Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

And our good rapport with Xiang-Wu continues - although them retroactively being indebted to the Gummi Bears icame a bit outta left field for me...not that I´m complaining, though.
That's actually canon from the Gummi Bears cartoon. That's where Xiang-Wu originates from
Now I am left wondering what we could gain from outfitting him with one of our newly-minted bespoke prosthetics for his skeletal arm...
Anubis left his arm restored, but stripped him of the magic that the Gauntlet had let him steal.
...Damn, Bernard´s gotten badass in the interim, it seems.
Remember in the Rescuers Down Under, Bernard canonically flipped a Razorback boar on it's side. When he gets his dander up there's a lot of repressed rage to tap for a strength boost.
that worries me of the fate of Timon
It was more me choosing that for the play on words and the reference.
The true scope of what Lemuria has been hiding has been laid bare. The web of "family" that the Queen of Lemuria had used to ensnare and entrap the other rulers of the Southern Satraps has been unveiled. New Martial, Diplomacy, Occult and Personal actions unlocked. Garth McCann, Helga Sinclair, and Tai Lung must take personal actions next turn.
Is telling absolutely everyone about this going to be automatic or will it take an action?
It should take an action if we don't want to alert Lemuria to the fact we know. Careful dissemination of information to allied rulers, and rulers alone.
Yeah, it'll take an action, plus you can look into reaching out to some of the kingdoms that you don't have ties to yet to help suppress this enemy.
That's actually canon from the Gummi Bears cartoon. That's where Xiang-Wu originates from

Xiang-Wu comes from 1 episode of the Gummi Bears TV show. There was always that connection.


Shangwu is a kingdom that appears in the Adventures of the Gummi Bears episode "The Magnificent Seven Gummies." Shangwu, a kingdom in the Far East, had once either been populated or visited by the Ancient Gummies, who helped the human population defeat the Dreaded One, an old dragon that used to...

I admit to it having been quite some time since I last watched that cartoon, but now that I read that article, I actually faintly remember it.

Just assumed that Xiang-Wu was a surviving splinter of what used to be China before Shang-Yu kneecapped it.

Anubis left his arm restored, but stripped him of the magic that the Gauntlet had let him steal.

...I really am not up to speed with my (quest) canon, am I?


But that makes Mozenrath the *Second* character I know of in all of media that had an arm restored by magics from the Egyptian pantheon - GoWs take on Týr, Norse God of War and other things, being the first one^^

Yeah, it'll take an action, plus you can look into reaching out to some of the kingdoms that you don't have ties to yet to help suppress this enemy.

From the top of my head could call (of course) Agrabah, Greece, Xiang-Wu, Captain Nemo...*maybe* Ramses as well

We´re gonna bury those Lemurian bastards under an avalanche of martial and occult might
From the top of my head could call (of course) Agrabah, Greece, Xiang-Wu, Captain Nemo...*maybe* Ramses as well

We´re gonna bury those Lemurian bastards under an avalanche of martial and occult might
The Maldonians, Atlantis, The 3 pirate lords we have a good relationship with(Nemo, Sinbad, Davy Jones), Moriarty in France, and we could even use this as the reasoning to finally approach China to warn them not to add to their mess.
I don't think we know enough about India to include anyone on that side of things though. The biggest polities there we could ally with is a bunch of monkeys, Mowgli and friends, and a village under siege that Selous helped on his way to us iirc.

There is the option of telling the EITC, but we kinda hate them so probably not.
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The Maldonians, Atlantis, The 3 pirate lords we have a good relationship with(Nemo, Sinbad, Davy Jones), Moriarty in France, and we could even use this as the reasoning to finally approach China to warn them not to add to their mess.
I don't think we know enough about India to include anyone on that side of things though. The biggest politiee there we could ally with is a bunch of monkeys, Mowgli and friends, and a village under siege that Selous helped on his way to us iirc.

There is the option of telling the EITC, but we kinda hate them so probably not.

Didn´t include Maldonia and Atlantis because they aren´t local enough to really help in a timely fashion

Calling Moriarity might sour things with Agrabah (or more specifically *Holmes*) on top of the distance.

Didn´t know that we are good with Sindbad.

Dunno if Davy Jones would *Care enough* to come, although *him* shitting on Lemuria would be hilarious considering whom he takes visual cues from^^

China under Shan-Yu might be too buys not imploding to help

But if we can get any of them on board as well, I won´t complain - *the more, the merrier* and all
But if we can get any of them on board as well, I won´t complain - *the more, the merrier* and all
Honestly, less about them helping, and more about limiting Lemuria's spread while we work to destroy them completely.
We don't need defeating them here only for them to pop up somewhere else you know?

