They extended their Republican rebel cell network to both the Hespranxer and the Dual Monarchy, hoping to catch both Great Powers off-guard
Funny enough, they may not have even tried to get the Wymryn Republicans on board. I suspect that the Republicans from other nations contacted them to see if they were willing to help.

The Wyrmyn, of course, assure them that yeah, they want to help other Republicans.

Then they look at what the other groups are telling them, notice that these groups are waaaaay too coordinated and that they have diplomatic tier info, stuff that only a royal could have gotten. They put all the pieces together, follow the trail, see it's the Ochruhr, and immediately start REEEEing, since the only people worse than the monarchs are the Ochrurh monarchs who were legit shit at being rulers.

The other Wymryn Republican groups might not be willing to turn the information over to a government, but we've extended our olive branch, and actually made some effort at not being giant assholes, so our Wymryn Republicans decide they want to fuck over the Ochruhr monarchy more than they want to see us suffer.

And, well, here we are.
We'd need to destroy the Most Ancient Kingdom Under God. And get dynamite. It looks simple on the map, but the entire route is mountains.

Why would we need to destroy the Most Ancient Kingdom Under God? We have the whole lowlands area to put the canal through. There would be a bit of a curve, but it would go near-ish to Redshore, Valleyhome, etc. and benefit from easier terrain for part of its journey.
[X] [Kielmyr] 0 PW - A slight reworking of tariffs may be in order (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp IC, Kielmyr mildly accepting)
[X] [Trains] 0 PW - Buy what is available (-1 Temp SoL, Prototype Railroad [Open] and boosted)
[X] [Sheep] 2 PW - Aid shall be theirs (Sending Technical Advisors, -1 IC, Medium Investment in Black Sheep, Black Sheep very pleased)
[X] [Officers] +1 PW - Yes (Black Sheep pleased)
[X] [Conspiracy] 1 PW - Send out a warning while publicly decrying the Ochruhr for their involvement (-1 Trust, potential war with Ochruhr, ???)
[X] [Kielmyr] 0 PW - A slight reworking of tariffs may be in order (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp IC, Kielmyr mildly accepting)
[X] [Trains] 0 PW - Buy what is available (-1 Temp SoL, Prototype Railroad [Open] and boosted)
[X] [Sheep] 2 PW - Aid shall be theirs (Sending Technical Advisors, -1 IC, Medium Investment in Black Sheep, Black Sheep very pleased)
[X] [Officers] +1 PW - Yes (Black Sheep pleased)
[X] [Conspiracy] 1 PW - Send out a warning while publicly decrying the Ochruhr for their involvement (-1 Trust, potential war with Ochruhr, ???)

It's been called. But your vote won.
[X] [Kielmyr] 0 PW - A slight reworking of tariffs may be in order (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp IC, Kielmyr mildly accepting)
[X] [Trains] 0 PW - Buy what is available (-1 Temp SoL, Prototype Railroad [Open] and boosted)
[X] [Sheep] 2 PW - Aid shall be theirs (Sending Technical Advisors, -1 IC, Medium Investment in Black Sheep, Black Sheep very pleased)
[X] [Officers] +1 PW - Yes (Black Sheep pleased)
[X] [Conspiracy] 1 PW - Send out a warning while publicly decrying the Ochruhr for their involvement (-1 Trust, potential war with Ochruhr, ???)
Vote's been called. No worries though, your choices won.
Why would we need to destroy the Most Ancient Kingdom Under God? We have the whole lowlands area to put the canal through. There would be a bit of a curve, but it would go near-ish to Redshore, Valleyhome, etc. and benefit from easier terrain for part of its journey.
You might want a look at the elevation map of the region IRL. Its sitting on the closest thing to level ground for a route vetween the middle east and egypt
The other Wymryn Republican groups might not be willing to turn the information over to a government, but we've extended our olive branch, and actually made some effort at not being giant assholes, so our Wymryn Republicans decide they want to fuck over the Ochruhr monarchy more than they want to see us suffer.
I wonder how this debate went. Because they would have been very conflicted over this. Lots of screaming for sure, wouldn't be surprised if the matter caused division in the movement.
You might want a look at the elevation map of the region IRL. Its sitting on the closest thing to level ground for a route vetween the middle east and egypt
Apparently so. I'd assumed, based on the descriptions of it being incredibly mountainous and inhospitable, that it was otherwise.

Still can and should not invade them for the sake of the rail, though.
Basically the Ochruhr got greedy and kept building up a plan they were already working on, and then stumbled into a Vortuga-Hespranxer-Nohon plot and decided to integrate it in. Again, classic mission creep and overcomplication due to early success.

*looks at my own weird plots to deal with Nohon and Hung totally the best way*
I feel like we are being given a hint about Espionage missions. :V
I wonder how this debate went. Because they would have been very conflicted over this. Lots of screaming for sure, wouldn't be surprised if the matter caused division in the movement.
I imagine there was a lot of 'Who do we hate the most for that war' going on.

