Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Here's the current vote count. Quite a spread of plans.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on May 21, 2021 at 5:45 PM, finished with 52 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Let's try talk first
    -[X][Martial] Friends in Need
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
    -[X][Intrigue] Literal Skeletons in the Closet
    -[X][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
    - [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    --[X] Call of the Wild
    [X] Plan: Salty Introductions
    - [X][Martial] Send a Scouting Party (East/West/North/South) to probe defenses.
    --[X] North
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
    - [X][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
    - [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    - [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
    [X] Plan: The War of Northern Aggression
    - [X][Martial] Take What You Can
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
    -- [X] Western Satraps
    - [X][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
    -- [X] Have Haroud focus on a specific region
    --- [X] Northern Satrapies
    - [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
    - [X][Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
    - [X][Personal] This Mystical Land of Magic and Sand
    - [X][Personal] Cram Time
    -[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
    -- [X] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
    - [X][Will Personal] Missing the Sea
    [X] Plan: It's expensive but I want a catapult against aerial threats.
    - [X][Martial] Engines of War
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand trade district
    - [X][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
    -[X] West: going in the opposite direction puts diplomats on the road to Agrabah, and beyond that, Egypt and Maldonia!
    - [X][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
    ---[X] Where? – South
    - [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Personal] Bow Flex
    - [X][Will Personal] Speak Softly and Carry a Sharp Sword
    - [X][Iago Personal] Wallowing in the Lap of Luxury
    [X] Plan: Making Moves
    -[X][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
    - [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    - [X][Diplomacy] Making Introductions
    - [X][Occult]Call of the Wild
    -- [X] The Mage
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    - [X][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
    - [X][Iago Personal] Wallowing in the Lap of Luxury
    -[X] Close to Home
    --[X][Martial] Horrible Neighbors
    --[X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
    --[X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
    --[X][Intrigue] Literal Skeletons in the Closet
    --[X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    --[X] Call of the Wild
    --[X][Personal] Olds Dogs with New Tricks
    --[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
    --[X] Iago
    --[X][Will Personal] Speak Softly and Carry a Sharp Sword
    --[X][Iago Personal] Wallowing in the Lap of Luxury
    --[X]No Adventures
Question: would a marriage between Aladdin and Jasmine lead to a merger of Agrabah and Ababwa? Would we gain her as a hero unit? Extra actions?
You'd gain Jasmine as a Hero Unit, increased funds due to expanded trade networks, and easier access to the African continent for your military forces.

And someone asked me this question in another area.
Is our Sirrush in Aladdin quest intelligent enough for Iago to have a conversation with or is it more of a simple predator cunning intelligence?
My answer: It's got enough dragon ancestry to be able to communicate with Iago.
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[X] Plan: The War of Northern Aggression

Yep not interested in picking around with the Hunters. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we cannot treat them lightly and stealing from them just sounds like a bad idea.

Edit: took some time to look over the plans. I think this will work out best for us in the long run while also keeping us well away from the eyes of the Hunters until we're ready.
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Yeah, no United Nations. Only all of our neighbors who will be afraid they'll be our next target.
I really wouldn't worry that much. Let's list off our direct neighbors. The Southern Satrapies are far from the action, doing their own prosperity cult thing. These are small, disunited fiefdoms we're talking about, they're going to be looking at politics on a fairly small scale, they'd care more about what the small satrapy next door is doing than what we're up to in the North. The Western Satrapies are going to be at the negotiating table already under my plan - we can keep them assured we have no hostile intentions against them, but flexing our might against the bandits nearby might honestly strengthen our hand at the negotiations, make them more eager to seek a peaceful deal now they know we have teeth. The Eastern Satrapies seem to be thriving on trade, they might be grateful to us for pacifying the banditry and criminality before it spilled over into their richer lands.

Taking military action to secure a lawless or barbaric frontier has been accepted practice for millennia, whether in Mesopotamia, the Roman Empire, or even right here in Persia.
[X] Plan: The War of Northern Aggression

Mostly because it's the only plan that's actually making use of the greenhouse we sank so much money into.
[X] Plan: The War of Northern Aggression
- [X][Martial] Take What You Can
- [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
- [X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
-- [X] Western Satraps
- [X][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
-- [X] Have Haroud focus on a specific region
--- [X] Northern Satrapies
- [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
- [X][Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
- [X][Personal] This Mystical Land of Magic and Sand
- [X][Personal] Cram Time
-[X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
-- [X] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
- [X][Will Personal] Missing the Sea
- [][Martial] Take What You Can
It's easier than Friends in Need, and it's a bird in the hand - we'll have boots on the ground, no need to worry about them getting cold feet about protectorate status after they get back to strength.
@TempestK will successfully completing "Take what you can" alter Aladdin? The action is rather clearly going in to take control aggressively over the northern satrep. And we are not communicating with Jasmine in the plan. Aladdin, for the first time, is not taking what he needs to survive or being the nice guy even if he starves, by committing to this action. He's also hiding what he is doing from Jasmine.

The "Friends in Need" good option is slow, and more difficult, but it's the good option to later absorb the northern satrep in a good way.

