honestly if it was unlocked or you just took the locked parts. I'm fairly sure it'd surpass a billion eorzeas. Like there are literal infinite sized things of magic connected to earth.
Without getting too deeply into it, Eorzea is EXTREMELY magical. Every single thing on/in/ or made from the planet is Aether (which is their word for 'magic').
Basically the entire Setting is that Eorzea is a planet where the normal building blocks of reality, atoms, molecules (and souls) are actually also compressed magic.
Maybe it doesn't have like 90% of the universes magic compressed into a prison gem, but a Billion Eorzea's is probably incorrect.
Without getting too deeply into it, Eorzea is EXTREMELY magical. Every single thing on/in/ or made from the planet is Aether (which is their word for 'magic').
Basically the entire Setting is that Eorzea is a planet where the normal building blocks of reality, atoms, molecules (and souls) are actually also compressed magic.
Maybe it doesn't have like 90% of the universes magic compressed into a prison gem, but a Billion Eorzea's is probably incorrect.
If anything I'm under exaggerating there are entire pocket realms the size of the universe, the dreaming is actually bigger than a universe, the star heart has an actual galaxies worth of magic, it has connections to the parliaments. There are plenty of things on dc earths that are literally the size of universes or infinite in scope in terms of energy.
So Alchemist que's the "Rocky Horror Show" song and does the "TIME WARP AGAIN" but does he do the full dance? A Jump to the Left? Then a Step to the Right? Hands on the hips? Bring the knees in tight? Then the Insane Pelvic THRUST!

Unless it involves Orion or the Claptrap while UNCONSCIOUS, That is a different experience.
As a reader from the UK... I realise it may sound like "wot" to you cross-Pond Thanksgiving-celebrating types (happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it, btw) but I'm not sure it really works as phonetic text third person narration.

Otherwise . . .

"Lucrecia, in contrast, was an idiot with a degree that agreed to inject unknown fluids with unknown results into her own fetus on the off chance that it could result in super powers."

As opposed to chowing down on Materia and magatamas and similar items and putting yourself into physical/mystic shock in order to give yourself super powers. Right.

(ALCHEMIST: But I have definite verifiable proof that my method works! I have read the Secret Cheat Guides to the Universe and know all the hidden mechanics! I have counted the fractional percentage points and minimaxed and seen the face of mathematical God! ... and I begin to see why so many archmages go and hide out in towers at the edge of reality where they won't have to put up with critics.)
"You are free to insult me," the dragon said, very quietly, to the dazed, injured man beneath him. "You do not get to insult my daughter. Do you understand?"
I love Alchemist so much. His parenting skills are actually really good even with his scatterbrained actions, but it's important to remember that at his core, deep down under being a magician, a beta tester, a tinkerer, he's a fucking good dad.
"Foster parents, teachers, 'friends'..." Marvel muttered with a defeated sigh. "They might see the new success as something they can take advantage of. Or pile up more expectations once they see that a kid can do well in school. Or else what will a kid do when they outgrow their 'lucky' shirt and start to struggle again? Feeling stupid when you used to feel smart can be worse than never succeeding at all..."
When he gives that up? It must be incredibly frustrating to look at the decisions that he'd made as Captain Marvel and struggle to understand how me came to make those choices. What connections he saw, the intuitions he felt... it's about like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.
Yeah; I used to abuse programmatic auto-suggestion (augmenting a then undiagnosed neurological condition, and a [then] photographic memory) to perform on stage, in [competitive kinesthetics] at the provincial level, cope with my home life and euphemism kinesthetics privately.
Got a 'damned [vanity concert series] invite for my first appearance when I was a was teen because a stupid logic/programming bug cascaded into 'freestyle'/sight recomposing the qualification-examination piece while stalling for the maximum-allotted 'warm-up' time. (Naively thought that deliberately introducing a subtle compounding disturbance mimicking common flubs to every phrase would have caused an unintelligible mess, not a showstopper from teams of examiners ((bored to tears from hearing hundreds of students stumble through the same technical piece over-and-over hours-on-end for days)) pausing what they were doing to wander over and listen in... I should have used an absolute instead of interval based disturbance system. But the insertion was easier since I already used intervals to map phrases, and I like subtle puns... so...)
Problem (for me) is that I was locked in to my internally preprogrammed actions (in sharp contrast to external hypnosis), and was absolutely horrified to witness those performances - knowing that I was incapable of intellectually repeating them as myself; all while I am was helpless to stop my body from physically doing the impossible highly-improbable thing.
As a rule NOBODY got a [vanity] invite until they've got a [vanity label] recording contract; So suddenly my highschool had people commuting from other cities to be disappointed in how normal our music program was _before_ the whole Pop Idol debacle craze captured the wider 'young adult' talent market.
(( When [the actual concert] rolled around, I was attacked immediately before it was my turn by a jackass who was harassing me throughout the day. I was surprised that even with auto-suggestion I couldn't perform at all on stage - Admittedly using my school's bass-clarinet as a blunt instrument probably didn't improve it's woodwind quality, though that brassy percussive 'ting' from a minute earlier is easily one of my favorite unique sounds to remember. ))

