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791: Soup's On!
[X] "I know I'm great-looking, but keep your eyes to yourself." - Dante

You blink in amazement, "That's..." Why can't you think of anything to say? "...At least you figured out people can do that?"

"He could've just said he could see me...!" Oriko laments, holding her eye, "...I have half a mind to tell Kirika to...!"

"Oh, Yumi!" You hear a call from the Kitchen, "Can you help me bring dinner out?" Grandma asks.

"Yeah, coming!" You quickly get up.

"I thought it was funny...!" Kyoko snickers as you leave the room.

You walk out into the living room to see Madoka and Sayaka sitting on the couch, muttering something amongst themselves. Grandpa sits in the recliner, watching them as they try to...

...Do something. You aren't too sure. You leave them to it, walking to the kitchen.

"Smells good!" You smile, stepping around Grandma to grab the pot, "What is it?"

"Oh, it's just chicken soup with rice." She says, picking up the bowls, "Nothing special tonight, sorry."

"Hey, it's still good!" You take the pot, and walk it over to the dining room, placing it on the table with a resounding thunk. "Soup's on!" You grin as Grandma places bowls in front of everyone.

Yuma instantly zones back in to the real world, "Soup?!" She asks, sitting up straight.

"Oh-ho, that smells good!" Kyoko rubs her hands together.

Oriko just sighs, adjusting her bowl to be positioned directly in front of her.

Hiro turns to Hitonari, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I don't..." Hitonari sighs, rewording his refusal, "...I'm not hungry."

"I am." Kazuya takes his bowl to get some soup.

[] ?????????????????????????????
792: "You Matter!"
[X] "What do you mean you're at soup?!"

Before you serve yourself, you decide to check up on Kohaku. Grandma, who has grabbed bowls for Sayaka and Madoka, follows you out the door. As you pass, you glance at them...

...It looks like Madoka's doing great! She's conjured up a flame, and is keeping it in her hands. Sayaka, however...?

"I made an icicle?" She asks slowly before smiling, "I want to heal...!"

Stay strong, Sayaka.

You open the door to the guest bedroom, and predictably find Kohaku laying in bed. Her water is gone, the glass resting on the bedside stand.

"...Oh, Yumi." Kohaku turns to face you, "Is there... something you wanted?"

"I just wanted to check up on you, see if you wanted some dinner, y'know?" You explain, sitting down at the foot of the bed, "So, are you feeling up to it?"

"I... I think so." She mumbles, trying to sit up. She winces, holding her head.

"Don't force yourself!" You raise your hands, "Here, let me help!"

Kohaku doesn't resist as you help her to sit up. In fact, she doesn't move too much even after you've sat her upright.

"Kohaku?" You hazard, "Are you...?"

"No." She replies almost instantly, "Not just because of... This." Kohaku lazily gestures to herself.

"You, uh... Wanna talk about it?" You try to offer a calming smile...

(CHR ROLL: 14+10)

"You know I'm here for you, right? We all are!" You put a hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to shoulder anything alone!"

Kohaku sighs, closing her eyes, "I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" You ask, "Tomorrow? We'll come out the other end in one piece."

"No, not tomorrow." She shakes her head, "Just... Mom and I never really got along, but I didn't want her to... And now, Father is almost here, and I can't stop... Hearing him."

You blink in surprise, not sure how to reply to that.

"Father told me, while he was..." Kohaku shivers, trying to put on a brave face, "...Cursing me, that I would always be under his control. He said, nothing I'd do, or say, or want, or feel would ever matter. I am a cog in a machine, a hand on a clock. I do my job, then I..."


"Whenever I think I can be calm, or let my guard down, I hear him." Her voice begins to waver, "He says... Horrible things, a-and I know they aren't true, but... They're spoken as fact. And I can't...!" She's beginning to tear up, "...I can't argue back! No matter how much I plead, or scream, or claw at my own skull, he just keeps going, until...!"


