@Academia Nut can I assume that the geography of not!eurasia is broadly the same? I.e. Northern European Plain, Caucuses, Mongolian desert, Carpathians, etc.
@Academia Nut How much of Tortun is Ochruhr looking to eat here? What's their Wargoal for all this?

They have claims on all of it on account of being the last Emperor of the Not!HRE. So their wargoal is restoration of the old order, i.e. all of it, only now instead of being a patchwork bordergore nightmare, everything has been smoothed out and rationalized and the area can become the economic juggernaut it wants to be.
They have claims on all of it on account of being the last Emperor of the Not!HRE. So their wargoal is restoration of the old order, i.e. all of it, only now instead of being a patchwork bordergore nightmare, everything has been smoothed out and rationalized and the area can become the economic juggernaut it wants to be.
How's he gonna convince Not!Bavaria and the other southern Tortun statelets?
They have claims on all of it on account of being the last Emperor of the Not!HRE. So their wargoal is restoration of the old order, i.e. all of it, only now instead of being a patchwork bordergore nightmare, everything has been smoothed out and rationalized and the area can become the economic juggernaut it wants to be.
Hmm. Let's say they received roughly half of Tortun land post peace talks. Let's say the Western half. Would they push heavily for the whole pie? How strong would they roughly be in the standings?

My hope is to buff up Ochruhr to a mid tier power as an ally and counterweight in the region without just making Germany by accident.
[X] [Campaign] 1 PW - Rein things in, only occupy the territory taken from you and the Kielmyr in the last war and demand to negotiate before continuing on if refused
[X] [Campaign] 1 PW - Conquer at least up to their capital and then force a treaty

[X] [Guilds] 2 PW - Yes (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Militancy, +1 Temp Consciousness, begins Guild Crisis)
How's he gonna convince Not!Bavaria and the other southern Tortun statelets?

With difficulty, although his argument will essentially boil down to "I won against them, what chance do you stand?"

Like, Ochruhr should be a great power, but the last war knocked them all the way out of the secondary power list from prestige loss. They can claw it back, but the humiliation lingers. The fastest way to recover is to rebuild the old empire.
@Academia Nut

Do we have a battlefield medicine system? We probably lost Carrion Eaters in the fall, but surely there's a manual somewhere on how to deal with mass causalities.
... Why do I have the suspicion that if Ochruhr does that, it's going to explode in a few decades into civil war, and in the mean time it's going to be constantly on fire with rebellions?