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MG Magic VS Your Magic
Your magic must be learned. Skills and Spells are handy ways of quantifying your knowledge of these arts.

A Magical Girl's power is innate. They may not know exactly how their powers work, but they are granted the access to this Magic by Kyubey.

When you use a skill, it costs MP. MP is simply your magical stamina. Like a muscle, it will improve with use.

When a Magical Girl uses her Magic, she generates corruption. Instead of using MP, she must risk her mental state.

Your power in the arcane arts begins weakly. However, enough effort and resolve will allow you to bring down terrifying foes with ease.

A Magical Girl's power is capped when they create a Soul Gem. They are as strong as they'll ever be.

When you run low on MP, you'll experience slight tiredness, but nothing that will impede your physical capabilities. Rest once you're safe, and you'll be as good as new.

If a Magical Girl runs high on corruption...

Well, you know what happens.
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EX 9: Turbo Granny's Kickass Day!
Your name is... Eh, screw it! Doesn't matter!

Everyone just calls you Turbo Granny, and that's a damn fine name! You once clocked over 100 KM/H. You've always been striving to beat that record.

Sometimes, when you're on the highway, you pull up to people's windows. "Live to ride, ride to live!" You always shout at fellow speed demons.

Your grandson's got quite the need for speed as well! He and you often ride together, seeing who can outspeed who. It's always a joy to see him.

You're getting ahead of yourself. Today, you found a nice stretch of road in town. Straight, empty, and just waiting for you!

That's when some jerk in a shit box went screaming by, and almost hit some poor little kitty and it's friend! Now, you're all for speed, but hurting animals?

That's cause for an ass whooping!

You go screeching after him without a second thought, and he eventually stops. He gets out, mumbling about how "Some damn animal" almost got in his way.

That's when you jump him. You punch as hard as you can, and when he goes down, you kick him with your skates. After a few minutes, you leave.

"Watch the road next time, fucker! Ahahahaha!" You cackle, speeding off to another destination.


Your name is Homura Akemi. You're currently walking to Yumi's from school. It'd be best to check in on her, given her... Reckless behavior.

That's when you see-

"Amy?! How did you get out?" Amy turns and mews at you, standing near the side of the road.

You move to pick her up off the street, and as you do, someone speeds by, almost hitting you and the poor cat.

You turn to try to read his license plate-

"Is that an old lady?"
We so need to recruit Turbo Nanny, with her our ensamble would be complete! Also when is that interlude happing with respect to the current updates? Because if Homura is going to our House we need to get there soon. We seriously need to ask for her phone number. And show our new little sister to her too, can't forget that.

It'd be best to check in on her, given her... Reckless behavior.

Please, what have we done that could be considered reckless? Everything we have done so far has been greatly considered on what would be funny/awesome/appropiate.

It was awesome and you know it.

What were we supposed to do? Let her kill us? I don't think we could just run for it. We had to take action!

If she knew what you were doing now, she'd smack you upside the head.

Its only stupid if this fails, in that case we just punch Oriko and Kirika until they stop being a problem, either way its a win-win situation.
Its only stupid if this fails, in that case we just punch Oriko and Kirika until they stop being a problem, either way its a win-win situation.
Null Physical, even when it's nerfed, allows us to no-sell a lot of options to kill us.

Chances of people figuring out that long range and magical attacks is best to kill us is gonna take a while but we shouldn't bank on that.
Null Physical, even when it's nerfed, allows us to no-sell a lot of options to kill us.

Chances of people figuring out that long range and magical attacks is best to kill us is gonna take a while but we shouldn't bank on that.

Yup, we always need to take the initiative on fights, get always at close distance, if we allow the opponent to get away and attack from range we are screwed. Any notorious witch or magical girl that fights at distance that we need to watch our for that? Aside from Mami and Homura?
Yup, we always need to take the initiative on fights, get always at close distance, if we allow the opponent to get away and attack from range we are screwed. Any notorious witch or magical girl that fights at distance that we need to watch our for that? Aside from Mami and Homura?
Oriko. She shoots balls.
Could we send then away with Zan? It's a burst of "force", we totally could use that to counter her balls.
I dunno if we wanna hit her balls the timing has to be just right, they are small and loose and fast so they probably swing around in the air a lot, so we would basically need to wait for the moment where she reveals them to be able to strike them at all.

Really, instead of hitting her balls we could use the same preptime to just blast her the normal way, though I suppose it might be useful for demoralizing her if we want to show off our skill. But if we fuck it up, we get her balls to our face, which would be quite unbearable (get it, because she uses bearings?) :p
I'll close voting now. Let's see here...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 28, 2022 at 6:06 PM, finished with 30 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: What can you See...?
    -[X] Ask Oriko about Madoka contracting, see if she can tell you more of when it happens or why, what things caused that. If we can prepare for that the better. Has she considered telling Madoka about the consequences of her wishing/witching? Has she used her powers to see what happens when she does?
    --[X] Ask Oriko if she can see Oni or any "Demons" with her powers, depending on the answer that might shed light on a few things probably.
    ---[X] Ask her when she started having those problems.
71: Thought Process
[X] Plan: What can you See...?

"You said you saw her contract. Did you see why or when?"

"The answer to both why and when is Walpurgisnacht." Oriko says grimly. "In my vision, Akemi was badly injured. Kyubey took advantage of this, having Kaname contract with him. Then, the moment after Walpurgisnacht fell, Madoka..." She looks at Kyoko, then leans closer, "...Witched out."