"No." You state firmly. "That man is a cruel, uncaring monster pretending to be a father. He knows nothing about you, and the fact that he only strikes when you're vulnerable?" You ball your free hand into a fist, "He's just a pathetically weak opportunist. You are who you choose to be, Kohaku, not what others decide for you. No "prophecy" is ever gonna change that. Your feelings matter. Your choices matter. You matter!" You huff in anger. Of course, not at Kohaku, "I don't care how many times he's said it, or how he tries to spin it! You. Matter. If he even tries to say otherwise again, I'll shut him up." You're honestly a little out of breath...

Kohaku doesn't reply, simply remaining still.

"We'll always have your back. Even if the sky falls around us." You take a few deep breaths, trying to regain your composure, "...Let's get you something to eat, okay?"

"...Yeah." She replies quietly. You hazard a glance at her...

...She's crying. But not our of fear.

"Alright. I'll help you up, okay?" You stand up, wrapping your arm around her, "Ready? One, two, three!"

She stands, although she's still leaning against you. Kohaku wipes her eyes with her sleeves, putting her arm around your shoulders, "What's for dinner, anyways?" She's still a little upset, but she's trying.

"Chicken soup. Maybe it'll help you feel better?" You offer a sympathetic smile.

"One way to find out." She weakly smiles back, and you open the door, discreetly helping her to the dining room.

Instantly, Kyoko waves, "I thought you died or something!" She snarks, "Welcome back to the land of the living!"

"Only a little." Kohaku jokes back tiredly, "I was hungry."

Yuma waves to Kohaku, "You look better, Ms. Kohaku!"

"Unfortunately, I don't feel too much better...!" She smiles at Yuma.

Carefully, you seat Kohaku, and get yourselves a bowl of soup. After that, you just eat, taking in all of the conversations going on around you.

Kyoko saw a demon riding the bus. It didn't hurt anyone, so she hesitantly left it be.

Yuma and Kohaku are talking about drawing. Maybe they can draw together sometime.

Oriko, Hitonari and Kazuya have all begun planning for tomorrow. Hitonari and Kazuya seem to be getting along.


This right here.

This is why you fight.

Just for times like these.

You swear on everything you are, that no matter what, you'll all be here to do this again tomorrow. Maybe, you'll even have some new friends join you. Perhaps they'll have been allies in you battle against the Disciples.

But... You swear that everyone here will be here. Everyone will endure their hardships, and come out even better than before. You'll protect that sunny day, so close yet so far away.

As long as you draw breath, you're not letting anyone get hurt.


...But, onto more pressing matters...

...What should you do about tonight?

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793: Last Minute... Phone Call?
[X] Fast Travel is an option.

Well, if you have the time to, you should absolutely try to attune to as many different Terminals as possible. That way, you can almost instantly redeploy to fight on any front you're needed! Maybe Grandpa has a list of Terminals you can borrow...

...And if not him, you could ask Hitomi. Er, after dinner, of course!

Once you've eaten your fill, you get up out of your seat, and...

...Kohaku slowly gets up and follows you.

"...I guess that chicken soup really helped...!" She smiles at you, "Thanks for getting me, Yumi."

"Don't mention it!" You nudge her gently with your elbow, "Are you along for the ride, then?"

"I... Sure?" Kohaku sighs fondly, "It's always a ride with you, isn't it?"

"Never a dull moment in the Konishi or the Kuzunoha households!" You grin, stepping out into the living room.

You see Madoka and Sayaka sitting side by side on the couch, each listening to Grandma with undivided attention. Grandpa is leaning back in his recliner, hands behind his head.

First thing's first. "Hey, Grandpa, do you have a list of the Terminals around Mitakihara?" You ask him.

"I mean, I don't have 'em written down, but I can tell you where to go!" Grandpa digs into his pocket, taking out his phone, "I'll just send you a list through text. That work?"

"Yeah, thanks!" You smile at Grandpa, "I'll get right onto visiting them!"

"Oh, last minute prepping?" Sayaka asks, instantly becoming distracted, "Actually, would this be like cramming for a big test the night before...?"

