Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on May 2, 2021 at 6:52 PM, finished with 85 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Catch My Breath
    - [X][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
    - [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
    - [X][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
    - [X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
    - [X][Learning] What's up Docs?
    - [X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
    --[X]Will Turner
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    -[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
    - [X][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
    [X] Plan: Catch My Breath with Science
    - [X][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
    - [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
    - [X][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
    - [X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
    -[X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
    - [X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
    --[X]Will Turner
    - [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
    - [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
    -[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
    - [X][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
    [X]Plan Winging It
    - [X][Martial] Cat's in the Cradle
    - [X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
    - [X][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
    - [X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
    --[X]Which Hero? Will Turner
    - [X][Occult] Golden Afternoon
    - [X][Personal] Life's a Zoo
    - [X][Personal] Cram Time
    - [X][Will Personal] Drop the Hammer
    -[X][On a Wing and a Prayer] Aladdin has found a reference to the legendary birds known as Rocs, and that there was once a nesting site in the mountains of what used to be Persia. Dispatch a team of heroes to investigate and try to retrieve any remaining feathers that may have been left in the nest; or any other treasures to be found there. Maximum of 4 heroes to a team.
Wait, really? Let me take that back. I need to go home and rethink my decision.
My original plan post includes the DCs and applicable bonuses. The biggest gambles are the following:
[Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
While archers and cavalry fighters are great for combat outside of cities, having soldiers specifically trained for fighting in more cramped quarters may come in handy. Order the creation of a platoon of soldiers to focus on their swordsmanship over their archery.
DC: 60 (+25 Aladdin and Ahmed bonuses)
[Learning] What's up Docs?
The doctors and scholars of the University are hailed as some of the best and brightest. Maybe see what they're working on as side projects? (Unlocks new Learning actions)
DC: 20/30/70/90 (+10 Aladdin bonus)
[Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65 (+42 Aladdin and Mage bonuses)
[Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
Crime is going to exist wherever there are people. It's inevitable. A Prince will want to make sure that they have a good grasp of what's happening in the shadows. Chance of Hero units, unlocks rumor mill.
DC: 1/90 (+47 Haroud and Aladdin bonuses, possibly +67 if Haroud's trait activates.)
[Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 35 (+26 Sinbad and Aladdin bonuses)

The Diplomacy action and Will's language training are auto-successes - at least if Will is allowed to apply his learning to Chiron's training and learning bonus.
@TempestK put my bonii from "The Robin Cries (4 XP)", "The Worst Possible Ending (5 XP)", and "Still Have A Job (4 XP)" onto "[Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen".

Totals up to +13 on "Create a cadre of swordsmen", if someone wants to add 2 XP to reach the maximum of 15. That would be nice.
Only two of those can go to it, since it already has +13 from other Sources and +15 is the Maximum.
Hm? I thought it was +15 is the max an Omake can give something, and it was separate from pre-existing bonuses applied.

Edit: If such is the case then my only option is "What's up Docs?"

Edit 2: Aaaah. I see. Someone already added theirs. Makes sense.
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I apologize, in the future I'll try to be less competent and helpful. :V

If you were more helpful I could have woken up with your post already done and not wasted a few minutes of my day (not actually a big deal).

If you were less helpful then I could have gotten my post out first and gotten a tiny thrill of satisfaction.

It is only at your SPECIFIC level of helpfulness that there's a issue.

So, yes, please become slightly more or less helpful and competent. ;)
Hm? I thought it was +15 is the max an Omake can give something, and it was separate from pre-existing bonuses applied.

Edit: If such is the case then my only option is "What's up Docs?"
Nope. Read the Rules again.

Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious) Crossover - Fantasy

Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back". NOT a Genie. Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least. Aladdin is, of course, the MC. He’s got a genuinely...
Nah nah, what I thought they meant was that you can't add an Omake bonus to something if it creates a bonus over +15. The confusion came from me not noticing you'd already added Omake bonuses to that one.

Edit: In any case, gonna cross out the +5 bonus from that earlier post and just say that I'd like to add my +2 from Family Bonding into the Cadre of Swordmen to round that Omake bonus to +15
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Critical Changes
Are you sure? Our bonus is higher than the DC. Well, you can make a crit more likely,yes. But...
Speaking of crits, I'm making some changes to the crit system, as using the flat 100+ ceiling with all of the bonuses included is kind of ridiculous and cheapens the crits you guys do get from natural rolls. From here on out what's happening is that you either have to roll a nat 95; or double the DC with a floor of 100+.

To put it another way:

A roll will crit if the natural dice is 95 or higher and the DC is reached or If the ending roll (with bonuses considered too) is double the DC and at least 100.

Edit: Natural 100s are always considered crits of course. And Natural 1s are a Critical fail. Otherwise if a roll is 5 or lower and fails the DC, that is a Critical Fail.
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Speaking of crits, I'm making some changes to the crit system, as using the flat 100+ ceiling with all of the bonuses included is kind of ridiculous and cheapens the crits you guys do get from natural rolls. From here on out what's happening is that you either have to roll a nat 95; or double the DC with a floor of 100+.

To put it another way:

A roll will crit if the natural dice is 95 or higher and the DC is reached or If the ending roll (with bonuses considered too) is double the DC and at least 100.
I hope this goes for Enemy-Rolls too, then.
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I hope this goes for Enemiy-Rolls too, then.
Yes, I'm not going to apply these rules one-sided.

@TempestK put my bonii from "The Robin Cries (4 XP)", "The Worst Possible Ending (5 XP)", and "Still Have A Job (4 XP)" onto "[Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen".

Totals up to +13 on "Create a cadre of swordsmen", if someone wants to add 2 XP to reach the maximum of 15. That would be nice.
Edit: In any case, gonna cross out the +5 bonus from that earlier post and just say that I'd like to add my +2 from Family Bonding into the Cadre of Swordmen to round that Omake bonus to +15
Done, updating the XP Bank now.
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Speaking of crits, I'm making some changes to the crit system, as using the flat 100+ ceiling with all of the bonuses included is kind of ridiculous and cheapens the crits you guys do get from natural rolls. From here on out what's happening is that you either have to roll a nat 95; or double the DC with a floor of 100+.

To put it another way:

A roll will crit if the natural dice is 95 or higher and the DC is reached or If the ending roll (with bonuses considered too) is double the DC and at least 100.
Honestly thank you for that one. I see a lot of quests that abuse bonuses to such a degree that rolls of 50's are apparently "crits" and it's somewhat ridiculous. Is a nat 100 always considered a crit though?
Kinda bummed about that learning one.

It has a high tier possible result but we knocked 30 off our learning score to tutor Will.

That's not bad but we need to roll 80 or higher to get the best result now.
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