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Wait a second, I just remembered something;
"Yumi, there's a man in a blue coat asking me about a Soul Gem." Homura cuts you off, "Explain."
Homura, you've met him before.

Homura steps in between you and Mister Vergil. "Why do you need to know?"

Mister Vergil calmly places a hand on Homura's shoulder. "Let the adults speak." He doesn't even look at her as he moves Homura out of his way. "I'll ask again, where is Dante?"
I just had a stupid thought:

"Also, do you want me to pass on a message to your brother? He's right here."

"Sure, can you impale him with your sword?"

"Literally did that just before you called. Anything else?"

"No, I'm good.,
[X] Plan That's a Soul Gem
-[X] "Before I answer your question, I'm going to have to ask what you were hitting that Witch with."
--[X] After he tells us about Beowulf: "That wouldn't happen to do Light elemental damage, would it?"
---[X] Explain the MG-to-Witch process (including the nature of Soul Gems), then explain how Light magic reverses Witchification and Vergil is now holding a Soul Gem
So Homura didn't hear either of these?
To be fair. She's a time traveller who's probably been at it for years at this point, where 80% of everything's exactly the same always. And now she's having everything she thought she ever knew pulled out from under her by a psychotic college student who majored in the Nanoha School of Friendship showing up, Actually Satan adopting her, and a surprise second magic system she has to figure out yesterday Or Else.

The fact that she's functional at all and not locked in her room trying to suppress a panic spiral is impressive as fuck, given the circumstances. Keeping track of every little new thing is a bit much to ask of her IMO
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So Homura didn't hear either of these?
Whenever you're out of sight, Homura goes back to Quiet Badass mode.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 18, 2023 at 10:37 PM, finished with 30 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan resurrection
    -[X] Ah, a Soul Gem "That's because that's it's original form. However you killed the Witch purified it, I know it happens when I use light aspected magic. If either of you have a Revival Bead on hand, or can use the spell Recarm you can resurrect the person that was turned into the Witch. Fair warning, it's really flashy, and she'll be naked. I can give you a better rundown on their system later"
    -[X] "I've got three Gems on hand if you'd rather a demonstration."
    -[X] "Also, do you want me to pass on a message to your brother? He's right here."
    [X] Plan That's a Soul Gem
    -[X] "Before I answer your question, I'm going to have to ask what you were hitting that Witch with."
    --[X] After he tells us about Beowulf: "That wouldn't happen to do Light elemental damage, would it?"
    ---[X] Explain the MG-to-Witch process (including the nature of Soul Gems), then explain how Light magic reverses Witchification and Vergil is now holding a Soul Gem
    [X] Plan Yumi.exe has encountered a problem
    -[X] "What."
    --[X] Press Vergil on how he got that Soul Gem to get him to explain.
    ---[X] Eventually note how Yumi has managed to get Soul Gems out of Witches before in the past using Light element spells.
    [X] Plan Come here
    -[X] "It'd be easier for me to show you what it is rather than say on the phone."
    -[X] "Also, do you want me to pass on a message to your brother? He's right here."
SMT Satan generally is highly loyal to YHVH and is heavily associated with Law and acts as an equal and polar opposite to Lucifer. His one appearance as a Chaos character involves him being mind wiped and controlled by our good friend.
585: Vergil.
[X] Plan resurrection


"That's because that's the original form of it." You explain, "However you managed to kill that Witch purified the Seed onto a Gem. The only way I know to do that is to land a fatal blow with Light magic."

"Light...?" Vergil repeats, introspection clear in his voice, "Go on."

"Well, if you have a Revival Bead, you can use it on the Soul Gem to resurrect the the girl who was the Witch." You tell him, "Fair warning, it's really flashy, and she'll be naked."

"I see." Vergil audibly crosses his arms.

"What the hell are you on about...?" Dante mutters.

"I can give you a better rundown of the situation later, okay?" You ask, shaking your head, "If you'd like a demonstration, I've got three Soul Gems on hand at the moment--?"

"One moment, then." Vergil interrupts.

You raise an eyebrow. Then, from just behind Dante...?

A rift opens. Vergil steps out of it, sheathing his sword.

"Brother." He nods to Dante.

Dante scoffs, "You and opening portals these days...!"

"Beats walking." Vergil shoots back, walking past him, "Now, that demonstration?"

"Hold on, there!" Dante struts up behind his brother, "We were kinda in the middle of--"

"And now, you're not." Vergil states.

"Yumi, he just...?" Homura slowly says.

[] ????????????????????????
[] To Homura, like this is just normal Wednesday: "Opened a portal directly to my location, yes."

Not quite sure what to do now.
[X] Plan: just another day in mitakihara
-[X] "Welcome to your new normal, leave your sanity at the entrance and don't look back, makes it easier to digest"
-[X] "And don't worry, the bloods all Dante's"
-[X] ''We could also continue the spar later Dante, better get this out of the way first and give you all a run down on what witches really are''.
-[X] explain everything you know about the magical girl/witch system and so far everything you know about Kyubey aka the white rat, then proceed to demostrate the revival by using recarm on one of the soul gems you have to everyone in the room, the more the merrier and it makes it more difficult for the white rat after all, also take out some of the spare clothes the chief gave you.
-[X] ''Also fair warning this is going to annoy the white rat to no end and considering the bastard manipulates by either lying by omission or outright spawning Witches through a method I don't know, if a magical girl or a witch appears and blocks of your path spouting nosense you know who to blame''
-[X] ''But to be honest, screw him, after the little trick he pulled on Yuma while she was at school that rat went on my list''
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Check if Raido is still around, and use a bead to rez.
We have Recarm.

[X] "Welcome to your new normal, leave sanity at the entrance and don't look back, makes it easier to digest"
"leave your sanity"

and it makes it more difficult to the white rat

considering the bastard either manipulates by method of lying by omisssion
"manipulates by either lying by omission"

or outright spawnning witches trough a method I don't know
"spawning Witches through"

Yuma while she was on school

that rat went into my list''

then proceed to demostrate the revival
I would recommend specifying how exactly we're going to demonstrate (preferably by using Recarm).
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