"S-Sayaka!" Madoka warns, "Focus on--!"

Whatever was in Sayaka's hands has exploded into a puff of snow, spraying it all into her face. "Bleh!!!"

Grandma chuckles to herself, "And that is why magic requires focus. Any interruptions, and your spell could go awry!"

"Duly noted...!" Madoka looks over at her friend, who is desperately trying to to get the snow off of her face.

"...So, uh, how did healing class go...?" You hazard, fairly sure of the answer.

"Actually, she was pretty okay at it." Madoka tells you, "She can heal little injuries, but nothing too major yet."

"Ugh, again?" Sayaka sighs, wiping the last bit of snow off of her, "Well, at least it's a start..."

"On that note..." You begin again, "...What kind of demons do you all have? Maybe you could go see Mido really quick, and fuse them up into something stronger!"

"Oh, I have a--?"

Sayaka actually jumps when she hears your phone ring. You sigh, seeing it's Uncle Raido calling.

"Uh, sorry, gotta take this...!" You step out onto the front porch, "Hello?"

"Cult mass suicide." He tells you.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"That's the story we're going with." Raido explains, "Cult mass suicide."

[] ?????????????????????????????????
794: Out The Door!
[X] "...I understand."

"I... Understand." You reply somberly.

"Yumi, you..." Raido begins, "...You know it wasn't your fault, right?"

"I've been going over plans to prevent a repeat of today when the Disciples come around," You ignore the question, "Do you have everything squared away on your end?"

Raido sighs, "Yes, everyone knows what to do and where to go. But Yumi..."

"I know." You tell him...


[] ...You still feel responsible. People died, and you couldn't help them.
[] ...You're just angry at Lilith and don't want to talk about this anymore.
[] ...You just need more time to process everything. It's all going too fast...!
[] ...Your head is a mess right now.
[] ...Something else? (Write in!)

"...Okay." He finally relents, "As long as you know that."

You struggle to think of a conversation topic for a moment, the threat of horrible silence being on your mind, so...

"Yuma got roped into some drama in school today." You decide to completely change the subject, "I handled it, though. It was just some teacher trying to bully her or whatever."

"...I... See?" He sounds confused, "Other than that, though...?"

"Perfectly fine!" You nod even though no one can see, "She's with me at Grandma's!"

"Good." Raido states, "I--? Right, one moment." Raido groans slightly, "Talk to you later, Yumi."

You sigh, "Okay." He hangs up.

You shake your head, pocketing your phone and heading back inside.

Kohaku is leaning against the wall, her eyes closed. Maybe she's enjoying simply listening to the chatter in the house?

Madoka and Sayaka are back to practicing, and look like they're trying their best to concentrate. You might still be able to talk to them...

(INT ROLL: 14+9)

...On second thought, it might be best to leave them to their practice. But, Grandma doesn't seem too busy, and you've got a question for her!

"Psst, Grandma?" You crouch down beside her while she's in the recliner, "Does water magic exist?"

"Water magic...?" Grandma seems... Curious about the idea, "Well, Ice is a form of water, so it could be possible. Why do you ask?"

"Uh, no reason! Just trying to think of ways to help Sayaka out." You tell her, "I just thought that, because it's often portrayed as the "healing element" in anime and stuff, it might help her out!"

"That's very thoughtful of you, Yumi!" Grandma smiles at you, "And you may be onto something... I'll try to give my lessons to them in a different way."

"Oh, really? I was just spitballing, but--!" Man, it's getting kinda late! If you want to be back before midnight, you've gotta hurry! "Oh, I need to go tag some Terminals real quick! Uh, good luck, you two!" You quickly wave to the fledgeling mages, and duck out the door.

You open your phone, and plan a good route to register all of the Terminals you can...

[] The ones in Mitakihara will be the most important! Go for those ones above all else!
[] Walk through Kazamino and tag as many Terminals as you can! Then, head to Mitakihara and do the same!
[] Get the important ones! Landmarks first!
[] ???????????????????????????????????????????

