If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Specific info about specific demons (skills, areas of appearance, disposition) shouldn't be so harmful, letting Kyubey or a proxy MG working for him talk to our demons for social profiling is also represents a low risk. Things that place Kyubey's focus on the demons and not us.

We'd want to learn any bits of information discussed in the posts above.
I kinda don't want him to have easy access to knowledge of our demons capabilities. He's gonna be looking for wild demons anyways, so I don't want to make that easier for him. Keeps him that much more distracted.

Also another problem I just realized, since i didn't use plan voting(hello hindsight that's a nice shovel you have there). If we end up trying to update it right now, and not everyone cares enough to update their votes by last call, then it splits the vote making it so we can't win. I didn't exactly expect this gaining any traction.
"Kyubey. I was just about to leave. Come, Kirika." Kirika happily follows Oriko out the door, "Farewell, Yumi Konishi. Know that I will cease my attacks against you and Madoka." With that, she leaves.
Excellent! Mission Accomplished.

On the vote, at this point Kyubey has been demonstrated being unlikeable (allow wishing but deliberately omitting the witch aspect, like in Mami's case?) so I'm partial to just give him a minimum token answer passed through the Yumi-fever-dream filter.

[X] "No, I don't know what are them either. Were they created from a wish? Maybe But I don't think so, most probably they were from somewhere else, but they are from different sizes and colors: I mean, Oni and Pixie both are demons but they look competely different but they are both demons so who knows that others the can be..."

We could cut the answer short and ask something to Kyubey, however. But I'm not sure what to ask for

Probably isn't fever dream-ish enough.
Update time!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 29, 2022 at 10:11 PM, finished with 32 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "Things seeping in through cracks in the dimensional walls. Your going to deal with them whether I wanted you too or not, so I'd prefer you know that they likely have an alien mindset to you. The ones I've seen vary in intelligence, but they are also on the weaker spectrum. The more leaderly types can probably lie or use misleading truth to get what they want. So, like you, but with motives and personal agenda's that neither of us know."
    -[X]Go home, ask if Kyouko wants to come
    [X] Plan: I got better things to do
    -[X] After thinking about it for a moment "Nah, I don't feel like explaining myself thrice in a day, I got better things to do" Go back to your home, its getting late and Yuma and Nagisa might probably be awake already, or Homura or Mami might be on her way to your home. Ask Kyoko if she wants to come home with us.
    --[X] If the fur rat keeps pestering you ask Oni to SUPPLEX it out of our way. We dom't have the time to deal with him.
    ---[X] If Oni doesn't want or if he does but Kyebey appears again try your spell Hama on them, see if we can trigger the instakill on them.
    [X] Plan: poke the bunnycat.
    -[X] "Kyubey... you're not very popular with me right now. Associating with you doesn't seem like the best choice for my health. Can you give me a good reason why I should give you the time of day? You literally make monsters for a living."
    --[X] What's up with Kyubey's tendency to leave people in the dark anyways? Wouldn't MGs be more effective/willing to play his game if they went in fully aware of the risks involved? Do the Incubators really think the way they're handling things is conducive of a longstanding partnership with humanity as it gets more and more technologically advanced? If our species outgrows the masquerade the diplomatic fallout won't be pretty.
    [X] "I was just leaving too!"
    -[X] Call Homura to check if she's free to help you out in setting up a welcoming party.
    [X] "No, I don't know what are them either. Were they created from a wish? Maybe But I don't think so, most probably they were from somewhere else, but they are from different sizes and colors: I mean, Oni and Pixie both are demons but they look competely different but they are both demons so who knows that others the can be..."
72: Homeward
[X] Be vague and uncommitted.

"Oh, they're just being who seeped through the cracks of our universe or something." You say, casually. "You're gonna deal with them whether I want you to or not, so I prefer you know they've got an alien thought process like you."

"This isn't what I meant, but continue." Kyubey says, tail flicking.

"The ones I've seen vary wildly in intelligence-"

"Fuck you, summoner." Oni says.

"I meant Slime."

"Oh shit, uh, un-fuck you, then."

"Anyways, the smarter ones will probably lie and tell half truths to get to their goals. So, like you!"

