Hm, with that in mind, plan looks like:
[ ] Plan Engines Full Steam Ahead!
-[ ] Rapid Develop Industry - 1 PW: +2 IC and Active Development, +1 Pollution, -2 Temp IC
-[ ] Rapid Develop Industry - 1 PW: +2 IC and Active Development, +1 Pollution, -2 Temp IC
-[ ] Trans-Kyberi Railway - 1 PW, -4 Temp Army, +1 Max Development, (4 more uses to remove Undeveloped Hinterlands status, 0/30 Actions to Completion) (0 PW for the first use a turn)
-[ ] Found Kale-Yllthon Railway Company - 1 PW, -2 IC, founds company to automatically expand <X> arterial line each turn, IC refunded at end of project
-[ ] Found Kale-Yllthon Railway Company - 1 PW, -2 IC, founds company to automatically expand <X> arterial line each turn, IC refunded at end of project
-[ ] Build Espionage Network - 1 PW: -1 Temp Trust, +2 Temp Espionage (Kielmyr)
-[ ] Build Political Support - 1 PW + Happiness >7: +2 PW
-[ ] Build Political Support - 1 PW + Happiness >7: +2 PW
Stat Changes: +4 Active Development, +3 Max Development, +2 Pollution, -4 Temp IC, +2 Crown Corp, +2 Temp Espionage, -1 Temp Trust, +4 PW for next turn/phase, -4 Temp Army. Leaves us with 2 temp IC, which will give factions 8 IC to play with once it regens, 6 Pollution (Tree Party is sharpening their knives, I suspect), 4 PW, in addition to 6 more PW for midturn, giving us a total of 10 PW for factions, plus their own 6 power, for a full total of 16 total possible PW to spend.
Oh, and army falls to 4, and will regen to 6 next turn, though I assume the Royalists will abuse the fuck out of the fact that a raise army action gives them 3 temp army for 2 temp IC, and then sell old weapons to gain rearmament progress along with mad dosh