Also we met Sinbad through Maldonia. Good guy. Not much dealings but we have a common ally.
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I´d rather skip the whole "curtailing their influence" in favor of just nuking them off the face of the Earth completly, tbh.

But as long as we hit the hard asap, I am okay with a lot of possible courses
There is the option of telling the EITC, but we kinda hate them so probably not.

The update implied some of them are in thrall to Lemuria's magic money, so that would be a really bad idea.

Dunno if Davy Jones would *Care enough* to come, although *him* shitting on Lemuria would be hilarious considering whom he takes visual cues from^^

We'd have to pay him somehow, and pay him really, really well. I'm not sure we have anything worth his time.
I´d rather skip the whole "curtailing their influence" in favor of just nuking them off the face of the Earth completly, tbh.
Fair, but remember we only see the symptoms not the source of infection. Lemuria stems from somewhere under the waves. Nuking them on land is not enough.

The update implied some of them are in thrall to Lemuria's magic money, so that would be a really bad idea.
Specifically we'd want to tell the highest unaffected authority. But yes we don't want to deal with the EITC period.
My big worry is the cost in time. The longer we delay, the more they will spread and the harder it will be to stop the infection from spreading.
The infection can pop up again on any coast in the world at any time.
The advantage is currently ours. We know the threat, and when and how we engage is under our control.

At most though I'd say only 2 more war prep turns. We definitely don't want to start the war next turn, especially with 3 hero units on mandatory personals. We want our first strike to be a decisive one.
We probably need to start asking for help and this means looking for the heavy hitters, Genie could help a bit on that but he is limited.

So we either need an artifact to nuke it or get the favor of the heavy hitters wich for now and for us is mainly Hades.
There are plenty of mercenaries running around too. We could put out a call that we're hiring and pretend it's for something other than Lemuria (the EITC maybe) to keep their guard down.
wich for now and for us is mainly Hades.
Poseidon more like. He already kicked Ursula's door in and destroyed her Lovecraftian eyeball.

There are plenty of mercenaries running around too. We could put out a call that we're hiring and pretend it's for something other than Lemuria (the EITC maybe) to keep their guard down.
We can start sending the 40 Thieves after Lemuria next turn. Pay them in actual gold to destroy the tainted gold and such.
I don't think the tread have tje stomach for that or the willingness to face of the consequences of dooing it.

But yes there's this option.

Poseidon more like. He already kicked Ursula's door in and destroyed her Lovecraftian eyeball.

Hades is the King of the faction, Poseidon, Zeus or even a titan would do the trick, we just need something that would make so he can be properly conpensated since he is not an atack dog for mortals.

Trough is not that much a though sell, the god probably don't like Dagon, it's more a matter of pride and face.
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What do you guys think about hiring Rourke for the war? He's the closest thing we have in-setting to an expert on fighting these things. He's proved his trustworthiness - Will Turner will vouch for him - and we have his former lieutenant working for us.
We can start sending the 40 Thieves after Lemuria next turn. Pay them in actual gold to destroy the tainted gold and such.

They'll appreciate the warning too. Assuming they haven't already fallen under the influence.
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What do you guys think about hiring Rourke for the war? He's the closest thing we have in-setting to an expert on fighting these things. He's proved his trustworthiness - Will Turner will vouch for him - and we have his former lieutenant working for us.
Just so long as we keep him far away from Helga I'm not exactly opposed. Really it'd be more like asking Atlantis to send a strike team. It'd be like the Atlantis sequel where they fought the mind control cephalopod.
What do you guys think about hiring Rourke for the war? He's the closest thing we have in-setting to an expert on fighting these things. He's proved his trustworthiness - Will Turner will vouch for him - and we have his former lieutenant working for us.
We probably could enlist the help of Atlantis on a Oppen fashion for that. Jones don't like them but Dagon is a larger problem and the Mediterranean and Atlantic is kinda lost for his reach due fish uncle taking his throne.

Same for agrabha the main problem is that lemuria will be bloody so we either need to magic ex machina dagon and the fishman away or send a heavy hitter if we don't want to take ruinous losses.
Let´s just poke all factions we have at least somewhat-cordial relations with about Lemuria, okay?

That honestly only leaves out those EITC fucks, but they´re probably in the process of falling under Old God influence via tainted gold anyways