I would guess because it's slow to cast and relatively slow when cast, making it easier to dodge than a normal combat spell. The Area of Effect including things you don't want to, or splashing off and being deflected easily by cover or other obstacles, is also possible.
But everyone else said the perk explicitly excludes things you don't want damaged. Also doesn't the spell only take like a second to cast?
But everyone else said the perk explicitly excludes things you don't want damaged. Also doesn't the spell only take like a second to cast?
If it won't damage cover, than cover becomes a block to the spell. If it won't damage the rock, hide behind the rock. Huge chunks of the spell could be nullified easily just by fighting in corridors or a forest or something, let alone a battlefield a god might conjure up.
I have no idea how long Ultima takes to cast, but a second might be too long in a fight with gods, who knows?
If it won't damage cover, than cover becomes a block to the spell. If it won't damage the rock, hide behind the rock. Huge chunks of the spell could be nullified easily just by fighting in corridors or a forest or something, let alone a battlefield a god might conjure up.
I have no idea how long Ultima takes to cast, but a second might be too long in a fight with gods, who knows?
thats not how it works it hurts what you want hurt and its an omnidirectional blast. Hiding behind something doesn't work if your in the blast and a target. it'd be like guarding against light when the light is ltierally already touching you.
thats not how it works it hurts what you want hurt and its an omnidirectional blast. Hiding behind something doesn't work if your in the blast and a target. it'd be like guarding against light when the light is ltierally already touching you.
Omnidirectional means spreading out from one point, you're confusing it with omnipresent, which is everywhere in the area of effect.
Targeting solutions generally mean 'harm this target and nothing else', and you have to specifically include objects you want destroyed, or it's blanket 'don't destroy anything but the target, this AoE is so large he can't dodge... crap he hid behind the innocent civilian.').
If you don't believe that beings can dodge stuff moving at 'light speed', you haven't watched enough anime!
Omnidirectional means spreading out from one point, you're confusing it with omnipresent, which is everywhere in the area of effect.
Targeting solutions generally mean 'harm this target and nothing else', and you have to specifically include objects you want destroyed, or it's blanket 'don't destroy anything but the target, this AoE is so large he can't dodge... crap he hid behind the innocent civilian.').
If you don't believe that beings can dodge stuff moving at 'light speed', you haven't watched enough anime!
well yeah they can dodge it if they move at light speed but covers not gonna do jack shit unless their not included in the effect. But again cover doesn't cover something so encompassing either get out of its range or tank the blast cover isn't going to do anything.
well yeah they can dodge it if they move at light speed but covers not gonna do jack shit unless their not included in the effect. But again cover doesn't cover something so encompassing either get out of its range or tank the blast cover isn't going to do anything.
You're again ignoring your own prior comments. If you have a perk where it doesn't damage anything but your target, then your target can use ANYTHING for cover, since it won't be damaged by the blast. Just sit behind the blast shadow and you're golden.
I expect the normal way to endure Ultima is simply to remove yourself from the area before it explodes. Waste a lot of energy to no effect and all. In D&D, that would be a REflex Save.
You're again ignoring your own prior comments. If you have a perk where it doesn't damage anything but your target, then your target can use ANYTHING for cover, since it won't be damaged by the blast. Just sit behind the blast shadow and you're golden.
I expect the normal way to endure Ultima is simply to remove yourself from the area before it explodes. Waste a lot of energy to no effect and all. In D&D, that would be a REflex Save.
the blast would still encompass the things it doesn't damage it just wouldn't damage them. so no it very much wouldn't guard someone hiding behind something. There are other ways to avoid them that is not one of them.
And that only kicked into high gear once the current/recent fools in chargepetulant toddlers forced Hal Jordan (worst Green Lantern ever!) back into modern continuity, casually undid (and retroactively massively cheapened) Barry Allen's iconic, heroic sacrifice from the first Crisis

(*) That's as much as four tens! And that's terrible! :D 🍰

Just want to point out it was one Petulant Toddler responsible for both Green Lantern Rebirth and The Flash Rebirth, (also responsible for screwing up Superboy to make his published in the letters page fan theory canon)
the blast would still encompass the things it doesn't damage it just wouldn't damage them. so no it very much wouldn't guard someone hiding behind something. There are other ways to avoid them that is not one of them.
No. Omnidirectional means radiates out in all directions from a single source. That means it creates blast shadows. It's like saying that a lightbulb doesn't create a shadow if you put a door in front of it, the light still encompasses it, which is patently wrong, or that having a wall between you and a grenade means you still get hit with the explosion.
Immune to the effect does not mean Ultima passes through it without harming it. It means immune to the effect, not transparent to it. The magic would hit something immune to it and have to go around it, just like any other explosive effect.
Omnipresent within the AoE would encompass everything.
My point stands.
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No. Omnidirectional means radiates out in all directions from a single source. That means it creates blast shadows. It's like saying that a lightbulb doesn't create a shadow if you put a doorway in front of it, the light still encompasses it, which is patently wrong, or that having a wall between you and a grenade means you still get hit with the explosion.
Omnipresent within the AoE would encompass everything.
My point stands.
Walls don't stop ultima it literally deletes things from existence. Also just because those things aren't affected due to the perk they still go through them they just somehow don't damage anything. Because if it didn't the whole blast would be stopped by dust particles and would have a blast radius of less than an inch.
Would the Redundant Department of Redundancy please recover its redundant clerks! They appear to have strayed from their desks and are making a nuisance of themselves by hogging the watercooler!
I believe he has a perk that prevents that. He can cast a massively boosted series of thousands of Meteors and ONLY damage the mosquito that was bugging him.
Which perk is this? I don't remember anything like that. He's got a perk that lets him downcast, Entanglement will let him choose what sort of sympathetic links the magic propagates along, and he knows the Pokémon move False Swipes, and that's all I recall in the way his options for limiting damage other than mundane not hitting things. In particular I do not recall an anti-collateral damage or anti-friendly fire perk.
and that is the perk I am referring to, and which Firefrog refuses to accept works as it works, somehow inventing a whole new branch of physics for it and changing the meaning of words.
and that is the perk I am referring to, and which Firefrog refuses to accept works as it works, somehow inventing a whole new branch of physics for it and changing the meaning of words.
Again, what perk is this? Name it. Give me the exact wording of the effects. Provide a citation.