At keast Alchemist gave the kids a fighting chance, a brief moment of luck and taste of accomplishment, might give them the drive to go on.
Emotionally, I was fine after losing my photographic memory to an adverse drug side-effect. Figured that I could be fine without it. (edit: Though I did need it to get to where I was. Al-) Though having my perfect recall of previous memories reduced to 'normal' levels of fidelity has been disappointing. (sardonic : "Oh no; Now I need to actually look at the physical book to know exactly what it has written on every page. What ever shall I do?")

Hmmm Yuffie was never allowed to visit her mother's grave... are we sure she has one?
This is amazing. Though we might not get to see her subvert the social-dynamic Alchemist has built on screen, the potential for rapidly transforming all things with Yuffie (ovs. to Yuffie's benefit; to be discovered as encountered), is considerable.
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So do we think this is our Alchemist or is this Dr. Alchemy the Desmond version?
I pointed this out in the comments before. There is an Alchemist from the ww2 days of the Justice Society of America, who reappeared in the All Star Squadron series in DC as well. His main tools are

Zobar Zodiak (New Earth)

The Alchemist is an enemy of the Justice Society of America. Zobar Zodiak was a scientific genius who has mastered several fields, including both chemistry and mechanics. He is also a dabbler in more occult sciences, and it is from this that he takes his nom du crime Alchemist. At one point...

He has never resurfaced, and is definitely not Dr. Alchemy.
Using the Wisdom of his super powers to improve his unpowered form's ability to study (by writing up study notes that unpowered Billy can use to improve his study habits) is absolutely the opposite of short-sighted. It's smart, which is why the writers won't let him do it. Can't use your powers intelligently unless it involves hurting someone.
You are assuming there's a positive feedback loop there, where using the Wisdom can improve the Wisdom.
I'm of the opinion that using the Wisdom to do your critical thinking for you results in you learning something the Wisdom already does, and benefits it not at all because it's doing all the important thinking for you. You'll get a better grade, but it'll be even less effective for you than borrowing someone else's crib notes for the long term. Additionally, you become even more reliant on the Wisdom, instead of building it up.
Although I'm not contesting that the writers hate superheroes acting intelligent, even when they give them profound intelligence.
You are assuming there's a positive feedback loop there, where using the Wisdom can improve the Wisdom.
I'm of the opinion that using the Wisdom to do your critical thinking for you results in you learning something the Wisdom already does, and benefits it not at all because it's doing all the important thinking for you. You'll get a better grade, but it'll be even less effective for you than borrowing someone else's crib notes for the long term. Additionally, you become even more reliant on the Wisdom, instead of building it up.
Although I'm not contesting that the writers hate superheroes acting intelligent, even when they give them profound intelligence.
So... Using Wisdom to develop better ways of helping him to learn in his base form won't help him learn in his base form?

So, Alchemist can or cannot Rez Yuffie Mom?

Or the local version mom, so Yuffie can say "Hello" before finding her own.

Yuffie said she will make a Shrine to talk to a Summon. But can the Summon track where the Former Summoner is buried?
It probably varies but I'm fairly sure hell doesn't follow linear time.
But all of the Constantines in those other universes do, and so Hell would have to, at least in some circumstances. Since all the Constantines still have their ties to Hell, Hell would still have their ties to them, and so The Event wouldn't have happened yet from the perspective of a mortal visiting Hell or communing with a being from there.
But all of the Constantines in those other universes do, and so Hell would have to, at least in some circumstances. Since all the Constantines still have their ties to Hell, Hell would still have their ties to them, and so The Event wouldn't have happened yet from the perspective of a mortal visiting Hell or communing with a being from there.
Not sure why hell would have to the dreaming doesn't.
its pretty inconsistent in fairness.
Well, it's fairly clear that Dream has weird interactions with time, between prophetic dreams and entering the realm of dreams being one of the few ways to time travel between realities (and sleeping being a good way to timeskip), while various Hells have never really had a particular reputation regarding temporal oddities.
So... Using Wisdom to develop better ways of helping him to learn in his base form won't help him learn in his base form?

It won't improve his Wisdom, because his Wisdom is doing the work for it, and he's relying on it to do the heavy lifting, instead of working out the methods himself.
Using the Wisdom is no different from using a cheat sheet or cribbing someone else's notes. The key thing is learning to do it yourself, not relying on an outside factor, and the Wisdom is an outside factor. The Wisdom won't improve unless he improves, and so would tell him to find a method to improve that doesn't involve using it. It might give him guidance on where to go or what to do, but doing the work for him in any form is self-defeating.
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