Putting aside any political stances of this because wow that's a powder keg; this is less everyone has a handgun 100% of the time and more 'everyone has a weapon and some of them are handguns of the point-and-shoot variety, and some are off-balance ornamental rapiers that require a year of careful guided training before you can even hold it right'. Finding someone capable of training others in the kind of one-size-fits-all that all major undertakings try to adopt would be hilariously problematic.

If your concern is just 'everyone dangerous should receive de-escelation training and weapons safety training' then... why not make it part of standard education since nobody ever knows when or if a mutation would happen to give someone powers?
They only problem with this, that I see, is that it's a perfectly sane and logical step that could be taken to help deescalate tensions... which is 100% impossible for anyone to even contemplate in a comic book world... or if you're a politician.

These are comic book politicians, which means they are one late coffee away from genocide at all times.
If they go through with meta registration I could see all just showing up to Congress casting wish live on TV to give them all super minor meta powers. Like color changing hair. Elongated nails. Etc etc.
I didn't expect Amanda Waller to be so opposed to this, did you use one of her more reasonable and less "hard people making hard decision" versions?
I mean, on top of all the other points, while Waller has always been deeply... concerned with the governments ability to ACTUALLY enforce law on particularly powerful meta-humans and vigilante (hence her usual involvement with variations of CADMUS)... she's also explicitly a competent person. Just one that's usually a little too prone to paranoia and a 'Realist'-like perception of how to handle foreign/meta affairs (ie, with the assumption that ideology and moral values don't matter, only actual power balances, and thus morally bankrupt options like the Suicide Squad are valid in the right circumstances). And while there's a whole rant that could be said about how invalid her views are or are not...the point is, Waller is and always has been competent at her job and reasonably good at gauging the consequences of hers and others actions.

All of which is to say, when she sees a group of the most (politically) powerful men and women of the world starting to tread the same steps of the past Nazis and Stallinst/Maoist Communists, and Imperial Japan? All while their scape-goats are only mostly equivalent to civilians and the few that aren't are among the most personally powerful people in the world? Also while the JL, the group that no small part of Waller's career has been dealing with the consequences of or brainstorming about, still exists and absolutely WILL act?

Look, she can see an obvious cluster-fuck. And if too many nations try to go for more then the most reasonable of measures (and there ARE definitely reasonable things that could be done, it's just hard to keep things moderate when fear and panic rule the day)...that IS what will happen. Things don't even have to get close to full Nazi level before it blows up. Either because the MRA or further equivalents run into a powerhouse they can't handle and prompts a doubling-down, or because the JL has enough and openly erodes the legitimacy of the government.
I mean.
This registration act feels more like first step towards segregation and discrimination based upon random string of dna. If i was an evil goverment worker i would feel queasy as well.

Remember that she is also a BLACK Woman, who is basically not running a Suicide Squad, but dealing with mostly harmless Metahumans that are confined there because people don't want to deal with them. Knows the history behind a very shameful incident that led to the breakout, and of course she just got the implication that they want to turn Belle Reeve into the first of many Metahuman Concentration Camps.

She is also dealing with some depression that once she used to be fit and her suit fitted her well, now she is...old and very obese.

Also the Suicide Squad came about because so many incidents that regular forces couldn't handle came about, she had terrible criminals in her jail, and she figured that they could do something good with their lives. Largely through forced conscription, though she also became very jaded at that time because of the frequency of horrifying things that were done by people with powers.

This is way earlier than that, she has been exposed to mostly harmless people abused by the system, and is aware Psimon is an Outlier. If anything this is forcing her to think on those under her purview, face her forming bias against Metahumans, and start seeing that later decisions like the Suicide Squad wouldn't be the place for lesser criminals... If she even makes the squad in this world...
Alchemist's plan to empower not just one or two individuals but the entire world.

This leads to Earth being filled to the brim with Spirits, Gods, Demons, and Monsters among with countless other creatures. This once again compounds itself leading to a snowballing effect.

Reach Scarabs are weak against magic, so Alchemist increasing Earth's mana levels may play a big role in Impulse's bad future where the Reach conquered Earth, maybe a Shadowrun-style cyberpunk urban fantasy where the Resistance Movement reluctantly tolerates monsters and dark sorcerers as anti-Reach assets.

Possible silliness if the 31st century's Legion of Superheroes remembers Alchemist as the one who "stabilized the metagene," allowing for metahumans to become commonplace. Idea loosely inspired by the 1990's "X-Men" series where a time-traveling Cable finds out that antibodies created in response to Apocalypse's Legacy Virus "stabilized the mutant genome." Bishop preventing the outbreak of the Legacy Virus harmed the long-term survival of the mutant race, so Cable went back in time to kill Bishop.

I vaguely recall a one-shot fanfic where aliens invaded Earth and were caught off guard by vampires, werewolves, Cthulhu cultists, and various supernatural abominations. After a prolonged battle of attrition, the aliens' eventually decided Earth was a mad house and too much trouble to conquer, instead quarantining the Sol System so life from Earth doesn't "infect" other planets.
I just realized about my prior comment, I said that forgetting about the resaturization of magic on earth, dear lord I forget how much of a Death World DC is despite the writers choices, since the only one to successfully make DC not a Death World was the Dakotaverse, and that's by making its own separate lore.
How big IS Assassin Island? Because Alchemist could set up a sanctuary for metahumans, non-humans, magicians, etc, with the main stipulation being that they behave themselves, or else. Al himself is strong enough to summon creatures vastly weaker than himself capable of smacking down almost any attempt at taking over or general destruction, and if he's forced to intervene himself, very few people on the planet could match him. And he has two friends who are very nearly as strong as he is.

