Oh god, is this the revenge of the Confederacy? Because we ensured they would never have the Civil War, and thus they would never exist, they made us make the same mistake as them?

Cotton clads going into battle against the Nohon when?

Apparently, cotton armor is actually pretty good. So we might win. It helps that it's cold as well.
That is literally the opposite of what we are doing, we are continually offering support (both feeding and defending) to the Hung while trying to break the Nohon cordon from turn they started their genocide plan.

Breaking the cordon is not going to solve everything, due to the sheer profiteering that the sketch have committed towards the Hung populace they are not viewed in a good light right now. The risk is that the Emperor will lose control over some of his forces (like he did those provinces) and those will attack syffryn merchants and thusly give the syffryn a opportunity to join in on the partition of the Hung, an event that will not be to our advantage.

Continue reading, we're fine. Saved by the accountants, which seems IC tbh.

It's less the economy and rather the fact that instead of helping the Emperor keep the Sketch from getting an excuse to join in on the Nohon attack, we will instead try to break through the blockade of the already pretty ruined Hung coastline.
The coastal Hung populations have been exterminated and/or driven back to the mainland, the Sketch are allowed by the Nohon to sell food for us while we try to break the cordon and open up the markets which the Sketch have monopoly on.
Breaking the cordon is the most important part of allowing the Hung to recover because we'll simultaneously allow the population to return back to fishing and break the monopoly by the Sketch since we'll now be able to directly sell food at extremely low prices. The internal governance issues will be much lessened when most of the population will be able to feed themselves once again and the earlier we break the cordon the better our reputation will be with the Hung.
We can't really provide all that much without breaking the cordon, and having to feed foreign barbarians to hold his crown when his people starve would not do wonders for emperor's legitimacy. Plus, it would be a big operation far away from home, when we already have things pulling our attention.
We can't really provide all that much without breaking the cordon, and having to feed foreign barbarians to hold his crown when his people starve would not do wonders for emperor's legitimacy. Plus, it would be a big operation far away from home, when we already have things pulling our attention.
We have been doing everything we can to break the cordon since the Nohon put it up. We have remade our navy twice and we finally caught up to 19th Century ships, which offer us our best chance. Neither Nokly nor the BS emperor have legitimacy problems and our only problem with feeding the Hung is the naval blockade and the need to use the Sketch as middlemen. The Sketch will grumble because they'll need to lower their prices but we don't care atm.
The coastal Hung populations have been exterminated and/or driven back to the mainland, the Sketch are allowed by the Nohon to sell food for us while we try to break the cordon and open up the markets which the Sketch have monopoly on.
Breaking the cordon is the most important part of allowing the Hung to recover because we'll simultaneously allow the population to return back to fishing and break the monopoly by the Sketch since we'll now be able to directly sell food at extremely low prices. The internal governance issues will be much lessened when most of the population will be able to feed themselves once again and the earlier we break the cordon the better our reputation will be with the Hung.

Go back and read the update, more specifically the part on the current Hung domestic situation. There are growing anti-forigner groups popping up and should those groups do something stupid before we can break the cordon. Even if we can break it open it will probably still be the Sketch who brings in the most food because they won't have to worry about Nohon raids on their shipping, so the risk remains even afterwards.
Also, even if the Hung reclaims their coast it's going to be a long while before it's restored to even a quarter of it's original productivity. Then there is the issue that people have to be convinced that it's safe to return to the coast (even if the cordon is broken the Nohon, can still raid).

Breaking the cordon is vital, but if the rest of the country is burning down due to rebellion and syffryn attacks it won't help much.
So it looks like goodbye state capitalism.

God have mercy on our minmaxing souls.

I just wanted trees man.
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So it looks like goodbye state capitalism.

God have mercy on our minmaxing souls cuz i certainly didnt do much to stop it.
No, we haven't lost it. AN clarified that our 'cap' for Crown Corps we can sell is based off half our development. Which means that we produced 1.5 more 'charges' of sales last turn. So between the 4 sold now, and the 3 we sold first, that still leaves more than half the Crown Corps(we had 13 'charges' of sales last turn, so 1.5 means we now have 14-15, while we've sold 7).