"Goodness, that's... We have many areas to survey, Master Yumi Konishi!"
795: Lost In Thought, All Alone...?
[X] "Yumi..."

...As you walk down to Mitakihara on the quiet streets, you can't help but think...

...You still feel that you're responsible. Fifty people are dead, and you could do nothing about it.

That's just proving to be a reminder that there's so much you simply don't know. How did you not think of possession? They're demons...!

...Regardless of your feelings on the matter, it's definitely something you won't forget anytime soon. But you will not let their deaths be for nothing, no matter how much you want to find another way.


You pass by the Dwarven Forge, picking up the Terminal there as you head into Mitakihara. You don't stop to browse, but you do catch a glance through the window of Ippon-Datara hammering away at something.

...Do demons need to sleep like humans do?

You shake your head, focusing on walking down the road--?

There is something following you.

You whip your head around, and find what you can only describe as a giant ball of writhing flesh floating lazily towards you. Behind it, you spot two figures with large, misshapen mouths where their ribcages should be.

"We are being assailed?!" Dawn cries out in shock.

[] ???????????????????????????????????
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[X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid

You place your hand on Dawn's hilt, "That remains to be seen. Let's try diplomacy first." You think to her.

"HUmAn..." The meat balloon groans out, "...hUMAN...!"

"What-- Why are you following me?" You ask, not daring to go any closer.

"...Uuuuughgh...!" One of the mouth things begin shambling towards you.

"OUR allIEs..." The demon in the middle explains, "...theY aRE StaRvINg...!"

The other mouth monster begins to stumble closer, "Ghggghgh...!"

"...We asK tHaT yOU..." Its main set of eyes begin to glow with a malign light! "...FEeD TheM!"

(END ROLL: 4+5)

The demon screeches out, sending a chill up your spine. You grab--?

Your eyes widen as your body fails to respond to your command.

You can't move.


You can't even summon any demons.

The enemies shamble closer as you try to get your body to respond.

(END CHECK: 12+5)

The fingers on your right hand curl, but that's the extent of your movement. One of the demons reaches out to you, and--

(???: 15)

Your ears are ringing.

Not because one of the demons struck you, but...

...The closest of the two stumbles back, a hole right between where it's eyes should be.

"Talk about a cheap trick!" You hear a familiar voice from behind you as Dante walks up, twirling a white pistol on his finger, "Let me guess, you've never been in a fair fight before?"

"Psst, hey!" Pixie whispers to you from in your coat pocket, "You said I could summon myself if I wanted to, right?"

"FAIr figHT...?" The meatwad repeats, "HOnor iS USElEsS! PiSaCAs, kILl tHis INterlOPEr!"

"So, no, then. Good." Dante produces a black pistol from somewhere in his coat, "Neither have I."

One of the humanoid demons lunges at Dante!


Dante easily sidesteps, kicking the now glowing demon into his ally--

A deafening boom rattles the streets, and both demons are dead.

"Let me see about that Bind!" Pixie begins trying to dispell whatever is afflicting you. After a moment of her humming, she adds, "I've never actually seen this...! Um, one sec!"

"Got any more for me?" Dante smirks, "I'm falling asleep over here!"

The only remaining demon panics, turning around to--


Dante disappears, then instantly reappears over the demon, bringing his massive sword down upon it.


He splits the demon in two, and it begins dissolving into Magatsuhi.

"Got it!" Pixie cheers, popping out of your coat to--


You can move again! You huff, stumbling back into movement...!

Dante walks up to you, a wry grin on his face, "Just in the nick of time, am I right? Say, what're you doing up so late anyhow? Ain't you got a cult to swing at tomorrow?"

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797: "...I'm Not Tiny...!"
[X] "First, thanks for that. Second, I'm hunting for terminals so I have a quick way to get around."

"First, uh, thank you for the assist." You scratch the back of your head, "That was... Not my finest moment."