The Wymryn Republican that we saw noted that the Tortuns were blaming them for their defeat, and combined with the Ochruhr being Tortun + Monarchies + Even Bigger Assholes, it might have been enough to tip it over.

There's also the important fact that the Tortuns are refusing to recognize the Wyrmyn sacrifices, while the Dual Crown did. Because of that, there's probably a sense of strong anger at the Tortun right now, which outweighed the anger at us.

Because while we may have been the ones to kill their people, we only got involved because we felt threatened. And it's also been nearly 2 decades now since that wae, so memories have likely started to fade, and the Sorrow at Loss monument has let us shape the narrative to keep us from being villains to them. Add to that the ungratefulness of the Tortuns, and a lot of the younger Wyrmyn are likely starting to lean pro-Dual Crown.
Ochruhr Negaverse 1828
1828 EY

Negaverse: The Ochruhr Conspiracy

Ten years of humiliation. Ten years of being the Laughingstock of Saffron. Ten years of being sneered at, of being snubbed at every corner, of watching helplessly as the bastards who profited the most made off like fucking bandits.

The Tortuns. The Sketch. The Stermer. The Hespranxer. The Halvini. The Kielmer. The Emarin. The Ital city states. The stuck up, puffed up city states in general.

Well. If there was anything positive, it was that bastard had died in the middle of nowhere, doing nothing of importance. Though Josef the III would have really liked to do the deed personally, he'd accept a random bout of mob violence doing the job for him.

"Sire, the latest reports are in."

Ah, there was the second bout of good news. Josef could even claim to be responsible for this bit.

"The Stermer Republicans are being quietly suppressed until we can compromise them more. The Ochruhr Republicans are now completely compromised. The Ital and Behrevar Republicans are mostly compromised. The Tortun Republicans are currently being compromised."

"Excellent work." Josef even meant it too; the culmination of one decade's toil, to wreak vengeance upon the traitors and restore the Ochruhr. It was a shame that the Behrevar had to be used like this, but they were most convenient, so it had to be done. The rest, though?

They could all burn in hell. Give the bastard some company, seeing how they all folded like cheap dresses.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, sire. There's a plot by the Vortugans and Hespranxer to strike against the Dual Monarchy."

"Tell me more," Josef said, grin slashing across his face. Another chance to strike at his enemies? This must be his lucky day.

"The Vortugans are enlisting the minor power Nohon into attacking the Dual Monarchy's Kyberian holdings, and coordinating a strike with the Hespranxer to strike at the Khemetri at the same time."

Josef's grin stretched his face. He didn't think he'd get to take a serious swing at the Dual Monarchy and the Hespranxer at the same time.

"Fantastic work. You may eat at the second table tomorrow. I'll be sure to make space there for you."

Through a surprising twist, the Ochruhr's intelligence services have discovered a Vortugan-Hespranxer plot against the Dual Monarchy! How do you take advantage?
[] [Conspiracy] 2 PW - Pass up on it
[] [Conspiracy] 1 PW - Arm the Hespranxer Republicans
[] [Conspiracy] 1 PW - Arm the Wemerin Republicans
[] [Conspiracy] 2 PW - Arm both
[] [Conspiracy] 4 PW - Arm and then sabotage both

Citino said:
Hahaha oh wow this is fucking fantastic! We can get even more of the bastards! @French you were so fucking right!
MatterMax said:
Right, so we can finally get those smug, useless traitors.
[X] Arm both
Vader Lite said:
keksimus maximus
[X] Arm both
Passive Mammal said:
No reason not to take Arm Both; we get to stab our enemies full strength. Besides, the Dual Monarchy has the "greatest army in the world"; they can take a beating or twenty.
Tengam said:
aquifer said:
QingDynasty said:
Yeah, fuck those guys. [X] Arm both
Ssyr said:
Oh man the overextension is real.
French said:
Ssyr said:
Oh man the overextension is real
He gets it. You know you're all going to be wrecked if even a single thing goes wrong, right?
eikeev said:
Ssyr said:
Oh man the overextension is real.
Who's going to punish us for it, anyway?
-Tortun Duchies
--Not likely, they'll be on fire
--Not likely, they'll be on fire
--On fire and overextended
--Basically not a Great Power, plus we're helping to kick the Dual Monarchy
--Too busy fighting off the Hespranxer
-Dual Monarchy
--Too busy suppressing the Wemerin, plus they just set themselves on fire
--Too far away and not good enough at espionage

There's really no one who'd punish us for reaching out like this.

[X] Arm both

Professor Seed said:
rolls diplomatic die hoo boy you guys are not going to like this
When do you expect the update will be ready? Some people seem to pattern their sleeping hours off of this quest, so it's an important information.

Hmmm... Saturday morning?

I don't suppose you'd be willing to give us some sort of tidbit to tide us over then?

"Everything went horribly right."

Is it another asteroid?

No, not this time.