Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
I kinda don't want him to have easy access to knowledge of our demons capabilities. He's gonna be looking for wild demons anyways, so I don't want to make that easier for him. Keeps him that much more distracted.Specific info about specific demons (skills, areas of appearance, disposition) shouldn't be so harmful, letting Kyubey or a proxy MG working for him talk to our demons for social profiling is also represents a low risk. Things that place Kyubey's focus on the demons and not us.
We'd want to learn any bits of information discussed in the posts above.
Also another problem I just realized, since i didn't use plan voting(hello hindsight that's a nice shovel you have there). If we end up trying to update it right now, and not everyone cares enough to update their votes by last call, then it splits the vote making it so we can't win. I didn't exactly expect this gaining any traction.