"Except I cannot lie." Kyubey corrects. "What are these creatures' goals anyway?"

You shrug, "Beats me. If we're done here, I'm going home. Wanna come, Kyoko?"

"Sure, I'll stay for dinner. I'm starving!" She says, hopping off her box.

You dismiss Oni, walk outside, and resummon him. Then, the three of you and Kyubey begin to walk home.


As you walk, your mind wanders. You mostly think of the events that transpired. Has it only been two days? It seems unreal that all of this happened in such a short timeframe...

Your stupor is broken by Oni's shout. "Is that a fucking Mitama?!"

You look ahead, only to find what appears to be a golden tear drop, as happy as can be.

"Don't let it get away!" Oni says, readying himself for combat.

"Wait, what's a Mitama?" Kyoko asks.

"Rare demon, it's got loot for days! Cash, too!"

Kyoko transforms, calling her spear. "Well, Yumi?! Let's get this thing!"

[] Write in???
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Well that went well! Also we are doing the Mitama thing, wonderful! Well more or less without a spyglass we would need to be lucky to find their weakness. We only can hit them right now with zan, Hama and Physical attacks. So…
Your stupor is broken by Oni's shout. "Is that a fucking Mitama?!"

You look ahead, only to find what appears to be a golden tear drop, as happy as can be.
Okay I looked this up. It's specifically a Saki Mitama.

We uh, hit it with every element we have, and use Zan to boost ourselves ahead of Mitama to prevent it's escape.

Does that work for everyone? They don't have a set weakness…
We uh, hit it with every element we have, and use Zan to boost ourselves ahead of Mitama to prevent it's escape.

Does that work for everyone? They don't have a set weakness…

Yup we have to hit it with everything and see what sticks to the wall.

[X] Let's try Wind Jumping
-[X] "Don't let it get away!" Order everyone to surround it. Use Zan as a way to propel yourself and jump so you are behind the Mitama. Once thats done order Kyoko to restrain it, Oni to hit it as hard as he can and try first Hama then Zan, see what happens and be ready to react to anything.

How does this sound? Any other idea?
[X] Let's try Wind Jumping
-[X] "Don't let it get away!" Order everyone to surround it. Use Zan as a way to propel yourself and jump so you are behind the Mitama. Once thats done order Kyoko to restrain it, Oni to hit it as hard as he can and try first Hama then Zan, see what happens and be ready to react to anything.

"Except I cannot lie." Kyubey corrects.
Yumi: "Note to self, he only denies lieing. Sus"

*Kyube was ejected, they where not the imposter*

Yumi, Homura, and Oriko: "Worth it."
I love how Kyoko immediately chose violence at the mention of cash and loot. She's truly the gamer of the Holy Quintet. Also, note: I'm not sure if we're skilled in wind jumping, we might just hurt our butt.
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I'm not sure if we're skilled in wind jumping, we might just hurt our butt.

That's why we are doing this! We need practice, also regarding the second part, thats what Null Physical is for! We can't stick our landing? No problem, because we are hitting the ground, our trait should apply. Actually, would it be better that that happens? We need Yumi to realize her semi-invincibility. She has no idea what happened with Kirika's claws so either we find a demon that explain that to her or trial and error basically I think.
That's why we are doing this! We need practice, also regarding the second part, thats what Null Physical is for! We can't stick our landing? No problem, because we are hitting the ground, our trait should apply. Actually, would it be better that that happens? We need Yumi to realize her semi-invincibility. She has no idea what happened with Kirika's claws so either we find a demon that explain that to her or trial and error basically I think.