The mage couldn't really remember where he'd come across the idea, he vaguely recalled monks doing it, but his Bilocation Duplicate had come up with the idea of creating a ring partway up the barren walls of the volcano and just dumping all of the fill-dirt in there. He'd been running around, visiting various zoos throughout the United States to buy up their compost to bring life to the dead soil.
Volcanic soil tends to be amongst the most fertile anywhere on Earth, unless it's actually volcanic rock or glass. I'm assuming the "dead soil" is a thin layer of soil over rock and obsidian?



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I actually... like? this Amanda Waller. How? How is this possible?

How do you feel about Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) now? The antagonist had only fear and medical abuse to do her assigned job and keep her ward orderly, and patients 'safe'; and while villainous monstrous, many people whose careers started to halt and prevent such abuses have come to sympathise with the position she was trapped in (while still condemning what she's done) after having moved into an administrative-institutional role.

The context they saw her in shifted, informed not by the obvious human sympathy for the patients rebelling against the abuses heaped upon the vulnerable trapped as patients in the 'hospital'; but later then by the understanding that 'hospital' would provide no other means to keep order - and insufficient staff/support/resources to do so 'safely' . . . even after she's been diminished(actual spoiler) no more resources were coming irrespective of how clearly they were needed.

Author Kesey stated that he based Ratched on the head nurse of the psychiatric ward where he worked. He later ran into her at an aquarium, realizing "She was much smaller than I remembered, and a whole lot more human."1
1 Kirkpatrick, David D. (2001-05-10). "Ken Kesey, Checking in on His Famous Nest". The New York Times.
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Will Alchemist kidnap/ borrowed Waller to Infinity Island and offer to give a better body?

Just imagined her working with a better job.
Oh look, it's American politicians poking a sleeping dragon out of arrogance. Why am I not surprised?

I mean honestly, even ignoring rebellions and conflict with your own citizens, their are dozens of people around the world that will react with hostility to this, and possess more than enough personal or political power to break the American empire over their knee. From Aquaman(the king of the oldest, largest, and most powerful empire on the planet) to Superman(the last son of krypton, personally capable of shattering the continental shelf, to say nothing of the entire interstellar empire's worth of tech he's been sitting on), to Alchemist (a dragon/archmage entirely capable of blowing up the planet alone), to Dianna(a literal primordial Titan) and that's just the heroic and visible few. I know they're comic book politicians but like… come on children. Use your brain a little.
I generally come down on the US government side of the meta registration act. The fact is, many meta powers are like carrying a loaded gun 100% of your life. I don't think it's unreasonable to require training for that. Any farther is un American but training should be enforced
Most local metas have the equivalent of a skin condition, or a vestigial finger, or a double joint in their thumb. Or like the guy who can just detach his left arm and forget it in a corner. You want them all to be trained on how to "safely handle" their "guns" that are about as lethal as having flaking skin or a lot of callouses.
I feel like the the first people to actually Officially put forward a metahuman registration act are going to have a bad time. Al has already shown himself to be...petty at best and morally grey/dark at worst. Hell they might just disappear depending on if they use phrasing like that fat man did(referring to People with powers as Non-People/subhuman).
Putting aside any political stances of this because wow that's a powder keg; this is less everyone has a handgun 100% of the time and more 'everyone has a weapon and some of them are handguns of the point-and-shoot variety, and some are off-balance ornamental rapiers that require a year of careful guided training before you can even hold it right'. Finding someone capable of training others in the kind of one-size-fits-all that all major undertakings try to adopt would be hilariously problematic.

If your concern is just 'everyone dangerous should receive de-escelation training and weapons safety training' then... why not make it part of standard education since nobody ever knows when or if a mutation would happen to give someone powers?
That seems like a better way to do it honestly. Im for gun safety classes in US schools today as well
Honestly, when it comes to a cynical view of reality, Waller and Alchemist are not that far apart. If they were in the same room - with, I hastily note, someone else present whom they both respected (if such a person existed) who could put a foot down and say "this is going too far" or "reconsider what you just said" or "time out and coffee for five minutes" - then they might get on quite productively.
Huh. Y'know, if a lot of meta abilities are genetically derived, that means it's a racial ability, derived from race. And Alchemist has Polymorph Any Object, a spell that can permanently change one's race (or even species, for that matter). Alchemist can make a person a meta or take their meta status away any time he wants.

So he can make all of those politicians' arms fall off (and reattachable), while nullifying the more unstable and murderous nukes walking around.
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If they go through with meta registration I could see all just showing up to Congress casting wish live on TV to give them all super minor meta powers. Like color changing hair. Elongated nails. Etc etc.
Reminds me of the first Xmen, where Magneto kidnapped a congressman and gave him "turn into water" powers. Honestly, with how quickly things are escalating, best case scenario would be super ghettos, like what Europe has in Deus Ex