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73: Loot Goblin!!
[X] Plan: All Out Attack

"I'll keep it from leaving!" Kyoko shouts, cutting off the alleyway with her chain spears.

"Hit it with everything you got!" Oni says, bringing his weapon down.


The tear drop demon nimbly evades Oni's strike. You follow up with a magic attack. Zan, that's it!

"Here goes!" You say.

(DMG ROLL: 8+5=13)

The wind whips around the demon, and begin lashing it with gale force. The demon is flying about, getting hit with the full force of your spell.

Wait, is it...?

It is! It's extremely vulnerable to Zan!

(WEAKPOINT!! x1.5 DMG! 20!)

You barely register it's weakness before Kyoko is upon it.

(DMG ROLL: 9+7=16)

Kyoko stabs at it, cutting it across its face. It doesn't seem too happy...

...or hurt.

(RESIST: x0.5, =8)

Kyoko backs off after her strike, giving you a clear shot with Zan.

(DMG ROLL: 6+5=11)
(WEAKPOINT!! x1.5 DMG! 16!)

It floats in the epicenter of your storm, and before it can recover, Oni rushes in!

(DMG ROLL: 7+5, 5+5, miss)
(RESIST, x0.5, 6+5=11)

Oni slams his weapon against the enemy demon, sending it into the concrete. Then, he strikes again, shattering the sidewalk and the demon.

The Mitama explodes in Yen notes and coins, as well as Macca, and...

(LOOT ROLL: 20, 18, 9, 5)

You and Kyoko work together to collect your winnings. Once you two finished, you've pulled together...

1. 5076 Yen for both of you,
2. 835 Macca,
3. About 15 cubes of... Something,
4. Some herbal medicine,
5. A strange bead, and...
6. A necklace made from an arrowhead...?

Your Gauntlet begins beeping, and you take a look-


"What?!" You blurt out in surprise.

"I know, right? Lotsa money!" Kyoko says, a toothy grin on her face. "Let's fight more of these things!"

[] Write in???
We need to equip that pendant, with that only magic can hurt us. Should we split the loot in three parts? Let Kyoko have the Yen maybe?
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This was the best possible result!

[] Plan Proceed with Caution
-[] Give Kyoko and Oni a high-five
--[] "Sure we can look for more!" Prowl around the area for more demons to behead or befriend. Or perhaps a witch.
---[] Ask Kyoko if her soulgem is clean enough to continue, you don't want her to get ahead of herself. (also ask her if she has a place to sleep tonight)
----[] Keep an eye out for Kyubey, or any other sneaky sneaks.
-----[] Ask Oni if the pendent looks cursed. If not, equip it.

[X] [Plan] Still headin home
-[X] High five Kyouko and Oni
-[X] Equip Pendant
-[X] "We can see if any are on them away back, I still need to make sure Nagisa gets home. And cook dinner."
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Out of curiosity QM, are we allowed to try to fuse spells?

Like combining Zan with a sword slash, or swirling Bufu and AGI, while using Zan twister to guide the attack?
[X] [Plan] Still headin home
-[X] High five Kyouko and Oni
-[X] Equip Pendant
-[X] "We can see if any are on them away back, I still need to make sure Nagisa gets home. And cook dinner."
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[X] [Plan] Still headin home
-[X] High five Kyouko and Oni
-[X] Equip Pendant
-[X] "We can see if any are on them away back, I still need to make sure Nagisa gets home. And cook dinner."
[Χ] The plan where we high-five Oni for being a bro who pulls his weight for the team with more than his muscles
-[Χ] Jokingly tease Oni for who would think he's stupid

Yumi: Hey Fil, I'm sure that isn't a vote...
Filraen: I'm voting in spirit
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EX 11: Pixie's Day Alone
Your name is Pixie. You've been given the important task of watching the house while Yumi's off doing... Something.

Yumi totally should've at least roughed up that enemy girl she brought! I mean, she is an enemy, right?

Oh well, you can't say you understand, but Yumi's orders are Yumi's orders! So here you sit, on the nightstand, watching the two small humans sleep.

Oh! One's waking up! "...Mama...?" The white haired one mutters.

"Nah, just me!" You reply, smiling.

"Oh, hi Ms. Fairy!" She says.

"Sheesh, my name is Pixie! How many other humans are gonna get that wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Nagisa didn't mean to..."

"Eh, whatevs. Guess I'm Ms. Fairy now." You kick your legs in the air. "Welp, I'm bored. Wanna learn healing magic?"

"You can do that?!" Nagisa's eyes seem to sparkle. As she nearly shouts this, the Green Girl stirs in her sleep. "...You can do that?" She asks again, quieter.

"Totally! Wanna learn?"

"Would I!"

"Would you?"

"Would I!"

"Would you?"

"Yes, please!"

"Alright!" You clap your hands dramatically, "Now, the first step is-"

"Like Mr. Angel did? Like this?"


You blink in surprise. "Yeah."
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On one hand Well done Pixie!!! I'm proud of her, on the other hand, should we be worried tha Nagisa learned SMT Magic just like that without any technological or magical help? Can all humans learn SMT magic? We could put Kyubey out of business in that case? Well not really but maybe it could help?
On one hand Well done Pixie!!! I'm proud of her, on the other hand, should we be worried tha Nagisa learned SMT Magic just like that without any technological or magical help? Can all humans learn SMT magic? We could put Kyubey out of business in that case? Well not really but maybe it could help?

I think we should be very worried. Do you have any idea what some teenagers would do with the ability to immolate their bullies, even if they learn they didn't really want to after the trigger is pulled? And the demon phenomenon is spread beyond Mitakihara right? This is going to suck for everyone before humanity adjusts.
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If we could convince Kyubey that demons hold the answer to his energy problem... We also got Mag aka Magasutchi, we might be able to set up a trade system with him using that as currency. And if its efficient enough he might globalize it tanking the Magical Girl economy as long lasting combatants become more valuable. It all depends on how consistently producible and valuable Mag is though.
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...Kyubey would still use the magical girl system on top of whatever benefit he could get from demons, if only for redundancy.
My full idea is that we could convince him to set up a service where he purifies a certain amount of Grief from Soul Gems per Mag that they bring in. This will incentivize girls to go after Demons, protecting their areas from them. And it could reduce the number of 'Witching outs' that happen due to low Witch numbers in some locations. All he needs to do is phrase it in such a way as to imply the Mag is what allows him to purify them, which is somewhat true.
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