How long does Temporary Industrial Capacity last anyway?

IIRC, every turn our Temp stats move to the average between their current temp and the permanent value. If the difference is only 1, it moves to max.

Our current Temp IC is 0, and our max is 2. Therefore, +1 Temp IC moves it to 1 IC, and the end of turn reset moves it to 2.
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We should nab one of those Sumatran islands or one of those islands around Australia.

That way we can press the Nohon at sea from the South too.
You do know that russian already posses a warm water port in port arthur by the time of the russo-japanese war?
So the port argument for that war is moot.
The main bloody reason was russia was not willing to give japanese the control of korea.

Even though, the russian port in PORT ARTHUR which was already in russia's hand and MANCHURIA was in control of the russians. In fact, japan had negotiated till 1904 that russia recognizes KOREA as japanese sphere of influence but it would be willing to recognize MANCHURIA and PORT ARTHUR.

I never said russo japanese war was not one of the causes of russian revolution?
Ehem, where did i ever say that. Please quote it for me to see please. :V

Obviously, im referencing the 1917 one, considering 1905 failed. Despite how 1905 play a contributing factor to the later revolution developments in 1917.

Port Arthur did not belong to Russia, it was leased to them by China. Other Russian Pacific port of note, Vladivostok, froze at winter, so it was not good enough.\
Or rather, during Sino-Japanese War, Japan took Liaodong (the place where Port Arthur eventually would be built) and Taiwan; then a coalition of Germany, Russia and France forced Japan to withdraw from said peninsula[1], and Russians occupied said port. It was then post-facto leased from China by Russia.
Japan perceived it as an anti-Japan move from Russia. However, they thought it not worth risking war with Russia.

Then Russia started encroaching on Korea, getting foresting rights and the like. As Japan had been making moves to annex/sphere Korea for decade(s) before that, they took it as an act of aggression. Even then, they decided to start with diplomacy - they proposed to acknowledge Russian Manchuria in exchange to Russia ceding Korea to them.
Russia went "muh WARMWATER PORTS also you are filthy non-westernized country fuck you". Japan took offense and took said warmwater port, along with Manchuria, from Russia, in process sparking off the 1905 Revolution.

Plus the sidenote of Wilhelm pestering Nikolai into war for "purity of White Race". Fuck Wilhelm.(edit: And fuck Nikolai for being indecisive and not sticking to his willingness to accept peace.), Japan was sorta willing to compromise and let Russia build Transsiberian Railway (with implicit stationing of military on Russo-Japanese border this would logistically allow for - a big concession from a military-minded and paranoid Japan, given that Russia openly deployed 100 000 men there which is always concerning), but, uh. Russia refused. And paid the price of underestimating the enemy + being too greedy.

Also, I cannot help but single it out:
Obviously, im referencing the 1917 one, considering 1905 failed. Despite how 1905 play a contributing factor to the later revolution developments in 1917.
It didn't, not really: it forced Russia to transition from absolutism to something resembling parlamentary/constitutional monarchy.
Then Nikolai had to be a major idiot and blunder it all up, resulting in provoking 1917 one, but that's another matter.

[1] Which is why we need to stay at 10+ Trust/Espionage folks; coalitions are no fun.
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So, yeah, to recap: Russia's desire for an Atlantic port had it fighting the Japanese, its desire for a North Sea port had it fighting the Swedes, and its desire for a Black Sea port had it fighting a bunch of people over a very long period of time and is getting them in trouble to this day.

Not saying we absolutely can't pick a fight with someone just because they're standing between us and the ocean, but let's just be careful about this.

Well yes but that was a next one; you could argue that 1905 failed to hold the gains of revolution, but the Constitution increasing parlamentarism and granting basic rights had been passed.

So, yeah, to recap: Russia's desire for an Atlantic port had it fighting the Japanese, its desire for a North Sea port had it fighting the Swedes, and its desire for a Black Sea port had it fighting a bunch of people over a very long period of time and is getting them in trouble to this day.

Not saying we absolutely can't pick a fight with someone just because they're standing between us and the ocean, but let's just be careful about this.

Russia did not have an Atlantic port.

And Black Sea ports epic is..yeah, still a thing. At least ITTL we already have literally every Black Sea port, and Trelli Straits are ours.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
On the up side, we already Have a port (or at least coast line) in the indian ocean equivilant, if I'm reading the map right, so no need for decades plus of wars and other shenanigans with the most powerful nation in the world at the time in an attempt to get such. Makes a pacific port, while Nice, far less vital.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 PW + promises
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
During the visit of Nicholas II to Japan, he was nearly killed. After that, he did not even want to listen to talks with the Japanese.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
  1. [] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
  2. [] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
  3. [] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
    -[] [Paying] +1 Temp IC

If my math is correct, the results of these choices will be

Industrial Cap 2 (2) (Max. 3) [1 regen + 1 Temp from bank]
Development 11/17
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3 (4) [1 decay + 1 Temp negotiators]
Standard of Living 4 (3) [ 1 decay + 1 Temp reduction from aid]
Happiness 4(3)/10 [ Minus 1 due to SoL below Consciousness, minus 1 temp from Kyberi]

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 8(9) [+1 Temp from aid]
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6
Navies 3

Political Will 1/10

Pushing us to 3/10 happiness is not a good idea.
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[Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
[Paying] +1 Temp IC

so this is wining I'm pretty sure this is going to cost us happiness.

If people want to avoid that vote for [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)

Edit black-birded
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[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
  1. [] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
  2. [] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
  3. [] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
    -[] [Paying] +1 Temp IC
If my math is correct, the results of these choices will be

Industrial Cap 2 (2) (Max. 3) [1 regen + 1 Temp from bank]
Development 11/17
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3 (4) [1 decay + 1 Temp negotiators]
Standard of Living 4 (3) [ 1 decay + 1 Temp reduction from aid]
Happiness 4(3)/10 [ Minus 1 due to SoL below Consciousness, minus 1 temp from Kyberi]

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 8(9) [+1 Temp from aid]
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6
Navies 3

Political Will 1/10

Pushing us to 3/10 happiness is not a good idea.
SoL shouldn't decay, since I think it comes from the nobility support, but I am also not sure whether we will lose Cons.
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 0 PW - Remain neutral and watch (-1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp IC

Hey folks, how about we do not go isolationist and hope things blow over on their own?

[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X][Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X][Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to theKielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and BusinessFun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL
[X] [Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)

[X] [Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)

[X] [Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X] [Paying] +1 Temp SoL