- We can prepare now and at least poke around about breaking their contracts :smile:
Tbh, I'm kinda still suspicious of how easy it's been.

Especially at that. Do we still have that agreement with Kyubey?

I know thread wants to fuck him over in literally every way possible out of blinding hatred but keeping him neutral is something we should probably do.
Tbh, I'm kinda still suspicious of how easy it's been.

Especially at that. Do we still have that agreement with Kyubey?

I know thread wants to fuck him over in literally every way possible out of blinding hatred but keeping him neutral is something we should probably do.

Sitting here objectively- Our goals do not line up with the Incubator's at all.

We need our forces to get stronger- We NEED to have out allies able to hold their own. Sayaka, Madoka, Shoji, Hitomi, Oriko and whoever else I'm forgetting can be trained- can get stronger if only we give them our time.

The Magical Girls- No the Contracted are stuck, unable to get stronger and have death clocks attached to them. Objectively- when we are throwing hands with a capital G GOD we need them to be able to throw punches that actually do something.

Further more- In this setting, his excuse for making Magical girls is flawed to us the readers. We KNOW in SMT that entropy isn't what ends the world- It's literally almost always the apocalypse. I do not think the Incubator can actually stop the Conception from happening- or any other "The world shall die and be reborn" events. It is actively doing the MG scam for the sake of nothing when you put that into perspective.

However, you have a point. Keeping the incubator neutral and unaware that the Earth is literally the center for the universe's creation events should be our top priority. That thing WILL fuck with the universe and maybe become god if we give it an inch. NAH.

My hatred for the Incubator is not blind- It is actually very valid here given our setting of "Gods exist and the Rapture can and Will happen near your local convenience store." And eventually we will get into conflict with him as we prepare for the big event coming. Let's try and keep him neutral for now though.
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We KNOW in SMT that entropy isn't what ends the world- It's literally almost always the apocalypses.
It's a fusion of universes though, which just doesn't make sense, considering that the present was built by wishes granted by aliens rather than humanity's own merits in PMMM.
It is actively doing the MG scam for the sake of nothing when you put that into perspective.
That requires knowledge of said apocalypses ending said worlds. Kyubey is working with in-universe knowledge for the sake of an objective, pursuing its own means. Obviously, without knowledge of an event the Incubator can't prepare accordingly.

Iirc, Kyubey itself is entirely capable of modifying the system no? The incubator's main problem with the SMT-verse is it's lack of knowledge for its goal, which then proceeds to moonwalk into its demise.
My hatred for the Incubator is not blind- It is actually very valid here given our setting of "Gods exist and the Rapture can and Will happen near your local convenience store."
You're not wrong about the setting, but the thread's hatred very much affects the choices we've made. Kyubey very much considers itself our enemy, just as the thread does.
It's a fusion of universes though, which just doesn't make sense, considering that the present was built by wishes granted by aliens rather than humanity's own merits in PMMM.
Another way to loom at though is from Kyubey's perspective. All the incubator has as a Data point is that "Humanity has flourished because of wishes". Stephen on the other hand- who is actively able to monitor multiple worlds can sit down and go "The Incubator's Wishes have actually done nothing to increase Humanities progress meaningfully. Sure there are some things that appeared early, and some events happened differently, but the impact isn't large"

Honestly, Kyubey once again proves he is very out his depth on ANYTHING. Guy was like "I'm gonna stop entropy by harvesting energy" and his dreams already begin to crumble. God if he felt emotions he would weeeeeep.

Kyubey very much considers itself our enemy.

Should we not be worried about this gang?
Sure there are some things that appeared early, and some events happened differently, but the impact isn't large"
Depends on the wish honestly. I've already read a quest that gave that MC conceptual control over the idea of Power, so I doubt the impact could be that small.
Granted, it's limited by her own capacity, ability, and mindset, but that's all.

We just don't have enough information about the lore of this world, considering how different it is. Considering Kyubey's scope, there are at least millions of MGs and the worlds of Demons and MGs are somehow unaware of one another until recent times.

Such as the whole MG Jeanne and SMT Jeanne thing. We don't even know if they're the same entity yet. The two worlds run parallel but entirely unaware of each other.

My current guess is that it's related to whatever 'Scar' that's being talked about by the other factions, when 2 decades isn't all that long for demons iirc.

Edit: The Dragon MG/Witch/Shadow recognized Raido's name but unaware of his occupation. It's a weird fused universe with holes in places.

You could even say wounds in time if QM goes that route.

Again though, this is speculation. All we can do is play this out.

Edit 2: As for the guesses that Kyubey was wished to forget, it's not happening since Kyubey hasn't forgotten yet. If that wish was made, I'm pretty sure Kyubey would be incapable of interacting with demons at all, even through Yumi, with her status as a partial demon.

Should we not be worried about this gang?
Its best option at the current moment is to observe. We should call it soon though.

Regardless, since Madoka is now a demon summoner, she can't be contracted anymore, thus without its possible interest in demons it has no reason to waste further resources on Mitakihara.
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Probably. I don't remember. Whoever Yuma recruited.
Since when does becoming a Demon Summoner prevent becoming a Magical Girl?
I remember Kyubey not being capable of contracting Demon Summoners.

Even if it could, the way both systems would interact with a person's Karma would be super fucky.