We can practice after we gank the Mitama, not when it can jeopardize our chance at some sweet sweet loot.
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Kyoko Can bind the Mitama with her Chains no ? Like with Kirika? Also to be honest not sure how good our chances are or beating the Mitama, either the Qm rolled for what it's weak against, and it's something we can hit or no, it's like 3/7 or 8? I think of the types we cover right now. Unless the Qm selected themselves the Mitama's weakness we aren't getting the reward. Also regarding training jumping with Zan when exactly could we do that? This last 2 days have been really busy. I hope it's not always this packed everyday but if we assume so, then we should take advantage of easy fights to try new maneuvers or strategies, maybe right now in this fight we shouldn't try that but I see no problem trying right now our own version of Rocket Jump to be honest

Edit: probably the comment was too negative in my opinion. I still think we should try to go for the Mitama but I see no reason not to try our Zan jump, the situation it's not risky, we have Oni and Kyoko as support (Kyoko Can bind the Mitama and solve like 30% of the problem), pretty we aren't getting hurt for trying the jump. Really, why shouldn't we try it?
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, the situation it's not risky, we have Oni and Kyoko as support (Kyoko Can bind the Mitama and solve like 30% of the problem), pretty we aren't getting hurt for trying the jump. Really, why shouldn't we try it?

Failing a zan jump may mean the difference between bonking the mitama and it getting away, even if it's not a personal risk, we're risking our loot, that's a mortal sin to all roguelike players 😬. I'm sure we can practice the zan jump before bed. Heck, we could have some of the other girls accompany us. Even if MG magic doesn't work like our magic they're insight may help. We could even devise a team attack or something. Oriko is a non-threat now (presumably) and I don't see anything so pressing on the horizon that warrants what little we'll actually learn from one attempt that can be redone at our leisure during an encounter that we can't just reroll as many times as we want.

[X] Plan All out Attack
-[X] "Kyoko, tie it up or cut it off!"
--[X] Cast zan and then hama, folow up with your sword if none of the above work and Kyoko and Oni haven't neutralized the Mitama.
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[X] Plan All out Attack
-[X] "Kyoko, tie it up or cut it off!"
--[X] Cast zan and then hama, folow up with your sword if none of the above work and Kyoko and Oni haven't neutralized the Mitama.
EX 10: Late Night Phone Call
You sit down after a rather long day at work. You got your promotion, but with it came even more paperwork. How can you keep this up?

The phone begins to ring, of course. You lethargically get up, and answer it. "Hello, Konishi residence?"

"Takeshi, it's me." Ryoko says. To say she sounds tired would be an understatement. "Listen, this case's paper trail goes deeper and deeper, and I have to order all of it. I'll probably be home in the morning."

"I'll figure something out for Yumi..."

"If you want, I could call Mom and Dad. I'm sure they'd love to have her!"

You think for a moment. Ryoko's Mom is friendly towards you, but her Dad and you just don't get along. Still, they are Yumi's grandparents, so it would be unfair to-

"Takeshi? You zone out again?"

"Err... No, I was- nevermind, yeah. Do you think they're up? It's pretty late..."

"Dad's a night owl. I'm sure he's up."

"Alright, call them. I can take Yumi over in the morning."

"Copy. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, Ryoko."

She hangs up. You sigh, putting the phone down. Kazamino is quite the drive...

You already said you'd do it. So that's what's gonna happen.

You always stick to your word.
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"Takeshi, it's me." Ryoko says. To say she sounds tired would be an understatement. "Listen, this case's paper trail goes deeper and deeper, and I have to order all of it. I'll probably be home in the morning."
She never came back did she… Honestly thought Dad watched her die until now.
Kazamino is quite the drive...

You already said you'd do it. So that's what's gonna happen.
Do we end up meeting our kinda-uncle in Kazamino.
[X] Plan All out Attack
-[X] "Kyoko, tie it up or cut it off!"
--[X] Cast zan and then hama, folow up with your sword if none of the above work and Kyoko and Oni haven't neutralized the Mitama.
Who wants to go meet grandpa and grandma tomorrow, after figuring out what we need to do for Yuma? Also we need to get Nagisa home at some point.
Voting closed, time to write!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 30, 2022 at 8:47 PM, finished with 20 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan All out Attack
    -[X] "Kyoko, tie it up or cut it off!"
    --[X] Cast zan and then hama, folow up with your sword if none of the above work and Kyoko and Oni haven't neutralized the Mitama.
    [X] Let's try Wind Jumping
    -[X] "Don't let it get away!" Order everyone to surround it. Use Zan as a way to propel yourself and jump so you are behind the Mitama. Once thats done order Kyoko to restrain it, Oni to hit it as hard as he can and try first Hama then Zan, see what happens and be ready to react to anything.
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