Dante snickers, "No kidding. At least you get to walk away, though."

"Um, I think she was talking to me." Pixie flutters up between you and Dante, "I used the Dis-Bind that I swiped from Devil Dog!"

"Oh, sure, little girl." Dante grins, crossing his arms.

You can practically feel the hatred emanating from Pixie. "You did not just call me little girl." Pixie growls through gritted teeth.

"Yes, I did." His grin gets wider, "Got a problem with that, tiny?"

"To answer your second question!" You loudly intervene, "I'm hunting for Terminals so I can travel around quickly!"

"Why not just get a set of wheels?" Dante asks skeptically.

"Instant travel beats quick travel." You shoot back.

"Instant is usually better..." Dante thinks (something you didn't know he was capable of) aloud "...Except, of course, in certain situations. Then, I like to take my time."

"What's he mean by that?" Pixie asks in a whisper.

[] "He's being gross."
[] "Just the ramblings of someone who's never been in a relationship."
[] "Sorry, girl, no clue."
[] ???????????????????????????????????
798: Leaving, And...?
[X] "Sorry, girl, no clue."

"Sorry, girl, I've got no clue." You shrug, thinking of any answer that could fit, "...Maybe tourism? I'd assume the whole "mercenary" business would entail a lot of traveling, after all!"

"Oh, okay!" Pixie nods, "I think I get where he's coming from, then!"

"Yeah, totally!" That's obviously what he meant! "I can't speak for him, but if I knew I was going to a gig in France, I'd totally find time to see the Eiffel Tower up close!"

"Oooooh, that sounds so cool!" Pixie seems to agree with you, "...What's an Eiffel Tower?"

Before you even register the question Pixie asked, Dante begins to leave, walking right past you. "I'd love to stay and shoot the breeze, but I've got a strawberry sundae to try out. Don't die tomorrow, kid!"

You shake your head, taking your leave as well. While you're thankful for the assistance, you can only handle Dante's mannerisms in short bursts.

...Man, is this how Homura feels about you?


There's a shift in the air, and all of the noise of the city seems to become muffled. If you've learned anything over this week, then this means...

"Good evening, Yumi." Stephen appears from an alleyway just ahead of you, "Out hunting for Terminals, I see? Take care to not overexert yourself tonight, as your largest battle begins tomorrow."

[] ??????????????????????????????????????????
799: Stephen Discussions, And...
[X] Plan Polite Questions and a Head-Up

"Oh, Stephen!" You greet him with a slight wave, "Since you're right here, can I ask you a few questions?"

"You may." Stephen nods, "Nothing needs my attention at the moment."

"First thing's first; is there a more reliable way to contact you besides just..." Motioning wildly, you continue, "...Running into you randomly? Like, even a drop box for questions would be great!"

"Not at the second, no. But a drop box for questions sounds like a good suggestion." Stephen thinks out loud, "Of course, an instant response wouldn't be realistic... I'll have something akin to that ready by tomorrow."

"Wait, by tomorrow?" And now, you're intimidated by Stephen in an entirely different way, "That's amazing!"

"It is relatively trivial." Stephen smiles wryly to you, "But rest assured it will be done."

"Thanks, Stephen." You give him a thumbs up, "Also, what exactly is this "voice" trying to break into this world through me? You know, Mr. "Let Me In"?"

"That is something that wants nothing but destruction for you and your world." Stephen explains, "It travels from plane to plane, seeking stronger and stronger opponents to destroy. If it succeeds, it will raze your world to cinders."

"So, what kind of demon is it?" You ask, hand on your hip.

"It isn't." Stephen replies, "Not quite. But I've already said enough, I'm afraid."

With a shake of your head, you decide to change topics. "Well, is there anything you can do regarding Kohaku's curse?"

"Curses have never meshed well with my work, sadly." Stephen, pushing up his glasses, begins, "I mainly dabble in technology, physics, and the like. Pure magic is a little more delicate than, say, constructing your Gauntlet."