It only works on Homura and possibly the rest after Stephen himself stepped in who I can only describe looks like Charles Xavier without knowing what he looks like.
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Fun Fact: In another room of the Kuzunoha residence, Arisu is slowly beginning to adjust to the times. She's always been a little reclusive, and that wasn't helped by the fact that her family usually confined her to the estate.
Makoto and Sayaka are pretty similar when you actually look. Think about it!

- Blue hair,
- Listens to music,
- Uses one-handed swords,
- Counterpart is primarily red (Kyoko/Kotone),
- Original power based in music/themed in music (All of the notes when Sayaka does magic/Orpheus),
- Has a terrible beast locked inside of them (Oktavia/Death)...

Honestly, if you put Makoto and Sayaka side by side and had Aigis try to differentiate them, she'd probably say, "There are now two leaders. "The more, the merrier", as they say."
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 10, 2024 at 11:04 PM, finished with 32 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Declutter
    -[X] To Homura and Mami: "I remember something about Vergil and Dante hunting Witches lately, prey may be scarce. You might be better off stopping by their place and asking to buy some of the Grief Seeds they've acquired. I can cleanse your gems before you leave, in any case -- there's an app for that, thanks to Stephen, it's tested out safe so far. ...and what about your competition over the Marksman's Ring, anyway?"
    -[X] To the Demon Summoners in the room: "One last recommendation; If you can fuse something that can cast Lullaby, do so. Lorelei is pretty much the main reason I only had to fight the Oracle and Lilith this afternoon instead of the entire Ring."
    -[X] To Oriko: "Actually, question; Can you see Mitamas with your precognition?"
    [X] To Homura and Mami: "What about your competition over the Marksman's Ring?"
    -[X] To the Demon Summoners in the room: "One last recommendation; If you can fuse something that can cast Lullaby, do so. Lorelei is pretty much the main reason I only had to fight the Oracle and Lilith this afternoon instead of the entire Ring."
    -[X] To Oriko: "Actually, question; Can you see Mitamas with your precognition?"
790: Poked!
[X] Plan Declutter

"You know what?" You snap your fingers, "I think I remember Dante and Vergil saying something about hunting Witches, so prey might be scarce."

"Then perhaps we could go and ask them for the Grief Seeds?" Mami suggests, "I can't imagine they would have any use for them."

"Oh, good shout!" Kirika nods quickly, "Once we get some more Seeds, we can--?"

"Yumi, don't you have that weird Grief to demon money thing on your arm thing?" Kyoko asks, pointing to your Gauntlet, "That was pretty safe, I think."

"Wait, you can do that?!" Hiro exclaims in shock.

"Yeah, there's an app for that!" You chuckle unconsciously, "It's worked every time I tried it!"

"So, what's the point of Grief Seeds now?" Hiro asks again, "We can just go to you if we need a cleanse!"

"We won't always be able to rely on Yumi." Homura shakes her head, "Grief Seeds are still instant cleanses, and invaluable to us."

"Hey, I give her some hell, but being Yumi'd at is better than fighting a Witch nine times out of ten!" Kyoko shrugs, a wry grin on her face.

""Yumi'd at?" What does that even mean?" Shoji asks quietly, before shaking his head, "No, nevermind. I see it now."

"...Yeah, wait! Didn't you and Mami have a contest to get that Marksman's Ring from me?" You change the subject without much thought.

"Oh, right~! We--?"

"After the cult is dealt with." Homura puts her hand to her forehead, "Let's just go and get those Grief Seeds from those demon hunters." Homura heads for the door.

"I'll get you something nice while I'm out!" Kirika hums as she gets up and follows the resident hair-flipper.

"Oh, we're going now?" Hiro shoots up out of her seat, and hastily trails the others.

"Come now, Kyoko! There's Grief Seeds to get~!" Mami calmly rises from her seat, and--

"Nah, I'm getting dinner!" Kyoko remains seated, "You save a few for me, okay?"

Mami blinks in surprise, "O-Oh, alright! Just save me some food!" She waves politely as she exits.

"...I wasn't quite done, but okay." You sigh, "To all summoners, I highly recommend that you fuse a demon with the skill "Lullaby". Trust me, it's the only reason that I only fought the Oracle and Lilith instead of the whole Ring."

"Oh, I already have one!" Madoka smiles, surprising everyone at the table, "I actually have two demons specifically for non-lethal takedowns! Fusing demons is actually kinda fun!"

The table goes quiet.

"...Oh, um, is that too many?" Madoka shrinks back a little.

"You scare me sometimes, Madoka." Hitomi admits.

"Are you kidding?" Grandpa grins, "This kid's a natural! Let's go join you pal in the living room, Mei would love to teach you!"

"Oh, um, okay?" Madoka gets up and follows your excited Grandpa out of the dining room.

"...You know, I'm getting really sick of people just leaving in the middle of our meeting." You tell everyone. Then, suddenly, you get an idea, "Hey, Oriko, can you see Mitamas with your sight?"

"...That's a good question. Let me try..." Oriko focuses, closing her eyes, "...I see it. Oh, Dante has already-- agh!" Oriko recoils suddenly!

"What happened?! Are you alright?" You nearly leap out of your seat.

"That red coated, sword swinging bastard poked me right in the eye!" Oriko rubs her eye, "He waited for me to get close, too!"

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