Because I just looked through the most recent version of Al's character sheet, on page one of the current CaerAzkaban thread, and as far as I can tell, Alchemist does not have any such perk. Nor any such spell, or anything else that would grant his attacks target discrimination.
In chapter 179, Alchemist picked up and began fusing a Metamagic Wand of Selective Spell into some of his equipment allowing him to make up to three spells per day into a spell which can ignore specific targets within an area of effect.

It, alongside a number of other effects, were included in the Trick Cane that Alchemist gave to Giovanni Zatara.

How it interacts with indiscriminate, non-DnD spells, however? I have not yet decided.

Selective Spell (Metamagic)

Your allies need not fear friendly fire.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 10 ranks.

Benefit: When casting a selective spell with an area effect and a duration of instantaneous, you can choose a number of targets in the area equal to the ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type (Charisma for bards, oracles, paladins, sorcerers, and summoners; Intelligence for witches and wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, inquisitors, and rangers). These targets are excluded from the effects of your spell.

Level Increase: +1 (a selective spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)

Spells that do not have an area of effect or a duration of instantaneous do not benefit from this feat.

However, as with all Metamagic effects, it increases casting time because the caster has to specifically select what will be ignored. A reflexive or reactive spell will not benefit from any metamagic or spellboost effects, except for the handful of automatic-metamagic perks that Alchemist purchased from the Epic Perk list at a massive markup, as those must be -deliberately- included.
Right so… I haven't seen it addressed yet but did Alchemist receive anything tangible from his misadventures in Worm?
All of the abilities that hit level 20+. He might also have access to his van and anything in his inventory, as well, although we haven't seen any of that.

I'm hoping Alchemist places the van inside the Harlock's cargo bay to serve as an escape pod or secondary shuttlecraft, if only for the entertainment value of passenger's confused reactions when they see it.

Beast Boy: o_O "Dude, why do you have a TACO TRUCK aboard your spaceship?"

Alchemist: "It's my escape pod."

Robin: (wordless confusion) o_O "..."

Alchemist: "Don't worry, it can survive atmospheric reentry."

Cyborg: o_O "Your answers are NOT calming my worries."

I'm hoping Alchemist places the van inside the Harlock's cargo bay to serve as an escape pod or secondary shuttlecraft, if only for the entertainment value of passenger's confused reactions when they see it.

Beast Boy: o_O "Dude, why do you have a TACO TRUCK aboard your spaceship?"

Alchemist: "It's my escape pod."

Robin: (wordless confusion) o_O "..."

Alchemist: "Don't worry, it can survive atmospheric reentry."

Cyborg: o_O "Your answers are NOT calming my worries."

They are not ment too.

Some of Alchemists decisions can be attributed to lack of fore thought. Some, because that was what he had at the time. There is a large chunk that is just DeeDee from Dexters Lab going "Ooooo! What does this button do?"
They are not ment too.

Some of Alchemists decisions can be attributed to lack of fore thought. Some, because that was what he had at the time. There is a large chunk that is just DeeDee from Dexters Lab going "Ooooo! What does this button do?"
I often wondered if DeeDee isn't really a polymorphed Kender with low mental stats.
Of course I had the same thoughts about Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo.
Of course I had the same thoughts about Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo.

It's been a while since I've done a wiki dive but, if I recall correctly, Mihoshi used to be a legitimate super-cop for the Galaxy Space Police. Possibly owing to her descent from one of the Chousen.

But something succeeded at killing her... which was not permanent, for her, for whatever reason. I'm assuming politics.

Anyway, Mihoshi is either extremely traumatized and that's led to her current personality. Or she Came Back Wrong but as an idiot instead of a flesh-eating horror with a hatred of all that is living and good.
It's been a while since I've done a wiki dive but, if I recall correctly, Mihoshi used to be a legitimate super-cop for the Galaxy Space Police. Possibly owing to her descent from one of the Chousen.

But something succeeded at killing her... which was not permanent, for her, for whatever reason. I'm assuming politics.

Anyway, Mihoshi is either extremely traumatized and that's led to her current personality. Or she Came Back Wrong but as an idiot instead of a flesh-eating horror with a hatred of all that is living and good.
It's been a while since I saw the OAVs, but I think Kagato implied she was wasn't killed, but severely injured including a head injury and hadn't been the same since the incident, so "came back wrong" is spot on, possibly with a brain injury.