"On the topic of Gauntlets, could I..." You struggle to find the right word, "...Commission you to build some for my friends who don't have phones?"

"A Gauntlet takes time to make. By the time I've finished them, you'll have already faced the problem as you are." Saying this, Stephen types on his computer resting on the arm of his chair, "That being said... I shall think of an alternative."

"Stephen, is there a bigger reason why more powerful demons are invading besides Magatsuhi?" You ask him directly, "There are at least two Greek goddesses running around, and that's already getting suspicious. Not to mention that one is interested in my friend Shoji."

"You are quite perceptive." Stephen nods, "Magatsuhi is why most weaker demons are migrating here, but demons like those have alternative plans. Namely, they wish to ascend back into godhood."

...You don't think you're going to get a straight answer out of him. Well, at least you tried. "So, uh, are there any questions you'd like to ask me? It's only fair, right?"

"Indeed, I do." Stephen tents his fingers, "Namely..."


"How are you adjusting to your life as a summoner?"

[] ?????????

"What do you make of your ability to absorb and redistribute Magatsuhi?"

[] ????????????????

"Oh, and how do you and your allies like the Grief Recycler I designed?" Stephen asks his final question.

"As far as I can tell, it works like a charm on their Soul Gems!" You answer happily, "And the extra Macca is always a plus."

"Good, very good." Stephen smiles, "But now, I must be off. I've taken up much of your time already. And..." He raises his finger, pointing just behind you, "...You may want to take advantage of that before it gets away."

"Take adv--?" You begin to turn around, "What do you--!!!"

How the hell did you not notice a Mitama sneaking up behind you?! You recognize it instantly as one of the money ones!

[] ?????????????????????????????????
800: A Quick Dispatchment.
[X] Answers.

"How are you adjusting to your life as a summoner?" Stephen asks, tenting his fingers.

"I mean, this is all unbelievably crazy, but..." You close your eyes, thinking your words over, "...All of this Summoner business opened up a whole new world for me that I never knew existed. It's helped me defend my friends and what they hold dear, and that's enough for me."

"A fair answer." Stephen nods, "You seem to be taking well to all of this, regardless of your circumstances. Moreover, what do you make of your ability to absorb and redistribute Magatsuhi?"

"... Redistribute?" You repeat, "What do you mean by that?"

"Redistribute Magatsuhi in your body to achieve your..." Stephen hums, "...Heightened form."

"Oh, that." You sigh, looking around out of habit, "I guess it makes me feel... Awake? More aware? It's kinda tough to explain, but it feels... Natural, I suppose. Like, for instance, feeling the wind on your skin."

"...I see." Stephen, again, nods slowly, "Be cautious that you keep it in check. No society is created just by following one's baser instincts. Now..."


[X] Plan Paycheck

You instantly summon your team, consisting of Black Frost, Turbo Granny and Devil Dog.

"Oh, a M-hee-tama, ho!" Black Frost cheers, "C'mere, you!!"

"Good choice, kid!" Turbo Granny gives you a thumbs up, "This guy ain't getting away now!"

"That fucker's good eating!" Devil Dog aims at the Mitama, a devious grin on his face, "Take him out!"


"Take this!!" Black Frost creates a large construct of ice, and...


...The Mitama freezes solid! Black Frost jumps in triumph, laughing maniacally all the while!

"I got him!! I got him!! Hee-Ho!" Black Frost cheers as Devil Dog walks up to the block of ice.

Devil Dog looks it over, carefully inspecting the demon within, then takes out a knife of some kind, and...

...He gingerly taps the ice, which instantly shatters. Money and loot are strewn all about. After your demons help gather it all, your winnings are...

- 111699 Yen,
- 1216 Macca,
- A strange piece of... Ore(?),
- What looks to be a set of elemental gems,
- An odd pendant of some kind, and
- 21 chunks of Magnetite!

You kinda expected that to take longer, but hey, you're not complaining!

[] ?????????????????????????

OOC: Damn, first move?! Good shit, I guess!
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