"Did you try telling her about that? I'm sure Madoka would listen." You ask, only to be met by a tired look.

"That was physically impossible. Akemi would have killed me if I tried."

"Oh, the mean girl you told me about?" Kirika asks loudly.

Oriko sighs, "Yes, my dear."

Kirika pumps her fists into the air. "Knew it!"

"Next question," You begin, "Can you see demons in your visions?"

"No. I can't see you, I can't see the demons, I can't even see anything about you. You're an anomaly to me, Yumi Konishi. Under normal circumstances, I would be able to see your actions, your frequently visited areas, and how you would fight, but..." Oriko droops, "... Nothing."

"When did this stuff start happening?" You ask.

"The moment you stepped into my visions. Every time I attempt to see, you cause everything to... The specifics don't matter. These demons must be the same, but why?"

"An interesting topic. Do continue." A frustratingly familiar voice says.

"Kyubey. I was just about to leave. Come, Kirika." Kirika happily follows Oriko out the door, "Farewell, Yumi Konishi. Know that I will cease my attacks against you and Madoka." With that, she leaves.

"Unfortunate. Yumi Konishi, can you perhaps explain these "demons"?" It asks.

[] "Fine."
[] "No."
[] "I was just leaving too!"
[] Write in?
Okay so all demons apparently are blindspots, that's "great". Yeah, also shouldn't be surprised that Homura tries to kill them when she tries to explain, we need to have a talk with her and her trigger happy preferences, well she is kind of forgiven on that regard to tell the truth. But if we manage to calm Homura maybe we can explain to Madoka about this. Also Kyubey doesn't seem to know much about demons yet. Let's keep it that way for now if possible.

[] Plan: I got better things to do
-[] After thinking about it for a moment "Nah, I don't feel like explaining myself thrice in a day, I got better things to do" Go back to your home, its getting late and Yuma and Nagisa might probably be awake already, or Homura or Mami might be on her way to your home. Ask Kyoko if she wants to come home with us.
--[] If the fur rat keeps pestering you ask Oni to SUPPLEX it out of our way. We dom't have the time to deal with him.
---[] If Oni doesn't want or if he does but Kyebey appears again try your spell Hama on them, see if we can trigger the instakill on them.

I don't know why but Kyoko and Oni interlude gave me the idea of having Oni supplex a witch/demon, because there is no one nearby lets settle for the second best

Any ideas/things to change?
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[X] Plan: I got better things to do
-[X] After thinking about it for a moment "Nah, I don't feel like explaining myself thrice in a day, I got better things to do" Go back to your home, its getting late and Yuma and Nagisa might probably be awake already, or Homura or Mami might be on her way to your home. Ask Kyoko if she wants to come home with us.
--[X] If the fur rat keeps pestering you ask Oni to SUPPLEX it out of our way. We dom't have the time to deal with him.
---[X] If Oni doesn't want or if he does but Kyebey appears again try your spell Hama on them, see if we can trigger the instakill on them.
Eeeh, what's the worse that can happen if we leave the information we give to stuff the incubators will likely find out themselves? We may be able to barter. Consider asking what the collective will be willing to trade for bits of unactionable/barely actionable intel. Greif seeds? Weaponry? Insights into the MG system? Their appraisal of any artifacts you find (which may be a tradable commodity itself)?

I don't like the fur-demon either, but we're passing up an opportunity here. At least keep things open-ended in case something changes. Pretty sure an orbital bombardment could kill Walpurgisnacht before she reaches Mitakihara, though I don't know what we'd have to give up for that.

Maybe a million marketable plushies...

"Farewell, Yumi Konishi. Know that I will cease my attacks against you and Madoka." With that, she leaves.

Happy with the result if she's being genuine, but also a little worried. She sounds exhausted, I hope she doesn't give up. Like, give up give up.
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Eeeh, what's the worse that can happen if we leave the information we give to stuff the incubators will likely find out themselves? We may be able to barter. Consider asking what the collective will be willing to trade for bits of unactionable/barely actionable intel. Greif seeds? Weaponry? Insights into the MG system? Their appraisal of any artifacts you find (which may be a tradable commodity itself)?

I don't like the fur-demon either, but we're passing up an opportunity here. At least keep things open-ended in case something changes. Pretty sure an orbital bombardment could kill Walpurgisnacht before she reaches Mitakihara, though I don't know what we'd have to give up for that.

Maybe a million marketable plushies...

I kind of don't want to risk it. If I remember correctly, Kyebey never lies, but he does says half truth, or incomplete info. It depends on how we word our questions. In my opinion, any exchange of info we go with him we will always lose or receive less than what we would give him, Kyubey is the kind of asshole who if you give him a little he takes a mile. It's not worth in my opinion.
I kind of don't want to risk it. If I remember correctly, Kyebey never lies, but he does says half truth, or incomplete info. It depends on how we word our questions. In my opinion, any exchange of info we go with him we will always lose or receive less than what we would give him, Kyubey is the kind of asshole who if you give him a little he takes a mile. It's not worth in my opinion.

Physical goods or immediate assistance rather than information would be the best thing to trade for, then. We'll know their value, at least. Heck, we can even ask Kyubey what the incubators want to know so we can give our own half-truths and non-answers. Lead him down some speculative rabbit holes to fall into (though it'll probably be some poor girl that does the falling for them).
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