Edit: Paddywagon Man could you drop one of the stat training actions in Aladdin's personal for a correspond with Jasmine action? I'd prefer to keep in contact with Jasmine when Aladdin has chosen to start unifying his region.
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[X] Plan: Salty Introductions

Note that getting a hero with druidic powers is of more importance to me than any other occult action. Another hero means more actions.
Also, said hero helps with the heart-shaped herb and the life-tree quest, so that option is also a negative for me. Those are high DC quests, so having a druidic hero on it would be very useful for succeeding. And once again, more actions and help if we get her as a hero.
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@TempestK will successfully completing "Take what you can" alter Aladdin? The action is rather clearly going in to take control aggressively over the northern satrep. And we are not communicating with Jasmine in the plan. Aladdin, for the first time, is not taking what he needs to survive or being the nice guy even if he starves, by committing to this action. He's also hiding what he is doing from Jasmine.
No, it's not going to fundamentally change Aladdin. Also, until Jasmine is married to him, he has no reason to tell Jasmine what military actions he's contemplating. Given how badly off the Northern Satraps are right now, military intervention is actually easier to pull off. I think you're seriously overstating how much of an impact this would have on Aladdin as a person, when the end result is making sure that people living in the same situation he used to be in aren't under threat of brigands and marauders.
[X] Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
- [X][Martial] Horrible Neighbors
Whoever the people in that... that airship are, they apparently have no regard for the sovereignty of Ababwa and the claiming of the forests as a resource. Take Carpet and some of your better fighters and confront them in the skies. This is your Principality, and they are draining the lifeblood from your trade. And who knows what these idiots might wake up with their wanton slaughter...

- [X][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
The discovery of the salt lake is a great opportunity. Have your people set up brine pools to begin harvesting the salt. But watch out for the strange white crabs that make their home in the lake. They seem to be rather adept at disguising themselves as rounded stones. Gain +3,000 Gold income per turn.

- [X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
Agrabah is a meeting point for many of the trade routes on the African continent; and as such not only does it receive a panoply of trade goods, it also collects information from the rest of Africa. Having a diplomatic office there means that not only will that information reach Ababwa faster, but your diplomats will be able to jump on opportunities as they arrive.

- [X][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
Iago's experience as Jafar's right hand means that he's seen quite a lot of the underworld in action. Getting access to those contacts would give Haroud a major leg up, and allow Iago to keep a wing in on the darker side of politics. Uses Iago's action this turn.

- [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
Leah's sudden reveal of magical abilities has Chiron wondering how many other people may have the spark, even unknowingly using it. Search through Ababwa to see if any more potential magicians/sorcerers/wizards/whatever they want to call themselves, can be found.

- [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.

- [X][Personal] Olds Dogs with New Tricks
Aladdin is pretty slick and cunning, and with Abu watching his back he's even more so. But he's hardly a mastermind of intrigue and deception. Haroud may have some tips and tricks to pass on to the younger generation of ne'er do wells.Gain +1 Intrigue. Chance of gaining a trait.

- [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
Better to stick to how Jasmine wished to conduct things. Pen her a letter, tell her about Ababwa and what's been happening. Barring any state secrets of course... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.

- [X][Will Personal] Now There's An Idea...
William's work as a blacksmith has given him extensive knowledge of metallurgy. And even with his apparent career as a pirate, he retains that knowledge and can put it to good use. Will seeks out metals he's never worked with before to see how he could potentially incorporate them into the construction of his blades.
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@TempestK will successfully completing "Take what you can" alter Aladdin? The action is rather clearly going in to take control aggressively over the northern satrep. And we are not communicating with Jasmine in the plan. Aladdin, for the first time, is not taking what he needs to survive or being the nice guy even if he starves, by committing to this action. He's also hiding what he is doing from Jasmine.

The "Friends in Need" good option is slow, and more difficult, but it's the good option to later absorb the northern satrep in a good way.

Edit: Paddywagon Man could you drop one of the stat training actions in Aladdin's personal for a correspond with Jasmine action?
Not corresponding with Jasmine in my plan didn't represent a desire on my part to actively hide our actions from her. I really don't see "Take what you can" as particularly villainous, it's a morally neutral action at worst in this context.

I could drop one of the stat training actions if a lot of people would rather continue corresponding, but I don't think it's totally necessary. We've been in close contact a lot, we just visited, we can pick up next turn with all our good stories from dealing with the expansion.
Not corresponding with Jasmine in my plan didn't represent a desire on my part to actively hide our actions from her. I really don't see "Take what you can" as particularly villainous, it's a morally neutral action at worst in this context.

I could drop one of the stat training actions if a lot of people would rather continue corresponding, but I don't think it's totally necessary. We've been in close contact a lot, we just visited, we can pick up next turn with all our good stories from dealing with the expansion.
I think it's okay. Beside there always a reason because Al visited Jasmine last turn his desk become overfilled and he is now at war with the paper pusher.
Not corresponding with Jasmine in my plan didn't represent a desire on my part to actively hide our actions from her. I really don't see "Take what you can" as particularly villainous, it's a morally neutral action at worst in this context.

I could drop one of the stat training actions if a lot of people would rather continue corresponding, but I don't think it's totally necessary. We've been in close contact a lot, we just visited, we can pick up next turn with all our good stories from dealing with the expansion.
It's fine, QM cleaned up my concerns.
You'd gain Jasmine as a Hero Unit, increased funds due to expanded trade networks, and easier access to the African continent for your military forces.
We'd almost certainly end up dividing the kingdoms up between our first two children while keeping an overall 'Padishah' level title in the hands of our primary heir. Trying to maintain that much land as a single title for more than a generation tends to go poorly.

I'd be very surprised if we have much control of her at all. Since our society is massively less male dominant than actual history, the only reason she wouldn't be an outright co-ruler is because her father is still puttering along. That isn't to say I don't enjoy this fact: An ally who has our back and who we don't need to puppet is far more useful that one more pawn, however competent.

And then, eventually, one of her father's many enemies leaves her ascendant. Or Hamed, in a moment of desperation, dons his trump card and then we are all fucked. But that seems likely regardless.